Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Abbt, Thomas, 190, 195, 196–204, 244, 272n2; Herder and, 201–2, 206; Lessing and, 197; Moser and, 185, 197, 200, 202; patriotism and, 200, 243; Seven Years’ War and, 203; see also specific works
Académie Royale des sciences et belles-lettres, 278n12
Academy Annals, 129
Academy competitions, 226
Academy of Nancy, 129
Adam (biblical figure), 9, 25
Addison, Joseph, 11, 36, 256n1
Aesthetic education, 144
Aesthetic experience, 9, 10, 62, 67–68, 158–65; aesthetic judgment and, 11; authorship and, xiv; beautiful soul and, 146–47; contemplation and, 11; disinterested interest and, xvi; mindfulness and, 24; Strasbourg Cathedral and, 52; Townsend on, 251n3; universality of, xxvi
Aesthetic ideas, 257n8
Aesthetic judgment, xiii, 30; aesthetic experience and, 11; beauty and, 32, 40; disinterested interest and, 74; Kant and, 27, 32; originality and, xiv; Townsend on, 251n3; universal validity of, xiv
Aesthetic pleasure, 5
Aesthetics, see specific topics
Aesthetic subjectivity, xv
Agathon (Wieland), 144
Allgemeine Betrachtung über die Triebe der Thiere hauptsächlich über ihre Kunsttriebe (H. S. Reimarus), 33
“Die Alpen” (Haller), 41–43
Anderson, Benedict, xxiii, 207–8, 276n3
Anidjar, Gil, xxv
Animals: automatism and, 29, 254n18; behavioral patterns of, 29, 33–34; classificatory approach to, xix; instinct and, xvii, 2–3, 28–29, 33–39; species change and, 45–48
Anonymous audiences, 127
Anthropocentric teleology, 47
Anti-intellectualism, 93
“Antique Matters (Antikes)” (Goethe), 59–60
Antiquity, 182; ancient artifacts, 59; classical, 51, 54, 200
Architecture, 72–73; art and, 65–66; edification and, 65; Gothic, 63–64; subjectivity and, 63; see also Strasbourg Cathedral
Arndt, Johann, 79, 85, 87; Bible and, 17, 24; contemplation and, 73–74; dogma and, 25; Fall of Adam and Eve and, 9; Pietism and, 7; spiritual exercises and, 7, 70, 73; teleology and, 17–18; verbal emblems and, 8, 10–12, 19–20, 24–25; see also specific works
Arnold, Gottfried, 87, 88, 92
Art, 72; architecture and, 65–66; as autonomous entity, 1; form of, 258n8; function of, 158–65; Greek, 59, 212–13, 215; intelligent design and, 147; mirroring function of, 69; public and, 212–18; religion and, 147–48; as techne, 58; as unique original, 68; value of, 5
Artistic production, xv, 38, 75
Asad, Talal, xxv
Ashley-Cooper, Anthony, see Shaftesbury
Attention, practices of, 5–7, 25
“Attention and the Values of Nature in the Enlightenment” (Daston), 6
Audiences, 182; anonymous, 127; live, xxiv, 226, 244–45; of Rousseau, 126–40, 264n24
Augsburg Confession, 79
Augustine, 70, 78, 178, 263n17; Bible and, 235; conversion and, 80, 121, 179, 235, 238; J. E. Petersen and, 106
The Author, Art, and the Market (Woodmansee), 1
Authorial independence, 167
Authorial intention, 146
Authorship, see specific topics
Autobiography, xviii, 79, 81, 89–91, 177; of J. E. Petersen, 82–83, 93–107; “Profession of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar” as, 118, 124; spiritual, xv, 110
Automatism, 29, 254n18
Bacon, Francis, 55
Baker, Keith, xxii, 247n1
Bakhtin, Michael, 111, 114
Baroque emblem books, 11, 19–20, 22, 250n8
Basedow, Johann Bernhard, 167, 169, 170
Bates, David, 254n18
Baumgarten, Alexander, 5, 249n2
Beaumont, Christophe de, 112, 113, 120
Beautiful soul, 143–47
Beauty, 36, 39, 71, 75–76; aesthetic judgment and, 32, 40; disinterested interest and, 27; language and, 44; line of, 47; in nature, 38, 40–42, 47–49, 75, 146; poetry and, 41–44
Behavioral patterns, 75; of animals, 29, 33–34
Beherzigungen (Moser), 197
Beholder, 12, 36, 44, 51, 63, 69, 71–72
Belle âme, see Beautiful soul
Berlin Academy, 222
Berne Academy, 225
Bible, xxiv–xxv, 87, 269n7; Arndt and, 17, 24; Augustine and, 235; Moser and, 150; J. E. Petersen and, 100–1, 103; revealed religion and, 149–58; scholarship on, 148; study groups, xvi, 86
Biodiversity, 33, 36, 47–48
Biographies, xxi; see also Autobiography
Bisky, Jens, 257n3
Blitz, Hans-Martin, 187–90, 195, 271n2, 272n7
Blumenbach, Hans, xix, 40
Bonnet, Charles, 6
Bosse, Heinrich, 277n7
Botany, 40, 45, 62, 68
Bourgeois public sphere, xxi, 181, 183
Bourignon, Antoinette, 88–89
Boyle, Nicholas, 268n1
Breitinger, Johann Jakob, 42, 43
Briefe, die neueste Litteratur betreffend, 188–89, 197–98, 203–4, 244
Briefe zur Beförderung der Humanität (Herder), 185
Buffon, xix, xx, 29
Burgelin, Pierre, 112–13
Bürger (citizen), 182, 198
Bürgerlich (civic), 182, 203
Burke, Edmund, 265n24
Calvinism, 112–13, 125, 263n19
Cambridge Platonists, 251n3
Camera obscura, 12, 13
Cassirer, Ernst, 27–28
Catholic Church, 112–13, 121, 125; Calvinism and, 263n19; confession and, 116–17; Goethe and, 148; profession of faith and, 119–20; Seven Years’ War and, 187
Celebrity authors, xiii, xxi
Censorship, 186, 208; bourgeois public sphere and, 183; by Duke of Saxony, xvii, 239; by Frederick III, 242; public gatherings and, xv; Rousseau and, 139; self-censorship, 223
Chartier, Roger, xxi, 247n1
Christianity, 78, 91, 100, 112–13; Arndt and, 20–21, 24–25; Arnold and, 88; communion and, 123; confession and, 79; conscience and, 54; dogma of, 9–10; Germany and, 195; Goethe and, 171–72; Lessing and, 234–38; meditational practice and, 71; nature and, 48; original sin and, xvii, xxvi, 9–10, 32; orthodoxy, xviii; J. E. Petersen and, 103; Pietism and, 86–87; profession of faith and, 120; secularism and, xxv; see also Bible; On True Christianity; specific denominations
Citizen, see Bürger
City Opera, 135–37
Civic, see Bürgerlich
Classical antiquity, 51, 54, 200
Collegia pietatis, 86, 91
Common good, 30, 194
Common public, 194
Communion, 123–24
Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de, 29, 33, 214
Confession, 78–79, 115–17, 119
Confessional discourse, 79, 177, 246; Goethe and, 141; Pietism and, 80, 83, 91, 105–6; popularization of, xv; subjectivity and, 142
Confessions (Augustine), 70, 80, 106, 121, 178, 263n17
Confessions (Rousseau), 77–81, 106–7, 109, 125–28, 137–39, 263n17, 264n24
“Confessions of a Beautiful Soul” (Goethe), xv, 143–47, 178
Conjectures on Original Composition (Young), 2, 53
Conjectures on the Beginning of Human History (Kant), 37
Contemplation, 2, 12, 23, 27; aesthetic experience and, 11; Arndt and, 73–74; attention practices and, 5, 25; beauty and, 39; disinterested interest and, 36–37; Herder and, 11; human nature and, 51; nature and, 122; Pietism and, 19; pleasure and, 32; Shaftesbury and, 11; Strasbourg Cathedral and, 62, 69
Contest of Faculties (Kant), 242
Contrat social (Rousseau), 139
Conversion narratives, 90; Pietist, 82; secularization of, 110
Courtly behavior, 110
Cranston, Maurice, 127
Critical public, 219–22, 235–46; Herder and, 220; Lessing and, 220, 229–35; “What Is Enlightenment?” and, 222–29
Criticism and Crisis (Koselleck), 247n1
Critique of Judgment (Kant), 11, 40, 58, 244
Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 227
Culture, 39, 52, 148; book, xvi; of confession, 79; French, 164; German, 164, 211; Greek, 208, 215; Hebrew, 209; of mondanité, 264n20; oral, 183, 220; preprint, 208; print, 208, 220; Roman, 210; salon, xxii, 126–27, 179, 264n20; of sensibility, 103, 105; written, 220
Darnton, Robert, 247n1
Daston, Lorraine, 6–7, 18
Debate, xviii, 182, 225–27, 240; Bible study groups and, xvi; public, 87, 128, 183, 225; rational, 223; theological, xxiv–xxv, 85
De l’esprit des lois (Montesquieu), 198
Demagoguery, 164
Descartes, René, 29, 113, 254n18
Le Devin du village (Rousseau), 127, 129, 131–32, 135–36
Devotional emblems, 16
Devotional literature, 1, 70
Dichtung und Wahrheit (Goethe), see Poetry and Truth
Diderot, Denis, 127, 164–65
Dijon Academy, 81, 127, 131, 225
Dilherr, Johann Michael, 249n6
Discourse Networks (Kittler), 247n1
Discourse on the Origin of Inequality (Rousseau), 30, 37, 112
Discours sur les sciences et les arts (Rousseau), 129
Disinterested interest, 1–3, 39; aesthetic experience and, xvi; aesthetic judgments and, 74; beauty and, 27; contemplation and, 36–37; Kant and, 11, 25, 74, 124; moral sentiment and, 31; pleasure and, 37; Shaftesbury and, 27–28, 74–75
Dogma, 124, 148, 149; Arndt and, 25; conversion narratives and, 82; in everyday experience, 10; profession of faith and, 109
“Do we still have the Public and the Fatherland of the Ancients?” (Herder), 205
Duclos, Charles Pinot, 131
Duke of Saxony, 22, 233; censorship by, xvii, 239
“Dying for One’s Fatherland” (Abbt), 201
Edict of Nantes, 104
Edification, 65, 72
Educated journalistic press, 276n2
Education, 142; aesthetic, 144; “Profession of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar” and, 113, 124
“The Education of the Human Race” (Lessing), 153, 156
Eisenstein, Elizabeth, 247n1
Ellrich, Robert, 264n24
Emblems, 249n6; Baroque, 11, 19–20, 22, 250n8; devotional, 16; verbal, 8–13, 20, 22–25; visual, 8, 11–13, 19–20, 22–23
Émile (Rousseau), xvii, 111–15, 142, 263n13; confession and, 79; profession of faith and, 178; secularization and, 83
Empiricism, xviii, 251n3
Engelsing, Robert, 247n1
England, xxi, xxiii; Bible in, xxv; Puritans in, 86
Enlightenment, see specific topics
Enlightenment and Community (Redekop), 184
The Enlightenment Bible (Sheehan), xxiv
Essai sur l’origine des connaissances humaines (Condillac), 214
Essay competition, 226–27
“An Essay on Man” (Pope), 6
Exercitia pietatis, 86
Fabian, Bernhard, 55
Fall of Adam and Eve, 9–10, 12, 155
Fama, 66
Farbenlehre (Goethe), 62
Faust (Goethe), 167, 235
Fichte, Johann Gottlieb, 2
Final ends, models of, xiv
Fischer, Bernd, 24
Formations of the Secular (Asad), xxv
Foucault, Michel, xix, xx, xxi, 78
“Fragments of an Unnamed Author (Fragmente eines Ungenannten)” (Lessing), xviii, 233, 241, 242
France, xxi, xxiii; culture of, 164; language of, 163, 278n12; literature of, 163–64
Francisci, Erasmus, 249n6
Francke, August Hermann, 86
Frederick II (king), 190, 196, 277n7
Frederick III (prince-elector), 242, 277n12
Freemasonry, xxiii
French Revolution, 217, 265n24, 280n33; imagined community and, xvi; public gatherings and, 205
Gelehrter (scholar), 224
General confession, 116
General Reflexions on the Drives of Animals, especially on their Technical Drives and Skills (H. S. Reimarus), 33
Genius: aesthetic ideas and, 257n8; Goethe and, 62; local, 54; originality and, 51; vegetable, 53, 55–56, 76; see also Original genius
Georgics (Virgil), 44, 48
Gerhard, Johann, 8
Germany, xxi, xxiii; Bible in, xxv; Christianity and, 195; culture of, 164, 211; language of, 190, 205, 211–12, 277n12; nationalism of, 187, 205; original genius in, 2; patriotism in, 195, 200; public sphere of, 184
Gessner, Salomon, 139
Gierl, Martin, xxiv–xxv
Ginsborg, Hannah, 255n1
Gleim, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig, 188, 272n2
Globalized religion, xxv
Glory, 134
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, xvii–xviii, 73, 82, 158–65, 235, 257n1, 267n1; architecture and, 63–64; authorship and, xxi, 82, 179; beautiful soul and, 143–47; Bible and, 81, 148, 149–58; biblical stories and, 270n9; Catholic Church and, 148; as celebrity author, xiii; Christianity and, 171–72; confessional discourse and, 141; Diderot and, 164–65; dissertation of, 159; edification and, 65; form of art and, 258n8; French literature and, 163–64; genius and, 62; Herder and, 163; literary productions of, 167–68; Mohamed and, 167–68, 171; nature and, 38, 40, 48–49; prophets and, 170; revealed religion and, 149–58; Rousseau and, 81, 164–66; species change and, 45–47; spiritual autobiography and, xv; Voltaire and, 164, 166; Wandering Jew and, 167–68, 173; Winckelmann essay by, 52, 59; see also specific works
Goetz (Goethe), 167
Goeze, Melchior, 233, 239
Goldsmith, Oliver, 163
Goodman, Dena, 247n1
Gothic architecture, 63
Göttingen academy, 227–28
Government, 196, 199
Greeks, 201; art of, 59, 212–13, 215; culture of, 208, 215
Greschat, Martin, 250n8
Ground of the soul, 249n2
Habermas, Jürgen, xxi–xxiii, 181, 218, 247n1, 276n2
Haller, Albrecht von, xix, xx, 41–45, 48
Hanseatic League, 206
Harsdörffer, Johann Georg, 249n6
Hebrew culture, 209
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 144
“Heidnisches” (Goethe), 60
Herder, Johann Gottfried von, 28, 61–62, 72, 190, 195, 243–45, 249n2; Abbt and, 201–2, 206; animals and, xvii; art and, 212–18; contemplation and, 11; critical public and, 220; Goethe and, 163; invisible church and, xxvi, 275n10; language and, 27, 36, 38; live audience and, xxiv; nationalism and, 205, 217; original genius and, 56–58, 76; philosophical schools and, 213; print technology and, 209; public and, 205–7, 210–13; public of literature and, xvi, xviii, 186; Shakespeare and, 52, 55–57, 76; teleology and, 56; Volk and, 275n8; see also specific works
Hesse, Carla, 247n1
Historie der Wiedergebohrnen (History of the Born-Again, Reitz), 89, 91, 92
History, xviii, xx, 36–38
Hobbes, Thomas, 27, 194
Hogarth, William, 47
Hölscher, Lucian, 182
Holy Roman Empire, 189–90, 195–96
Humanism, 112; neo-humanism, xvii, xviii, 142; pagan, 60; secular, xxv–xxvi
Humanität, 275n8
Human nature, 142; contemplation and, 51; Hobbes and, 27; Kant and, 25
Hume, David, 27, 30, 112
Hutcheson, Francis, 27, 30
Ideales Publikum (ideal public), 210, 216, 220, 226, 240
Imagination, 34, 37
Imagined Communities (Anderson), xxiii
Imagined community, 184, 199, 213, 217; French Revolution and, xvi; nationalism and, 207–8
Imitation, 53, 58, 106
Impartial History of the Church and of Heresy (Arnold), 88, 91
Impartial public, 193
Ingenium; see Talent
Innate ideas, 29, 75
Innovation, 75–76, 147–48; of Goethe, 174–75; Kant and, 58; Young and, 55
“Inquiry Concerning Virtue and Merit” (Shaftesbury), 30
Instinct, xv, 75; animals and, xvii, 2–3, 28–29, 33–39; Kant and, 36–38; language and, 36; memory and, 29; moral sentiment and, 30–32
Intellectual property, 1
Intelligent design, 18, 40, 56, 147
Interdisciplinary institutes, 221
Invisible church, xxvi, 275n10
Italian opera, 266n32
Jerome, Saint, 236–37
Journal publications, 221
Judaism, 151, 153, 156
Judeo-Christian tradition, 81
Judgment, 37; worldly, 80–81; see also Aesthetic judgment
Judt, Tony, 218
Julie (Rousseau), 112, 138, 139, 144
Kaiser, Gerhard, 195
Kant, Immanuel, xiii, 28, 87, 183, 244–45, 248n7, 251n3, 255n1; aesthetic judgment and, 27, 32; beauty and, 40, 71; critical public and, 220, 222–29; disinterested interest and, 11, 25, 74, 124; genius and, 257n8; human nature and, 25; innovation and, 58; instinct and, 36–38; original genius and, 58; Pietism and, 74; public sphere and, 242; republic of letters and, 184, 186, 240; sensus communis and, xvi; taste and, 31; teleology and, xx; Woodmansee and, 1; see also specific works
Kittler, Friedrich, 247n1
Kleist, Ewald von, 187–88
Klettenberg, Susanne von, 172, 191
Klinger, Friedrich Maximilian, 167, 169
Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb, 150, 190
Koselleck, Reinhart, 247n1
Labadie, Jean de, 85
Landes, Joan, xxii
Landfester, Ulrike, 269n7
Language, 35–38, 151, 162; beauty and, 44; development of, 214; French, 163, 278n12; German, 190, 205, 211–12, 277n12; Herder and, 27, 36, 38; instinct and, 36; Latin, 220–21, 223–24, 237; public and, 208–12; shared, 208
Laocöon (Lessing), 40–41
Largier, Niklaus, 249n2
Larson, James, xix–xx, 248n7
Latin language, 220–21, 223–24, 237
Laugier, Marc Antoine, 64, 66
Lavater, 169, 170, 172
Lead, Jane, 88–89
Lenz, Jakob Michael Reinhold, 167, 169
Le Roy, Charles Georges, 29, 33, 34
Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, xviii, 75, 156, 245–46, 272n7, 279n29; Abbt and, 197; animals and, xvii; Christianity and, 234–38; critical public and, 220, 229–35; Haller and, 43; Jesus Christ and, 232, 234–35, 236; nature and, 38, 40–41, 43–45; public and, 203–4; reason and, 231; H. S. Reimarus and, 236, 241; republic of letters and, 240; Seven Years’ War and, 188–89, 274n24; teleology and, 48–49, 153; see also specific works
Letters Concerning the Newest Literature, 188–89
Letters for the Promotion of Humanity (Herder), 185
Lettre à M. d ‘Alembert (Rousseau), 112
Lettre sur la musique françoise (Rousseau), 136–37, 138
Levite of Ephraim, 139
Life sciences, xix
Life-writing, 80, 82
Lilti, Antoine, 247n1
Linnaeus, Carl, xx
Literacy, xvi, 1, 86
Literature, 110–11; confessional, 261n20; devotional, 1, 70; entertainment, 1; French, 163–64; meditational, 7–8; public and, 212–18; public of literature, xvi, xviii, 186, 216–18, 244–45; wisdom, xiv
Live audience, xxiv, 226, 244–45
Live performance, 160, 162, 216
Local genius, 54
Locke, John, 28, 29
Lowth, Robert, 148, 152
Lucian (satirist), 151
Lully, Jean-Baptiste de, 130–31
Luther, Martin, 7, 85, 88, 151–52, 250n8
Lutheran Church, xxiv–xxv, 25, 85, 234, 250n8
“Mahomeds Gesang” (Goethe), 167
Manichaeism, 235
Marcus Aurelius, 253n10
Masson, Jean-Pierre, 112
Materialists, xxv
Mayr, Ernst, 254n15
Medieval mysticism, 249n2
Meditation, 72; of Arndt, 8, 71; Pietist practices, xv, 11, 19; Protestant literature, 7–8
Meditationes Sacrae (Gerhard), 8
Melton, Van Horn, xxiii
Memory, 29, 33–34
Mendelssohn, Moses, 169, 197, 272n2
Mercure (publication), 127–28, 130
Merlau, Eleonora von und zu, see Petersen, Johanna Eleonora
Mimesis, 65
Mimetic images, 23
Minna von Barnhelm (Lessing), 268n2, 274n24
Mirroring function, of art, 69
Mohamed (religious figure), 167–68, 171
Mondanité, culture of, 264n20
Le monde, 80
Montesquieu, 198
“The Moralists” (Shaftesbury), 252n9
Moral sentiment: disinterested interest and, 31; instinct and, 30–32; teleology and, 30
Moravians, 144, 145
Moritz, Karl Philipp, 1
Moser, Friedrich Carl von, 190–96, 203, 244, 272n2; Abbt and, 185, 197, 200, 202; Bible and, 150; Blitz on, 189–90; Pietism and, 191; Seven Years’ War and, 196, 200
Music, 126; performance and, 129–30; public and, 212–18; Rousseau and, 135
Narcisse (Rousseau), 138
Nathan der Weise (Nathan the Wise, Lessing), 234
Nationalism: German, 187, 205; Herder and, 205, 217; imagined community and, 207–8; proto-nationalism, 271n2
Nationaltheater, 22
Naturalists, 28, 73
Natural religion, 113, 155, 270n12
Natural science, xix
Nature, xix, xx, 2–3, 18, 75; beauty in, 38, 40–42, 47–49, 75, 146; Bosheit (evil nature), 230; Christianity and, 48; contemplation and, 122; as divine creation, 247n7; Lessing and, 38, 40–41, 43–45; moral authority of, 6; order of, 166, 248n7, 253n11; “Profession of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar” and, 122; Rousseau and, 38; trust in, 33; see also Human nature
Neo-humanism, xvii, xviii, 142
Neologians, 234
“Die neue Melusine” (Goethe), 160, 162
Newton, Isaac, 58, 61
Nicene Creed, 119–20
Nicolai, Friedrich, 171, 197, 272n2
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 62
Niggl, Günter, 261n20, 268n1, 269n5, 269n7
Noble stranger, 54
Nonliterary conventions, 119
Nonliterary genres, 110–11, 123–24
Observation: cultural practices of, 9; of natural phenomena, 6–7
“On Dying for the Fatherland” (Abbt), 196–98
On German Architecture (Goethe), 52, 62–63, 69, 72–73, 257n1
“On Merit” (Herder), 201
“On Obedience” (Moser), 192
On True Christianity (Arndt), 9, 71, 74, 79, 85; cultural influence of, 7; editions and translations of, 7, 249n7; emblems and, 16, 19–20, 22, 24; nature and, 18; Riga edition of, 8, 11–12, 17, 24; spiritual exercises and, 70
Oral culture, 183, 220
The Order of Things (Foucault), xix, xx
Original genius, xiii, xvi, 1–3, 51, 73; in Germany, 2; Goethe and, 59; Herder and, 56–58, 76; historical context of, 56; Kant and, 58; models of, 52, 61; Storm and Stress poets and, 63; Young and, 2, 53, 55, 76
Originality, xxi, 61, 92; aesthetic judgment and, xiv; genius and, 51; Kant and, 58; Storm and Stress poets and, 53; stranger within and, 54
Original nonsense, 58
Original sin, xvii, xxvi, 113; Arndt and, 9–10; Shaftesbury and, 27, 32
Orthodoxy, xvi, xvii–xviii, 27, 74, 87
Ortmann, Adolph Dietrich, 272n2
Pädagogium regium, 86
“Pagan Matters” (Goethe), 60
Pallas, Peter Simon, 247n7
Patey, Douglas Lane, 256n1
Patriotisches Archiv (Moser), 190, 196
Patriotism, 198–99; Abbt and, 200, 243; in Germany, 195, 200; iconography, 272n11; of public, 185
Patronage, 131
Pelagianism, 120, 172
Petersen, Johanna Eleonora, 80, 82–83, 89, 93–107, 177; Augustine and, 106; Bible and, 100–1, 103; childhood of, 94–100; Christianity and, 103; engagement of, 100–2; Jesus Christ and, 95
Phenomenology (Hegel), 144
Philosophes, xvii–xviii, 112, 227; Confessions (Rousseau) and, 126, 137, 179; Goethe and, 164
Philotas (Lessing), 272n7, 274n24
Pia Desideria or the Heartfelt Desire for a God-pleasing Betterment of the True Evangelical Church Together with Some Simple Proposals Aiming Thereto (Spener), 7, 85–88
Pietas, 66
Pietism, xvi, xxiv–xxv, 146, 229; Arndt and, 7; Christianity and, 86–87; confessional discourse and, 80, 83, 91, 105–6; confessional literature of, 261n20; contemplation and, 19; conversion narratives, 82; individual experience and, 85–93; Kant and, 74; meditational practices of, xv, 11, 19; Moravians and, 144–45; Moser and, 191; J. E. Petersen and, 93–107; reading culture of, 79; tolerance and, 202
Pietismus und Aufklärung (Gierl), xxiv
Pitié, 30
Platonism, 235
Pleasure: aesthetic, 5; contemplation and, 32; disinterested interest and, 37; mathematics and, 31–32, 37; taste and, xiii
“Pleasures of the Imagination” (Addison), 11
Poetry, 214–15; beauty and, 41–44; epic, 66; production of, 162; Storm and Stress, 53, 63, 73, 167–69, 171
Poetry and Truth (Goethe), xv, xvii, 141, 148, 168, 179, 269n7; Bible and, 149; Confessions (Rousseau) and, 81; Spinoza and, 174–75; turning point of, 159–60
Pope, Alexander, 6, 256n1
Populärphilosophie, 277n7
Positive religion, 153, 156
Powell, Vavosar, 89
The Practice of Christian Prayer and Meditation (La Pratique de l’oraison et méditation chrétienne, Labadie), 85
Preprint culture, 208
Presence, production of, 158–65
Print culture, 208, 220
Printed journals, 226–27
Print market, xiii, xxii, 1, 181
Print technology, 208–9, 216
Profession of faith, 110, 115, 118–21, 125; dogma and, 109; Émile and, 178
“Profession of Faith of a Savoyard Vicar” (Rousseau), xv, 83, 107, 110, 114; as autobiography, 118, 124; communion and, 123–24; confession and, 115–17, 119; education and, 113, 124; Nicene Creed and, 119–20; nonliterary genres and, 110–11; reception of, 112; setting in, 122; voice in, 115, 117, 118
“Prometheus” (Goethe), 167
Prophets, 170
Protestant Church: attention practices and, 7; Gospel of John and, 235; meditational literature of, 7–8; Seven Years’ War and, 187, 189; Spener and, 85–87
Proto-nationalism, 271n2
Providence, 106, 154
Prussia, 187–88, 190, 196
Publications: journal, 221; Mercure, 127–28, 130
Public debate, 87, 128, 183, 225
Public institutions, 207
Public of literature, xvi, xviii, 186, 216–18, 244–45
Public opinion, 219
Public sphere, xv, xxi–xxiii, 276n2; bourgeois, xxi, 181, 183; German, 184; Kant and, 242; representational, 181; “What Is Enlightenment?” and, 87
Public Sphere (Habermas), 218
Publicum, 182
Publikum (Herder), 208
“Das Publikum” (Moser), 190, 192
Puritans, 86
Purposiveness, models of, xiv
Pygmalion (Rousseau), 165
Querelle des Bouffons, 136
Ramler, Karl Friedrich, 272n2
Rang, Martin, 113
Rational debate, 223
Reales Publikum (real public), 210, 224
Redekop, Benjamin, 184
Reflection, 33, 35
Reill, Peter Hanns, xix, xx
Reimarus, Elise, 233
Reimarus, Hermann Samuel, 36, 233; animals and, 33–34; innate ideas and, 75; Lessing and, 236, 241; Mayr on, 254n15
Reitz, Heinrich, 79, 87, 89–90, 92, 103
Religion, see specific topics
Religion Within the Limits of Pure Reason (Kant), 242
Reliquien (Moser), 194, 200
Repertory theater, xxii
Repräsentative Öffentlichkeit, see Representational public sphere
Representation, 65
Representational public sphere (repräsentative Öffentlichkeit), 181
Republic of letters, 226, 245; Kant and, 184, 186, 240; Lessing and, 240; salon culture and, 126–27, 264n20
Republics, 198–99
Res publica, 182
Res publica literaria, 220
Revealed religion, 149–58, 270n11
Richardson, Samuel, 144, 256n1
The Rise of the Public (Melton), xxiii
Roman Catholic Church, see Catholic Church
Romans, 201; culture of, 210; mythology of, 53; pietas and, 66
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, xvii–xviii, 32, 78–82, 106–10, 177–79; arrest warrant for, 112; audiences of, 126–40, 264n24; as celebrity author, xiii; censorship and, 139; confessional subjectivity and, 241; Goethe and, 81, 164–66; Klinger and, 169; music and, 135; nature and, 38; oral confession and, 263n17; pitié and, 30; Rococo imagery and, 266n35; volonté général and, xxii; Voltaire and, 263n20; see also specific works
Salon culture, xxii; philosophes of, 126, 179, 264n20; republic of letters and, 126–27, 264n20
Schiller, Friedrich, 144
Schlegel, Friedrich, 275n10
Schmidt, Sebastian, 151
Schöne Seele, see Beautiful soul
Schumann, Robert, 236, 238
Schütz, Heinrich, 102
Scientific community, 221
Scrivener, Christian, 249n6
Secret societies, xxiii
Secular humanism, xxv–xxvi
Secularization, 75, 159; confession and, 123; of conversion narrative, 110; Émile and, 83; Lessing and, 234
Self-censorship, 223
Self-discipline, 110
Self-knowledge, 54
Self-sacrifice, 199
Self-stylization, 263n17
Sensibility, culture of, 103, 105
Sensuous experience, 71–72
Sensus communis, xvi, 198, 203, 244
“Sensus Communis: An Essay on Wit and Humour” (Shaftesbury), 197
Seven Years’ War, 184–86, 204, 271n2, 272n11; Abbt and, 203; Catholic Church and, 187; context of, 187–90; imagined community and, xvi; Lessing and, 188–89, 274n24; Moser and, 196, 200; Protestant Church and, 187, 189
Shaftesbury (Anthony Ashley-Cooper), xviii, 37, 197, 251n3, 252n9; animals and, xvii; contemplation and, 11; disinterested interest and, 27–28, 74–75; moral sentiment and, 30–32; order of nature and, 253n11; original sin and, 27, 32; prayer and, 27; sensus communis and, 198, 203; virtue and, 144; see also specific works
Shakespeare, William, xx, 52, 55–57, 76
Sheehan, Jonathan, xxiv–xxv
Siegel, James, 276n3
Smith, Adam, 30
“Songs of a Grenadier” (Gleim), 188–89
Speaking, as private person, 223–25
Species change, 45–48
Spectator (Addison), 36
Speech genres: confession as, 79, 117, 119, 121, 125; playing out and, 111; profession of faith as, 109–10, 121, 125
Spener, Philipp Jakob, 7, 85–88, 91, 102
Spinoza, Baruch, 149, 168, 234; authorship and, 171; Poetry and Truth and, 174–75; Wandering Jew and, 173
Spiritual autobiography, xv, 110
Spiritual exercises, 6–7, 70, 73
Spiritual Experiences, of Sundry Beleevers. Held forth by them at severall solemne meetings (Powell), 89
Stanislas (king of Poland), 127–29, 131, 138, 179
Steinbach, Erwin von, 63, 66–68, 76
Stoicism, 110
Stolnitz, Jerome, 27
Storm and Stress poets, 73, 167–69, 171; original genius and, 63; Young and, 53
Stranger within, 59, 61, 76
Strasbourg Cathedral, 52, 62, 63, 66–71, 73, 149, 159
Subjectivity, xiv, 109; aesthetic, xv; architecture and, 63; confessional, 241; confessional discourse and, 142
Sublimation, 6
Sweden, 206
Tabula rasa, 33
Talent (ingenium), 53, 59
Taste, 76, 251n3, 257n8; French, 63, 130; moral sentiment and, 31; pleasure and, xiii; as sensus communis, 244; social distinction and, xiii, 11, 39
Techne, art as, 58
Technology: media, 183; print, 208–9, 216
Teleology, 33, 38, 39, 45, 75; anthropocentric, 47; Arndt and, 17–18; Herder and, 56; Kant and, xx; Lessing and, 48–49, 153; moral sentiment and, 30; natural religion and, 155
“The Testament of John” (Lessing), 235–39, 279n29
Theological debate, xxiv–xxv, 85
Theory of Colors (Goethe), 62, 268n1
Thirty Years War, xvi, 85, 244
Thomasius, Christian, 227
Tolerance, 202
Tower of Babel, 67, 153
Townsend, Dabney, 251n3
Transformation of the Public Sphere (Habermas), xxi
Treatise on the Origin of Language (Herder), 36
“Über die Herrnhuter” (Lessing), 229, 233
Universalism, 217
Unparteiisches Kirchen- und Ketzerhistorie (Arnold), 88, 91
Uz, Johann Peter, 272n2
Vegetable genius, 53, 55–56, 76
Verbal emblems, 8–13, 20, 22–25
The Vicar of Wakefield (Goldsmith), 163
Virgil, 44, 48
Virtual reality, 214
Virtue, 252n9, 253n14; beautiful soul and, 144; happiness through, 231
Visual emblems, 8, 11–13, 19–20, 22–23
Vitalism, xix
Vitruvius, 66
Voice, 210; first-person, 115, 118; third-person, 115, 117, 118
Volk, 216–17, 275n8
Volonté général, xxii
Voltaire, xvii, xxv, 164, 166, 188, 263n20
“Vom Tode für das Vaterland” (Abbt), 196–98
Vom Verdienste (Abbt), 197
Vom wahren Christenthum (Arndt), see On True Christianity
Von dem deutschen National-Geist (Moser), 195
Von deutscher Baukunst (Goethe), 52, 62, 69, 72, 73
Votum (vote), 210
Vox (voice), 210
Wagner, Heinrich Leopold, 167, 168
Wandering Jew, 167–68, 173
Warner, Michael, xxiii
War propaganda, 272n7
Weltweisheit (worldly wisdom), 227, 232
Werther (Goethe), 158, 167
“What Is an Author?” (Foucault), xx
“What Is Enlightenment?” (Kant), xviii, xxiii, 183–84, 186, 216, 242; critical public and, 222–29; historical context of, 225; public sphere and, 87
Wieland, Christoph Martin, 144, 167
Wilhelm Meister’s Apprenticeship (Goethe), 83, 142–44, 171, 178
Wilhelm of Schaumburg Lippe, 196
Winckelmann, Johann Joachim, 52, 59–60, 76, 255n9
Wisdom literature, xiv
Witte, Bernd, 268n2, 269n2, 269n7, 271n13
Wolff, Caspar Friedrich, 247n7
Wolff, Christian, 227
Woodmansee, Martha, xvi, 1–3
Worldly judgment, 80–81
Worldly wisdom; see Weltweisheit
Writing, 160, 162
Written culture, 220
Young, Edward, 57, 64, 256n1; innovation and, 55; local genius and, 54; original genius and, 2, 53, 55, 76; self-knowledge and, 54; Storm and Stress poets and, 53; stranger within and, 59; vegetable genius and, 56, 76
Zedler, Johann Heinrich, 271n12
Zedlers Universallexikon, 155
Zinzendorf, Nikolaus von, 229, 278n17
Zoology, xix, 40, 62