Chapter 5. Programming the COBOL Business Logic

In this chapter:

You are now ready to write the COBOL code of the sample application. This chapter describes:

The source programs are listed on the CD-ROM that is packaged with this book. They include a step-by-step description of what the code does. This chapter is about programming the business logic component, other services including Basic Mapping Support (BMS), the CICS supplied services for formatting a green screen, are described in “Programming the 3270 Presentation Logic Component” in Chapter 11.

When you need a CICS system service—for example, when reading a record from a file—you just include a CICS command in your code. CICS commands look like:

EXEC CICS function
          [option (argument)][option ...]... [terminator]

The options for this command are:

For example, the options for the READ command include FILE, RIDFLD, UPDATE. FILE tells CICS which file you want to read, and is always followed by a value indicating or pointing to the filename. RIDFLD (record identification field), that is the key that tells CICS which record within the file to address, and likewise needs a value. The values are called arguments and must appear after the keyword within parentheses (brackets). UPDATE, on the other hand, simply means that you intend to modify the record and update it (thereby invoking the CICS transactional protection we discussed earlier) and has no argument associated with it.

So, to read into a piece of working storage named ACCTREC, with intent to update, a record from a file known to CICS as ACCTFIL, using a key that we’ve stored in working storage at ACCTC, the command could be coded like this:

EXEC CICS READ FILE(LF-ACCTFIL)             * Resource
          RIDFLD(ACCTC)                     * Key
          INTO (ACCTREC)                    * Storage
          UPDATE                            * Option

When you specify a value, you can either use a character literal (enclosed in quotes), as we did for FILE above, or you can point to the name of a storage area that contains the value you want, as we did for RIDFLD above. In other words, we might have written:


instead of our earlier command. If you use a literal, follow the usual language rules; for example, for COBOL put it in quotes unless it’s a number.

Data can be moved by CICS from and into your program storage by using the FROM and INTO options (also known as move mode) or you can access the data using a pointer together with the SET parameter (also known as locate mode).

You may be curious about what the compiler does with what is a rather English-like statement. The answer? The compiler doesn’t see that statement. Processing a CICS program for execution starts with a translation step. The CICS translator converts your EXEC CICS commands into native language statements; for example, for COBOL in the form of a CALL statement. You then compile the expanded source and link edit this in the normal way. By the way, in COBOL the generated statements never contain periods (full stops), unless you include one explicitly after the END-EXEC. This means you can use CICS commands within any COBOL construct such as IF or EVALUATE statements (by leaving the period out of the command), or you can end a sentence with the command (by including the period).

The biggest difference between standard COBOL programs and CICS COBOL programs is that you don’t define your files in a CICS program. Instead, they are defined using FILE definitions that are stored in a CICS table, the File Control Table (FCT), which is covered in Handling Files later in this chapter. Other differences are:

Some statements and compiler functions produce code that is incompatible with the CICS environment. You must not use the STOP ‘literal’ form of that COBOL verb, because it stops not only yourself but everyone else who uses your CICS address space. In general, you cannot use language features and compiler options that need operating system services during execution. COBOL examples include ACCEPT, OPEN, and READ. There are similar restrictions in the other supported languages.

Because CICS is managing the shared environment:

CICS COBOL programs should be usually short-running if data is shared. A batch COBOL program might process all records of a file; on the other hand, a typical CICS COBOL program processes just a few requests.