Abelard, Peter, 91
Alexander, Bobby, 10
Aquinas, Thomas, 55
Asian American Church: as liminal
assimilation: cultural and structural, 29
of non-white immigrants, 30
Augustine of Hippo, 132
Barth, Karl, 91
beatific vision, 176
Bridges, William, 8
Brock, Nakashima Rita, 24, 95–96, 118–19
Brueggemann, Walter, 37
Carson, Timothy L., 129
Cha, Teresa Hak Kyung, 22, 139
Chow, Esther Ngan-Ling, 25
Church of All Nations (Minneapolis), 138, 143, 167, 169
Cobb, Jr., John B., 156
Cohn, Robert L., 37
ideological, 124
normative, 124
“spontaneous or existential,” 124
Constantinople, Council of, 141
de Gruchy, John, 162
Dickie-Clark, H. F., 3
Edwards, Jonathan, 52–55, 98, 163, 173–74
Elliott-Binns, L. E., 44
Executive Order 9066, 169
family of God, 74–76, 123, 147
Farley, Edward, 145
Farley, Wendy, 94
Galilee: as liminal place, 43–47
as primary place of Jesus’ ministry, 38–43
Gibbons, David, 134, 136–37, 147
God: dispositional essence of, 52
as distinguished from the world, 53
fullness of, 52
immutability and simplicity of, 55
internal actuality of, 53
and liminal and marginalized people, 35–37
repetition ad extra of internal actuality of, 53
Gregory of Nazianzus, 61
Hall, Stuart, 109
han, 94
Hennessy, Anne, 44
Herzog, William, 78
Holy Spirit: as communitas
between the Father and the Son, 55, 61, 71
hooks, bell, 5
Horsley, Richard A. 38, 42–43, 44–45
identity: of Asian Americans, 112–17
immanent Trinity, 59
interstitial integrity, 118–19
“isolated discrimination,” 16
issei, 170
Jesus Christ: and communitas with others, 70–76
infinite liminality of, 80–83, 97–99
resistance against the oppressors by, 76–79
women in the ministry of, 67, 83, 139–41
Jeung, Russell, 137
Joh, Wonhee Anne, 81, 92, 95–96
Kierkegaard, Søren, 100
Kim, Ai Ra, 27
Kim, Jung Ha, 138
Korean immigrant church, 26–28, 127–28, 133, 142
Kraemer, Ross, 67
Lightfoot, R. H., 38
of Asian American women, 22–25
in condition of marginalization, 31–33
as distinguished from marginality, 5
of Galilee and Galileans, 43–47
subjective and objective, 64
Lohmeyer, Ernst, 38
Lord’s Supper: and liminality, 129–30
Lowe, Lisa, 149
Malina, Bruce, 77
and liminality, 5
of Asian American women, 22–28
Mary and Martha in Bethany, 67, 69, 82
Mary Magdalene, 67, 72, 77, 83, 139, 140
Matsuoka, Fumitaka, 108, 118, 145–46, 161
McGrath, Alister, 144
Meier, John P., 72
mental health of Asian Americans, 13
Migliore, Daniel, 90
model minority: critique of, 14
Moore, Robert L, 129
New Song Community Church (Los Angeles), 147
Nicaea, Council of, 141
Niebuhr, H. Richard, 150
nisei, 170
Oak Park Ministries, 137
original kenosis, 56
Park, Andrew Sung, 94, 96, 102–3, 107
Park, Robert E., 2
Reist, Benjamin, 177
Rohr, Richard, 135
Rohrbaugh, Richard, 77
Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth, 141
Stonequist, Everett, 2
Susanna, 77
Syro-Phoencian woman, 140
Takaki, Ronald, 30
Tillich, Paul, 106
Turek, Margaret, 57
Turner, Victor, 5–6, 9–10, 58, 65, 70, 74, 124–27, 153
Volf, Miroslav, 158–59; 162–66
von Balthasar, Hans Urs, 55–59
von Gennep, Arnold, 5
Washburn, Penelope, 23
Wells, Harold, 104
Williams, Daniel Day, 92
Woo, Wesley, 15