
Preface to the second edition

Preface to the first edition

List of abbreviations

  1    Introduction

  2    Interpreting John: strategies for reading

  3    The question of authorship

  4    Traditions, sources and relation to the ‘historical Jesus’

  5    Purpose, audience, place and date of composition

  6    Jesus’ miracles as narrative theology

  7    Christological confessions and titles for Jesus

  8    Jesus’ Passion and Resurrection

  9    Jesus: Word incarnate and Father’s Son

10    Characters in John’s story

11    ‘Anti-Semitism’/‘Anti-Judaism’ in John’s Gospel?

12    ‘Replacement theology’ and Jewish monotheism

13    Conclusions: the value of John’s Gospel today

Table 1 The structure of John’s Gospel

Table 2 Jesus’ burial and Resurrection in the Gospels

Excursus 1 The text of John

Excursus 2 The problem of ‘eyewitness’ testimony



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