AT WORK suitcase

WALKING TO WORK: nothing is old hat. Keep your eyes and ears peeled on your daily walk – inspiration can appear anywhere. foot1

COMMUTING: pause for three Easy Breaths before you take the escalator, lift or stairs.

ON ARRIVAL: create a calming space to support a great day’s work.

BE CREATIVE: take a sixty-second Gap Meditation between finishing one task and taking your next inspired action (see here). Clear direction for your best work often comes in unguarded moments. bulb

ELEVENSES: make a herbal tea, step outside into the fresh air and read a poem from your anthology.

MEETINGS: savour the experience of working with others towards a shared goal. If you need a pick-me-up, take a moment to check your posture and practise a few gentle stretches.

TIP: Giving all of yourself to your work means that whatever it is you are creating, be it a cup of coffee, a spreadsheet or an advertising campaign your work becomes the highest expression of your care and capabilities in any given moment.