List of Figures and Tables
Linda R. Manzanilla
1 Introduction: Storage as an Analytical Marker to Study Cultural Evolution
Mitchell S Rothman
2 Verifying the Role of Storage: Examples from Prehistoric Ancient Mesopotamia
Mitchell S Rothman and Enrica Fiandra
3 On Some Possible Implications of a Newly Discovered Early Bronze Age, Large-Scale Silo Complex at Amaziya, Nahal Lachish (Israel)
Ianir Milevski, Eliot Braun, Daniel Varga, and Yigal Israel
4 Grain, Storage, and State Making in Mesopotamia (3200–2000 BC)
Tate Paulette
5 New World Bureaucracy at 1500 BC: Evidence from the Casma Valley of Peru
Thomas Pozorski and Shelia Pozorski
6 Storerooms, Tokens, and Administrative Devices: An Andean Case Study
John R. Topic
7 Inka Storage Systems in the Imperial Heartland (Cuzco, Peru): Risk Management, Economic Growth, and Political Economy
R. Alan Covey, Kylie E. Quave, and Catherine E. Covey
8 Storehouse of Seasons and Mother of Food: An Andean Ritual-Administrative System
Frank Salomon, Gino de las Casas, and Víctor Falcón-Huayta
9 Craft Activity and Administrative Devices at Teotihuacan, Central Mexico
Linda R. Manzanilla
10 Storage at Xochicalco, Morelos, Mexico
Silvia Garza-Tarazona, Claudia Alvarado-León, Norberto González-Crespo., and Beatriz Palavicini-Beltrán
11 Storage, Tribute, and Political Administration among the Lowland Maya
Michael P. Smyth
12 Storage Places in the Maya Area
Cristina Vidal-Lorenzo, Maria Luisa Vázquez-de-Ágredos-Pascual, and Gaspar Muñoz-Cosme
13 Storage and Administration in the Aztec Empire
José Luis de Rojas
14 Final Thoughts
Mitchell S Rothman and Linda R. Manzanilla