Table 2: Jesus’ burial and Resurrection in the Gospels

Material in square brackets is found only in some manuscripts





Jn 19.38–42

Mk 15.42–46

Mt. 27.57–60

Lk. 23.50–54

Joseph of Arimathea, a secret disciple, requests body from Pilate; Nicodemus and Joseph bind it in cloths (othonia) with 100 lbs of myrrh and aloes, and bury it, on Day of Preparation, in new tomb (mnēmeion) in garden.

Joseph of Arimathea, a respected councillor, requests body from Pilate; Pilate checks Jesus is already dead; Joseph buys shroud (sindōn), wraps body, and places it in rock-cut tomb (mnēmeion); rolls stone against door.

Joseph of Arimathea, a rich man who was a disciple, requests body from Pilate; wraps it in clean linen shroud (sindōn), places it in his own new tomb (mnēmeion), rolls great stone against door.

Joseph of Arimathea, a councillor and a good and righteous man who had not consented to the deed, requests body from Pilate; takes it down, wraps it in linen shroud (sindōn), and buries it, on Day of Preparation, in new rock-hewn tomb (mnēma).

Mk 15.47

Mt. 27.61

Lk. 23.55f.

Mary Magdalene and Mary mother of Joses see where he is laid.

Mary Magdalene and the other Mary are there, sitting opposite the sepulchre (taphos).

The women from Galilee see where he was laid, prepare spices and myrrh; then rest on Sabbath.

Mt. 27.62–66

At request of High Priests and Pharisees Pilate grants guard at sepulchre; stone is sealed.

Jn 20.1f., 11–13

Mk 16.1–8

Mt. 28.1–8

Lk. 24.1–11

On first day of week Mary Magdalene comes to tomb, while still dark, and finds it empty. She runs and tells Peter and ‘beloved disciple’. She stands by tomb weeping; she sees two angels in white, who ask her why she is weeping; she says it is because they have taken away her Lord.

Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James, and Salome buy spices; very early on first day of week go to tomb after sunrise; find stone rolled back; enter and are amazed to see young man in white on right side. He tells them Jesus is risen, and bids them tell the disciples and Peter that Jesus is going before them to Galilee, where they will see him. They flee and tell nobody out of fear.

Towards dawn on first day of week Mary Magdalene and the other Mary go to see sepulchre; earthquake; angel in dazzling raiment descends and rolls back stone; guards tremble. Angel tells women Jesus is risen, bidding them tell the disciples Jesus is going before them to Galilee, where they will see him. They depart quickly in fear and great joy to tell his disciples.

On first day of week at early dawn the women go to tomb, taking spices, find stone rolled back, enter. Two men in dazzling white ask why they seek the living among the dead, reminding them of Jesus’ predictions in Galilee. Mary Magdalene, Joanna and Mary mother of James tell the Eleven and the rest, but the apostles take their words as an idle tale.

Jn 20.3–10

[Lk. 24.12]

Peter and other disciple run to tomb; the other sees linen cloths (othonia) lying. Peter enters tomb, sees cloths and napkin rolled up separately; other disciple enters, sees and believes; the disciples go home.

[Peter runs to tomb, stoops and looks in, and sees linen cloths (othonia) lying by themselves; goes home wondering what has happened.]

Jn 20.14–18

[Mk 16.9–11]

Mt. 28.9f.

Mary turns and sees Jesus, but takes him for gardener; he calls her by name; she recognizes him. He forbids her to cling to him, saying she must tell the brethren that he is ascending to the Father. She tells the disciples.

Longer ending: Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene; she tells those who had been with him; they do not believe her.

Jesus meets and greets them; they grasp his feet and worship him; he bids them tell his brethren that he is going to Galilee where they will see him.

Mt. 28.11–15

The guards report back to Chief Priests and elders, who bribe them to say the disciples stole the body.

[Mk 16.12f.]

Lk. 24.13–35

Jesus appears in another form to two of them walking in the country.

The same day Jesus appears to two walking to Emmaus and interprets Moses and the prophets to them. They recognize him as he blesses the bread at supper. They return to Jerusalem and tell the Eleven and those with them.

Jn 20.19–23

[Mk 16.14–18]

Lk. 24.36–49

The same evening, the doors being shut for fear of ‘the Jews’, Jesus appears to the disciples, says ‘Peace be with you’ and shows his hands and side. They are glad. He says, ‘As the Father has sent me, even so I send you’; then breathes on them, saying, ‘Receive Holy Spirit’, giving them authority to forgive or retain sins.

Jesus appears to the Eleven as they sit at table; upbraids them, commissions them to preach the gospel to all Creation, promising that believers will cast out demons, heal the sick, speak in new tongues, pick up serpents, and drink deadly poison without harm.

Jesus appears [and says, ‘Peace be to you’]. They are frightened. He shows them his hands and feet. They disbelieve for joy, but he requests food, and eats some fish. He explains the Scriptures, commissions them, and bids them stay in the city until they are clothed with power from on high.

Jn 20.24–29

The disciples tell Thomas, who disbelieves. A week later, Jesus appears, and asks Thomas to put his fingers in his hands and side. Thomas acclaims him as Lord and God. Jesus blesses those who believe without seeing.

Jn 21.1–24

Lk. 5.1–11

Jesus appears to seven disciples by the Sea of Tiberias. They catch a miraculous draught of fish; Jesus feeds them. Note that this is Jesus’ third Resurrection appearance. Jesus forgives and commissions Peter. Predictions of Peter’s martyrdom; saying about the ‘beloved disciple’ remaining, and note on his witness. Final conclusion to Gospel.

(Parallel story early in Jesus’ ministry) The disciples catch a miraculous draught of fish; Jesus calls Peter, James and John; special words to Peter.

[Mk 16.19f.]

Mt. 28.16–20

Lk. 24.50–52

Jesus ascends to heaven and sits at God’s right hand. They preach the gospel and work miracles.

Jesus appears to the Eleven in Galilee; Great Commission to make disciples, baptize, and teach in Name of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He promises to be with them until close of age.

Jesus leads them to Bethany, blesses them, is carried up to heaven. They [worship him,] return to Jerusalem with joy, and continually bless God in the Temple.