Lesson 9

Introduction to UIKit and Adaptive Layout

With the launch of iOS8, Apple has made it possible to build an application that can run on any device with a single storyboard. In Apple's terminology, the application adapts to the device it is running on. Prior to iOS8, it was common to have different storyboards for each device family.

Instead of specifying explicit sizes and positions for UI elements, with adaptive layout you specify constraints between the user interface elements of your view and have iOS apply these constraints at run time to work out the size and position the elements. A constraint is a mathematical description of the relationship between elements.

Most of the time, you apply these constraints using Interface Builder, but it is possible to specify these constraints programmatically in your code by creating instances of NSLayoutConstraint. Creating NSLayoutConstraint instances programmatically is outside the scope of this book. If you are interested in learning more about creating layout constraints programmatically, refer to the NSLayoutConstraint Class Reference at:


Introducing the UIKit Framework

A framework is a collection of classes that you can use to write your apps. Apple provides a large number of frameworks that enforce consistent implementation of features across applications from different developers. All the familiar user interface features such as navigation bars, toolbars, back buttons, and so on that you commonly use in iOS apps are, in fact, classes in one of the frameworks provided by Apple.

Although the idea of sticking to user interface elements that only appear in an Apple framework may seem limiting, it is in fact not the case. Apple's frameworks have a large number of classes; in fact, some frameworks do not have any user interface–specific classes at all. You must always try to use classes from one of the standard frameworks when possible; this will ensure that you do not spend time reinventing the wheel.

The frameworks are grouped together into layers, with frameworks in higher layers building upon frameworks found in lower layers. Figure 9.1 shows the different layers with examples of some of the frameworks they contain. In general, using a class from a framework in a lower layer requires you to write more code than using one from a higher layer.

Diagram of iOS Framework Layers - CoreOS, Core Services, Media, and Cocoa Touch with some examples listed for each layer.

Figure 9.1

The top-most layer is known as Cocoa Touch and contains a large number of classes distributed within multiple frameworks that handle the most common aspects of iOS applications, including but not limited to processing events, touches, gestures, multithreading, map support, and accelerometer.

Every Xcode project that is created from one of the standard iOS application templates includes three key frameworks: CoreGraphics, Foundation, and UIKit. Most simple apps do not need to use classes from any other framework.

Of all the Cocoa Touch frameworks, perhaps the most important and commonly used is UIKit. The name UIKit may lead you to conclude that it contains only user interface–specific classes. This is, however, not true. Besides user interface–specific classes, UIKit contains classes for handling events, touches, gestures, and general application support.

Classes that are part of UIKit always begin with the UI prefix. Thus, the UIApplication, UIWindow, UIView, and UIViewController classes that you have encountered earlier in this lesson are all part of UIKit.

The UIButton Class

The UIButton class is part of the UIKit framework and encapsulates the functionality of a button on a touch screen. A UIButton object sends a message to a target object when it intercepts one or more touch events.

UIButton objects can intercept different types of touch events; some of the most common ones are briefly summarized in Table 9.1.

Table 9.1 UIButton Touch Events

Event Description
Touch Up Inside The user has lifted his finger from the touch screen inside the area of the button.
Touch Up Outside The user had pressed this button but has lifted his finger outside the area of the button (that is, dragged his finger outside the button before lifting it).
Touch Down The user has just pressed this button and hasn't yet lifted his finger, or moved it.
Touch Drag Enter The user has pressed this button, then dragged his finger outside the button, and has just entered the area of the button again (without lifting the finger).
Touch Drag Exit The user has pressed this button, then dragged his finger and, as a consequence of dragging, has just left the area of the button.
Touch Drag Inside The user has pressed this button and is dragging his finger within the area of the button.
Touch Drag Outside The user has pressed this button and is now dragging his finger outside the area of the button. The user would have had to move his finger out of the button and continued to drag without lifting his finger to receive this event.

By and large, the most common event that you will use in your code is the Touch Up Inside event.

Adding a UIButton to the view is a simple matter of dragging a Button object from the Object library onto the client area of the scene. You can use the Attributes inspector to set up some common properties of the new button. However, keep in mind that each of these properties can also be set up using Objective-C code. If you just want to add a title to a button quickly, simply double-click the button and type in a suitable title.

The default button created by Xcode is, in fact, quite boring. To make it more interesting you can change its appearance using use the Attribute inspector (View arrow Utilities arrow Show Attributes Inspector). You can select from common button types using the Type drop-down (see Figure 9.2).

Screenshot of Attributes Inspector dialog box and Button option is selected with button types in the Type drop-down in which System is selected.

Figure 9.2

The standard button types are:

  • Custom: A button without any specific appearance, invisible unless you set up an image. Typically used to create hotspots or graphical buttons.
  • System: This is the default.
  • Detail Disclosure: A button with an arrow; usually indicates that tapping it will reveal additional information.
  • Info Light: The standard “i” icon, intended to be used over dark backgrounds.
  • Info Dark: The standard “i” icon, intended to be used over light backgrounds.
  • Add Contact: The standard + icon.

A UIButton object can be in one of four states:

  • Default: The button is visible on the screen; the user is not interacting with it.
  • Highlighted: The user is currently pressing down the button.
  • Selected: A UIButton object does not ordinarily move into this state as a result of user interaction, but this state can be set up programmatically.
  • Disabled: The button is visible on the screen, but the user cannot interact with it.

For each state you can provide a different background color, title, and background image. You can use the Attribute inspector's State Config drop-down to select a state and set up attributes for that state. This is shown in Figure 9.3.

Screenshot of Attributes Inspector dialog box and Button option is selected and under State Config options Default is selected.

Figure 9.3

To assign an image for your button, you will need to create a PNG image for each state and import the images into your Xcode project. When applying an image to a button, you can assign the image to either the Image attribute or the Background attribute. There is a slight difference between the two. The background image is scaled to fill the entire area of the button and is displayed behind the title. The foreground image is displayed beside the title.

The UILabel Class

The UILabel class allows you to draw one or multiple lines of static text onto your view. The UILabel class does not normally generate touch events but provides several properties that allow you to customize its appearance. The most common ones are described in Table 9.2.

Table 9.2 UILabel Properties

Property Description
text Sets the text displayed by the label using the current font.
numberOfLines The maximum number of lines of text to be drawn.
textAlignment Defines the horizontal alignment of text in the label. Permissible values are UITextAlignmentLeft, UITextAlignmentRight, and UITextAlignmentCenter.
textColor Sets the color used to display the text. You can set the color by providing a UIColor object. The UIColor class is discussed later in this lesson.
font Sets the font that is used to display the text.

Basic Constraints

If you have developed iOS applications in the past, the first change you will notice when you open a nib or a storyboard is that each view is now represented using a square canvas instead of a rectangular one (see Figure 9.4).

Screenshot of a storyboard screen with empty square canvas at the center.

Figure 9.4

This may seem a little odd at first because the iPhones and iPads all have rectangular form factors. Apple has introduced a square canvas because they do not want you to think in terms of a specific device when designing your UI. Instead, you build your user interface for a generic square canvas and iOS will adapt it to fit the specific device based on the constraints you have specified.

The fundamental building block of this new layout system is the constraint. A constraint is a mathematical rule that helps lay out UI elements. Constraints can specify an element's height, width, horizontal position, or vertical position from another element. Constraints can be added, removed, and edited to affect the layout of your application's UI.

For instance, to position a label centered (horizontally and vertically) in the screen, you will need to add a few constraints. Start by dragging a Label object from the Object Library and placing it at an arbitrary location on the storyboard canvas (see Figure 9.5).

Screenshot of a storyboard screen with Label encircled under Object Library and an arrow pointing to the text Label framed in the canvas.

Figure 9.5

With the Label selected, you bring up the alignment constraint editor by clicking the Align button located at the bottom-right corner of the storyboard editor (see Figure 9.6).

Screenshot of storyboard screen with Label (1) in the canvas with an arrow pointing to icons (2) encircled at the bottom of the screen with Add New Alignment Constraints pop up window.

Figure 9.6

In the alignment constraint editor, ensure the Horizontally in Container and Vertically in Container options are enabled and their corresponding values are both zero. Click on the Add 2 Constraints button to add these constraints. When you do this, you will notice two new constraints has been added between the label and the view (see Figure 9.7).

Screenshot of storyboard screen with Labels (grayed) and its options encircled under View Controller Scene.

Figure 9.7

If you select one of the constraint in the view hierarchy, you can update its properties using the size inspector (see Figure 9.8).

Screenshot of Center Y Alignment Constraints pop up window with Constant set to 0, Priority 1000, and Multiplier 1.

Figure 9.8

Mathematically, any constraint can be expressed using the following equation:


X and Y are attributes of views and can be either left, right, top, bottom, leading, trailing, width, height, centerX, centerY, or baseline.

The attributes leading and trailing are the same as left and right for left-to-right languages such as English. However, in a right-to-left language such as Arabic, leading and trailing are interpreted as right and left. When you create constraints, you should usually use leading and trailing (instead of left and right) to make sure your interface is laid out appropriately in all languages.

Some of the other properties relevant to constraints are:

At this point, even though you have added constraints to center the label horizontally and vertically, the label is still where you left it on the storyboard. If you were to run the application now, you would find that the label is indeed centered as you would expect.

If you select the label on the storyboard, you will notice that it has an orange outline. An orange outline implies that there is an adaptive layout problem. There are three typical problems that you will encounter:

You can find out what the problem is by switching to the Issue Navigator (see Figure 9.9).

Screenshot of Issue Navigatordialog box with By File option selected and details of Position grayed under Interaction Sample 1 issue option.

Figure 9.9

In this particular case there is just one issue with the constraints on this storyboard scene, and is listed as

To fix this particular issue, select the label and then select Editor arrow Resolve Auto Layout Issues arrow Update Frames.

The storyboard should now resemble Figure 9.10.

Screenshot of a storyboard screen with text Label framed at the center of the canvas and Label option selected under View Controller Scene.

Figure 9.10

If you pay attention to the bottom-right corner of the storyboard, you will notice four auto layout–specific buttons (see Figure 9.11):

Screenshot of the bottom of a storyboard screen with four auto layout-specific buttons.

Figure 9.11

If you now wanted to add a button to the right of the label, you could do this by first dragging a Button object from the object library and placing it in the approximate location on the scene (see Figure 9.12).

Screenshot of a storyboard screen with Button object encircled under Object library arrow pointing to Button framed near the text Label in the canvas.

Figure 9.12

You can then use the Pin button to create constraints that fix the size of the button and its horizontal distance from the label, as shown in Figure 9.13.

Screenshot of a storyboard screen with Pin button selected and Add New Constraints pop up window with first size option set to 266.

Figure 9.13

To align the top of the button with the top of the label, select both the button and label (in that order), and then use the alignment constraint editor to add a new alignment constrained for Top Edges (see Figure 9.14).

Screenshot of a storyboard screen with Top Edges option selected in Add New Alignment Constraints pop up window.

Figure 9.14

To reflect these changes on the storyboard, select Editor arrow Resolve Auto Layout Issues arrow Update Frames.

Previewing Your Layout

If you would like to know how your storyboard will appear on a specific device without running the application, you can use the assistant editor. First, ensure a scene is selected in your storyboard and show the assistant editor by selecting View arrow Assistant Editor arrow Show Assistant Editor.

Next, use the assistant editor's jump bar to switch to the layout preview (see Figure 9.15). The assistant editor will now display a preview of the storyboard in one of the standard iOS screen sizes.

Screenshot of a storyboard screen with Main.storyboard(Preview) option selected under Preview (1) from the assistant editor's jump bar.

Figure 9.15

You can add additional screen sizes to the preview area by clicking the plus sign (+) button at the bottom-left corner of the preview window (see Figure 9.16). You can also toggle the orientation of the preview between portrait and landscape by clicking the device name (see Figure 9.17).

Screenshot of a storyboard screen with plus button selected at the bottom of the Preview screen with additional screen size options.

Figure 9.16

Screenshot of Main.storyboard Preview screen with toggle button and iPhone 4-inch encircled at the bottom.

Figure 9.17

Creating Outlets

User interface elements are usually defined in storyboards, and even though you can set their properties graphically using Interface Builder, there will be times when you will need to read or change a property from your code while your application is running. To do so, you need to create an appropriate instance variable in the view controller class and connect it to the user interface element in the scene. These connections are known as outlets, and can be created quickly using the assistant editor. To display the assistant editor, select View arrow Assistant Editor arrow Show Assistant Editor. If the assistant editor is in Automatic mode, selecting a user interface element in one of the scenes of the storyboard file automatically opens the Swift code (.swift) file of the corresponding view controller class. You can switch the assistant editor into Automatic mode using the jump bar. This is shown in Figure 9.18.

Screenshot of a storyboard screen with Automatic encircled in the assistant editor's jump bar .

Figure 9.18

To create an outlet for the button object, right-click the button to bring up a context menu and drag from the circle beside the New Referencing Outlet line to an empty line in the Swift class (see Figure 9.19).

Screenshot of a storyboard screen with context menu of the button object and circle highlighted next to New Referencing Outlet connected to line marked Insert Outlet.

Figure 9.19

Release the mouse button on an empty line in the header file to open a dialog box that allows you to type in a name for the outlet (see Figure 9.20). Type a name for the outlet variable—for our purposes here, let's name it someButton.

Screenshot of a dialog box near an empty in the header file with Name option filled in with someButton.

Figure 9.20

Click the Connect button in the popup dialog box to finish creating the outlet. Notice how Xcode has created an optional var of type UIButton in your class.

@IBOutlet weak var someButton: UIButton!

To signify that the variable refers to an object defined in the storyboard file, Xcode adds the @IBOutlet keyword to the variable declaration.

Creating Actions

Most user interface elements generate a variety of events as a result of user interaction. As a programmer, you will be interested in some of these user-generated events and will want your code to be executed when these events occur. To achieve this, you need to create one or more methods in the view controller class and wire them up to appropriate events generated by the user interface element. These methods in the view controller class that are called when an event has been triggered as a result of user interaction are referred to as actions.

As you might expect, both of these steps can be performed graphically with the Interface Builder. To show a list of events that can be intercepted by a user interface object, simply right-click the user interface element in Interface Builder and browse through the entries under the Sent Events category of the context menu.

You will see all the familiar touch events listed there along with a few others. To wire up the Touch Up Inside event to a method in your class, simply drag from the circle beside the name of the event to an empty line in your view controller class.

When you release the mouse on the view controller, Xcode presents a popup window in which you can provide a name for the new method. Call the new method onButtonPressed.

Note that the onButtonPressed method takes in a single argument of type AnyObject called sender. This parameter always contains a reference to the object that sent this message to your view controller. In this particular case, the sender would be the user interface object that generated the corresponding event.

Once you have an action method wired up to the button's Touch Up Inside event, you can write Swift code that will be executed when the user interacts with this button. This is examined in this lesson's Try It.

Try It

In this Try It, you launch Xcode and create a new Xcode project using the Single View Application template called InteractionSample. You use the Interface Builder to create an instance of a UIButton and a UILabel class and then write code to update the text displayed in the label when the button is pressed.

Lesson Requirements

  • Launch Xcode.
  • Create a new project based on the Single View Application template.
  • Edit the storyboard with Interface Builder.
  • Add a UILabel and a UIButton object to the default scene in the storyboard.
  • Create and connect the UILabel to an outlet in the view controller class.
  • Create and connect the Touch Up Inside event of the UIButton instance to an action method in the view controller class.
  • Change the text of the label when the button is clicked.


  • To show the Object library, select View arrow Utilities arrow Show Object Library.
  • To show the assistant editor, select View arrow Assistant Editor Show Assistant Editor.
  • To show the source editor, select View arrow Source Editor arrow Show Standard Editor.
