This essential pattern for loose coupling focuses on asynchronous delivery of command requests sent from the user interface to a back-end service for processing. This pattern is a subset of the CQRS pattern.
The pattern is used to allow interactive users to make updates through the web tier without slowing down the web server. It is especially useful for processing updates that are time consuming, resource intensive, or depend on remote services that may not always be available. For example, a social media site may benefit from this pattern when handling status updates, photo uploads, video uploads, or sending email.
The pattern is used in response to an update request from an interactive user. This is first handled by user interface code (in the web tier) that creates a message describing work needing to be done to satisfy the update request. This message is added to a queue. At some future time, a service on another node (running in the service tier) removes messages from the queue and does the needed work. Messages flow only in one direction, from the web tier, onto the queue, and into the service tier. This pattern does not specify how (or if) the user is informed of progress.
This is an asynchronous model, as the sender does not wait around for a response. In fact, no response is directly available. (In programming parlance, the return value is void.) It helps the user interface maintain consistently fast response times.
The web tier does not use this pattern for read-only page view requests; this pattern is for making updates.
The Queue-Centric Workflow Pattern is effective in dealing with the following challenges:
Application is decoupled across tiers, though the tiers still need to collaborate
Application needs to guarantee at-least-once processing of messages across tiers
A consistently responsive user experience is expected in the user interface tier, even though dependent processing happens in other tiers
A consistently responsive user experience is expected in the user interface tier, even though third-party services are accessed during processing
This pattern is equally applicable to web applications and mobile applications that access the same functionality through web services. Any application serving interactive users is a candidate.
By using cloud services, the infrastructure aspects of this pattern are generally straightforward to implement. They can be far more complex outside the cloud. Reliable queues are available as a cloud service.
Storage of intermediate data is also simplified using cloud services. Cloud services are available for storage, NoSQL databases, and relational databases.
The Queue-Centric Workflow Pattern is used in web applications to decouple communication between the web tier (which implements the user interface) and the service tier (where business processing happens).
Applications that do not use a pattern like this typically respond to a web page request by having user interface code call directly into the service tier. This approach is simple, but there are challenges in a distributed system. One challenge is that all service calls must complete before a web request is completed. This model also requires that the scalability and availability of the service tier meet or exceed that of the web tier, which can be tenuous with third-party services. A service tier that is unreliable or slow can ruin the user experience in the web tier and can negatively impact scalability.
The solution is to communicate asynchronously. The web tier sends commands to the service tier, where a command is a request to do something. Examples of commands include: create new user account, add photo, update status (such as on Twitter or Facebook), reserve hotel room, and cancel order.
The term asynchronous can apply to different aspects of application implementation. User interface code running in the web tier may invoke services asynchronously. This enables work to be done in parallel, potentially speeding up processing of that user request. Once all asynchronous services calls complete, the user request can be satisfied. This handy coding tactic should not be confused with this pattern.
Commands are sent in the form of messages over a queue. A queue is a simple data structure with two fundamental operations: add and remove. The behavior that makes it a queue is that the remove operation returns the message that has been in the queue the longest. Sometimes this is referred to as FIFO ordering: first in, first out. Invoking the add operation is commonly referred to as enqueuing and invoking the delete operation is dequeuing.
In the simplest (and most common) scenarios, the pattern is trivial: the sender adds command messages to the queue (enqueues messages), and a receiver removes those command messages from the queue (dequeues messages) and processes them. This is illustrated in Figure 3-1. (We’ll see later that the programming model for removing messages from the queue is more involved than a simple dequeue.)
The sender and receiver are said to be loosely coupled. They communicate only through messages on a queue. This pattern allows the sender and receiver to operate at different paces or schedules; the receiver does not even need to be running when the sender adds a message to the queue. Neither one knows anything about the implementation of the other, though both sides do need to agree on which queue instance they will use, and on the structure of the command message that passes through the queue from sender to receiver.
Figure 3-1. The web tier adds messages to the queue. The service tier removes and processes messages from the queue. The number of command messages in the queue fluctuates, providing a buffer so that the web tier can offload work quickly, while never overwhelming the service tier. The service tier can take its time, only processing new messages when it has available resources.
The sender need not be a web user interface; it could also be a native mobile application, for example, communicating through web services (as with a REST API). There could also be multiple senders and multiple receivers. The pattern still works.
The rest of this pattern description is concerned with guarding against failure scenarios and handling user experience concerns.
The workflow involves the sender adding a message to a queue that is removed at some point by the receiver. Are we sure it will get there?
It is important to emphasize that the cloud queue service provides a reliable queue. The “reliable” claim stems primarily from two sources: durability of the data, and high throughput (at least hundreds of interactions per second).
The queue achieves data durability the same way that other cloud storage services do: by storing each byte entrusted to the service in triplicate (across three disk nodes) to overcome risks from hardware failure.
The queue itself is reliable and will not lose our data, but this pattern is not designed to shield our application from all failures. Rather, the pattern requires that our application implement specific behaviors to respond successfully to failure scenarios.
When implementing the receiver, the programming model for using the reliable queue service sometimes surprises developers, as it is slightly more complicated than for a basic queue:
Get the next available message from the queue
Process the message
Delete the message from the queue
The implementation first dequeues the message, and then later deletes the message. Why the two-phase removal? This is to ensure at-least-once processing.
Processing a command request involves getting a message from the queue, understanding the message contents, and carrying out the requested command accordingly. The details for this are specific to the application. If everything goes as planned, deleting the message from the queue is the last step. Only at that point is the command completely processed.
But everything does not always go as planned. For example, there might be a failure that is outside the control of your application code. These types of failures can happen for a number of reasons, but the easiest to understand is a hardware failure. If the hardware you are using fails out from under you, your process will be stopped, no matter where it is in its life cycle. Failure can occur if the cloud platform shuts down a running node because the auto-scaling logic decided it wasn’t needed. Or, your node may be rebooted.
Refer to Chapter 10, Node Failure Pattern for more scenarios that make use of this pattern to recover from interruptions.
Regardless of the reason for the failure, your processing has been interrupted and needs to recover. How does it do that?
When a message is dequeued, it is not removed entirely from the queue, but is instead hidden. The message is hidden for a specified amount of time (the duration is specified during the dequeue operation, and can be increased later). We call this period the invisibility window. When a message is within its invisibility window, it is not available for dequeuing.
The invisibility window comes into play only when processing takes longer than is allowed. The automatic reappearance of messages on the queue is one key to overcoming failures and is responsible for the at-least-once part of this at-least-once processing model. Any message not fully processed the first time it is dequeued will have another chance. The code keeps trying until processing completes (or we give up, as explained in the poison message handling section later).
Any message that is dequeued a second time may have been partially processed the first time. This can cause problems if not guarded against.
An idempotent operation is one that can be repeated such that any number of successful operations is indistinguishable from a single successful operation. For example, according to the HTTP specification, the HTTP verbs PUT, GET, and DELETE are all idempotent operations: we can DELETE a specific resource once or 100 times and the end result is equivalent; (assuming success) the resource is gone.
Some operations are considered naturally idempotent, such as HTTP DELETE, where idempotency essentially comes for free. A multistep financial transaction involving withdrawing money from one account and depositing it into another can be made to be idempotent, but it is definitely not naturally idempotent. Some cases are more difficult than others.
Cloud queue services keep track of how many times a message has been dequeued. Any time a message is dequeued, the queue service provides this value along with the message. We call this the dequeue count. The first time a message is dequeued, this value is one. By checking this value, application code can tell whether this is the first processing attempt or a repeat attempt.
Application logic can be streamlined for first-time processing, but for repeat attempts some additional logic may be needed to support idempotency.
Consider a command to create a new user account based on a user-provided email address and the message dequeue count is two. Proper processing needs to consider the possibility that some (or all) of the processing work has been done previously and so needs to act smartly. Exactly how to “act smartly” will vary from application to application.
Simpler scenarios may not require any specific idempotency support. Consider the sending of a confirmation email. Because failure events are rare, and there is little harm in the occasional duplicate email, just sending the email every time may be sufficient.
Idempotent handling is the correct first step in dealing with repeat messages. If the message repeats excessively, beyond an application-defined threshold, it should be treated as a poison message.
Some messages cannot be processed successfully due to the contents of the message. These are known as poison messages.
Consider a message containing a command to create a new user account based on a user-provided email address. If it turns out that the email address is already in use, your application should still process the message successfully, but not create a new user account. This is not a poison message.
But if the email address field contained a 10,000-character string and this is a scenario unanticipated in your application code, it may result in a crash. This is a poison message.
If our application crashes while processing a message, eventually its invisibility window will lapse, and the message will appear on the queue again for another attempt. The need for idempotent handling for that scenario is explained in the previous section. When dealing with a poison message, the idempotent handling will never terminate.
Two decisions need to be made around poison messages: how to detect one, and what to do with it.
As a message is dequeued, cloud queuing services offer a dequeue count that can be examined to determine if this is the first attempt at processing. This is the same value used for detecting repeats for purposes of idempotent handling. Your poison message detection logic must include a rule that considers any message that keeps reappearing to be treated as a poison message when it shows up the Nth time. Choosing a value for N is a business decision that balances the cost of wastefully processing a poison message with the risk of not processing a valid message. In practice, interruptions to execution tend to be infrequent, so take that into account when setting up your poison message strategy. If processing is resource intensive, perhaps taking 60 minutes, you may not want to retry any failed processes; so for N > 1, the message is treated as a poison message. It is common, however, to retry from once to a few times, depending on circumstances.
Correct poison message detection has some nuances. For example, having selected N=3 to trigger poison message handling, the application code needs to check for a dequeue count of at least 3, not exactly 3. A system interruption could have occurred during the time after detecting the dequeue count is 3, but before removing the message from the main queue.
Once a poison message has been identified, deciding how to deal with it is another business decision. If it is desirable to have a human review the poison messages to consider how to improve handling, then one approach is to use what is known as a dead letter queue, a place for storing messages that cannot be processed normally. Some queuing systems have built-in support for a dead letter queue, but it is not hard to roll your own. For low importance messages, you may even consider deleting them outright. The key point is to remove poison messages from the main processing queue as soon as the application detects them.
Unless we guard against the poison message scenario, a poison message will last a long time on our queue and waste processing resources. In extreme cases, with many active poison messages, all processing resources could end up dedicated to poison message processing!
A dequeue count greater than one does not necessarily mean a poison message is present. The value is a dequeue count, not a poison message count.
This pattern deals with asynchronous processing, repeated processing, and failed requests. All of these have user experience implications.
Handling asynchronous processing in a user interface can be tricky and application specific. We want the human-facing user interface to be responsive, so instead of performing lengthy work while the user waits, we queue up a command request for that work. This allows the user interface to return as soon as possible to the user (improving user experience) and allows the web server tier to remain focused on serving web pages (enhancing scalability).
The flip side here is that you now need your users to understand that even though the system has acknowledged their action (and a command posted), processing of that action was not immediately completed. There are a number of approaches to this.
In some cases, users cannot readily tell if the action completed, so special action is not required.
In cases where the user wants to be notified when their action will be completed, an email upon completion might do the trick. This is common in ecommerce scenarios where “your order has shipped” and other notifications of progress are common.
Sometimes users will prefer to wait around while a task completes. This requires either that the user interface layer polls the service tier until the task completes or the service tier proactively notifies the user interface layer. The proactive notification can be implemented using long polling. In long polling, the web client creates an HTTP connection to the server, but the server intentionally does not respond until it has an answer.
Ready-made implementations of the long polling (also known as Comet) technique are available. Examples include: SignalR for ASP.NET and Socket.IO for Node.js. These libraries will take advantage of HTML5 Web Sockets if available.
Using the long polling technique is different than having the original (time-consuming) action done “inline” from the web tier. Blocking at the web tier until the action is complete would hurt scalability. This approach still allows for the time-consuming work to be done in the service tier.
The queue length and the time messages spend in the queue are useful environmental signals for auto-scaling. The cloud queue services make these key metrics readily available. A growing queue may indicate the need to increase capacity in the service tier, for example. Note that the signals might indicate that only one tier or one specific processing service needs to be scaled. This concern-independent scaling helps to optimize for cost and efficiency.
At very high scale, the queue itself could become a bottleneck requiring multiple queue instances. This does not change the core pattern.
The Page of Photos (PoP) application (which was described in the Preface and will be used as an example throughout the book) uses Chapter 3 to handle ingestion of new photos into the system.
Two application tiers within PoP collaborate. The user interface on the web tier is responsible for facilitating photo uploads for logged-in users and enqueuing command messages. The service tier is responsible for dequeuing and processing command messages.
The PoP user interface running in the web tier consists of ASP.NET MVC code running on a variable number of web role instances. User authentication (logging in) is handled here, and authenticated users are allowed to upload photos.
The location of the photo being processed, a plain-text description of the photo, and the PoP user’s account identifier are stored in a message object, which is then enqueued. With PoP, the photo being processed is assumed to already have been uploaded to blob storage (using Chapter 13, Valet Key Pattern, when possible) and stored in Windows Azure Storage as a blob; only the reference to this blob (a URL) is stored in the message object that is enqueued. And while this particular process operates on an external resource (the photo stored as a blob), that does not imply that external resources are needed in order for this pattern to be of value. It is also common for all of the required data to be entirely contained within the message object.
Regardless of how many web role instances are running, they all submit their messages to the same Windows Azure Queue.
PoP uses the Windows Azure Storage Queue service, but Windows Azure also offers a ServiceBus Queue service. The two services share many characteristics and either is an excellent choice for PoP.
The same message queue is used by both sender and receiver:
Example message queue name:
Fields included in the message that goes in the queue are similar to the following:
Location of uploaded photo (in blob storage):
Authenticated account identifier from the emailaddress claim, as described in Chapter 15, Multisite Deployment Pattern:
: 0
Note that the image is not part of the message that goes on the queue, but rather a reference to the image. The practical reason for this is the queue does not allow messages to be larger than a certain size (64 KB as of this writing). The more philosophical reason is that blob storage is the “right” place to store uploaded images on Windows Azure.
PoP services are running on a variable number of worker role instances in the service tier. C# code in these services is written to constantly check the queue for new messages. Once a message becomes available on the queue, it is removed and processed.
There will be times when no messages are available on the queue. In such cases, any dequeue attempt returns immediately. It is important to avoid code hammering the queue service in a tight loop as every queue operation will cost a tiny amount of money. Be sure to add an appropriate delay.
Each message represents a new photo upload waiting to be
integrated with the rest of the PoP site. A few steps are involved: a
thumbnail is created, any geotagging data is extracted, and then user
account data is updated to include the new photo on their public page.
After each step, the message is updated back in blob storage with an
updated value for LastCompletedStep
PoP thumbnail creation is idempotent. This is important because if we are careless, we could end up with orphaned image files littering our blob storage account. To handle idempotent thumbnail creation, PoP chose to make the thumbnail filename deterministic by deriving it from the filename of the full-sized photo. All uploaded photos are issued a unique system-generated name such as william.jpg. The name of the thumbnail is derived from this by appending “_thumb” to the root filename resulting in william_thumb.jpg. This simple approach will ensure that we always end up with a single thumbnail in blob storage. Note that while the results are not identical to having successfully generated the thumbnail the first time through—the time stamp on the file will be different, for example—we can safely conclude that the results are equivalent.
PoP has a business rule that states any message coming from the popuploads queue with a dequeue count of 3 or more is considered poison. When a poison message is detected, PoP sends an email informing the user who submitted the photo that it has been rejected as invalid and has been deleted.
In order to process new photo uploads:
The photo is stored in a public blob container created for that purpose.
A message containing relevant data about the newly created photo is enqueued. This is done from the web tier (from a web role).
A worker role in the service tier monitors the queue for messages available for processing, processing them as available.
After the message processing has completed, the at-rest state of PoP includes:
Original photo is stored as a blob.
Generated thumbnail is stored as a blob.
Metadata about the photo is stored in a Windows Azure SQL Database (discussed in Chapter 7, Database Sharding Pattern).
This pattern is for decoupling tiers of your application, especially between the web (user interface) tier and a service tier that does business processing. It is not useful for routine, read-only page requests. Communication is in one direction, from the web tier to the service tier, and is handled by adding messages onto a queue. Reliable cloud queue services simplify implementation. A decoupled web tier can be more responsive and reliable, providing a better user experience. Concern-independent scaling also allows each tier to be provisioned with the ideal level of resources for that tier.