Blood and Other Fluids
Bodily fluids of all kinds illicit a strong response in people: terror, repulsion, fear, sexual arousal, and more. These associations, along with the fact that they all contain the true one-of-a-kind physical essence of a person, make them very powerful magickal tools. While not to everyone’s taste, using bodily fluids in spells is quite common.
In some older spells, there is mention of feeding other people bodily fluids such as blood and urine. Remember that this is in fact an act of assault upon another person when done without their consent. Even with consent, this can be dangerous or cause illness, and I strongly advise against it.
Typically, when we see blood, we’re instinctively alarmed and go into panic mode, looking to fight or flee. The sight and smell of it ignites something primal in us, as it does with all animals. Blood represents both life and death. It is vital in terms of mortality and is therefore significant in magick.
Blood has been revered in religion and spirituality since the existence of ancient civilizations and continues to fascinate us to this day. Just look at our most popular media. It’s filled with bloodshed, violence, and sexy bloodsuckers, illustrating our continuing obsession with the substance.
Blood often heralds the end of life and, depending on the situation, triggers different emotions. In battle, the blood of our enemies would illicit triumph and a sense of safety. In times of hunger, the blood of prey would spark feelings of success and assured sustenance. Contrariwise, the sight of a loved one’s blood heralds dread and fear. Blood is so powerful that some people even faint at the sight of it regardless of context. The primal feelings it invokes in people are undeniable. If you lose too much blood, you will die. If you give blood, it can save someone’s life.
In ancient history, blood was used to appease nature. While old rites of sacrificing animals and people are not necessary nowadays, we can learn from them just how important blood was, and still is, in our collective unconscious. Ancient agricultural societies performed blood sacrifice to pacify the gods and the earth, in order to keep crops growing and food supplies abundant, for example, by placing the remains of human sacrifice in the fields in spring. The Mayans pierced their lips, tongues, and cheeks to draw blood, which was then spread upon idols, sprinkled on the earth, or given to divinity.2 The point of mentioning these old rites is not to say we should continue them but to illustrate just how powerful blood has always been to the human mind and its link to the life force.
When the topic of blood magick comes up, many peoples’ thoughts automatically go to a scary place. In reality, blood magick can be implemented in many different ways, not always frightening or painful, and is vastly misunderstood.
Those who practice blood magick in modern witchcraft are sometimes reluctant to talk about it for fear of judgment, and in some circles the subject is completely taboo and considered antiquated and unnecessary. The blood magick I speak of in this book is performed safely and responsibly by consenting adults.
Blood can be offered as a sacrifice or devotional, employed in spells to strengthen the energetic link to yourself or someone else, or used to create a bond between members of a coven. The DNA in your blood contains your whole inherited lineage. This means that every single ancestor you have is present in your blood, making it a substance that reaches further back into time than we can conceive of.
Not everyone is comfortable with using blood in magick, and that’s perfectly okay. If the idea makes you uneasy, you can use visualization, energy work, or even hair, fingernails, or saliva in its place.
Those who do choose to partake in blood ritual do so for a wide range of reasons. Adding a drop of blood to a tincture, oil, spell, or charm acts as a binding agent between your physical earthly self and the energy of the spell. Including blood in a spell adds a deep vitality to it. For some, it brings the element of sacrifice (which is discussed in Chapter 11) to the working. It also beckons the power of ancestors into your magick. While hair and fingernails are dead cells of a person and contain their essence and DNA, blood is a living substance. This makes it different and, some believe, more powerful.
Should you choose to include blood in your rituals and spells, there are some important safety factors to consider to prevent injury and the spread of illness. Many deadly diseases are spread through the blood, and you can make yourself and others ill if you neglect to take proper safety precautions.
• Do not mix blood with someone else unless you know you can trust them. In other words, you know that cinematic “cut our palms and press our hands together” bonding ritual people do in movies? Or when all members of a group put a drop of their blood in a glass of wine and then drink it? Don’t do this with strangers or people you’re not certain have been tested for blood-borne diseases. In a close relationship or circle of friends, this is something that you should be able to discuss openly. If not, it isn’t worth taking the chance.
• When drawing your own blood, use a sterile lancet. These are tiny pinprick devices used by diabetics for blood testing and can be purchased at any pharmacy. They are single use, sterile, and guaranteed to be disease free when used properly. They don’t leave scars and only release a small, controlled amount of blood, minimizing the chance of accidents. Always make sure to dispose of lancets in a proper biohazard container, also available at a drug store. Never share a lancet, and only use them once to avoid infection. Wash the site of the pinprick thoroughly before and after. Be sure to only prick the tips of your fingers with a lancet. Some areas, such as the wrist, are not safe to prick as they can bleed too much.
• Cutting or pricking yourself with nonsterile objects or larger tools such as razors, knives, or pins is not advised. There could be germs or worse on them and you may give yourself a painful infection. Plus, it’s difficult to control the depth of a cut using a knife or blade, and you could end up hurting yourself very badly by accident.
• If you menstruate, you can use a small amount of menstrual blood instead of using a lancet. Treat menstrual fluid with the same care as ordinary blood because, again, it can spread disease between people.
• Using a drop of blood in ritual is not the same as self-harming. Blood magick is a special, once-in-a-while exercise for ceremonial reasons only and isn’t done for the sake of hurting yourself on a regular basis. If you have a history of self-harm, using blood in magick may not be right for you.
Menstrual Blood
Menstrual blood has been a key component of magick and religion throughout history. This is not to say that all, or even most, witches incorporate their monthly menses into their craft. In fact, there are some very strong opinions about it.
Even within the witch world, there are two strongly opposing viewpoints regarding the use of menstrual blood in magick. One side views it as an incredible source of lunar power and connection to the divine feminine, while the other side dismisses it as nasty, gross, and just plain wrong. To me, the opinion that menstrual blood is shameful and dirty is a twisted belief invented by the patriarchy out of fear. When you look back in time at the role of menstruation in mythology and throughout the evolution of civilization, the ability to create and give life is revered as one of the most sacred phenomena. Over time, feelings toward menstruation have oscillated between two extremes, being worshipped and celebrated while simultaneously shunned and downgraded to the lowest of bodily functions.
In figuring out why it is such a controversial subject, and in order to comprehend any ingrained feelings we may have, we must first understand how ancient cultures felt about menstruation. Early civilizations didn’t know the science of the body as we do today. All they knew was that menstrual bleeding was directly linked to childbirth and the propagation of the species. They knew that when monthly bleeding stopped for nine months, a baby would grow inside a woman instead. Once the baby was born, menstruation would soon resume. In a nutshell, they thought that when a woman was pregnant, she was turning her monthly blood into a baby.3 Therefore, this blood from a woman’s womb was revered as a source of life itself. This granted menstrual blood great power.
Menstrual blood is mentioned again and again in mythology from all over the world. The Greeks and Romans believed menstruating women had the power to calm storms and rescue lost ships at sea. There is evidence that Egyptian pharaohs and Celtic kings believed consuming or drinking menstrual blood would grant them immortality.4 Oftentimes a girl’s first bleeding was cause for celebration. On this end of the spectrum, menses has been considered a symbol of life.
There is, of course, the other side of the story, which we are currently more familiar with, and that is one of fear and loathing. This fear of menstrual blood isn’t unique to our modern times. In many ancient religious texts, menstruating people are referred to as unclean and cursed.
Pliny the Elder, an influential Roman writer and philosopher, published encyclopedias called Natural History, in which he included his bizarre notions about menstruation, and these notions, however outdated they are now, formed a basis for some modern views on reproductive cycles. He claimed period blood could render seeds infertile, kill insects and plants on contact, make crops fail, and drive dogs mad. He wrote that the gaze of a menstruating woman could kill livestock and cause miscarriages in pregnant women. He also said sex with a menstruating woman could kill a man.5 That’s some pretty powerful stuff, which sounds silly to us now. However, this dark interpretation lives on today in some cases.
Menstrual blood has always been viewed as incredibly powerful in opposing polarities: that of giving life and that of giving death, just like the dark moon and just like the Crone goddesses. It was the elixir of life yet at the same time considered deadly. It was a source of fear and terror yet simultaneously viewed in awe as a miraculous source of life. That is some very powerful energy for humans to pour into a substance since the beginning of humankind!
Menstruation and the Moon
How does all this history apply to magick?
First of all, should you choose to include menstrual fluid, also called moon blood, in your rituals and spells, please see the section about blood safety on page 75.
When considering moon blood in magick, it’s important to note that a menstrual cycle is in direct correspondence with the lunar phases. This is truly incredible when you think about it. Different times in a menstrual cycle can be utilized in exactly the same way as the phases of the moon to influence spell work.
The monthly menstrual cycle physically and hormonally exactly mirrors the moon’s patterns of growth, fruition, death, and rebirth. Here are the parallels:
Waxing Moon: Eggs ripen in the ovaries. The uterus becomes receptive and fertile, preparing for sperm to enter the body. Like the waxing moon, this time in the cycle is associated with accomplishment, high energy, and fulfillment.
Full Moon: The egg is fully formed, ovulation occurs, and the egg is released. Bloody, nutrient-rich lining is created by the uterus to nourish the egg. This is a time of fruition and potential life, of full formation ready to be fertilized.
Waning Moon: If the egg is unfertilized, the uterus lining shrinks and decomposes, taking the egg and the month’s blood with it. This is a time of letting go and moving on. This is a time of diminishing and approaching endings.
Dark Moon: Menstruation. The body releases the blood and the egg. This represents great transformation and release, much like death. This is a time of clearing the way for new beginnings.
After this the cycle begins all over again, just like the moon, the seasons, the cosmos, and time. A giant cycle of life, death, and rebirth reflected right inside our bodies.
Menstrual blood has been defined both as giving life and as a toxic killer. It logically follows that magickally speaking, it can be used for either of those ends. It can be used to protect, to bless, to create sympathy between a witch and an object, to curse, to hex, and to maim. A person’s moon blood is deeply and intrinsically theirs alone and can be used to send an extremely strong message to spirit or to boost the power of spells. It sounds multipurpose, and that’s because it is. The conflict surrounding menstrual blood has created this amazing catchall of energy. Such extremes invoke gut-level emotion. Strong emotion creates powerful energy. And powerful energy makes for successful magick.
There are a few spells at the end of this chapter based on the vast range of powers associated with moon blood. Not everyone is willing to use it, but I felt it was important to discuss this topic due to its misunderstood nature.
Semen is somewhat the male equivalent of menstrual blood in magick, although it has never gotten quite the same bad reputation. No one has ever accused semen of destroying crops or killing livestock, for example, but that’s a discussion for another time.
Semen, like moon blood, creates life. Using semen in spells is a practice as old as time, and yet another one that is not discussed openly in most modern witchcraft circles. Like menstrual blood, it’s been viewed as a potent ingredient in spellcraft all over the world.
Semen is symbolic of divine masculinity, fertility, action, and virility. These are all forces that can boost the general strength of a spell. Semen can create a link between objects and the practitioner just like blood. Both semen and vaginal arousal discharge can be used in the place of blood in magick.
Semen can be utilized to anoint a candle in sex magick, as can female arousal fluid. To attract a man, carve a heart or an appropriate symbol into a candle and anoint it with ejaculate (you can even buy penis-shaped candles for this). To attract a female, putting semen into a bowl or other round vessel representing the womb can aid in finding a mate. These actions can be mixed and matched for any sexual preference. Before performing love spells on a specific person, please review the points on page 4 and page 5 regarding ethics and targeted love spells before going forward.
Semen can also be used in dominance spells or when you wish to energetically mark something as belonging to you, like a job or position of rank within a group. While it is best that this be done with one’s own semen because it contains your personal energy, given its symbolism, anyone can use semen in this way as long as they have permission from the person. A woman can use her own arousal fluid in this same way or obtain semen from a willing donor.
In love magic, semen can be dried on a piece of cloth then added to poppets and charms. It is said that when collected from the target of a love spell, it will keep them faithful. Semen is especially used in spells meant to bring growth and new beginnings. Fertility abounds in all aspects of existence, not just in procreation. Job prospects, relationships, and any other area of life that needs to be fertilized and encouraged to grow can be considered for a fertility spell.
A simple ritual is to collect some of your semen and imbue it with an intention that you would like to grow and develop in your life. Bury it in the earth, like planting a seed, and your goal will come to fruition.
Gross, right? But since we’re talking about all the other uncomfortable things, we may as well discuss this too. Urine (or any bodily fluid, for that matter) is by no means obligatory in magick, and certainly not everyone is comfortable including it. Since this book is written in the spirit of learning, I’m going to discuss using urine in spells to help understand what it is for, even if you never use it.
In nature, animals use urine to mark their territory. When other animals come along and smell it, they know to stay away. This is especially true for large or dominant creature such as male cats. When approached from this perspective, urine can be used in magick to mark a person, idea, or thing as belonging to you, protecting it from others.
Urine isn’t always territorial, though. For many species, it is also part of the process of locating suitable mates through scent, and from this we learn that it can be used in love and attraction spells. It’s said that putting urine in coffee and serving it to a lover will bind them to you, but as I’ve mentioned, please do not feed other people your bodily fluids.
Urine is waste and toxins—garbage from the body, no less—and this lends it to being used in curses. There’s nothing more insulting than to be “pissed on,” as in the saying “I’d piss on his/her grave.” It would seem peeing on someone’s good name is the ultimate insult and act of disrespect.
Witch bottles are a well-known example of urine being used in spells dating back thousands of years. Some contained rusty nails and hair and were meant to protect a person from witchery. It’s also said that you can put the name of your enemy into a bottle and fill it with urine to curse them.
On the other side of the coin, urine carrying unwanted waste from the body is linked with removing curses or energetic refuse. Done with intent, urinating can be integrated into a banishing spell.
As you can see, the use of urine in spells is, like everything, entirely dependent on the intent behind it. It’s used to attract love, to bind, to hex, and to lift curses.
Using urine in magic is a very personal choice, and should you decide to experiment with this, always remember that urine, like blood, carries pathogens and should be handled with care and cleanliness. Do not consume it. While using urine in spells is not something I personally prefer, I’m not one to tell other people what they should or shouldn’t do. Like menstrual blood, opinions and feelings about urine are strong, and this lends it powerful energy by association.
For those who are uncomfortable with using blood, semen, or urine in magick—and many people are—but still feel compelled to add a bodily component to a working, saliva is always an option. Blood or other bodily fluids can be replaced with spit in any spell.
Saliva can be used in sympathetic magic just like blood, to create a bond between yourself and a magickal object. It can be used in love magick for its association with kissing and sexual pheromones, but on the contrary, spitting is also considered rude and offensive, making it useful in curses.
Multipurpose like all bodily fluids, saliva is no exception in that intent is everything. Spitting in a person’s face, for example, is one of the most disrespectful things you can do. In this train of thought, you can integrate it into a curse by spitting on a poppet of someone you dislike or on the ground where you’ve buried a spell item meant to curse someone. Meanwhile, you can integrate it into love magick to attract a compatible mate.
Spells Using Bodily Fluids
This section focuses on spells using blood and urine. For spells using menstrual blood, you can substitute regular blood, and vice versa. If you’re not comfortable using blood at all, you can substitute saliva.
Family Protection Spell
Moon blood is our connection with the Great Mother, the divine feminine and the source of life itself. For this reason, it is perfect for use in family protection spells, especially the protection of children. This blood is connected to matters of nurturance, caregiving, midwifery, giving life, raising children, and love. However, on the flip side, mother energy is certainly not always hugs and flowers. Woe unto anyone who interferes with a lioness’s cubs! This primal, protective energy can be applied to spells designed to guard your families, children, and relationships.
This spell takes several days to perform, so be sure you have some time available each day for the next week or so.
Athame, ritual knife, or sharp object for cutting into wax
White taper candle
Several drops of moon blood (menstrual blood)
Pin for each member of the family
3 thistle plants pulled from the ground. These invasive weeds can be found almost anywhere, but wear gloves when you pick them. They’re painful!
Lighter or matches
Heatproof dish
10-inch square of black cloth
Cast your circle and invoke your deities.
Using your knife, carve the names of your family members into the taper candle, or if you all share the same last name, carve it from the top to the bottom of the candle.
Next, anoint the candle with moon blood. You will do this by starting at the top of the candle and rubbing it into the wax, down to the middle. Then, anoint it from the bottom up. This attracts protective energy. As you massage the blood into the candle, imagine a powerful field of fiercely protective energy surrounding the name(s) carved there. Now, pick up one of the pins. Say the name of one of the people you wish to protect, and then insert the pin into the candle, all the way through. Repeat this with each name, inserting a pin to represent each person. You will need to remember which pin represents whom, so perhaps positioning them from oldest to youngest from top to bottom is a good idea. If you find it difficult to push the pin through the candle, try carefully heating it up with a flame first to help it ease it through.
Arrange the prickly thistle in a circle around the candle, further defending it from outside interference.
Light the candle at the same time each day. As it burns through each pin, chant or mentally say:
(Name) is protected by the power of my blood,
The power of creation and destruction that resides in me.
As I will it, so mote it be.
I suggest burning through one pin per day. Remember which pin represents whom, and while the flame burns through each one, focus very strongly on protecting that individual. Visualize a steely bubble around them physically, while they live content and free of all threat. When the candle has burned down, wrap the remaining wax, pins, and thistle in the black cloth and bury it near your front door.
This kind of protective spell is not limited to family or children. You can perform a similar ritual to protect property, a job or position, or a romantic relationship that is being threatened by outside forces. Simply alter the words on the candle as well as your visualization to fit what is needed.
Heart’s Blood Fidelity Spell
It is said that feeding your menstrual blood to a lover will ensure that they never stray, that they will always be faithful to you alone. It’s believed that if the victim unknowingly consumes the blood, they will be loyal to the spellcaster forever. For this reason, it is often used in “bring back my love” spells.
Don’t feed menstrual blood to anyone without their consent. Instead, I’ve come up with a spell for fidelity that uses blood but doesn’t involve ingesting it.
Some say that fidelity spells interfere with the free will of another person. I share this spell trusting that the reader is able to make their own decisions.
2 red candles
3 drops lavender, rose, or ginger oil
1 crumbled dried rose petal
Small chunk of clay that can fit easily in the palm of your hand (See the recipe outlined in Chapter 9 about poppets, or you can buy some air-drying clay.)
3 apple seeds
Several drops of your menstrual blood
Cast a circle and invoke deity if you wish. Light the red candles.
Using your hands, knead the rose petal and chosen oil into the clay. Imagine that you are in fact holding the heart and emotions of your partner in your hands. See them in your mind; imagine their smell, the sound of their voice. Picture the two of you loyal to each other, with no desire to stray.
Mold the clay to make a heart shape. While you do this, chant:
(Name), I hold your heart in my hands. From me you will not stray.
As you press and work the clay with your fingers, feel the aspects of your partner—their looks, their energy, their personality—flowing from your hands into it.
Place the heart on your altar before you. Hold one apple seed in your fingers and declare:
(Name), your heart beats only for me.
Push the apple seed into the center of the heart. Hold the second seed and say:
(Name), your heart sees only me.
Push this seed into the heart. Hold the third seed and say:
(Name), your heart belongs to me.
Press the third seed into the heart. This will have made a dent in the center of the clay heart. Into this dent, put a drop of blood. Mold the clay over the top of the hole you’ve made, completely covering the blood and seeds.
Close the circle. Allow the candles to burn out.
Let the charm dry and keep it under your bed or hidden in a secret place where no one will find it.
This spell should not be taken lightly. If you are fickle-hearted and just playing games on a crush, this will be a big mistake.
Blood and Vinegar Revenge Spell
This spell is to get revenge on someone who has wronged you. In many ways, revenge spells are like reversal spells. You will gather up all the malevolence behind their actions toward you and send it right back at them with extra force. This will hopefully cause something worse to befall them than what they’ve done to you.
3 thorns cut from a plant
Small dish
Sterile lancet
Jar with a tight lid
1 cup vinegar
1 tablespoon ashes from a fire, incense, or another source
Gather your items at your altar. Cast a circle and invoke deity if you wish.
Place the thorns in the dish. Think about how the person has wronged you, and allow your anger or other negative feelings to build. Envision the person experiencing the same pain they have inflicted on you, whatever that may be. When these feelings are at their peak, use the lancet to prick your finger and put several drops of your blood onto the thorns. This release of blood is carrying all the pain and torment they’ve caused out of your own heart, through your blood and into the thorns.
Put the thorns in the jar. Fill the jar with vinegar and then add the ashes. Tightly cap the lid, and then shake it and watch the chaos you’ve created inside the jar: sharp thorns swirling around in burning vinegar, with ashes making a cloudy veil throughout to obscure their vision and protect you from their radar.
If possible, you should dump the mixture onto their property, outside their home, or outside their place of work. If this isn’t possible, you can dump it into a sewer grate or river that flows in the direction of where they reside.
As you walk away, take note of the lightness your heart feels now that you’ve removed the anger and vengeance and sent it back to where it belongs. Wash and recycle the jar.
Reversal Spell to Teach a Lesson
If someone is behaving in a way that is harmful to others, sometimes the best way to stop them is a reversal spell. This will cause them to experience that which they have inflicted upon someone else, giving them a taste of their own medicine.
This spell makes use of sunlight but can still be performed during the dark phase of the moon.
Small hand mirror
Direct sunlight
Sterile lancet
Cast your circle and call your deities.
Draw a picture of an eyeball and write the person’s name inside it. This represents their vision or perception.
Hold the mirror in such a way that it reflects the sun, making a visible reflection onto the eye. Focus the reflected light onto the center of the eyeball, “blinding” the eye with it. Imagine that the light you’re reflecting holds all the pain and fear this person has inflicted on you. Imagine the scenario in which they played the villain exactly as it happened. Feel it again, and then transfer your emotions into the reflected light. Burn those feelings into the eye through the beam of light.
Chant repeatedly:
With this curse, I reverse.
When you feel your attention waver, set aside the mirror and eye.
Use the lancet to draw some blood from your finger, and put several drops on the nail. Then, using the hammer, nail the paper into the ground right through the pupil. This act symbolizes that they will understand or “see” for themselves the pain they have caused and hopefully change their ways. For example, if they have stolen money from you, then money will be taken from them. If they have used or manipulated you, someone will do the same to them.
Once they’ve changed, dispose of the spell items. You can cleanse the mirror by running it under water or passing it through incense smoke, and you can reuse it in future spells. Recycle the other materials.
Eating the Life Force Spell
It’s said that people once believed they could take on the qualities of the animals they ate. This spell is based on that idea.
Often we find ourselves wishing we could harness the traits, energy, and power of another person. This can be someone you admire or someone who is your rival. Rivalry isn’t always negative, and it can even be healthy if channeled correctly.
This spell is to ingest the energy of another person, living or dead, so that you may have similar abilities or circumstances as them. It isn’t meant to weaken the other person in any way but rather to tap into the same forces that have touched them and made them successful. The universe has plenty of abundance for everyone, and doing this spell isn’t meant to steal anything from the person you are focused on.
This spell uses a photo of someone who represents that which you desire. For example, to increase your drive for success, use a picture of a famous person who is known for their determination and hard work to achieve their goals. If you’d like to give your arts career a boost, consider a renowned artist. For love and attracting mates, find an image of a famous sex symbol. For prosperity, choose a photo of someone who is already successful in your field.
If you choose to use a picture or image of an individual you actually know in your day-to-day life, make sure that the energies you are imbibing in are positive ones. Using an image of someone you have feelings of jealousy and resentment toward will taint the spell entirely, and only gorge you on more unhappy feelings of inadequacy.
This spell calls for a piece of red meat, as you will be symbolically ingesting the blood and life force of the person. A vegan alternative is cooked beet root, which has bright red juice that can represent blood.
If the person is an artist, author, or inventor, have one of their works nearby, such as a copy of their book, a print of their artwork, or the object that has made them successful.
Sterile lancet
Photo or drawing of the person you admire, 5 by 7 inches at the largest
Edible portion of frozen red meat, wrapped in butcher paper. A bite-size piece is fine. (substitution: beet root)
Lighter or matches
Firesafe dish, cauldron, or firepit
Place the items on your altar and cast your circle.
Invite the energy of the person into your circle. If they’re famous, tap into their public persona, which is imbedded in the collective unconscious. Famous peoples’ images live in the minds of large groups of people, similar to an archetype, and this collective image can be drawn into your circle almost like a deity.
Write down exactly what it is about the person you admire so much. Make a list of traits and accomplishments that inspire you and that you wish to take into yourself. While you do this, you can pretend you are talking to the person (if they’re dead, they might just hear you!). Tell them how much you respect their work and that you wish to channel their qualities. When you’re done, prick your finger and place a drop of blood on their picture.
Next, take the piece of food and set it on top of the picture. Envision them pouring their creative force and success into it and this energy transforming into blood (or juice), taking on physical form. See the food engulfed in the light of their power. Wrap it in butcher paper, and then wrap your own paper list around this. Thank the energy of the person, close your circle, and place the package in the freezer for 3 nights where no one will touch it. After the third night, take the food from the freezer. If it is meat, cook it rare so the “blood” is visible. If you used a beet, thaw it out and take note of the red juice.
At your altar, eat the food while contemplating the traits you’re taking into yourself. Feel them enter your body, go into your bloodstream, and pump through your heart. They’re a part of you now. Use this power wisely to accomplish the task you set out to complete. Burn the photo, list, and butcher paper afterward and scatter the ashes outdoors.
Urine Spell to Remove a Curse
Make a tea from dandelion leaves (dandelion is a diuretic and therefore cleansing). You can purchase dandelion tea made from the root or leaves, or you can make your own. Make sure you gather your dandelion leaves and roots from an area you are absolutely certain has not been sprayed with herbicides or pesticides, and wash them thoroughly before use.
As the tea is steeping, hold your hands over the steaming pot. Imagine it is glowing with cleansing, purifying energy. As you imagine yourself free and clear of the hex that has been placed upon you, chant:
Reverse, reverse, remove this curse.
After it has steeped for about 10 minutes, drink the tea. With each sip, imagine the warm liquid filling your body and coursing through all your capillaries, carrying its toxin-removing properties with it, gathering up all the negativity that has been put upon you.
Eventually, as the tea makes its way through your system, you will need to urinate. Imagine that inside your bladder is all the remnants of the curse put upon you, gathered there by the dandelion tea. As you urinate, see the curse leaving your system, and then being flushed away down the toilet.
This spell can be used to remove any unwanted energy from your person, whether it is a curse, an energetic tie to another person, or just the creepy-crawlies from being near someone who bothers you.