PART ONE: The Race for Secrets
2 ‘The Germans have set up a giant grill’
PART TWO: The Race for Supremacy
5 ‘We’ve not got the right Germans’
7 ‘Get dressed. You have one hour’
8 ‘Did you understand about the warrant?’
10 ‘Close to the greatest dream of mankind’
12 ‘America sleeps under a Soviet moon’
13 ‘We really are in a great hurry’
15 ‘Which one should be sent to die?’
PART FIVE: The Race for the Moon
16 ‘The Soviets are so far ahead’
17 ‘Friends, before us is the moon’
18 ‘I just need another ten years’
20 ‘How can we get out of this mess?’
The Canvas Emerging Louise Tucker talks to Deborah Cadbury
Making Space Race by Deborah Cadbury