Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
abstract: concreteness of, 51–55; as destruction, 52; endlessness of, 52–53; endurance of, 55; failure and, 54; minimalism and, 53–54; personal in, 55; replacement objects of, 54; representation of, 51–54; tautology of, 51–52
abstraction, 65
academicization, 3
accommodation, 8–9
accumulation, 17–18
accusations, 123–24
activism, 4, 130n4
aging, 98
amoebas, 17–20
antiquities: authority related to, 25–26; democracy related to, 30–31; tension and, 25–26, 30–31
anxiety, 114; about differentiation, 124–25; in discursive, 81–82, 84; in Europe, 87–88
architecture: corporation and, 42; of modernism, 42; parallel histories and, 29–30; technologies and, 29–30
art fairs, 75
artists, xi; accusations and, 123–24; biography for, 122–23; capitalization and, 117, 119; categorization and, 120; complete curator and, 72; context of, 124–25; control of, 124–25; criticism and, 118–19; deadlines for, 120–21; differentiation and, 124–25; of documentaries, 122, 124; ethics for, 121–22, 126; of exhibitions, 33–34; generation and, 123; immaterial labor of, 118; innovation and, 119; leisure and, 119–20, 124; neoliberalism of, 118; neuroticism of, 117–18; projection of, 125–26; relationships for, 121; research by, 122; society and, 126–28; withdrawal of, 123
art market, 72
art pile: accumulation in, 17–18; chains and amoebas in, 17–20; endurance in, 17; feedback loop of, 19–20; nodular subjectivities in, 17; origins of, 18–19; philosophy and, 19–20; split and fragmentation in, 17–20; stress in, 18; supersubjectivity in, 19
ASAP futures, 35–36
audience, 9–10
Austro-Hungarian Empire, 22
authority, 127–28; antiquities related to, 25–26; resistance to, 22; scientific research as, 23–25
autonomy, xiv, 64–65, 126
barcodes, 92
Bauhaus, 41–42
Beagle (HMS), 23–24
behaviorism, 44–45, 49; ecoconsciousness and, 43; Skinner and, 41
belief, 24–25
Big Other, 8, 130n8
biography, 10–11; for artists, 122–23; in 1963, 66–67
blindness, xiii
border, 87–88
brain, 46
capital, xii, 98
capitalism, 58
capitalization, 117, 119
Caro Diario [Dear Diary] (film), 127–28
categorization, 5, 120
chains and amoebas, 17–20
Chan, Paul, 4, 130n4
circle, xiv–xv
clone, 61
collaborations, 1–2
collective bargaining, 37–38, 44–45
collectivity, 15, 111
collectivization, 37–39
colonization, 23–24, 91–92, 113; national identity and, 38; South Vietnam and, 60
common land, 32
communication, 73–74; group nostalgia and, 112–13; from political consciousness, 22
complete curator: arrangements of, 76–77; art fairs and, 75; art market and, 72; curatorial and, 72; description of, 71; dichotomy of, 73; discourse of, 74–76; education and, 73–74; exhibitions of, 74–76; language for, 73–74; potential paradigm and, 72–73; research of, 75–77
concreteness, 51–55
conscious agent, xiv
consciousness, 22, 112–13; documentaries and, 6–7; ecoconsciousness, 43–44; education and, 4–5
conspiracy, 64–65
containers, 40
contemporary, 4–7, 12
contemporary art: blindness of, xiii; challenge of, x; definition of, x, 1–2; endurance of, x; genealogy of, xii–xiii; lectures on, xi; philosophy and, x; resistance of, xii–xiii; soft revolutions and, xi–xiii; use of, as term, x, 1–3
contemporary art context: Big Other in, 8, 130n8; categorization in, 5; Chan and, 4, 130n4; contemporary, 4–7, 12; contradictions in, 7–8; displacement in, 11–12; networking in, 7; parallel education in, 5–6; work methods in, 8–11
contemporary artists, xi
contemporary art meaning, xiv; academicization in, 3; current art as, 1; differentiation in, 1, 4; generalization in, 2–3; oppositions in, 1–2; questionnaire on, 3, 130n2; specificities in, 2–3
contemporary art museums, 69
context, 8–11; of artists, 124–25; difference and, 111–12; of exhibitions, 32; in projection, 16. See also contemporary art context
contradictions, 7–8
control: of artists, 124–25; through belief, 24–25; of patents, 26–27; from scientific research, 23–24; social class and, 27–28; by U.S., 22–23, 26–27
co-option, 6, 120
corporation: architecture and, 42; unions and, 43–44
counterculture, 63–64
creativity, xii
criticism, ix–x, 118–19
Cuba, 58
curatorial, 72, 103–4
curators, 66, 103–4. See also complete curator
current art, 1
Davis, Bette, ix
deadlines, 120–21
defense, 48–49
De Gaulle, Charles, 57–58
democracy, 44–45, 105; antiquities related to, 30–31; society and, 42–43
denial, 4
descriptive potential, 14
destruction, 52, 68
dichotomy, 73
differences, 22–23, 111–12
differentiation, 12; anxiety about, 124–25; in contemporary art meaning, 1, 4; in discursive, 81
discovery: of technologies, 26–27; of Venus de Milo, 25
discursive, the, 79–80; anxiety in, 81–82, 84; border related to, 87–88; differentiation in, 81; parallel in, 85–86; postwar social democracy and, 105; projection in, 84; redundancy and, 85–86; setting and, 84–85; statements in, 82–83; tension in, 83. See also experimental factory
displacement, 44; in contemporary art context, 11–12; projection or, 35–36
distance, 101
documentaries, 6–7, 122, 124
doubt consolidation, 2
drive, 10
eco-choice, 94–95
ecoconsciousness, 43–44
economics, 13
ecopolitics, 13
education, 6, 44; complete curator and, 73–74; consciousness and, 4–5; 1948 and, 47–49
1820: government and, 21; parallel histories from, 22–29; revolutions and, 22
embodied awarenesses, 66
empiricism, 24–25
endlessness, 52–53
endurance, x, 17, 50, 55, 99–100
Engels, Friedrich, 22
England, 27, 73
Enlightenment, xii
entrepreneurs, 28, 59–60
ethics, 121–22, 126
Europe, 37, 41–42, 44, 105–6; anxiety in, 87–88; England, 27, 73; U.S. and, 88–89
European Economic Community, 57
European Union, 57–58, 87–88
exhibitions, 47–48, 67; characters of, 33–34; of complete curator, 74–75; context of, 32; free thinking and, 33–34; technology of, 32–33; work as, 49
experimental factory: factory in, 106; globalization and, 108–9; group work in, 105–6, 108; immaterial labor and, 107–8; model of, 108; paradox of, 108–9; postwar Europe in, 105–6; production cycle in, 106–7; redundancy in, 107; relationships in, 105–6
factory. See experimental factory
failure, 54
federation, 87–88
feedback loop, 19–20
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 59
films, ix–x, 45–46, 127–28; in 1963, 67–68; about production, 112–13
flow, 10–11
Foster, Hal, 3, 130n2
Foucault, M., xiii
fragmented and split, 17–20
free thinking, 33–34
Friedan, Betty, 59
Gandhi, Mahatma, 38
gatekeepers, 104
genealogy, xii–xiii, xv, 65
generalization, 2–3, 5
generation, 123
globalization, 108–9, 111–12
government, 21, 63–64
group nostalgia: anxiety and, 114; communication and, 112–13; globalization and, 111–12; parallel and, 113; postcolonialism and, 113; in production, 112; redundancy and, 113, 115; self-improvement in, 115; self-management in, 114; social class and, 112–13; structure and, 115; time and, 114
group work, 105–6, 108
health, 93
Hell’s Angels, 39
hiding, 80–81
historical ontology, xiii
history, 3. See also parallel histories
Howard, Leslie, ix
identity, 25–26, 38, 59, 96
identity theories, 59
immaterial labor, 107–8, 118
inclusivity, 2–3, 81
incompletion, 14–15
independence, 38
industrialization, 30
industrial production, 45
industry collectivization, 37
innovation, 119
installation, 3
institutionalized relativism, 22–23
institutions, 76
invention, 26–27
Judd, Donald, 4, 130n3
Lamborghini, 59–60
Land Rovers, 39
language, 73–74
lectures, xi, xiii–xiv
leisure, 119–20, 124
limits, 101
Lind, Maria, 6
location, 46
management, 64; self-management, 63, 97–98, 114
Marx, Karl, 22
Marxism, 58
materialities, 46. See also immaterial labor
Matter of Life and Death, A (film), 45–46
medical technology, 61
military, 40–41
minimalism, 53–54
misreadings, 103
Missouri Compromise, 22–23
modernism, 41–42
Mormon Church, 24–25
multiple self, 61
museums, 32, 69. See also exhibitions
narratives, parallel, xiv
national identity, 25–26, 38
nationalism, 27–28
nationalization, 37–38
neoliberalism, 97, 118
networking, 7
neuroticism, 117–18
news cycle, twenty-four-hour, 94–95
new structures, xiv
Ngo Dinh Diem, 60
1948: behaviorism in, 41, 43–45, 49; brain in, 46; collective bargaining in, 37–38, 44–45; democracy in, 44–45; ecoconsciousness in, 43–44; education and, 47–49; European nationalization and, 37; exhibitions and, 47–49; location in, 46; modernism in, 41–42; singularization in, 38–39; society in, 42–43; specialization in, 39–40; studio in, 48, 50; symbolization in, 39–40; technologies in, 39–41; utopia in, 41–42
1963: abstraction in, 65; biography in, 66–67; clone in, 61; conspiracy in, 64–65; contemporary art museums in, 69; counterculture in, 63–64; curators in, 66; destruction in, 68; embodied awarenesses in, 66; entrepreneurs in, 59–60; exhibitions in, 67; films in, 67–68; genealogy from, 65; government in, 63–64; group identity in, 62; identity theories in, 59; Lamborghini in, 59–60; medical technology in, 61; political unions in, 57–58; populism in, 68; presented self in, 62; projection and scenario in, 62–63; pseudoautonomy in, 64–65; repetition in, 66; self-awareness and, 60; supercollectors in, 68–69; surveillance in, 64; time in, 62–63, 65; video in, 67
1974: aging and, 98; barcodes in, 92; capital and, 98; curators of, 103–4; distance in, 101; eco-choice in, 94–95; endurance in, 99–100; gatekeepers from, 104; health in, 93; identity in, 96; limits in, 101; misreadings in, 103; neoliberalism in, 97; pocket calculator and, 92–93, 95; postwar in, 91–92, 95; recuperation and reiteration in, 102; revolutions and, 95–96; self-management and, 97–98; skepticism in, 100; speed in, 103–4; technology and, 96–97, 101; tension in, 99; time in, 93–95; tradition in, 100; twenty-four-hour news cycle in, 94–95
nodular subjectivities, 17
nostalgia, 9. See also group nostalgia
objectivism, 6
objects, replacement, 54
observation, 121
October magazine, 3, 130n2
Of Human Bondage (film), ix–x
O’Neill, Paul, 6
Onoda, Hiroo, 91–92, 95
ontology, xii–xiii
oppositions, 1–2
paradigm, potential, 72–73
paradox, 108–9
parallel: in discursive, 85–86; group nostalgia and, 113; in projection, 15–16
parallel education, 5–6
parallel histories, 22–27; architecture and, 29–30; industrialization and, 30; religion and, 31; rights and, 29–30; secondary individuals with, 29–30, 34; tension in, 28–30. See also control
parallel narratives, xiv
parallel structures, 31–32
participation, 47–48
patents, 26–27
personal, 55
philosophy, x, xiv–xv, 19–20
playback, 60
pocket calculator, 92–93, 95
political activism, 4, 130n4
political consciousness, 7, 13, 22
political unions, 57–58
populism, 68
Porsche, 39–40
postcolonialism, 113
postwar, 88–89, 105–6; in 1974, 91–92, 95
power, 58
production: demonstration of, 32; films about, 112–13; scientific research and, 28
production cycle, 106–7
projection, 12, 46–47, 84; of artists, 125–26; ASAP futures and, 35–36; collectivity and, 15; context in, 16; descriptive potential and, 14; displacement or, 35–36; economics related to, 13; ecopolitics and, 13; incompletion and, 14–15; parallel in, 15–16; scenario and, 62–63; simultaneous realities in, 15–16; speculation and, 13–14, 36; supersubjectivity and, 15
pseudoautonomy, 64–65
questionnaire, 3, 130n2
Radical War, 27
radio, 38
realism, 6
realities, simultaneous, 15–16
records, 40
recuperation, 102
redundancy, 126; discursive and, 85–86; in experimental factory, 107; group nostalgia and, 113, 115
reiteration, 102
relationships, 121; in experimental factory, 105–6
relativism, 7, 22–23
religion, 24–25, 31
replacement objects, 54
representation, 51–54
research, 23–25, 28; by artists, 122; of complete curator, 75–77
resistance, xii–xiii, 22
revolutions, 91–92; 1820 and, 22; 1974 and, 95–96; Scottish Insurrection as, 27–28; soft, xi–xiii
rights, 29–30
Royal College of Art (London), 73
sanctions, 58
scenario, 62–63
scientific research: as authority, 23–25; Beagle for, 23–24; belief and, 24–25; control from, 23–24; production and, 28
Scottish Insurrection, 27–28
secondary individuals, 29–30, 34
self, 61–62
self-awareness, 60
self-improvement, 115
self-management, 63, 97–98, 114
self-referral, 11
Sengupta, Shuddhabrata, 10
setting, 84–85
simultaneous realities, 15–16
singularization, 38–39
skepticism, 100
Skinner, B. F., 41
slavery, 23
Smith, Joseph, 24–25
social class: control and, 27–28; group nostalgia and, 112–13
society: artists and, 126–28; in 1948, 42–43; subjectivity and, 48
soft revolutions, xi–xiii
South Vietnam, 60
Soviet Union, 38
specialization, 39–40
specificities, 2–3
speculation, 13–14, 36
speed, 103–4
split, 17–20
stress, 18, 21
structures, xiii–xiv; group nostalgia and, 115; parallel, 31–32. See also discursive
studio, 48, 50
subjectivity, 15, 17, 19; current art and, 1; ontology of, xii–xiii; society and, 48; work methods and, 11–12
sublimation, 6
supercollectors, 68–69
supersubjectivity, 15, 19
surveillance, 64
symbolization, 39–40
tautology, 51–52
technologies, xiv, 92–93, 95; architecture and, 29–30; clone as, 61; computers in, 63–64; containers in, 40; discovery of, 26–27; of exhibitions, 32–33; from military, 40–41; in 1948, 39–41; 1974 and, 96–97, 101; patents for, 26–27; records in, 40
tensions, 18, 21; antiquities and, 25–26, 30–31; in discursive, 83; in 1974, 99; in parallel histories, 28–30; of parallel structures, 31–32
textual authenticity, 31
time, 103–4; aging and, 98; group nostalgia and, 114; in 1963, 62–63, 65; in 1974, 93–95
tradition, 100
transitions, xi–xii
transplantation, 61
twenty-four-hour news cycle, 94–95
unions, 43–44
United Nations, 58
United States, 37, 58, 93; control by, 22–23, 26–27; Europe and, 88–89
unity, 22–23
U.S. See United States
utopias, 44, 46; in 1948, 41–42
vehicles, 39–40, 106–7
Venus de Milo, 25
video, 67
vision, 24–25
Voice of America, 38
Volvo, 106–7
Walden Two (Skinner), 41
Wilson, Mick, 6
withdrawal, 123
With the Blood of Others (film), 113
work, 7, 49; as art, 109, 126–27; group work, 105–6, 108
work methods: accommodation in, 8–9; audience in, 9–10; biography and, 10–11; drive in, 10; flow in, 10–11; nostalgia in, 9; self-referral in, 11; subjectivity and, 11–12
work quality, 35
work week, 93–94