Answer key

1     Introducing yourself and others

1.1       1. c 2. b 3. c 4. d 5. a

1.2       1. c, h, n 2. b, k 3. a, e, g, i, l 4. g 5. b, j, k 6. b, l 7. f, l 8. c, h, n 9. a, m 10. d

1.3       1. Yes, I do./No, I don’t. 2. Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 3. Yes, they do./No, they don’t. 4. Yes, I am./No, I’m not. 5. Yes, he (or she) is./No, he (or she) isn’t.

1.4       Answers will vary, but questions should begin as follows. 1. Do you . . . ? 2. Is she . . . ? 3. Are they . . . ? 4. Do you . . . ? 5. Does he . . . ? 6. Are you . . . ?

1.5       1. o 2. q 3. h 4. b 5. i, l 6. a, n 7. k 8. m 9. p 10. c 11. i, l 12. g 13. r 14. j 15. d, e 16. d, f 17. r

1.6       1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. a

1.7       These are possible answers. 1. What does she do? 2. Thank you. 3. Don’t be late! 4. Tell me about yourself. 5. We finish tomorrow.

1.8       1. see 2. seeing 3. going 4. doing 5. hear

1.9       Answers will vary.

1.10     Answers will vary.

2     Expressing opinions, likes, and dislikes

2.1       1. Would you like to have dinner with me/us? 2. Do you like fast-food restaurants? 3. Where would you like to go on your vacation? 4. What do you like to do on weekends/in the winter/etc.? 5. Do you feel like ________________ing? 6. What kind of fruit do you like? 7. What does he like to do? 8. Does she like chocolate ice cream? 9. Do you like _________________? 10. Would you like to _________________?

2.2       1. tell 2. speak 3. tell 4. say 5. tell 6. tell 7. Say 8. say 9. tell 10. tell 11. tell 12. say

2.3       1. Tell me where you’re going. 2. Tell me what they’re doing. 3. Tell me how you get there. 4. Tell me when you study. 5. Tell me why she’s crying. 6. Tell me what time we leave. 7. Tell me who you’re texting. 8. Tell me how much it costs.

2.4       1. a, b, h, k 2. i, j, p 3. r 4. o 5. c, g 6. n 7. f 8. d, e, l 9. q 10. c, g, m

2.5       1. c 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. c

2.6       1. a 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c

2.7       Answers will vary.

2.8       Answers will vary.

2.9       Answers will vary.

3     Describing people, places, and things

3.1       1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. d

3.2       1. What’s he like? 2. Does she like _________________? 3. What’s he like? 4. What do they like to do? 5. What does she like to do? 6. What are you like?

3.3       1. c 2. a, b 3. d 4. i 5. l 6. h 7. j, k 8. e 9. f 10. g

3.4       1. d, i, l, m, n 2. h, j, k 3. c, f 4. b, o 5. a, e, g 6. b, o 7. a, e, g 8. e, g, h

3.5       1. c 2. a 3. d 4. d 5. a

3.6       1. a 2. b 3. d 4. b 5. a

3.7       1. In the first place 2. Second/In the second place 3. Plus 4. Not to mention that

3.8       Answers will vary.

3.9       Answers will vary.

4     Striking up a conversation

4.1       1. There are 2. There are 3. There is 4. There are 5. There is

4.2       1. living 2. live 3. get 4. smoke 5. getting 6. stay 7. working 8. go 9. being 10. driving

4.3       1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. d

4.4       1. b, h, k 2. j 3. e, h 4. i 5. l 6. f 7. d 8. a 9. c 10. e, h

4.5       1. i 2. c 3. d 4. n 5. o 6. a, b 7. g, m 8. f, p 9. j, k 10. e 11. e 12. h 13. l

4.6       1. d 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b

4.7       1. b, i 2. h 3. j, k 4. a, g, k 5. d 6. f 7. i 8. c, i 9. a, e 10. a, g, l

4.8       Answers will vary.

4.9       Answers will vary.

4.10     Answers will vary.

5     Making dates and appointments

5.1       1. at, in, on, at, in 2. in, at 3. in, at, in 4. on, at, in, at, in 5. on, at, in, at, on, in

5.2       1. May/Can I leave? 2. You mustn’t/must not leave. 3. Do you have to work today? 4. You have to work tomorrow. 5. When should I take the medicine? 6. You’re supposed to take the medicine just before a meal. 7. You can’t/mustn’t jaywalk./You’re not supposed to cross here. 8. Do I have to/Am I supposed to/Are you supposed to wait for a green light? 9. Would you rather have your steak medium or well done? 10. Will/Can/Could you come to a party at my house on Saturday night? 11. Will/Can you pick me up at the airport? 12. No, I won’t pick you up.

5.3       1. p 2. o 3. a 4. a, d 5. d, e, f, g 6. j, k 7. h 8. q 9. m 10. n 11. l 12. b, e, q 13. b 14. d, e, f, g

5.4       1. were 2. could 3. would 4. had 5. didn’t 6. were 7. were 8. could 9. called 10. lived

5.5       1. I wish you loved me. 2. I wish my neighbors didn’t make so much noise. 3. I wish my mother were here. 4. I wish I were married. 5. I wish she could stay here tonight. 6. I wish he would move his car. 7. I wish she didn’t drive so fast. 8. I wish they didn’t come home so late. 9. I wish I had enough/more money. 10. I wish our house were bigger./I wish we had a bigger house./I wish we lived in a bigger house.

5.6       1. c 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. c

5.7       1. c, h 2. d, e, i 3. d, e, i, l, m 4. a 5. b, f, j 6. d, e, i, l 7. j 8. k 9. g 10. l

5.8       Answers will vary.

5.9       Answers will vary.

5.10     Answers will vary

6     Expressing wants and needs

6.1       1. have to 2. need/want 3. want 4. prerequisites 5. would like 6. needs 7. would you mind 8. required to 9. requirements 10. need to/have to

6.2       1. c, h 2. g, k 3. e 4. i, l 5. i, l 6. d 7. f 8. a, b, j 9. m

6.3       1. a 2. c 3. d 4. a 5. d

6.4       Answers will vary.

6.5       1. to mind 2. to have a look 3. to have a mind to 4. none 5. to get rid of 6. to give a heads-up 7. to be worthwhile 8. in the meantime/meanwhile 9. to change your mind 10. utilities 11. One more thing 12. the country 13. go-to person/place 14. say 15. never mind 16. the mind 17. required 18. prerequisite 19. all the bells and whistles 20. out there

6.6       Answers will vary.

7     Making requests and offers

7.1       1. b 2. d 3. a 4. d 5. c 6. d

7.2       1. Would you mind taking off your hat? 2. Would you mind if I borrowed your ladder? 3. Would you mind lending me $20?/Could you (please) lend me $20? 4. Can/Will you lend me $20? 5. Could you please give me directions to the White House? 6. Could/Can I borrow a pen? 7. Come to _________________ right away!/Send a fire truck to _________________! 8. Could/Can you take me to the airport? 9. Drop me off at the next corner. 10. Turn right at the next stoplight.

7.3       1. Let me help you./Can I help you? 2. I’m taking her home. 3. Is there any way I can help you?/Is there anything I can do to help you? 4. Would you like to borrow some money?/Would you like me to lend you some money? 5. I’ll call 911!/I’m calling for an ambulance! 6. Would you like me to water your plants/take care of your dog/etc.? 7. Let me know if I can help you. 8. What can I do for you?/How can I help you? 9. I’ll call the police!/I’m calling the police! 10. Can I help you?

7.4       1. c, l 2. e 3. b, k 4. f, g, m 5. o 6. n 7. a, d, h, i, j 8. g

7.5       1. d 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. c

7.6       Answers will vary.

7.7       Answers will vary.

7.8       Answers will vary.

8     Expressing doubts and uncertainty

8.1       1. a. In the first place b. In addition/Plus c. plus/in addition d. As if that weren’t enough e. after all f. At least/Besides 2. a. In the first place b. After all c. Besides d. As if that weren’t enough

8.2       1. besides 2. besides 3. in addition 4. In addition 5. besides

8.3       1. p 2. e 3. d 4. k 5. h 6. f, o 7. c, j, l, n 8. m, r 9. a, b 10. g 11. q 12. i

8.4       1. c 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b

8.5       1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a 5. b

8.6       1. d 2. b 3. c 4. a 5. b

8.7       Answers will vary.

8.8       1. h 2. k, l 3. j 4. a 5. b, f 6. g 7. c, d, i 8. e

8.9       Answers will vary.

8.10     Answers will vary.

9     Talking about future events

9.1       1. c 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. a 6. c

9.2       1. f 2. j 3. d, h 4. a, c 5. e, g, i 6. b

9.3       1. c 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. c

9.4       1. Still 2. senior 3. the same old thing 4. overseas 5. a whole bunch of 6. freshman 7. pack light 8. catch up on 9. taking care of 10. reach a happy medium/compromise

9.5       Answers will vary.

9.6       Answers will vary.

10   Making a case or arguing a point

10.1     1. a. In the first place b. In the second place/Plus c. Besides/What’s more/Furthermore 2. a. In the first place b. In the second place/Plus c. In addition/Plus 3. a. In the first place b. In the second place c. In addition/What’s more/Plus d. Furthermore e. Finally/For the frosting on the cake/As if that weren’t enough/To top it all off

10.2     1. k 2. b, h 3. i, m, n 4. d, f, g 5. a 6. j, l 7. c 8. e

10.3     1. c 2. b 3. a 4. d 5. a 6. a 7. b 8. d 9. b 10. b

10.4     1. d 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. c 7. c 8. b

10.5     1. h, o 2. d, i, j, r 3. q 4. c 5. b, l 6. p 7. e 8. a 9. g 10. s 11. n 12. f 13. k 14. m

10.6     Answers will vary.

10.7     Answers will vary.

10.8     Answers will vary.

11   Narrating a story

11.1     1. a. First b. Then c. After that/Next d. Finally 2. a. First b. Then c. Next/After that d. then e. Finally f. For the frosting on the cake/To top it all off/As if that weren’t enough

11.2     1. c 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. a

11.3     1. s, x, y 2. h 3. c, i, p, t, u 4. j, w 5. k, l, q, r 6. f, g 7. d 8. v 9. a, b, m, o 10. e, n

11.4     Answers will vary.

11.5     1. a, p 2. g 3. i 4. b, e, j, l 5. h, m, n 6. o, s, t 7. c, q 8. d, f 9. k 10. r

11.6     Answers will vary.

11.7     1. I wish you were here. 2. I wish I could get a promotion at this company. 3. I wish she weren’t always stressed out. 4. I wish he knew my e-mail address. 5. I wish they would come to see me.

11.8     1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. c

11.9     Answers will vary.

11.10   Answers will vary.

12   Retelling a conversation

12.1     1. a 2. c 3. b 4. d 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. b

12.2     1. has taken 2. have read 3. haven’t finished 4. have already registered 5. have called 6. has never been 7. haven’t seen 8. Have you done 9. have already bought 10. Has she gone

12.3     1. he could run it in five minutes 2. we could take thirty minutes 3. It may have rained 4. He might have had the flu 5. You should have paid your bills on time 6. What should I have said when I saw him 7. We had to rearrange the furniture so the piano would fit. 8. The children would pick the wildflowers every spring. 9. It must have been nine o’clock. 10. She left because she had to pick up her daughter.

12.4     1. he was leaving for the beach tomorrow 2. the train always arrived on time 3. they had already eaten lunch 4. the plane had taken off at 9:15 5. they would be here/there in about five minutes

12.5     1. if I had a shovel he could borrow 2. if he would help her with the packages 3. what movie we were going to see 4. why he had called 5. whom she was talking to 6. how far it was 7. if he spoke English 8. when I would come back 9. where she went to school 10. if he wanted her to help him

12.6     1. at the last minute 2. learning the ropes 3. dude, give you a ride 4. pressure 5. at a loose end 6. how’s it going 7. babysit 8. end up

12.7     Answers will vary.

12.8     Answers will vary.

13   Controversial issues

13.1     1. c 2. a 3. b 4. d 5. c

13.2     1. N 2. N 3. P 4. P 5. N 6. P 7. N 8. P 9. N 10. P 11. N 12. P 13. N 14. N 15. N

13.3     1. Don’t you agree that that’s a problem? 2. Isn’t it true that our local government is corrupt? 3. Don’t you think we need to discuss this further? 4. Wouldn’t you like to study this issue in depth? 5. Couldn’t you try to see my point of view? 6. Don’t you even care about this matter?

13.4     1. It’s unfortunate that more people don’t recycle, but it’s also true that the county program isn’t very efficient.

2. It’s unconscionable that she doesn’t protect her own children, but it’s also true that she needs help with her addiction problem.

3. It’s horrible that so many people don’t vote, but it’s also true that they don’t think their vote counts.

4. It’s a shame that she didn’t run for office, but it’s also true that she has a lot of responsibilities at home.

5. It’s great that more and more people are following a healthy diet, but it’s also true that junk food is still very popular.

13.5     1. If my classes begin at 9 a.m., I will sleep until 8.

2. If the government provides free health care for everyone, she will get the care she needs.

3. If local teachers earn an average of $150,000 a year, I will study to be a teacher.

4. If ______ gives a concert here, I will buy tickets for all of us.

5. If my team wins the tournament, I will celebrate all night.

13.6     1. If my classes began at 9 a.m., I would have to get up at 8.

2. If the government provided free health care for everyone, we would all be better off.

3. If local teachers earned an average of $150,000 a year, more people would become teachers.

4. If ______ gave a concert here, a lot of people would attend.

5. If ______ won the tournament, the whole town would celebrate.

13.7     1. He does practice! 2. She does have a job! 3. I do care about the environment! 4. We do work hard enough! 5. He does drive too fast!

13.8     Answers are personal and will vary.

14   Electronic conversation

14.1     1. Can you come over as soon as possible? 2. Are you serious? I’m at school. Boring beyond belief. 3. It’s over between us. Sorry. 4. Laugh out loud. You’re crazy. 5. I’m unhappy without you. 6. Me, too. 7. See you later. 8. Oh my God. She’s out to lunch.

14.2     Ansrs wl vry. :)