Chapter 4

Using Advanced Organizing Tools


Photoshop Elements includes advanced tools for managing images. For example, you can associate tags with photos to help you identify their content. You can group photos based on where they were taken, the people in them, and with your own custom categories.

Find Duplicate Photos

Work with Keyword Tags

Define People in Photos

Define Places

View Places

Define Events

Using Smart Events

Work with People, Place, and Event Tags

Apply an Instant Fix

Stack Photos

Search for Similar Photos

Find Duplicate Photos

You can use the Organizer to find all the duplicate photos in your collection. You can then stack them — collect them so they take a single space in the Organizer. For more about stacking, see the “Stack Photos” section in this chapter.

If you have many photos and a slow computer, a duplicate search can take minutes or even hours. To search for duplicates of a single photo, use the Visual Similarity search. For details see the Find by Visual Similarity section in this chapter.

Find Duplicate Photos


001.eps In the Organizer, click the search box (9781118964668-ma057.tif) and select Duplicate Photo Search.

You may see an alert box about Visual Similarity search.


002.eps If this alert appears, click OK, deselect all photos in the Organizer, and repeat Step 1.


B Photoshop Elements displays a progress bar as it searches for duplicates.

Note: You may see a second progress bar showing an automatic Visual Similarity search after the first progress bar completes.


C Photoshop Elements groups all similar photos into small collections.

D You can use the Zoom slider to make the photos bigger so you can see more detail.

003.eps Review the collections.

Note: The search finds similar photos as well as duplicates. You must review the collections by eye to decide which photos you want to stack.

004.eps Click Stack to group a collection.

005.eps Use the scroll bar to scroll through all the collections. Repeat Step 4 for every collection you want to stack.

006.eps Click Done when finished.

Photoshop Elements stacks the photos you selected as duplicates.

Work with Keyword Tags

Keyword tags help you categorize and filter your digital photos. For example, you can create a tag called car and apply it to all your photos of cars. You can assign the Organizer’s preset tags or use tags that you have created. You can also assign more than one tag to a photo. For example, a photo of an automobile could have a car tag as well as a convertible tag.

The Organizer comes with several predefined tags, but the selection is limited. You should add your own tags to make searching easier.

Work with Keyword Tags

Create a Keyword Tag


001.eps In the Organizer, click Tags/Info.

002.eps Click Tags.

003.eps Click the plus sign (9781118964668-ma050.tif).

The Create Keyword Tag dialog box opens.


004.eps Click the category menu, and choose a category for the new tag.

005.eps Type a name for the keyword tag.

A You can add a note about the keyword tag here.

006.eps Click OK.

Assign Tags


001.eps Click and drag the tag from the Keyword Tags panel, and then drop it on the photo you want to tag.

B The Organizer displays a keyword tag (9781118964668-ma058.tif).

You can also drag a thumbnail image from the Media Browser to a keyword tag to assign a tag.

Note: If you cannot see a tag, select View ⇒ Details in the main menu.


002.eps Click the Keyword Tags search box.

C Photoshop Elements lists all existing tags.

003.eps Click a tag in the list.

004.eps Click a photo you want to tag.

You can 9781118964668-ctrl.tif+click (9781118964668-cmd.tif+click on a Mac) to select multiple photos.

005.eps Click Add.

Photoshop Elements applies the tag (9781118964668-ma058.tif) to the selected photo.

Work with Keyword Tags (continued)

After you assign keyword tags, you can tell Photoshop Elements to display photos with any combination of tags. For example, you can show photos with certain kinds of content, or which feature certain people.

To save you time, Photoshop Elements can tag faces automatically. For details see the next section, “Define People in Photos.” This makes it easy to use tags to find people.

Work with Keyword Tags (continued)

Filter by Tags


001.eps Open the Tags/Info panel if it is not already visible.

002.eps Position your mouse pointer over the keyword tag you want to apply, and click the box (9781118964668-ma062.tif becomes 9781118964668-ma059.tif).

A You can click 9781118964668-ma060.tif to expand a tag category.

B You can click 9781118964668-ma061.tif to collapse a tag category.


C The Organizer displays all the photos with the tag you selected in Step 2.

D The Organizer displays a tag mark (9781118964668-ma058.tif) for each tag associated with a photo.

Note: You can hover the mouse pointer over each tag to view the tag name as a tool tip.

E To filter by multiple tags, click additional tag boxes (9781118964668-ma062.tif).

If you check multiple tags, only photos that have all the tags appear. You cannot select photos with any other combination of tags.

Remove a Tag from a Photo


001.eps Right-click a photo with a tag.

002.eps Click Remove Keyword Tag.

003.eps Click the keyword tag you want to remove.

The Organizer removes the keyword tag from the photo.

If the tag was filtering the photo in the Media Browser, the photo disappears.


Define People in Photos

You can find people in your photos and tag them with names. The Organizer includes a feature that looks for human faces in your photos. You can view all the faces as a collection and tag them with names. Searching a catalog for faces can take a long time. The search is not perfect. It sometimes mistakes random objects for faces or misses people.

Click People at the top of the Organizer to see a grid of stacked photos with all the people you have named. You can double-click a stack to view photos that feature that person.

Define People in Photos


001.eps In the Organizer, select photos with people that you want to name.

If you do not select any photos, Photoshop Elements searches all the photos in the current catalog. This can take a long time.

002.eps Click Add People.

003.eps If you are you searching an entire catalog, click YES when an alert appears.

Photoshop Elements searches for faces and displays the results in a People Recognition dialog box.


004.eps 9781118964668-shift.tif+click or 9781118964668-ctrl.tif+click (9781118964668-cmd.tif+click on a Mac) to select all the photos of one person’s face.

005.eps Type a name for the face.

006.eps Press 9781118964668-ent.tif.


A Photoshop Elements tags all the photos you select with the name.

If you selected photos of more than one person, you can repeat Steps 3 to 5 to label them.

007.eps Click Save.

Depending on how many photos you are analyzing, Photoshop Elements may present additional sets of faces to name or confirm. You can continue naming them and click Save or click Cancel to stop.


008.eps Click People.

Photoshop Elements displays the people you have defined.

B You can move your cursor across a thumbnail to preview the faces for a person.

C Double-click a face to display the photos for that person.

Define Places

You can use the Places feature in the Organizer to locate your photos on a map. To define places, click and drag photo thumbnails onto a Google map.

You can place a batch of photos at a single location, or specify different locations for each photo more precisely — for example, to spread photo locations around different parts of a park or a small city area. Placing individual photos takes more time. Placing photos in a batch takes less time, but is less accurate. You can choose either approach.

Define Places


001.eps In the Organizer, click the photo you want to place on the map.

Note: You can control 9781118964668-ctrl.tif+click (9781118964668-cmd.tif+click on a Mac) to select multiple photos.

Note: Skip this step if you want to map all your photos. (This is not recommended if you have many photos.)

002.eps Click Add Places.

The Add Places dialog box appears.


003.eps Use the map controls to pan and zoom to the location where the photos were taken.

You can also click-drag with your mouse to pan, and use the mouse wheel to zoom in and out.

004.eps Click and drag a thumbnail onto the map.

If you selected more than one thumbnail in Step 1, you can drag them all to a single location. You can also click them to select them one by one and drag them to different locations.


A Photoshop Elements displays an icon to mark the place.

005.eps Click 9781118964668-ma012.tif to confirm the location.

You can click 9781118964668-ma013.tif or press 9781118964668-esc.tif to cancel.

006.eps Click Done.


007.eps Click Tags/Info to view tags for your photos.

008.eps Click Places Tags.

D Photoshop Elements automatically tags your selected photos based on the place.

For more about tags, see the section “Work with People, Place, and Event Tags.”

To view a map showing where you have placed all your photos in the Organizer, see the next section, “View Places.”

View Places

You can view the Photoshop Elements map to see all the places linked to your photos. Click each icon on the map to view the photo or photos at that location.

You can use zoom and panning controls on the map to find photos that you have placed at certain locations. You can also search for places by keyword.

View Places


001.eps In the Organizer, click Places.

A map appears.

A Icons on the map represent defined places with numbers representing the number of photos at a place.

002.eps Use the map controls to pan and zoom to find a location of interest.

B You can also type the name of a location here press 9781118964668-ent.tif to search for it.

C As you zoom out, Photoshop Elements groups photos at nearby locations together to avoid clutter.

D Photoshop Elements displays the matching photo groups here.

Note: To find a matching group, check the number of items.


E You can use the map controls or your mouse to zoom in if you want to see more detail on the map.

003.eps Click a place icon on the map.

004.eps Click Show Media.


F Photoshop Elements shows only the photos associated with the place.

Note: The location icon does not remain highlighted in blue.

G You can click Map to toggle the map open and closed. Closing the map gives you a larger area for viewing photos.

005.eps Click Clear.

Photoshop Elements shows all the photos again and returns to the default view on the map.


Define Events

You can group your photos into events to associate them with specific dates or time periods. This is a good way to organize photos taken on birthdays, holidays, and vacations. You must define an event before you can add photos to it. To view your events, click Events at the top of the Organizer.

Photoshop Elements also supports Smart Events, which group photos by date automatically. For more about Smart Events, see the “Using Smart Events” section in this chapter.

Define Events


001.eps In the Organizer, 9781118964668-ctrl.tif+click (9781118964668-cmd.tif+click on a Mac) to select the photos for your event.

To find photos that were taken during a specific time period, see Chapter 3.

002.eps Click Add Event.

The Add New Event pane opens with your photos added.


A You can click and drag to add more photos to your event.

003.eps Type a name for the event.

Photoshop Elements sets a start and end date for your event based on the timestamps associated with the photos.

B You can click the calendar icons to change the start and end dates of the event.

C You can type an optional description for the event here.

004.eps Click Done.


D Photoshop Elements adds event icons (9781118964668-ma063.tif) to the photos. You can position your cursor over them to view the names.

You can right-click an event icon (9781118964668-ma063.tif) to remove a photo from an event.

005.eps Click Events.

Photoshop Elements displays the events you have defined.


E You can move your cursor across a thumbnail to preview the photos for an event.

006.eps Double-click an event to display its photos.

Note: Every event you create has a tag associated with it. See the section “Work with People, Place, and Event Tags” for more.

Using Smart Events

You can use the Smart Event feature to group your photos by date automatically. You can use this feature as-is or as a starting point for custom events; you can select one or more Smart Events and collect them into a custom event.

When you work with Smart Events, Photoshop Elements groups photos imported on the same day or within a date and time range. When you group photos by time, you can click and drag a slider to set a time range. Note that photos are grouped by the time you imported them, not the time they were shot.

Using Smart Events


001.eps In the Organizer, click Events.

002.eps Click the virtual switch to select Smart Events.

Photoshop Elements groups your photos by date.

A Each group shows the date and the number of photos.

003.eps Click Time.

Photoshop Elements displays your photos in groups based on time and date.

Note: Photoshop Elements does not group photos by time of day. It groups photos by a time range within or around each date.


B You can click and drag the slider to set the time/date range used to create the groups.

Drag to the right to use shorter lengths of time. Drag to the left to use longer.

004.eps Click any group, or multi-select any group of groups with 9781118964668-ctrl.tif+click (9781118964668-cmd.tif+click on a Mac).

005.eps Click Name Event(s) to convert the group into a custom event.

The Name Event dialog box opens.


006.eps Type a name for the event.

Photoshop Elements sets a start and end date for your event based on the import times of the photos.

C You can click the calendar icons to change the start and end dates.

D You can type a description of the event here.

007.eps Click OK.

Photoshop Elements saves the event.


008.eps Click here to view custom Events instead of Smart Events.

Photoshop Elements displays custom Events.

E The new event appears in the grid.

You can double-click the event to view its photos.

Work with People, Place, and Event Tags

When you create People, Places, or Events for your photos, Photoshop Elements automatically creates tags for you. You can use the Tags search panel to see which photos include them.

You can select more than one tag at once. For example, you can select a Place tag and then select People tags to see photos that include those people at that place.

Work with People, Place, and Event Tags


001.eps In the Organizer, click Tags/Info.

002.eps Click Tags.

003.eps Click People Tags if the people tag list is not already open.

People-related tags appear.

A You can click a tag to view photos tagged with that person’s name.

B People tags are marked with 9781118964668-ma064.tif.

Note: If you cannot see an icon, confirm that View ⇒ Details is checked and move the Zoom slider in the toolbar.

004.eps Deselect any People tags, and click Places Tags if the Places tag list is not already open.

Place-related tags appear.

Note: Place tags are pre-grouped by country, area, city, and specific location.


C Each place is associated with a set of location tags. Click through the closed tags to view a specific location tag.

D You can click any Place tag to view photos at that location.

E Place tags are marked by 9781118964668-ma065.tif.

005.eps Deselect any Place tags, and click Events Tags if the Event tag list is not already open.

Event-related tags appear.

Each event defined in your photos is associated with a tag.


F You can click any Event tag to view photos of that event (9781118964668-ma062.tif becomes 9781118964668-ma059.tif).

G Event tags are marked by an event icon 9781118964668-ma063.tif.


H You can select more than one tag to find combinations of people, places, and events.

I Photoshop Elements displays photos that combine the tags you select.

Apply an Instant Fix

You can optimize color, lighting, and make other basic edits in the Organizer using the Instant Fix tools. This is a good way to make simple improvements without loading the Editor.

Most of the fixes are one-click improvements with no settings. They work on many photos, but may not give good results on photos with unusual lighting. After you apply a fix, the Organizer saves the photo with the original in a version set. See Chapter 3 for more about version sets.

Apply an Instant Fix

001.eps In the Organizer, click the photo you want to fix.


002.eps Click Instant Fix.

The Photo Fix Options panel opens.

003.eps Click an instant fix, such as Crop.

The Crop Photo dialog box appears.


004.eps Click and drag the edges and corners of the crop tool to set the area of the photo you want to keep.

A You can click the crop menu to select various standard width/height ratios.

005.eps Click Done.

B You can click Cancel to exit the tool without cropping.

Photoshop Elements crops the photo.


C Photoshop Elements adds the edited photo to a version set and displays the open version set icon (9781118964668-ma042.tif).

Note: For more on version sets, see Chapter 3.

006.eps Click another instant fix such as Color.

Photoshop Elements fixes the color.


Stack Photos

You can save screen space in the Organizer by grouping related photos into stacks. The Organizer shows the top photo in a stack and hides the others. You can select photos manually before stacking them, or you can ask Photoshop Elements to suggest stacks by searching your collection for similar photos.

Stack Photos

Create a Stack


001.eps 9781118964668-shift.tif+click or 9781118964668-ctrl.tif+click (9781118964668-cmd.tif+click on a Mac) to select the photos you want to stack.


002.eps Right-click one of the selected photos.

003.eps Click Stack ⇒ Stack Selected Photos.

A You can click Automatically Suggest Photo Stacks to have Photoshop Elements suggest stacks based on photographic similarity.


B Photoshop Elements stacks the photos you selected. The photo you right-clicked appears on top of the stack.

C The stack is marked with a stack icon (9781118964668-ma066.tif).

D You can click 9781118964668-ma041.tif to expand the stack.

The Organizer shows the photos in the stack.

You can click 9781118964668-ma056.tif to close the stack.

Unstack Photos


001.eps Right-click a photo in a stack. If the stack is collapsed, right-click the top photo.

002.eps Click Stack ⇒ Unstack Photos.

Photoshop Elements deletes the stack. The photos reappear as separate item in the Organizer.

Search for Similar Photos

You can search for photos with similar colors and shapes. This can be useful for finding related shots in a large catalog, or for more creative applications, such as finding similar images for a collage.

The search tool includes a slider that can be set to look for matching colors, matching shapes, or a mix of the two. Color searches are more accurate and take less time, but shape searches can produce some surprisingly close hits.

Search for Similar Photos


001.eps Click a photo to select it as a search target.

002.eps Click Find ⇒ By Visual Searches ⇒ Visually similar photos and videos.

Note: You can click Objects appearing in photos to search for images containing similar objects.

Note: If a dialog box appears asking if you want to index your photos, click OK, Start Indexing. Indexing makes searches faster and more accurate.

Photoshop Elements finds similar photos and lists them.


A The target photo appears first.

B Each photo includes a percentage to show how closely it matches the target.


003.eps Click and drag the slider to the left to look for similar colors.

Photoshop Elements finds photos with similar colors.


004.eps Click and drag the slider to the right to look for similar shapes and textures.

Photoshop Elements finds photos with similar shapes and textures.

Note: In this example, the search finds more photos with foliage after it runs out of photos with similar shapes. Color differences are ignored.

C You can click All Media to clear the search.