Abel, Rudolf, 515
Abilene (Kans.), 17–18, 23, 487, 566
ABM, 470
Acheson, Dean, 277
Adams, Frank, 247
Adams, Henry, 215
Adams, John Quincy, 387
Adams, Sherman, 275, 276, 278, 282, 283, 284, 289, 364, 365, 399, 400, 425, 432, 433, 456, 473
crisis of, 463–65
importance of, 396–97
resignation of, 471–72
Adenauer, Konrad, 257, 490, 491, 507, 531
and unification, 485–86
Adler (West Point cadet corporal), 26
AEC (Atomic Energy Commission), 346, 410, 453, 470, 471, 477, 498, 502, 505, 517, 518, 547
nuclear arsenal of, 478
and Oppenheimer case, 339, 341, 352, 353, 355
AEF (Allied Expeditionary Force), 168
and Battle of the Bulge, 172, 175
and Berlin, race for, 189, 192–195
and German surrender, 158, 198
overruns France, 153–54
Supreme Commander, 116, 135–136, 164
AFHQ (Allied Force Headquarters), 76–77, 78, 89, 90, 92, 117, 123
AFL, 291
AFL-CIO, 386
See also North Africa
Afrika Korps, and Tunisian campaign, 91–97
Air Force (U.S.), 242, 248, 296, 321, 322, 358, 369, 374, 375, 376, 378, 410, 453, 494, 495, 501, 502
Ajax plan, 332–33
Akin, Spencer, 71
Alabama, 408
Alexander, Harold, 89, 90, 95, 96, 117, 154, 158, 179
Algeria, 86, 93, 118, 437, 438, 490, 512
Allen, George, 239, 245, 259, 274, 394, 395, 396, 400, 401, 423
Allen, Robert S., 57
Allied Control Council, 217
Allied Expeditionary Force. See AEF
Allied Force Headquarters. See AFHQ
America. See United States
American Automobile Association, 387
American Battle Monuments Commission, 567
American Medical Association, 346
American oil giants, 333
American Public Golf Association, 316
Americans, 89, 118, 129, 130, 131, 154, 163, 207
and anti-Soviet alliance, 197
and Battle of the Bulge, 173–80
and Berlin, race for, 192, 196
and Falaise pocket, 153
occupation rights of, 310
occupying Germany, 201
paratroopers, 134
replacements, 171
and South Korea, 330
and Tunisian campaign, 91–97
in World War II, 78
See also GIs; United States
American Society of Newspaper Editors, 324
American zone, of Germany, 214, 215
Amman, Pact of, 423
Anderson, Sir Kenneth, 77
Anderson, Robert, 265, 466, 501, 516, 523, 533
Anglo-Persian Oil Company, 332
Antwerp (Belgium), 159, 164, 166, 167, 168, 172, 203
Arabs, 84, 415, 421, 422, 427, 428, 466, 467, 545, 547
Arab Union, 465
Arbenz government (Guatemala), 474
Arcadia conference, 67
Ardennes counteroffensive, of Germans, 170–73, 202, 421, 563
Ardennes invasion route, 154–55, 157
Arizona, 444
Arkansas National Guard, 446, 447, 448
Army (U.S.), 41, 45, 56, 59, 61, 74, 76, 201, 202, 203, 233, 235, 242, 261, 387, 410, 450, 487, 542, 568
budget cuts for, 375
bureaucracy in, 241
as career, 53–54
cliques in, 44
desegregation in, 419
history of, 42–43
and Inauguration Day, 539
in Korea, 331
and Little Rock, 446, 447, 448
and Louisiana maneuvers, 57
and Joseph McCarthy, 348–51, 364
vs. Marine Corps, 223
morale in, 55
personnel cuts in, 440
and politics, 47
ranks in, 91
reserves, 461
segregation in, 335
strength of, 219
in Tunisian campaign, 96
See also C&GS; Regular Army
Army-McCarthy hearings, 349, 353, 355, 356, 366
Army of the Republic of Korea. See ROK
Army War College, 43
Arnhem (Netherlands), 163, 164, 168
Arnold, Benedict, 23
Arnold, Henry, 70, 121, 142, 186, 209, 211
Arrowsmith, Marvin, 500
Asia, 44, 60, 67, 95, 274, 294, 324, 358, 379, 474
See also Central Asia; Southeast Asia
Aswan Dam, 415–16
At Ease: Stories I Tell Friends (Dwight Eisenhower), 197, 552
Atkins (cadet plebe), 26
Atlas (ICBM project), 410, 501, 538
Atomic Energy Commission. See AEC
“Atomic Weapons and American Policy” (Oppenheimer), 338
Atoms for Peace plan, 342–45, 356, 543
Australia, 61, 67, 361, 368, 371, 429, 560
peace treaty, 325, 342, 386, 492
Austrian Alps, 189
B-52 bomber, 451, 453, 459, 460, 461, 502
Bartlett, Charles, 524
Bastogne (Belgium), battle for, 172, 173, 175, 176
Batista, Fulgencio, 475, 498, 517, 539
Battle of the Bulge, 170, 171–80, 203, 331, 563, 570
Battle of Cambrai, 33
Battle of Waterloo, 111
Bay of Pigs fiasco, 552–54
Bear bombers, 461
Belgium, 127, 153, 155, 164, 172, 250, 258
Ben-Gurion, David, 421, 423, 424, 425, 431, 433
Benson, Ezra Taft, 290
Berlin, 154, 157, 158, 163, 165, 203, 218, 270, 492, 504, 523, 530, 553
crisis in, 481–82, 484, 485, 487, 494, 497, 548
race for, 182, 189, 192–97, 218, 269
Russian blockade of, 223
surrender signing proposed for, 201
zones of, 217
See also West Berlin
Bess, Demaree, 106
Bethe, Hans, 458
Bikini Island, 353
Bison bombers, 461
Bissell, Richard, 378, 499, 500, 506, 507, 516, 517, 533, 534, 538, 552
Bitter Woods, The (John Eisenhower), 570
Blacks. See Negroes
Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities, 506
Boeing (company), 482
Bohemian Grove (Calif.), 248
Bonn (West Germany), 491
Borden, William, 340–41
Borman, Frank, 554
Bradley, Omar, 117, 129, 130, 133, 137, 151, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 167, 181, 182, 186, 187, 195, 205, 207, 237, 291, 294, 302, 507
and atomic weapons, 303
and Battle of the Bulge, 172–80
and Berlin, race for, 196
and Korea, 313
and last campaign of war, 188, 192–94
letter to, 54
on Montgomery, 132
in Normandy, 146, 148, 149, 150
and paratroopers, 135
and Remagen bridgehead, 185
and replacements, 171
and Vietnam, 562
Bravo nuclear blast, 353–56
Brazil, 222
Bridges, Styles, 330, 397, 500
Briggs, Ruth, 77–78
British, 23, 52, 66, 99, 118, 140, 158, 163, 169, 206, 207, 250, 258, 310, 326, 362, 433, 491, 495, 509, 559
and air forces, 121
and Antwerp opening, 167
and Arcadia conference, 67
in Asia, 60
and Battle of the Bulge, 173, 174, 180
at Battle of Cambrai, 33
and Berlin, race for, 189, 192–96
bombing of, 342
at Casablanca conference, 89, 90
and EDC, 370
and Elbe River, 322–23
and Falaise pocket, 153
Foreign Office, 85
and Gibraltar, Rock of, 81
and Greece, 227
high command, 69–70
House of Commons, 427
and Italy, invasion of, 108–10
Labour Party, 255
and Middle East, 416, 420–22, 424–26, 428–32, 434, 459, 466–69, 545
and military zones in Germany, 122
and nuclear test ban, 457, 458
oil executives, 333
and Open Skies, 392
and Overlord, 115, 117, 123, 130, 131
relations with, 72–75
and Rhineland campaign, 184
and Roundup, 68
and Sicily, invasion of, 104
system of command, 90–91
and Tunisian campaign, 95–97
See also England; RAF Bomber Command; United Kingdom
British Secret Service, 332
Brooke, Alan, 75, 90, 98, 99, 115, 123, 156, 157, 158, 168, 183, 185, 188, 197, 204
and Battle of the Bulge, 174, 176
and Berlin, race for, 182, 193
diary of, 133–34
in Normandy, 145, 147, 149, 151
personality of, 69
Brooks, Cecil, 29
Brown, Rusty, 560
Brownell, Herbert, 261, 266, 273, 294, 337, 349, 395, 569
as attorney general, 289
and civil rights, 405–6, 408–9, 414–15, 440
and executive privilege, 365
and Little Rock crisis, 446–48
and Joseph McCarthy crisis, 351
and school segregation cases, 335, 341–42, 367
Brown v. Topeka, 342, 367, 368, 405, 406, 407, 419, 443, 444, 542, 552
Broz, Josip. See Tito, Marshal
Bruce, Robert, 68
Buckley, William, 489
Bulganin, Nikolai, 386, 390, 391, 392, 393, 430, 431, 433, 434, 457
Bulgaria, 154
Bulge. See Battle of the Bulge
Bull, Harold (“Pinky”), 156, 176, 185, 199
Bullis, Harry, 317
Bullitt, William C., 225–26
Burd, Laurence, 504–5
Burma, 361
Burns, Robert, 68
Burpee, W. Atlee, 222
Butcher, Harry, 79, 88, 99, 102, 104, 107, 109, 112, 117, 121, 140, 141, 144, 150, 151, 152, 200, 206, 207, 208
background of, 71
and D-Day, 128
on Patton, 132
Butchers, the, 99
Byrnes, Jimmy, 443
Cabinet, 313, 319, 333, 347, 349, 358, 372, 408, 410, 440, 459, 484, 485
luncheon for, 540
meetings of, 312, 318, 329, 365, 396, 399, 444, 453, 505–6, 514
members of, 375
posts in, 400
selections of, 288–91
Caen (France), battle for, 145–47, 161, 203
California, 271, 417, 474, 528
Callaway, Cason, 221
Cambrai, Battle of, 33
Camp David, 314
Camp Meade (Md.), 32–33
Canadians, 130, 141, 148, 150, 151, 164, 166, 167, 432, 559
Canal Zone. See Panama Canal Zone
Cannon, Craig, 258
Caracas Declaration of 1954, 498
Castle series, of nuclear blasts, 353–355, 410
Castro, Fidel, 497, 525, 539, 544, 545, 553
assassination attempts against, 499, 538
danger of, 516
refugees from, 498–99
revolt led by, 474–75
and State Department, 533
Castro, Raul, 499
Catton, Bruce, 317
CCS (Combined Chiefs of Staff), 86–87, 89, 91, 98, 109, 113, 121, 124, 127, 142, 145, 167, 179, 185, 195, 200
Central Asia, 504
Central High School, in Little Rock, 446–48
C&GS (Command and General Staff School), 41–42
Chair of Competitive Enterprise, at Teachers College, 242
Chamoun (President of Lebanon), 466, 467, 468 “Chance for Peace” speech, 324–26, 329
Chase National Bank, 316
Chiang Kai-shek, 303, 329, 373–74, 375, 380, 381, 384
Air Force, 380–81
See also CCS; JCS
atomic strike proposed against, 371, 374, 377, 379–80, 382, 383
divided, 385
islands near, 381
loss of, 269, 270, 283, 358, 427
and State Department, 307
See also Nationalist China; Red China China Lobby, 385
ChiNats (Chinese Nationalists), 380–381, 382
and American fliers, 374–75, 379
civil war, 373
and Formosa, 374
intelligence analysts, 384
in Korea, 251, 295, 302–3, 324, 327–29
vs. Russians, 383
See also ChiComs; ChiNats
Chinese Nationalists. See ChiNats
Christmas Island, 471
Church, Frank, 442
Churchill, Winston, 70, 74–75, 107, 111, 117, 125, 127, 132, 133, 142, 150, 151, 188, 240, 242, 246, 258, 280, 370, 425–26, 570
and Berlin, race for, 189, 194–95, 196
at Casablanca conference, 89, 90
celebrations after German surrender, 206, 207
and Darlan Deal, 85
and D-Day, 124
doubts of, 134
and German surrender, 197, 205
and Montgomery ego, 161
and North Africa, 76
and Overlord, 126
power, holding onto, 394
relations with, 123
talkativeness of, 98–99
and Teheran conference, 113
and World War II, 66
CIA, 323, 365, 378, 382, 390, 421, 493, 497
assassination attempts of, 499
and Diem affair, 556
“Estimate of the World Situation,” 461
and Khrushchev Twentieth Party Congress speech, 415
main functions of, 377
National Intelligence Estimate, 498
and Soviet strength, 470
Citizens Committee for Peace with Freedom in Vietnam, 562
Citizens for Eisenhower, 259, 260, 261, 263, 264
Citizenship Education Project, at Teachers College, 242
Civil Rights Commission (U.S.), 445
Civil Rights Division (Justice Department), 445
Civil War, 33, 39, 63, 113, 572
Clark, Mark, 70, 77, 83, 108, 109, 110, 117, 295, 302, 303
Clark, Robert, 451
Clausewitz, Karl von, 40
Clay, Henry, 387
Clay, Lucius, 211, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 388
Clemenceau, Georges, 362
Clifford, Clark, 539
Clinton (Tenn.), 417
Cochran, Jacqueline, 264, 265, 267, 551, 556
Cold War, 287, 332, 340, 377, 397, 475, 482, 497, 498, 505, 541, 543
and anti-Soviet group in State Department, 225–26
battleground of, 436
and Eisenhower’s Farewell Address, 536
and Geneva Summit, 393–94
and Khrushchev visit, 489
oddities of, 484
and Soviet aggression, 232–33
and U-2 crisis, 515
Columbia Law School, 337
Columbia University, 234–35, 240–242, 245, 249, 309, 473
Combined Chiefs of Staff. See CCS
Command and General Staff School. See C&GS
Commission on National Goals (U.S.), 539
Communists, 46, 295, 297, 309, 318, 329, 333, 343, 512, 546
in Central Europe, 543
and CIA, 377
crusade against, by Joseph McCarthy, 306–7, 309, 316–18, 348–49
in Eastern Europe, 273, 423, 543
at Geneva Conference, 368
international, 392
in Korea, 294, 302, 303, 313, 324, 327, 328, 330, 357
at Panmunjom, 328
in Southeast Asia, 360, 370–71
in Soviet Union, 344, 391, 415, 484
in State Department, 307
in U.S., 408
in Vietnam, 541, 544, 557, 561, 563
in Western Hemisphere, 554
Conference on the Discontinuance of Nuclear Weapons Tests, 475
Congo, the, 523
Congress (U.S.), 207, 264, 291, 305, 306, 310, 320, 323, 333, 337, 340, 346, 359, 376, 385, 397, 427, 446, 452, 454, 473, 522, 535, 537, 557
and civil rights, 408, 415, 440
committees of, 219–20, 349, 463
control of, 260, 286, 375, 379, 432, 448, 464, 471, 474
and defense spending, 453
and education, 417
and executive privilege, 364, 365
and foreign aid, 438
and Formosa, 381
and “highway lobby,” 387
and housing, 479
and Indochina, 360
and JCS, 243
and minimum wage, 386
and National Defense Act, 242
and national mood, 482
and North Vietnam, 562
partisan excess in, 546
and Pescadores, 381
and Philippines, 48
relations with, 347
and road building, 388
and Soviet aggression, 431
and unemployment compensation, 386
and war, declaration of, 356–57, 382
See also House; Senate
Conner, Fox, 41, 42, 44, 63, 552
background of, 37
supportive role of, 39–40
Conner, Virginia, 37, 38, 39, 40
Constitution (U.S.), 297, 335, 368, 419, 442, 443, 483
Copley Press, 361
Corsica, 97
Cousins, Norman, 535–36
Crawford, Ken, 306
Cromwell, Oliver, 75
Crusade in Europe (Dwight Eisenhower), 197, 237, 238, 281, 535, 551–52
Cuba, 470, 497, 523, 525, 530, 541, 545, 547, 551
Communists in, 475, 516, 541, 544
refugees from, 498–500, 516–17, 532–34, 538–39
revolt in, 474–75
See also Bay of Pigs fiasco
Cunningham, Sir Andrew B., 75, 77, 89, 90, 103, 104, 108, 110, 114, 123
Custer, George, 23
Cutler, Robert, 311, 341, 351, 362, 363, 369, 461, 466, 467, 475
Dante, 153
Darlan, Jean, deal with, 83–86, 107, 118, 253
Dartmouth speech, 317–18
Davies, John Paton, 307
Davies, Joseph, 236
Davis, T. J., 46
letdown after, 144
news on, 139–41
objectives on, 141–42
paratroopers on, 203
participation in, 572
preparations for, 122–30, 132–35
“D-Day Plus 20” (TV special), 129
Declaration of Independence, 547
de Gaulle, Charles, 135, 140, 142, 242, 246, 280, 491, 504, 505, 507, 512, 531, 570
“love fest” with, 121–22
and morale, 490–91
and U-2 crisis, 513–14
de Guingand, Freddie, 155, 157–58, 167, 177–78, 179
Democrats, 214, 215, 231, 251, 264, 276, 297, 298, 306, 315, 318, 331, 442, 451, 457, 463, 480, 497, 505, 519, 522, 525, 545, 573
assaults on, 284, 413, 414, 464
campaigning of, 473
candidates, 500, 501, 520, 564
charges of, 503
and China, 270
and civil rights, 336
and Congress, 365, 375, 379, 420, 432, 464, 471, 474
convention, 274
defeat for, 286
and desegregation, 419
for Eisenhower, 521
and ethnic vote, 273
and FDR, 310
and FEPC, 336
on Inauguration Day, 540
infamies of, 269
left wing, 542
and missile gap, 410
and national defense, 312, 376, 468, 469–70, 482
in power, 311
presidential nomination of, 204, 228, 239, 259–60
and press corps, 305
rallying cry of, 450
senators, 523
southern, 449
split among, 336
and urban renewal, 479
in Wisconsin, 283
See also Fair Deal; Great Society; New Deal; New Frontier
“Democrats for Eisenhower,” 290
Dempsey, Miles, 149
Department of Agriculture (U.S.), 290
Department of Defense. See DOD Department of Space, 463
Devers, Jacob, 176
Dewey, John, 316
Dewey, Thomas, 235, 246, 260, 261, 262, 266, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 399
as broker, 279
as contender for Republican nomination, 230–31
influence of, 289
meeting with, 247
as Republican nominee for Presidency, 239
upset by Truman, 240
Dien Bien Phu (Vietnam), 359–64, 368, 371, 376, 379, 548, 552
Dillon, Douglas, 359, 360, 488, 532–533
District of Columbia, 336
Divine, Robert, 385
DOD (Department of Defense) (U.S.), 242, 378, 459, 460, 463, 470, 477, 478, 479, 483, 494, 495, 498, 515, 517, 518, 523, 575
Doubleday (company), 236, 535, 552
Doud, Mary Geneva (Mamie). See Eisenhower, Mamie
Doud, Mr. (Mamie Eisenhower’s father), 30
Doud, Mrs. (Mamie Eisenhower’s mother), 42, 313
Douds, the, 58
Dry, Sergeant (Eisenhower’s driver), 168, 258, 287, 487, 535
Dulles, Allen, 341, 424, 467, 512
and Cuban refugees, 516, 517, 532, 533
and Dien Bien Phu, 359
and Hungarian withdrawal, 426
and Khrushchev Twentieth Party Congress speech, 415
on missile race, 523
at NSC meeting, 428
and U-2 flights, 378, 434, 473, 499
Dulles, Foster Rhea, 316
Dulles, John Foster, 266, 273, 290, 309, 323, 332, 333, 334, 337, 357, 359, 360, 361, 368, 370, 374, 391, 395, 396, 397, 425, 434, 440, 466, 467, 474, 475, 483, 496
and ABM tests, 470
and atomic weapons, 303, 382, 383
cancer operation for, 430
on Chinese intervention in Vietnam, 369
and Communists, 329
death of, 486–87
and defense budget cuts, 312–13
and defense spending, 460–61
and Eastern Europe, 275–76, 415, 428, 435
on Eisenhower as world leader, 403
European tour of, 301–2
and Formosa Straits crisis, 381
and Hungarians, 428
and Korean armistice, 324
and massive retaliation, 356
and Middle East, 421, 423–24, 426, 428, 429, 433
and NATO, 372
and Nehru talks, 327–28
on Nixon position, 402
and nuclear test ban, 458–59
and SEATO, 371
selected as Secretary of State, 288–89
and Soviet disarmament proposals, 339
on Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, 275–76, 415, 428, 435
and Soviets, attitude toward, 480, 507
and U-2 crisis, 510
and U-2 flights, 378
U.N. General Assembly address of, 429
and U.S. cease-fire resolution, 429
and Vietnam, 369
and Voice of America, 316–17, 318
Dumgard, Mr. (West Point plebe), 23
Dunkirk (France), 151
Durkin, Martin, 291
See also Holland
Dutch East Indies, 61
flights over, 435
liberation of, 273–76, 310, 325, 484
revolt in, 422–23
Soviet domination of, 226, 232, 233, 275–76, 414, 415, 428, 435
tragedy in, 543–44
EDC (European Defense Community), 302, 334, 339, 357, 359, 361, 362, 370, 371, 372, 490
Eden, Anthony, 310, 332, 370, 384, 391, 421, 422, 427
gunboat diplomacy of, 429
and Middle East, 416, 426, 429–433
and Tripartite Declaration, 426
vote of confidence for, 433
Egypt, 97, 332, 415, 416, 420, 465, 466, 468, 545
Air Force, 429
border of, 91
in crises, 423–34
Eisenhower, Arthur (brother), 18, 19, 96, 223, 273
birth of, 15
Eisenhower, Barbara (née Barbara Thompson; daughter-in-law), 227, 244, 291, 292, 298, 314, 396, 400, 416, 487, 528, 550, 568, 569
Eisenhower, Barbara Anne (granddaughter), 244, 291, 550
Eisenhower, David (father), 15, 18, 21, 22, 31
authority of, 16
death of, 64
wisdom of, 17
Eisenhower, Doud Dwight (“Icky”) (son), 34, 36, 79, 165, 566
birth of, 32
Eisenhower, Dwight (Ike) on Abilene (Kans.), 18
and Sherman Adams crisis, 463–465, 471–72
adolescence of, 19–21
Army career of, 53–56, 57–58, 65–66
and army history, 42–43
and atomic weapons, 216, 224, 226, 275, 303, 338–41, 357, 360–63, 370, 382–85
and Atoms for Peace plan, 342–345, 356, 543
and Bay of Pigs fiasco, 553–54
and Berlin crisis, 481–82, 484, 485
Berlin decision of, 197, 203, 269, 270
birth of, 15
and British, popularity with, 72–75
Cabinet selections of, 288–91
at C&GS, 41–42
“The Chance for Peace” speech of, 324–26, 329
as Chief of Staff, 219
childhood of, 16–19
and civil rights, 405–9, 414–15, 440–45, 541, 542, 546
and Cold War, 232–33
and Columbia University, 234–235, 240–42, 245, 249, 309, 473
crisis management of, 547–48
criticisms of, 457, 463, 544, 547
and Cuba, 498–500, 516–17, 532–34, 538–39
Dartmouth speech of, 317–18
and D-Day, 135–39
and defense budget cuts, 311–13, 319–23, 375–76, 440, 459–61, 479, 494–96, 547
on democracy, 232
and desegregation, 335–36, 341–342, 367–68, 405–9, 417–19, 442–48, 541, 542, 544, 546
and Diem affair, 556–57
and Distinguished Service Medal for, 35
and domino theory, 361
early crisis of, 20–21
early lessons of, from parents, 16–17
early love affairs of, 28–29
and Eastern Europe, 422–23, 428, 434, 435
education of, 19–20, 24–25, 27
educational policies of, 417
elected President, 286–87, 323
emotional tone of, 54–55, 72–73, 115–16, 299
and executive privilege, 364–67
and Far East crisis, 373–75
Farewell Address, 536–37
first combat experience of, 86–89, 119
and Formosa Straits crisis, 380–85
as four-star general, 91
as General of the Army, 171
and Geneva Summit, 390–94
and Geneva talks, 475–77
and German surrender, 198, 200
and Gettysburg farm, 398, 535, 549–50
and global strategy, 67
and golf, 315–16
on happiness, 48–49
and H-bomb, 353–56
and health insurance, 346
heart attacks of, 395–97, 448, 566, 567, 568
highway program of, 387–88, 545
illnesses of, 20–21, 107, 162–63, 165, 184, 186, 219, 244, 395–397, 448, 455–57, 554–55, 566, 567, 568, 570
Inaugural Addresses of, 296, 297–98, 436
and Iran, 332–33
and Italy, invasion of, 108–12
and Kennedy, preinaugural meeting, 530–32
on Kennedy Inauguration Day, 539–40
and Khrushchev visit to U.S., 488–90, 492–94
and Korea, 285–86, 294–95, 302–3, 327, 328–31, 364
and Latin America, 474–75
leadership ability of, 20, 27–28, 34, 63, 66, 81–82, 202–3, 267, 288, 299–300, 304, 319, 331, 544, 545, 573–74, 575, 576
letter to Milton, 52
letters to John, 81, 84, 219, 573–574
letters from Mamie, 99, 102, 125, 143, 165, 210–11
letters to Mamie, 78–80, 84, 88, 91, 96, 104, 108, 122, 128, 136, 142, 152, 153, 163, 165–66, 168–69, 170, 183–84, 186, 187, 188, 198, 209, 210, 215–16
and Louisiana maneuvers, 57
and MacArthur, relationship with, 44–45
as MacArthur aide, 43–44, 46–47, 48
vs. Joseph McCarthy, 306–9, 316–18, 347–53, 364–67, 542
and Mamie, relationship with, 293–94
marries Mary Geneva (Mamie) Doud, 30–31
and Marshall, defense of, 276, 282–83
meets Mary Geneva (Mamie) Doud, 29–30
memoirs of, 236–37, 315, 353, 359, 360, 364, 384, 409, 416, 449, 466, 469, 535, 551–52
and Middle East, 415–17, 420–422, 423–34, 465–69
as military consultant, 242–44
on military-industrial complex, 537, 538
military theory of, 145
Milwaukee speech of, 282–84
model for, 62
modesty of, 57–58
vs. Montgomery, 144–45, 146–148, 155–57, 158, 159, 162–65, 166, 167, 176–80
and national security, 517–18
as NATO commander, 249–57
New Look of, 376–77
and Nixon, relationship with, 279–82, 404–5, 480–81, 519–520, 524–28, 565–66
and Nixon presidential defeat, 528–29
and Nixon secret trust fund, 278–280
and North Africa, attitude toward, 76
nuclear arsenal of, 478–79
and nuclear power, 346
and nuclear test ban, 457–59, 470–71, 486, 504–6, 543, 546
on nuclear war, 403
and Oppenheimer case, 351–56
Orders of the Day, 135, 151, 153, 175
as Overlord commander, 114, 116–17
and Pacific strategy after Pearl Harbor, 60–61
and Patton, friendship with, 36–37
and Patton slapping incident, 105–7, 117
and peace, 492, 537, 543, 547, 576
and peaceful coexistence, 497–98
personality of, 72–73, 144–45, 575
physical appearance of, 54–55, 72
physical strength of, 115, 299
political ambitions denied by, 208–9, 228–31, 239–40, 245–248, 251–52, 254, 259–65
on politics, 47
popularity of, 72–75, 112, 115, 204, 228, 286, 379, 491, 535, 574, 576
power of, 205
preparation for Presidency, 298–300
Presidency, assessment of, 541–548, 572–73
presidential boom for, 208–9, 228–31, 239–40, 245–48, 251–252, 254, 259–65
presidential campaigns of, 265–267, 274–86, 412–13, 419–20
and presidential election of 1960, 500–501, 518–28
presidential goals of, 301–2
presidential leadership of, 288
press conferences of, 304–6, 309, 311, 312, 318, 338, 347, 349, 350, 351, 354, 361, 366, 369, 371, 372, 379–80, 383, 404, 405, 406, 407, 411, 413, 417, 439, 463, 464, 474, 483–84, 489, 500–501, 502–3, 504–5, 512, 524, 525, 537–38, 565
pressure on before D-Day, 128
as private citizen, 534–35, 540–41
promotions of, 51, 75, 91, 171
and public relations, 72–74, 84, 88
and race relations, 335–36, 367–368, 405–9, 417–19, 442–48, 541, 542, 544, 546
rebelliousness of, 25–26
re-elected President, 431–33
relaxation for, 258–59, 292–93, 315–16
and Republican party platform, 273–74, 419
running mate for, 272–73, 399–400, 402–5, 412–14
runs for nomination of Republicans, 268–71
Sandhurst speech of, 130
and satellites, 462–63
second-term decision, 394, 398–404
self-confidence of, 116, 134, 176, 204, 229, 267, 298, 576
and Sicily, invasion of, 103–5
smoking of, 25, 69, 74, 184, 244, 574
and Social Security, 346
and Soviet leadership, 385–86
speeches of, 130, 206–8, 219–20, 235–36, 274, 296, 297–98, 301, 317–18, 324–26, 329, 342–43, 436, 440, 536–37
and Sputnik, 448–54
State of the Union addresses of, 301, 336, 405, 440
suffers stroke, 455–57
as Supreme Commander, 28, 89–90, 116, 385, 422
Supreme Court appointment of, 336–38
and Surprise Attack Panel, 377–378
tax returns of, 281
temper of, 18–19, 65, 66, 280, 281, 294, 574
“To the American Soldier,” 235–236
and Transportation Plan, 126, 127
triumphant return of, 207
and Truman, preinaugural meeting with, 296, 532
trust in, 116
and Tunisian campaign, 91–97
and U-2 crisis, 508–15
and U.N., 226
victory speech of, 206–7
and Vietnam, 357–64, 368–72, 558–63
on war, 128–29, 216, 370, 380, 384, 537
wealthy friends of, 220–21
working habits of, 292
World War II accomplishments of, 201–2
Eisenhower, Dwight David II (David) (grandson), 244, 291, 472, 550, 568, 569
at Ike’s deathbed, 571
Eisenhower, Earl (brother), 16–17, 31
birth of, 15
Eisenhower, Edgar (“Big Ike”) (brother), 16, 18, 19, 21, 229, 337, 416, 535
birth of, 15
Eisenhower, Helen (sister-in-law), 63
Eisenhower, Ida Stover (mother), 15, 20, 21, 22, 31, 96, 293
personality of, 16
Eisenhower, John Sheldon Doud (son), 31, 43, 49, 51, 56, 71, 79, 80, 91, 102, 120, 184, 187, 188, 205, 207, 209, 212, 215, 229, 240, 244, 250, 258, 298, 314, 390, 398, 400, 416, 456, 484, 504, 506, 528, 550, 555, 568, 569
assignment to European Theater, 183
best-seller by, 570
birth of, 40
career for, 53
early memories of, 41–42
graduation from West Point, 136, 142
at Ike’s deathbed, 571
and Ike’s heart attack, 395–96
on Kennedy Inauguration Day, 539
letters to, 81, 84, 219, 573–74
military assignment of, 169–70
and military protocol, 143–44
on postsurrender months, 210
wedding of, 227–28
in White House, 487–88
and Zhukov assignment, 391
Eisenhower, Mamie (née Mary Geneva Doud), 29, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 43, 45, 49, 54, 56, 57, 58, 64, 71, 117, 129, 200, 201, 213, 220, 228, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 261, 265, 268, 276, 280, 293, 296, 298, 315, 316, 334, 378, 386, 390, 394, 416, 424, 432, 438, 446, 473, 487, 490, 527, 534, 558, 566, 567, 569
as Army wife, 31–32
as campaigner, 277
on election day, 286–87
and Gettysburg farm, 549–50
gives birth to Doud Dwight (“Icky”), 32
gives birth to John Sheldon Doud, 40
home for, 244–45
at hospital, 568
at Ike’s deathbed, 571
and Ike’s heart attack, 395–396
and Ike’s stroke, 456
illnesses of, 99, 209, 219, 222, 250, 291–92, 570
on Kennedy Inauguration Day, 539–40
letters from, 99, 102, 125, 143, 165, 210–11
letters to, 78–80, 84, 88, 91, 96, 104, 108, 122, 128, 136, 142, 152, 153, 163, 165–66, 168–69, 170, 183–84, 186, 187, 188, 198, 209, 210, 215–16
on marriage, 550
marriage of, 30–31
observations of, 120
obsession with Ike, 556
personality of, 29–30
relationship with Ike, 293–94
tastes of, 258
and vacations, 313–14
and VIPs, 112–13
See also Doud, Mary Geneva
Eisenhower, Mary Jean (granddaughter), 550
Eisenhower, Milton (brother), 16, 18, 31, 38, 63, 71, 230, 231, 234, 261, 262, 266, 267, 273, 281, 286, 290, 315, 337, 394, 416, 474
birth of, 15
job offer for, 48–49
letter to, 52
and Joseph McCarthy, 308
rising career of, 43
Eisenhower, Roy (brother), birth of, 15
Eisenhower, Susan (granddaughter), 291, 550, 569
Eisenhower Administration, 381, 386, 421, 422, 463, 530
and AEC, 478
and atomic weapons, 380
and integration, 407
issues of, 552
and Nasser, 415
and Oppenheimer case, 338
and satellite program, 450
Eisenhower Library, 487, 566, 569
Eisenhower the President (Ewald), 541
Eisenhower Was My Boss (Summersby), 212
El Alamein (Egypt), 180
Elbe River, 192, 194, 196, 254, 323, 377
map of, 137
See also British
English-Speaking Union, 258
Eniwetok (island), 287
Enola Gay, 81
ETO (European Theater of Operations), 70–71
Europe, 44, 52, 55, 73, 83, 95, 135, 225, 249, 263, 269, 306, 360, 376, 385, 474, 511
allies in, 381
ancestors from, 252
and Cold War, 436
defense of, 495–96
destruction after war in, 215–16
French policies in, 362
importance of, 320
IRBMs in, 479
and Joseph McCarthy tactics, 317
as main theater of operations, 67
morale in, 255–56
northwest battlefield in, 99, 166, 168, 202
Parliament, 372
rearmament of, 250–51, 253, 254, 257
rebuilding, 201
recovery in, 227
redeployment from, 205, 264, 531
science in, 452
small nations of, 427
socialist direction in, 232
Soviet threat in, 560
See also Central Europe; Eastern Europe; EDC; ETO; Marshall Plan; NATO; United States of Europe; Western Europe
European Defense Community. See EDC
European Recovery Program, 326
European Theater of Operations. See ETO
Evans, Rowland, 502
Ewald, William, 541
Executive Branch (U.S.), 335, 351, 365, 542
Explorer I, 462
Fair Employment Practices Commission. See FEPC
“Fair Play” amendment, 271
Falaise (France) pocket, 151, 153, 203
Far East, 61, 67, 274, 303, 383, 468, 469, 482, 486, 547
crisis in, 373–75
See also Asia
FDR. See Roosevelt, Franklin Federal Reserve System, 573
Federal Security Agency, 291
Fellers, Bonner, 50
FEPC (Fair Employment Practices Commission), 336
Finder, Leonard, 230
Finland, 154
Flanders, Ralph, 330
Flemming, Arthur, 425
Gulf Coast, 470
Foch, Ferdinand, 40
Ford Foundation, 454
Foreign Affairs, 338
Foreign Ministers. See Geneva Foreign Ministers meeting
Formosa, 361, 373, 375, 436, 492, 509, 523, 547, 548
Chinese invasion of feared, 374
Formosa Straits crisis, 380–85, 386
Forrestal, James, 232, 242, 243, 339
Fort Benning (Ga.), 34
Fort Lewis, 56
Fort Oglethorpe (Ga.), 32
Fort Sam Houston, 56
Fourteenth Amendment, 335
France, 35, 37, 42, 43, 129, 133, 139, 155, 160, 161, 166, 169, 258
Battle of, ended, 153
beachhead in, 142
bombing of, 147
breakthrough in, 153–54
colonial army of, 81
and EDC, 302, 339, 357, 370, 372
glory of, 253
ground forces in, 121
liberated areas of, 122
and nuclear test ban, 457
overflights of, 514
railway system of, 126–27, 203
and SEATO, 371
second front in, 118
weather in, 124
vs. West Germany, 254, 256, 334
See also Free French; French; French Resistance; Normandy; Vichy
Franklin, Benjamin, 439
Fredendall, Lloyd, 77, 87–88, 91–92, 93, 94, 118, 119
Frederika, Queen of Greece, 476
Free French, 121–22
See also French Resistance
French, 52, 102, 135, 434, 495, 509
and German rearming, 379
and German surrender, 199
and Israel, plotting with, 422, 426
in Middle East, 422, 424–32, 459, 465, 545
Mystère jets, 420
in North Africa, 83–85
and Open Skies, 392
and Pleven Plan, 257
potentialities of, 253
and Suez Canal, 421, 422, 430–431, 467, 552
in Vietnam, 256, 312, 320, 323, 357–63, 368–71, 379
See also France
French Indochina, 363
French Resistance, 332
See also Free French
Friedeburg, Hans von, 198, 199
Fuentes, Miguel Ydígoras, 517
Fulbright, James William, 467
Garner, John Nance, 403
Gates, Tom, 502, 506, 516, 530, 539
Gault, James, 146, 153, 168, 205
General Assembly (U.N.), 427, 429
and Atoms for Peace, 342–43
General Motors, 290
See also OPD; WPD
Geneva disarmament talks, 470, 475–77, 486, 517
Geneva Foreign Ministers meeting, 386, 457, 481, 486–89
Geneva Summit, 368, 370, 386, 390–94, 397, 415
George VI, King of England, 125, 132, 133
Georgia, 441
Germans, 81, 84, 130, 135, 137, 161, 165, 181, 187, 318
and anti-Soviet alliance, 197–99, 201
Ardennes counteroffensive of, 170–73, 202, 421, 563
and Battle of the Bulge, 173–80
defenses before D-Day, 124, 126, 128, 132–33, 134, 141, 142, 148
on Eastern Front, 75
on Elbe River, 322–23
and Falaise pocket, 153
generals, 301
harassment of, 68
and Italians, 107–8
and Italy, invasion of, 109–12
mind of, 184
morale of, 158
in Normandy, 145–47
in North Africa, 83
and Remagen bridgehead, 186
and Rhineland campaign, 184–185
scientists, 451
and Sicily, invasion of, 104–5
in Tunis, 86
West Wall defense of, 151–53, 157, 161, 164, 168, 173, 177, 180, 448
See also Germany
Germany, 52, 98, 106, 129, 204, 222, 224, 303, 342, 375, 390, 434, 468, 504, 533
Autobahnen in, 387
blockading, 99
defeat of (map), 190–91
denazification in, 213–15
destruction after war in, 215–16
invasion routes into, 154–57
map of, 190–91
nonfraternization in, 213–14
occupation of, after war, 122, 201, 209
and Overlord, 121
rearming of, 250–51, 254, 256, 257–58, 334, 362, 370, 372, 379, 490
recovery of, 227
Russian zone of, 217
secret weapons of, 152
Soviets in, 233
territory of, 118
U.S. armed forces in, 440
See also Afrika Korps; East Germany; Germans; Nazis; Panzerfaust; Wehrmacht; West Germany
Gerow, Leonard (“Gee”), 29, 41–42, 52, 54, 95, 268
Gettysburg (Pa.), 33, 245, 378, 487
Gettysburg Address, 207
Glenn, John, 551
Goldwater, Barry, 444, 465, 564
Gomulka, Wladyslaw, 422
Goodpaster, Andrew, 376, 378, 382, 410, 424, 425, 431, 432, 461, 466, 467, 470, 478, 488, 504, 506, 507, 544, 563
and budget cutting, 530–31
and CIA, 534
on Eisenhower’s sense of political realities, 255–56
and Eisenhower’s stroke, 455–56
importance of, 532
and Khrushchev visit to U.S., 489–90
and Middle East, 433
and Vietnam, 558–59, 560, 561, 562
GOP. See Republicans
Gore, Albert, 476
Graham, Billy, 570
Grant, Ulysses S., 23, 39, 47, 91, 145, 205, 228, 237, 573
Gray, Gordon, 475, 478, 504, 516, 532
Great Britain. See British
Great Society, 544
Greece, 154, 223, 232, 257, 476
civil war in, 226–27
Greenstein, Fred, 574
Gruenther, Alfred, 78, 253, 361, 362, 371, 400, 419, 429, 458, 501, 523
Guam, 222
Guantanamo (Cuba), 533
Guatemala, 377, 474, 475, 517, 533, 538
Guevara, Che, 499
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, 359
Hagerty, Jim, 275, 277, 348, 351, 352, 354, 355, 364, 365, 366, 367, 372, 379, 396, 397, 399, 402, 403, 405, 413, 467, 527, 528
and Milton Eisenhower’s remark, 281
and Formosa Straits crisis, 383–84
Haiphong (North Vietnam), 560
Hanna, Mark A., Company, 290
Harding, Gladys, 28–29
Harding, Warren, 542
Hardtack (nuclear tests), 458
Hardtack II (nuclear tests), 471
Harger, Charles, 210
Harkness, Richard, 322
Harmon, Hubert, 25
Harriman, Averell, 217–18, 257, 399
Harris, Arthur, 121, 126, 133–34
Harris, Claude J., 34
Harsch, Joseph C., 384
Hashemite monarchy, 466
Hazlett, Everett (“Swede”), 219, 229, 232, 243, 250, 258, 353, 368, 376, 394, 420, 438, 442, 443, 444, 457
background of, 21–22
Herblock, 284
Herter, Christian, 483, 485, 486, 488, 507, 533
on anti-Castro refugees, 498–99
and U-2 crisis, 510, 511, 513, 514, 515
Hickenlooper, Bourke, 310–11
Hidden-Hand Presidency, The (Greenstein), 574
Hillman, Sidney, 204
Hitler, Adolf, 52, 83, 84, 128, 140, 141, 152, 172, 175, 184, 189, 226, 227, 383, 431, 533, 575
Autobahnen system of, 387
hatred of, 307–8
suicide of, 197
Hitler Youth, 157
Hobby, Oveta Culp, 290–91, 501, 521
Ho Chi Minh, 371
Hodges, Courtney, 150, 161, 162, 164, 170, 171, 174, 182, 184, 188, 207
and Remagen bridgehead, 185–186
Hodgson, P. A., 23
Holland, 155, 164, 166, 167, 258
See also Dutch Hollywood, 564
Honest John rocket batteries, 468
Hoover, Herbert, 248, 264, 287, 347
Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 424, 425, 430, 431, 433
on U-2 flights, 434–35
Hoover, J. Edgar, 408
House (U.S.), 286, 330, 375, 381, 382, 407, 415, 420, 441, 445
House Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee, 464
House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC), 306–7
Howitzer, 25
HUAC. See House Un-American Activities Committee
Hughes, Emmet John, 277, 282, 285, 289, 413, 427–28, 431, 432
and Eisenhower on peace, 323–24
Hughes, Everett, 55, 102, 171, 187, 213
Humphrey, George M., 290, 312, 329, 376, 397, 404, 409, 437, 440, 459, 473, 540, 561
Hungary, 432, 457, 459, 475, 544, 548, 552
Soviet atrocities in, 434
Soviet intervention in, 423, 426, 428, 430, 433
Husky (plan), 98
Hussein, King of Jordan, 466, 467, 469
Hutchins, Robert M., 316–17
ICBMs, 389, 410, 411, 449, 451, 461, 477, 478–79, 494, 495, 503, 505
Ike Clubs, 259
Independence, 296
India, 327, 328, 332, 370, 488, 489
subcontinent of, 436
Indochina, 256, 312, 325, 357, 358, 359, 360, 362, 369, 370, 371, 379, 393, 468, 530
strategic importance of, 361
See also French Indochina; Vietnam
Indonesia, 361
International Atomic Energy Agency, 343
International Geophysical Year, 410
Interstate Highway System, 402, 526, 545, 573
Iran, 113, 233, 377, 475, 484, 523
and overthrow of Mossadegh, 331–33
See also Redstone
Ireland, 67
Irwin, Stafford, 25
Ismay, Hastings, 76
Israel, 415, 421, 423, 428, 430, 459, 466, 545, 547, 575
and Egypt, attack on, 420, 424
French Mystère jets to, 420
plots with British and French, 422, 426
U-2 flights over, 431
and U.N. order, rejection of, 433
Italy, 117, 118, 154, 158, 168, 189, 222, 253, 254, 258, 448
and Germans, 107–8
invasion of, 108–12
and Mediterranean offensive, 97–99
and Sicily, invasion of, 104
I wo Jima, 294