This section describes which files to copy to the CICS program libraries and how to configure CICS to use the files. You may not have the authority to perform some if these steps, where this is the case please ask the appropriate person at your site for assistance.
Using the following guidelines to set up the VSAM file:
Edit the sample VSAM file in JCLLIB:
Add a job card at the beginning.
Enter the appropriate High Level Qualifiers for correct data file CICSADP.DATA.
Enter the input file name for the repro job to load the VSAM DATA into ACCTFILE.
Run the JCL; this creates three VSAM files of the form:
high.level.qualifier.ACCTNAIX with the path high.level.qualifier.ACCTNAME
The following guidelines will help you set up and install the CICS resource definitions:
Edit the supplied CSD definitions file. If you followed our conventions, it is the data set in the PDS called CICSTS130.CICSADP.CSDDEFS. The CICS files in group CICS0ADP (ACCTFIL, ACCTNAM, and ACINUSE) need to be updated to point to the dataset names. For example:
Update your CSD with the definitions contained in your file. This probably means asking someone at your site with the right authorization to run the DFHCSDUP job.
Enter ADD GROUP(CICS0ADP) LIST(YourGroupList) where YourGroupList is specified in your GRPLIST system initialization parameter (SIP) in your CICS startup job.
If you do a warm start of your CICS region, this new definition will not be recognized.
If you are cold starting CICS, the definitions that you have added to your CSDDEFS job are automatically installed. On the other hand, it is more likely that you will be warm starting CICS, in which case you should logon to your CICS region and install the CICS0ADP group (or your self-defined group) using:
You should see these resource definitions shown in Figure A-3.
Edit your CICS startup JCL to add the loadlibrary containing the load module into the DFHRPL concatenation. The statement looks like this:
DFHRPL DD DISP=SHR,DSN=High.Level.qualifier.Loadlib
DD DISP=SHR,DSN=High.Level.qualifier.Corlib
Start CICS and logon to your CICS region from a 3270 emulation screen or a 3270 monitor.
Issue the transaction NACT. You should now be running the application. Figure A-4 shows the screen that you see.
So far you have the main COBOL application running and you will be using this as the backend application to run the remaining parts of the sample application.