

Chapter 1. The Context of Asian American Theology

Two Dimensions of the Asian American Experience

Liminality and Its Creative Possibilities

The Marginalization of Asian Americans

The Dual Liminality and Marginalization of Asian American Women

The Strangers from a Different Shore

Liminality in the Condition of Marginalization

Chapter 2. God’s Strategic Alliance with the Liminal and Marginalized

Galilee as the Place of Jesus’ Ministry and Galileans as His First Followers

The Liminality of Galilee and Galileans

The Marginalization of Galilee and Galileans

Chapter 3. God and Liminality

God’s End in Creation

Liminality in God

The Incarnation and Liminality

Chapter 4. The Way of the Liminal Jesus as the Christ

Leaving Home: Jesus’ Appropriation of Liminality

Jesus’ Exercise of the Creative Potentials of His Liminality

The Death of Jesus Christ

The Resurrection of the Crucified Jesus

The Exaltation of Jesus Christ

Chapter 5. Redemption in Asian American Context

The Meaning of Atonement

Believers’ Response to and Participation in Atonement

Justification of the Marginalized


Chapter 6. Asian American Identity and the Christian Faith

Asian American Identity in a Postmodern and Postcolonial Context

Working on Asian American Identity

Faith and Identity

Identity and Narrative

Chapter 7. Asian American Church

Church as Communitas and Structure

Asian American Church as Refuge and Liminal Space

The Prophetic Ministry of Asian American Churches

Women and the Asian American Church

Marks of the Church

Chapter 8. The New Liminality and Asian American Discipleship

Openness to the New

Communitas with Others

Resistance and the “Happiness That Forgets Nothing”

Chapter 9. Liminality and Reconciliation

The Task of Reconciliation

The Role of Liminality in Reconciliation

Chapter 10. A New Heaven and a New Earth


