
Expressing opinions, likes, and dislikes

Conversation: Getting acquainted

LAUREN: Hi—you must be Sarah. I can tell from your picture. I’m Lauren. Finally we meet! So we’re going to be roomies this semester!

SARAH: Yes, I recognize you from your photo, too! I’m so glad to meet you in person—and I see from your T-shirt that you like baseball. I’m a big fan, too!

LAUREN: Well, the T-shirt was a going-away present from my brother, who’s a baseball player. Look on the back—it has a photo of all the players on his team. They actually won the city championship this summer.

SARAH: That’s awesome. I tell you, I’m not very athletic, but I love to watch baseball, even if it’s a Little League game. You could say I’m a professional spectator. What about you, do you play a sport?

LAUREN: Yes, I play tennis. As a matter of fact, I have a scholarship, and I’m going to play for the university. Now tell me, what else do you like to do?

SARAH: Well—what I like to do best is dance. I’m studying classical ballet, but I also like to dance to popular music.

LAUREN: Cool. We have a lot in common. I like to dance, too. Think you’ll be up for checking out the local clubs this weekend?

SARAH: Oh, yeah. And the restaurants, too. Speaking of which—are you hungry? I’d love to grab a bite before it gets too late. I’m starving!

LAUREN: Are you kidding me? I’m always up for going out! How about trying the place up the street? I’m kind of hungry for a good hamburger.


SARAH: Lauren, what do you think of our room?

LAUREN: To be honest with you, I really cant stand that dark color on the walls. It’s, like, really depressing. I prefer light colors. Plus, I’d like to change the rug and the bedspreads. Do you like them?

SARAH: No, I agree with you. They’re horrible. With a couple of coats of paint and a few small changes, we’ll make this room comfortable and cozy. Everybody will want to hang out here.

LAUREN: Man, I’m so relieved! I think we’re really going to get along. I’m going to call my mom right now and tell her how cool my new roomie is.

Improving your conversation


Like has a number of different meanings and uses. What do you like? asks what things a person finds pleasing.


What do you like to do? asks what activities a person enjoys.


Would you like . . . ? is a polite way of asking what someone wants.


I’m/she’s/he’s/etc. like . . . is often inserted into a conversation to emphasize what someone is currently feeling or thinking. This is especially common among young people.

I’m like really mad at him.

She’s like scared to death.

It’s like the worst movie I’ve ever seen.


Love, when it refers to a person or people, indicates deep affection. When love begins, there is often a feeling of great excitement, called being in love.

Her husband loves her, but she is no longer in love with him.

Love, when it refers to a thing, indicates a thing or an activity that a person finds very pleasing.


What do you think of . . . ?

What do you think of this? is a way of asking someone’s opinion of something.


Are you kidding me?

Are you kidding me? is an expression that indicates that something is so true—or untrue—that it doesn’t need to be said.


Up for

To be up for something means to want to do it.


Alternative expressions are to feel like doing something or to be in the mood for (doing) something.



To stand means to tolerate/to accept.

It’s pretty hot today, but I can stand it.

He went home because he couldn’t stand the hot sun.

Can’t stand often means to not like.

He says he can’t stand his little sister, but we know it’s not true.

Big fan

To (not) be a (big) fan indicates that someone does or does not like something.

I like movies, but I’m not a big fan of science fiction.

Other ways of indicating something one likes include awesome/cool/fantastic/great/amazing.

College is awesome. My professors are cool, the classes are fantastic, the nightlife is great, and my friends are amazing.

These words are interchangeable—all of them work in the positions of the others.

College is great/fantastic/cool/amazing. My professors are awesome/fantastic/amazing, the classes are awesome/cool/great/amazing, the nightlife is awesome/cool/fantastic/amazing, and my friends are awesome/cool/fantastic/great.

Other ways of indicating dislike include horrible/terrible/depressing/gross/disgusting.

I didn’t like that show; I thought it was horrible. The plot was depressing, and the dancing was gross.

Going-away present

A going-away present is a gift customarily given to someone who is leaving for an extended period, perhaps to go to college, to move to another area, or to work in another place.

They gave me a picture of everyone in the office as a going-away present when I left for my new job.


Tell is used in a number of expressions. It is followed by an object pronoun (me/you/her/him/us/them), the name of a person, or a word that refers to a person or people (friend(s), parent(s), etc.).

Tell me is a way of asking someone to relate information.

Call me and tell me about your classes.

After tell me, the subject-verb order of a question using the verb be is reversed.


With all other verbs, the do/does is dropped, and the verb is conjugated normally.


Don’t tell me indicates that you fear a certain answer.

Don’t tell me you’re sick! (I’m afraid you’re sick!)

I tell you indicates that you really mean what you are going to say.

I tell you, the dorm is really gross!

I’m telling you, it looks like rain.

Tell is used with the truth, with or without an object pronoun.

He always tells (me) the truth.

Can tell indicates the ability to know something without being told. It is followed by a new clause with a subject and verb.

I can tell (that) you had a good day by that smile on your face!

Can you tell I’ve been crying?


Say indicates making an utterance but without indicating that it is directed at any particular person.


Say to + an object pronoun or a person’s name can be used to indicate information directed at a particular person or people.

What did he say to you?/What did he tell you?

You could/might say indicates a suggested conclusion.

You could say she’s in love.

You might say the cafeteria food is gross.


To speak means to use a language orally.

They don’t speak English at home.

She lost her front teeth and speaks with a lisp.

The teacher spoke for almost two hours.

Speaking of which is an expression that indicates that something mentioned reminds one of other information about it.

I’m going to apply to the state university. Speaking of which, did you know Melissa is going there?

Our state representative is up for reelection. Speaking of which, I heard she is coming to speak at our school next week.


Finally indicates relief that something long awaited has happened. It goes after a conjugated verb.

I’ve been looking for my keys all day, and I’ve finally found them.

An expression with the same meaning is at last, which goes at the beginning or end of the clause.

At last I’ve found them!

I’ve found them at last!


So has many different uses. In the example conversation it introduces information that both people already know.

So this is your new car. Will you take me for a ride?

So you’re getting married! Congratulations!

Actually/as a matter of fact

Actually and as a matter of fact often have the same function. They have many different uses. In the example conversation they indicate that a fact is a little surprising but of interest to the other person.

So you’re an Arabic teacher! I actually studied Arabic in college.

I want you to meet my sister. As a matter of fact, she’ll be here in a few minutes.

Even if

Even if can introduce a fact that seems a little hard to believe.

I’m going to finish this paper even if I have to work on it all night.


Plus adds additional information that reinforces an opinion or argument.

I like him. He’s really nice. Plus, he’s good-looking.

To be honest with you

The phrase to be honest with you introduces a statement that you think a person might not want to hear.

Thank you for inviting me to the movies, but to be honest with you, I’m not really a big fan of horror movies.


Yeah is an informal way of saying yes. It is pronounced with two syllables: “ye-uh.”


Man introduces something that the speaker feels strongly about. (It can be said to or by a male or a female.)

Man, this course is really hard!

Man, I wish I could take a week off!

Man, your sister is beautiful!

Get along

Get along (with someone) means to live, work, or play with someone without problems or arguments.

He’s very easygoing. He gets along with everybody.

Tom and his brother don’t get along. They’re always fighting.

Hang out

To hang out means to do something socially with one or more other people.

We’re going to hang out at Jess’s house this afternoon. We’ll probably just listen to music, maybe practice that new dance step.

Grab a bite

To grab a bite (to eat) means to get something to eat quickly.

We’re in a hurry to get there, so we’ll just grab a bite to eat at a fast-food place.


Roomie is an informal name for a person who shares a bedroom or home with you.

How do you like your new roomie?


A scholarship is a prize or an award that provides money that enables someone to attend a private school or university.

I’m hoping to get a scholarship so I can go away to college next year.

Little League

Little League is an organization that teaches baseball to children, organizes them into teams, and arranges games and tournaments for them.

He just loves baseball. He’s been playing it ever since he was in Little League.


Write a question using like for each of the following answers.

1.   ___________________________________________________

I’d love to have dinner with you.

2.   ___________________________________________________

No, I don’t like fast-food restaurants.

3.   ___________________________________________________

We’d like to go to the mountains.

4.   ___________________________________________________

I like to go skiing then.

5.   ___________________________________________________

No, I’m not in the mood for doing that today.

6.   ___________________________________________________

Cherries are my favorite.

7.   ___________________________________________________

I don’t know what he likes to do.

8.   ___________________________________________________

No. She prefers vanilla.

9.   ___________________________________________________

Yes, I love it!

10.   ___________________________________________________

Yes, I’d love to!


Fill in each blank with the correct form of say, speak, or tell, as appropriate.

1.   It’s important that you __________________ the truth.

2.   Her children __________________ Spanish, Italian, and English.

3.   Did you __________________ him my secret?

4.   What did he __________________ to you?

5.   What did he __________________ you?

6.   Can you __________________ we’ve been fighting?

7.   __________________ what you think.

8.   Please don’t __________________ that about us.

9.   Please don’t __________________ my parents where we went.

10.   Don’t __________________ me you missed the bus again!

11.   I __________________ you, that movie is great!

12.   Mom called? What did she __________________?


Change each question to a statement beginning with “Tell me . . . ”

1.   Where are you going?


2.   What are they doing?


3.   How do you get there?


4.   When do you study?


5.   Why is she crying?


6.   What time do we leave?


7.   Who are you texting?


8.   How much does it cost?



Match the words or expressions in the first column with words or expressions in the second column that have a similar meaning. Note: There may be more than one match for each expression.



Circle the word or expression that best completes each of the following sentences.

1.   Why did you order this? You know I __________________ this kind of food.

a.   don’t get along with

b.   grab a bite with

c.   can’t stand

d.   hang out with

2.   She can afford to go to college. She has savings, __________________ she got a scholarship.

a.   even if

b.   plus

c.   yeah

d.   finally

3.   We are interested in buying the house we saw this afternoon. __________________, it’s much nicer than we expected.

a.   Actually

b.   Plus

c.   Finally

d.   Even if

4.   Do you like your new roomie? Yeah, I __________________ with her pretty well.

a.   hang out

b.   stand

c.   am honest

d.   get along

5.   I just saw the movie that won the Academy Award for Best Picture. __________________, what did you think of the dress the actress wore at the ceremonies?

a.   Are you kidding me?

b.   You might say

c.   Speaking of which

d.   I tell you


Circle the most appropriate response to each of the following questions or statements.

1.   What did you think of her dress?

a.   Are you kidding me? It was gross.

b.   Man, I don’t get along with it.

c.   Actually, I’m not up for it.

d.   I can tell you’re honest with me.

2.   Would you like to have dinner with me at the new Chinese restaurant?

a.   Plus, my roomie’s going.

b.   Actually, I’m honest with you.

c.   To be honest with you, I can’t stand Chinese food.

d.   You could grab a bite.

3.   We’re on the boat. Come over and hang out with us!

a.   I’m up for that.

b.   I tell you, it’s depressing.

c.   Speaking of which, I got the scholarship.

d.   Plus, it’s fantastic.

4.   Man! I’m really hungry.

a.   Let’s join Little League.

b.   Let’s grab a bite to eat.

c.   You could say we don’t hang out there.

d.   Speaking of which, I played in the Little League.

5.   I’ve had a really bad day.

a.   That’s awesome.

b.   Even if it’s raining.

c.   I can tell.

d.   Even if you’re tired.


Write an appropriate remark or question for each of the following responses. Ask an English-speaking friend to check your answers.

1.   ___________________________________________________

That’s awesome.

2.   ___________________________________________________

Speaking of which, I played in the Little League.

3.   ___________________________________________________

I tell you, it’s depressing.

4.   ___________________________________________________

I’m not in the mood for that.

5.   ___________________________________________________

As a matter of fact, I am.

6.   ___________________________________________________

You might say it’s a little difficult.

7.   ___________________________________________________

Don’t tell me you can’t go!

8.   ___________________________________________________



Write a conversation between two people in which they ask each other and tell each other what they like and what they like to do. Ask an English-speaking friend to check it for you.









Answer the following questions. Ask an English-speaking friend to check your answers.

1.   What do you like to do when you hang out with your friends?


2.   What kind of restaurants do you like?


3.   Are you usually up for going to your favorite restaurant, even if you’re tired?


4.   Where do you usually go to grab a bite to eat?


5.   Is there anything you can’t stand? Why?
