Abelard, Peter, 91

Alexander, Bobby, 10

ancestor worship, 11617

Anselm, 9091

Aquinas, Thomas, 55

Asian American Church: as liminal

space and communitas, 12326

prophetic function of 13235

as refuge, 12728

and women, 13841

assimilation: cultural and structural, 29

of non-white immigrants, 30

atonement: and healing, 9496

theories of, 8991

Augustine of Hippo, 132

Barth, Karl, 91

beatific vision, 176

Bhabha, Homi, 11012

Bridges, William, 8

Brock, Nakashima Rita, 24, 9596, 11819

Brueggemann, Walter, 37

Calvin, John, 104, 131, 164

Camus, Albert, 158, 178

Capernaum, 39, 4546, 68

Carson, Timothy L., 129

Cha, Peter, 28, 39, 134, 138

Cha, Teresa Hak Kyung, 22, 139

Chow, Esther Ngan-Ling, 25

Christ, Carol, 2329, 139

Church of All Nations (Minneapolis), 138, 143, 167, 169

Cobb, Jr., John B., 156

Cohn, Robert L., 37

communitas, 89

church as, 12438

as Holy Spirit 55, 59

ideological, 124

normative, 124

and reconciliation, 16671

“spontaneous or existential,” 124

Cone, James, 16164

Constantinople, Council of, 141

Crites, Stephen, 11920

de Gruchy, John, 162

Dickie-Clark, H. F., 3

Doi, Joanne, 17071

Dulles, Avery, 12526

Edwards, Jonathan, 5255, 98, 163, 17374

Elliott-Binns, L. E., 44

Executive Order 9066, 169

family of God, 7476, 123, 147

Farley, Edward, 145

Farley, Wendy, 94

Feagan, Joe, 1718

Freyne, Sean, 3940, 43

Galilee: as liminal place, 4347

as marginalized place, 4749

as primary place of Jesus’ ministry, 3843

Gibbons, David, 134, 13637, 147

God: dispositional essence of, 52

as distinguished from the world, 53

fullness of, 52

immutability and simplicity of, 55

internal actuality of, 53

and liminal and marginalized people, 3537

liminality of, 5459

repetition ad extra of internal actuality of, 53

Gregory of Nazianzus, 61

Hall, Stuart, 109

han, 94

Hennessy, Anne, 44

Herzog, William, 78

Holy Spirit: as communitas

between the Father and the Son, 55, 61, 71

hooks, bell, 5

Horsley, Richard A. 38, 4243, 4445

Hurh, Won Moo, 14, 26, 30

hybridity, 11012

identity: of Asian Americans, 11217

and faith, 11719

and narrative, 11922

immanent Trinity, 59

interstitial integrity, 11819

interstitiality, 2425

“isolated discrimination,” 16

issei, 170

Jesus Christ: and communitas with others, 7076

death of, 7983

exaltation of, 8687

infinite liminality of, 8083, 9799

and leaving home, 6466

resistance against the oppressors by, 7679

resurrection of, 8386

women in the ministry of, 67, 83, 13941

jeung, 92, 95

Jeung, Russell, 137

Joh, Wonhee Anne, 81, 92, 9596

Kasper, Walter, 85, 87

Kierkegaard, Søren, 100

Kim, Ai Ra, 27

Kim, Elaine H., 15, 22

Kim, Jin S., 143, 167, 169

Kim, Jung Ha, 138

Kim, Kwang Chung, 14, 26

Korean immigrant church, 2628, 12728, 133, 142

Kraemer, Ross, 67

Lee, Inn Sook, 25, 137

Lightfoot, R. H., 38

liminality, 411

of Asian American women, 2225

of Asian Americans, 15

in condition of marginalization, 3133

creative potentials of, 711

as distinguished from marginality, 5

of Galilee and Galileans, 4347

and identity, 11718

and the incarnation, 5961

of Jesus on the cross, 8083

and reconciliation, 16471

subjective and objective, 64

Lohmeyer, Ernst, 38

Lord’s Supper: and liminality, 12930

Lowe, Lisa, 149

Malina, Bruce, 77

marginality, 25

and liminality, 5

marginalization, 45

of Asian American women, 2228

of Asian Americans, 1121

of Galileans, 4749

Mary and Martha in Bethany, 67, 69, 82

Mary Magdalene, 67, 72, 77, 83, 139, 140

Matsuoka, Fumitaka, 108, 118, 14546, 161

May, Grace, 28, 138

McGrath, Alister, 144

Meier, John P., 72

mental health of Asian Americans, 13

Migliore, Daniel, 90

Min, Anselm Kyungsuk, 15354

model minority: critique of, 14

Moltmann, Jürgen, 81, 84

Moore, Robert L, 129

Moxnes, Halvor, 6567, 75

New Song Community Church (Los Angeles), 147

Nicaea, Council of, 141

Niebuhr, H. Richard, 150

nisei, 170

Oak Park Ministries, 137

Okihiro, Gary Y., 15, 114

original kenosis, 56

Park, Andrew Sung, 94, 96, 1023, 107

Park, Robert E., 2

Phan, Peter C., 34

racial microaggression, 1820

Reist, Benjamin, 177

Rohr, Richard, 135

Rohrbaugh, Richard, 77

Schrag, Paul, 110, 119

Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth, 141

Scott, James C., 49, 139

Stonequist, Everett, 2

Susanna, 77

Syro-Phoencian woman, 140

Takaki, Ronald, 30

Taylor, Mark Lewis, 145, 152

Third Space, 11112

Tillich, Paul, 106

Turek, Margaret, 57

Turner, Victor, 56, 910, 58, 65, 70, 74, 12427, 153

Volf, Miroslav, 15859; 16266

von Balthasar, Hans Urs, 5559

von Gennep, Arnold, 5

Washburn, Penelope, 23

Wells, Harold, 104

Williams, Daniel Day, 92

Woo, Wesley, 15

worship and liminality, 12829

Yamato, Gloria, 2021

Zacchaeus, 6971, 82