Data Persistence

OpenCV provides a mechanism for serializing and de-serializing its various data types to and from disk in either YAML or XML format. In the chapter on HighGUI, which addresses user interface functions, we will cover specific functions that store and recall our most common object: IplImages (these functions are cvSaveImage() and cvLoadImage()).

In addition, the HighGUI chapter will discuss read and write functions specific to movies: cvGrabFrame(), which reads from file or from camera; and cvCreateVideoWriter() and cvWriteFrame(). In this section, we will focus on general object persistence: reading and writing matrices, OpenCV structures, and configuration and log files.

First we start with specific and convenient functions that save and load OpenCV matrices. These functions are cvSave() and cvLoad(). Suppose you had a 5-by-5 identity matrix (0 everywhere except for 1s on the diagonal). Example 3-15 shows how to accomplish this.

Example 3-15. Saving and loading a CvMat

CvMat A = cvMat( 5, 5, CV_32F, the_matrix_data );

cvSave( "my_matrix.xml", &A );
. . .
// to load it then in some other program use ...
CvMat* A1 = (CvMat*) cvLoad( "my_matrix.xml" );

The CxCore reference manual contains an entire section on data persistence. What you really need to know is that general data persistence in OpenCV consists of creating a CvFileStorage structure, as in Example 3-16, that stores memory objects in a tree structure. You can create and fill this structure by reading from disk via cvOpenFileStorage() with CV_STORAGE_READ, or you can create and open CvFileStorage via cvOpenFileStorage() with CV_STORAGE_WRITE for writing and then fill it using the appropriate data persistence functions. On disk, the data is stored in an XML or YAML format.

Example 3-16. CvFileStorage structure; data is accessed by CxCore data persistence functions

typedef struct CvFileStorage
    ...      // hidden fields
} CvFileStorage;

The internal data inside the CvFileStorage tree may consist of a hierarchical collection of scalars, CxCore objects (matrices, sequences, and graphs) and/or user-defined objects.

Let's say you have a configuration or logging file. For example, consider the case of a movie configuration file that tells us how many frames we want (10), what their size is (320 by 240) and a 3-by-3 color conversion matrix that should be applied. We want to call the file "cfg.xml" on disk. Example 3-17 shows how to do this.

Example 3-17. Writing a configuration file "cfg.xml" to disk

CvFileStorage* fs = cvOpenFileStorage(
cvWriteInt( fs, "frame_count", 10 );
cvStartWriteStruct( fs, "frame_size", CV_NODE_SEQ );
cvWriteInt( fs, 0, 320 );
cvWriteInt( fs, 0, 200 );
cvWrite( fs, "color_cvt_matrix", cmatrix );
cvReleaseFileStorage( &fs );

Note some of the key functions in this example. We can give a name to integers that we write to the structure using cvWriteInt(). We can create an arbitrary structure, using cvStartWriteStruct(), which is also given an optional name (pass a 0 or NULL if there is no name). This structure has two ints that have no name and so we pass a 0 for them in the name field, after which we use cvEndWriteStruct() to end the writing of that structure. If there were more structures, we'd Start and End each of them similarly; the structures may be nested to arbitrary depth. We then use cvWrite() to write out the color conversion matrix. Contrast this fairly complex matrix write procedure with the simpler cvSave() in Example 3-15. The cvSave() function is just a convenient shortcut for cvWrite() when you have only one matrix to write. When we are finished writing the data, the CvFileStorage handle is released in cvReleaseFileStorage(). The output (here, in XML form) would look like Example 3-18.

Example 3-18. XML version of cfg.xml on disk

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<frame_size>320 200</frame_size>
<color_cvt_matrix type_id="opencv-matrix">
  <rows>3</rows> <cols>3</cols>

We may then read this configuration file as shown in Example 3-19.

Example 3-19. Reading cfg.xml from disk

CvFileStorage* fs = cvOpenFileStorage(

int frame_count = cvReadIntByName(
  5 /* default value */

CvSeq* s = cvGetFileNodeByName(fs,0,"frame_size")->data.seq;

int frame_width = cvReadInt(

int frame_height = cvReadInt(

CvMat* color_cvt_matrix = (CvMat*) cvReadByName(

cvReleaseFileStorage( &fs );

When reading, we open the XML configuration file with cvOpenFileStorage() as in Example 3-19. We then read the frame_count using cvReadIntByName(), which allows for a default value to be given if no number is read. In this case the default is 5. We then get the structure that we named "frame_size" using cvGetFileNodeByName(). From here, we read our two unnamed integers using cvReadInt(). Next we read our named color conversion matrix using cvReadByName().[36] Again, contrast this with the short form cvLoad() in Example 3-15. We can use cvLoad() if we only have one matrix to read, but we must use cvRead() if the matrix is embedded within a larger structure. Finally, we release the CvFileStorage structure.

The list of relevant data persistence functions associated with the CvFileStorage structure is shown in Table 3-16. See the CxCore manual for more details.

Table 3-16. Data persistence functions



Open and Release


Opens file storage for reading or writing


Releases data storage



Starts writing a new structure


Ends writing a structure


Writes integer


Writes float


Writes text string


Writes an XML or YAML comment string


Writes an object such as a CvMat


Writes multiple numbers


Writes file node to another file storage



Gets the top-level nodes of the file storage


Finds node in the map or file storage


Returns a unique pointer for given name


Finds node in the map or file storage


Returns name of file node


Reads unnamed int


Reads named int


Reads unnamed float


Reads named float


Retrieves text string from file node


Finds named file node and returns its value


Decodes object and returns pointer to it


Finds object and decodes it


Reads multiple numbers


Initializes file node sequence reader


Reads data from sequence reader above

[36] One could also use cvRead() to read in the matrix, but it can only be called after the appropriate CvFileNode{} is located, e.g., using cvGetFileNodeByName().