Chapter 10: Fast feet running drill

This exercise is a great way to fire up the glutes before running and to also practice increased stride rate or turnover. Another way of using this drill is to get the feel for joint stiffness in faster running. When you do this drill it’s with the extension chain well locked- it should feel quite springy as you contact the ground.

Caution: avoid this drill if you’re sore through the lower legs and feet or have a hamstring injury.

Coordination and running. This is not an exact mimic of the running movement pattern so the idea here is stimulation and strengthening. As the legs are held relatively straight and stiff in this drill, the hamstrings, glutes, quads, lower legs and feet all have to work hard. The tempo is fast and the movements quite bouncy and dynamic. Beginners should approach this exercise with caution.

How to:
1. Set-up with a nice upright posture hips forward and glutes engaged.
2. This is very much a scissoring action driven from the hips.
3. Drive one leg down while holding it relatively straight and stiff.
4. As the support legs drives down the other leg is driven up also held stiff and straight.

Tip: You will need to stiffen the forefoot somewhat and whole supporting leg as you contact the ground to pop forwards.

Do: Two sets of 10-15 meters.

Tip: Make sure your initiate the movement from the hips - use the glutes to drive the leg down towards the ground.
