
Steep cliffs hem in the shores of Rainy Lake (Hike 4).


This book would not have been possible without the tireless support of our families, our friends, and the community. Our friends and family have tolerated years of us gallivanting off on yet another extended backpack into the Alpine Lakes Wilderness and listening to us talk incessantly about this book. The journey of writing this book has been so long that, along the way, we both got married and a child was born. That little girl, who has never known a day when her father wasn’t working on this guidebook, will be four by the time this book hits the shelves.

We cannot thank everyone enough for the love and support that made this effort possible, but we would like to thank a few folks who went above and beyond: Alysha Yagoda for her invaluable editing skills, Meg Manthos for her tireless cheerleading, Hillary Witte for her tolerance of our endless talking, Kolbe Kegel for his willingness to repeatedly accompany us on backpacking trips for this guide, and Myrna Barnes, Nathan’s daughter, who grudgingly forgave Daddy for being gone so often.

And finally, to our mother, Diane Barnes: thank you for setting us down this trail.