Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
Abortion, xxi, xxv, 35, 159, 163, 185, 211, 266nn2–4; decriminalization, 3, 161–62, 204, 212; fight for, 215–16, 217, 220; petition, 269n13; prohibition of, 282n21; reimbursing, 136, 161, 269n14; rights, 7, 21–22, 47, 134, 137, 159, 167, 226; see also Right to procreate
Action Directe, 29
Actress, 96, 98; actress’s paradox, 98; androgyny and, 100, 101; creation and procreation, 106, 111; state of being, 109–10; transference and, 97; woman and, 102
Affirmative action for women, 72, 173, 181, 186, 187
Algeria, 267n9; Family Code, 7, 134–35, 150, 164, 169, 262n14;, 284n36; fundamentalism in, 127
Alliance des femmes pour la démocratie, see Women’s Alliance for Democracy
Alliance Française of San Diego, California, 296
Althusser, Louis, 88
American feminism, xi, 235–36; women’s lib, 89
André, Michèle, 223, 265n55;
Andreas-Salomé, Lou, 91, 92, 105
Androgyny, 100, 101, 111; pregenital, 103–4
Antelme, Robert, 46–47; The Human Race, 46
Anthropocultivators, 48, 51, 105, 191, 229–30
Anthropoculture, 41, 271n5;
Antifeminism, xxiv, 73
Anti-Oedipus, 15, 65, 197, 221, 234, 236
Antiracism, 65; law, xxiii, 66, 167, 193; slogan, 6, 267n5;
Antisexism law, xxiii, 124, 167, 186, 193
Arendt, Hannah, 115–16, 119
Aris, Michael, 75, 77, 78; see also Suu Kyi, Aung San
Aristotle, 265n50;
Bachmann, Ingeborg, 103
Backlash, 26, 263n17;
Bangladesh, see Nasrin, Taslima
Barthes, Roland, 196, 275n2;, 295
Bataille, Georges, 241
Bataillon, Laure, 92
Baudelot & Establet, Allez les filles! 130
de Beauvoir, Simone, 18–19, 21, 268n8; psychoanalysis and, 108
Being born/giving birth (naître/faire naître), 116, 119
Benedict XVI (Pope), 209–10
Bergman, Ingrid, 96
Bernanos, Georges, 128, 197
La Bibliothèque des voix, 92–93, 208
Bion, Wilfred, 58, 85, 86
Birth, 196, 295; Lacan on, 198; woman giving birth to a woman (lenfante femme), 211; see also Being born/giving birth; Gestation; Procreation
Body, xiv, 12, 43, 128, 220–21, 241–44; control of, 133–37, 161–62, 203–4; foreclosure of the body of the mother, 12, 57, 145, 227; historical emergence of, 209–10; language and, 23, 48; lifting of censorship on, xxviii,11, 85, 209; maternal, xxxii, 38, 51, 157; repression of, 248, 250; sex-body-psyche relations, 49–50; unconscious and, 112
Bosnia, war in 127, 184, 185
Boudjerada, Nathalie, 223
Boy child, 27, 37, 40, 41, 241, 243, 246; identity, 244–48; phallus and, 144–45
Buber, Martin, 53–54
Burma, 75–79; see also Suu Kyi, Aung San
Cairo International Conference on Population and Development, 158, 163
Castration, 5, 28, 37, 56, 241, 244, 252, 257, 259, 293n3; complex, 255; resistance to, 39–40, 259
CDEG, see Steering Committee for Equality Between Women and Men
Celan, Paul, 53
Chanel, Josiane, xix, 10–11, 200
Charter of the United Nations (1945), 156
Chawaf, Chantal, 91
Chirac, Jacques, 193, 296
Choisir la Cause des Femmes (Choose the cause of women), 3, 266n3; ; see also Halimi, Gisèle
Christianity, 28–29, 127; democracy and, 130–31; qualitative parity and, 175–77
Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, xxv
Civil Solidarity Pact (PACS), xxiii, 263n15;
Cixous, Hélène, xi, 23, 87, 91, 269n16;, 274, 275
Clitoris, 244–45
Club Parité 2000, xxii, 171, 267n12;, 296
Colette, 107
Committee on Women’s Rights (European Parliament’s), 155, 173, 180, 182, 186
Communitarianism, xxii, xxiii, 262n12;
Condition of women, 156–58; economic, xxiv–xxv, xxvi, 165–66; European reality, 166; French reality, 166–70; global reality, 162–66; media on, 129; secretary of state for, 3, 24; tragedy of, 183–86
Constitution (French), 280n2; article 3, xxi–xxii; preamble, 45–47, 66
Container (contenant), actress as, 104, 107; woman as, 86, 104–5, 106, 111–12
Contraception, 2–3, 130, 134, 159, 190, 216; prohibition of, 282n21;
Council of Europe, 159, 172, 173, 181; Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, 159
Coomaraswamy, Radhika, 158
Creation, 41–43, 90, 177, 209; aesthetics of, 50; of the livingspeaking (vivant-parlant), 26, 71; procreation and, 50, 104–6, 111, 221
Cresson, Edith, 63, 272n5;
Crimes against humanity, 47, 66, 122, 277n1;, 277n18;
Crimes against women, 47, 64–6; rape as, 3, 120; see also Gynocide
Darcy de Oliveira, Rosiska, 282n10;
Daughter, 14, 249; father and, 30, 236, 237, 243, 247, 259; genealogy of mother and, xiv, 103–4; mother and, 103–4, 145, 191, 196, 214; rape and, 241; see also Girl child
Le Débat, 10–33, 215–32
Delanoë, Bertrand, 290n1;
Delors, Jacques, 155, 159, 281n3;
Demichel, André, 120
Demichel, Francine, 120
Democracy, 9, 32–33; Athenian, 42, 126, 135, 150; Christianity and, 130–31; discontents of, 149–51; model of, xxvii; parity-based, 141, 172, 181; pioneer front of, 178; see also Women’s Alliance for Democracy
Democratic personality, 147–48; see also Leclaire, Serge
Democratization, 8, 53; process, xvii; promotion of, 66; of psychoanalysis, 58–59, 143–48; tasks for, 73–74; see also Women’s Alliance for Democratization
Demography, 69–71; equilibrium in, 72; gestation and, 119; see also Triple Production
Derrida, Jacques, 48, 86, 220, 247
Desire, for child, xxx, 52, 204, 218, 220; for procreation, 203
Devereux, Georges, 30
Difference, xxx, 19; between the sexes, xxxii, 6, 23, 53, 61, 116, 136, 197, 215, 240; equality and, 5, 25–26, 44, 190–91; experience of, 197–99, 215; genital stage and, 246, 253; laws and, 45–47; sexual, 197, 216, 287n66;
Discrimination, xxi, 63; education and, 126; indifference and, 45; workforce, 180, 186–87; see also Misogyny; United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
Dissymmetry, xxii, 8, 19, 49–50, 139, 190; procreation and, 26, 33, 48, 53, 63, 136
Dolto, Françoise, xxix, 241
Doolittle, Hilda, 57
Ducrocq, Françoise, 90, 114
Duras, Marguerite, 16, 200, 202
École Freudienne, 20–21, 114, 268n10;
École Normale Supérieure, 114, 268n5;, 282n19;
Economic conditions, xxvi, 165–66; see also Poverty; Unemployment
Écriture féminine, 22–23
Education, 8, 73, 113, 295; access, 162, 283n26;, 289n16; discriminatory, 126; equality in, 168
L’enfante femme, see Woman giving birth to a woman
Engels, Friedrich, xxviii, 115, 223, 264n36;
Envy, xxviii–xxix, 188, 230; see also Gratitude; Penis envy; Uterus envy
Equality, xxi–xxii, 41, 44, 45 156; difference and, 5, 25–26, 44, 190–91; equity and, 165; in education, 168; European model of, 158–60; GDI, 186; obstacles to, 156; principle of, 136, 179–81; in workplace, 71–72
Erinyes, 43, 46, 135
Espace Des femmes, 296
Ethics, xviii, xxxii, 88, 103, 207, 210, 232; gestation as a paradigm of, xxxii; of procreation, 50–54; reinvention of, 90–91; secular ethics, 229
Europe, 186; as social model, 158–60; parity in, 172–73; poverty in, 166, 179–80, 283n24; unemployment in, 166; women and, 179–82
European Court of Justice, 71, 180, 186, 287n1;
European Parliament, member of, 287, 289; reports, 186; Sakharov Prize, 278
European Parliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights, 173, 180, 182; vice-chair of, 193
Experience, of difference, 197–99, 215; gestation, 116; Munier on, 115; poetry as, 86
Falcón, Lidia, 91,
Faludi, Susan, 263n17;
Father, xxix, 4, 26–27, 49, 80–82, 85–86, 131, 157, 238, 248; daughter and, 30, 236–37, 243, 247, 259; girl-sons and, 145–46; name of, 57, 144–45, 227, 237, 243; son and, xiv, 5, 27, 58, 63, 118, 139, 127
Female, feminine compared to, 39; homosexuality, 104–5, 248–49, 250–51; writing, 93
Female genitality, 38, 49, 189, 219
Female infanticide, 64, 163, 185
Female genital mutilation, 158, 163, 288n7;
Female libido, xii–xiii, 144, 149, 191, 241–42; native homosexuation and, xiv; see also Libido 2 (libido creandi)
Female writing, 22, 93
Femelle, see Female
Feminine (féminine), 30, 56, 249; female compared to, 39, 93; in language, 47–48
Femininity; as a disguise, 30; as transvestism, 249
Feminism, 19, 44, 108, 259, 287n66; beyond, 239, 243–46; Freud and, 235; individualist, 19–20; institutional, 3; lesbianism and, 248–49, 251; MLF and, 144, 207, 236, 257; nondifferentialist, xxvii, 171, 189; patriarchy and, 144, 236–37; phallic stage and, 144, 239; phallocentrism and, 238–39; “revolutionary”, 207, 268n9; state, xx, xxiii; trap of, 106; see also American feminism
Feminology, xv, xvii–xviii, xxi, xxxii, 32, 50, 84, 230
Des Femmes art gallery, 296
Des Femmes bookstores, 22, 29, 208, 296
Des femmes en mouvements, 208, 296
Des femmes en mouvements hebdo, 154
Des Femmes publishing house, 22, 87, 296; editorial policy as poethics, 89–93; founding of, 207–8; La Bibliothèque des voix (The library of voices), 92–93, 208
Les femmes s’entêtent, 268n8;
Ferenczi, Sándor, 85, 86
Ferry, Jules, 126
Fertility, 33, 199, 211, 221; control of, xxi, 74, 158, 161, 211–12; rate, xxvii, 42, 69, 70, 72, 131
Filiarchy, 2, 28–29, 43–44, 175
Filse, see Girl-son
Flesh, 36, 51, 86, 107, 112, 232; as the fifth element, 107; hospitality of, xiv, xxxii, 91, 220, 222; matricial, xxxii; thinking, 41, 50, 57, 88, 199, 222; see also Body
Folbre, Nancy, 290n23;
Foreclosure, 57, 116–17, 219, 231; of the body of the mother, 12, 57, 145, 227
Forest, Eva, xxxi, 91, 154, 296
Foucault, Michel, 114–15
France, 7, 64, 160–62, 166–70, 186–87; Minister of women’s rights, 3; paths to parity, 170–73; power of women in, 68–69; secularism, 130; secretary of state for condition of women, 3; unemployment in, 65, 169; see also Constitution
Free market liberalism, xxii, xxvi–xxvii, 223, 225, 262n8;
Freud, Sigmund, xii–xiii, xxx, 17, 34, 219, 232, 293n3; Dora, 57; on desire, 241–42; on female homosexuality, 104–5; feminism and, 235; The Future of an I llusion, 126; gestation and, 218; impossible tasks, 265n51; The Interpretation of Dreams (Freud), 232; Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of H is Childhood (Freud), 117; as man and writer, 56–57; Moses and Monotheism, xxviii, 126; on narcissism, xxviii, 30, 221–22; “penis-feces-child,” 255; phallic stage and, 240; A Phylogenetic Fantasy: Overview of the Transference Neuroses, 219; on primacy of phallus, 28; “Psychogenesis of a Case of Female Homosexuality”, 104–5, 208; on rape, 241; religion and, 149; religious illusion, 126–27; on repression, 117; “The Sexual Theories of Children”, 34; Studies in Hysteria, 57; see also Psychoanalysis
Frigidity, 240, 242
Frydman, René, 41
Fundamentalism, xxiv, 6, 62, 127–28; fatwa against Nasrin, 133–37; misogyny and, 129; monism and, 148; violence and, 164; see also Monotheisms, Religion
Garbo, Greta, 101
Gauchet, Marcel, 268, 292, 292n2;
GDI, see Gender-Related Development Index
GEM, see Gender Empowerment Measure
Gender, 30, 39, 56, 204, 248–49, 287n66; language and, 22–23, 47–48; Sen on inequality, xxv
Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM), 290n20;
Gender-Related Development Index (GDI), 186
Genealogy, xvii–xviii, 86; female, 36; matricial, xxxii; mother-daughter, xiv, 103–4; of thought, 36, 48, 86, 146
Genesic, blow to narcissism, xiii–xiv, xxviii, 4–5, 209, 222; event, 196; function, xxvii, xxxii, 188, 191, 225; genesis, 211
Genesics, 209, 211–12, 230, 232
Genesis, 206, 211
Geneva Conventions, 156
Genitality, xiii, 25, 32, 226, 230, 259; female, 38, 49, 147, 189, 219; heterosexed, 56; primal, 244; theory of, xxx, xxxii, 31, 49, 56, 86, 117, 147
Geni(t)ality, xix, xxi, xxx, 25–26, 49, 213, 221, 232
Genital stage, 37, 246; difference and, 253; phallic stage to, 252; in society, 254–56
Genius, xxi, 25–26; of the living, 191; of women, xxi, 53
Gestation, as paradigm of ethics, commodification of, 223–24; demography and, 119; experience, 116; feminism and, 108; Freud and, 218; God and, 40, 105–6; human contract and, 52; mastery over, 40; psychoanalysis and, 218–19; state and, 40; thought and, 34–36
Gestation for another, 215–32, 292n11; as a struggle against prostitution of uterus, 223
Gestatrix, 221, 222
Gift, 232; gestation for another, as paradigm of, 215–32; giving birth, as paradigm of, xxxii, 221
Girl child, 246, 288n7; n ’ être fille (being born (merely) a girl), 116, 276n8; phallic stage for, 39; phallus and, 30, 144–45
Girl-son (filse), 28, 38, 175, 269n20; father and, 145–46; misogyny and, 63–64
Giroud, Françoise, 3
Giscard d’Estaing, Valéry, 3, 217
God, gestation and, 40, 105–6
Goux, Jean-Joseph, xxix; économie et symbolique, 265n46; foreword, xi–xvi
Gratitude, 53–54, 271n17; procreation and, 58–59
Green, André, 117–18
Grunberger, Belá, 85
Gyneconomy, xviii, 8, 12, 231–32, 267n13; need for, 50–51
Gynocide, xxv, 73, 125, 162, 185, 187–88; symbolic, 189
Halimi, Gisèle, 273n9;, 283n23;
Hatred, 60–61; roots of, 136; see also Misogyny
Havel, Vaclav, 78
Heterosexuality, 4, 260
Homosexuality, 35, 248; female, xiv, 39, 104–5, 248–49, 250–51; women’s native, xiv, xxxii, 145, 147, 205; women’s primary, 145
Homosexuation to the mother, 93, 196, 203
Hospitality of the flesh, xiv, xxxii, 91, 220, 222
Human contract, xv, xxxiii, 48, 121; analytics of procreation, 49–50; ethics of procreation, 50–54
Humanity, 230–32; crimes against, 47, 66, 277n1;, 277n18; revolution, 259–60
Huppert, Isabelle, 275; dialogue with, 94–112
Hysteria, 56, 108–9, 205, 239, 259; feminism and, 240; repression of, 57
Hyvrard, Jeanne, 87, 91
Identity, 4, 36; boy child, 244–48; differentiated, 253; psychoanalysis and, 37; sexed, 211; women’s derived, 8, 40, 45
Incest, 46, 64, 99, 112, 167
India, women against sharia law in 7, 32–33; women burned alive 64; missing women in, 162–63, 185
Institut dEnseignement et de Recherches en Sciences des Femmes ou Féminologie Institute for Teaching and Research on the Sciences of Women or Feminology), 114, 120, 296
International Criminal Tribunal, 122
International Women’s Day, 1, 122, 127, 136, 152–55
Islam, 127–29, 164–65; Nasrin dialogue and, 133–37
Jospin, Lionel, xxi, 272n5;
Jouissance, 39, 51, 197, 238, 251, 270n2; flesh and, 51, 232; in masturbation, 245; of Other, 58, 60; pregnancy and, 228; supplementary, 147; uterine, 50
Jung, Carl, 235–36
Kadic, Nina, 122
Kenya tragedy, 69, 73
Kiejman, Georges, 20
Klein, Melanie, 62, 207; Envy and gratitude, xxviii
Koudil, Hafsa Zinai, 164, 284n37;
Kriegel, Blandine, 263n23;, 275, 290
Lacan, Jacques, xiii, 29, 113–14, 250–51, 295; Aimée case of, 236; analysis with, 20–21; on birth, 198; École Freudienne and, 268n10; on matricial and paternal; functions, 117; meeting with, 13; MLF and, 206; on procreation, xxix, 198; “the real,” 85
Laïcité, 284n46;, see Secularism
Language, 7–8, 86–87, 105, 145; acting and, 110–11; body and, 23, 48; feminine in, 47–48; gender and, 22–23; masculine in, 47–48; neutrality of, 47–48
Larose, Jean, 233, 293
Laws, xx–xxi, 3, 7–8; antiracism, xxiii, 66, 167, 193; antisexism, xxiii, 124, 167, 186, 193; common, xxiii; defensive, xxiii; difference and, 45–47; education, 282n17; Falloux, 130, 278n14; function of, 87–88; misogyny and, xxxi, 66; natural, 88; Oedipal, 87; progress of, 161; surname transmission, 262n10; symbolic order, 62–64
Leclaire, Serge, 138–42, 279; democratic personality, 147–48
Lesbianism, xiv, 39; feminism and, 248–49, 251; women’s primary homosexuality and, 145
Levi, Primo, 183–84
Levinas, Emmanuel, 53–54, 220
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 117–18
Liberation, 207, 256, 259; experience of, 86; procreation and, 216; of thought, 201
The Liberation Movement of Iranian Women, Year Zero, 153
Libido, xiii, xxix–xxx, 37; change of theory on, 146–47; characterization of, 248–49; Freudian conception of, xii–xiii; see also Female libido
Libido creandi, see Libido 2
Libido 2 (libido creandi), xiii, xxx, 49, 56, 144, 248
Library of voices, see Voice
Lio, 186, 289n14;
Lispector, Clarice, 91, 99
The living (le vivant), xxviii, 109, 195; genius of, 191; philosophy of, 217; production of, xvii, 246, 265n44;
The living-speaking (le vivant-parlant), xxii, 9, 50, 107, 191, 255; creation of, 26, 71; production of, 40, 41, 57, 63, 119
Male domination, xx
Mamonova, Tatiana, 91, 153, 296
Man, 3, 56–57, 116, 257–59; being born, 53, 116, 119; poet, 249–50
Manifesto of the 343, 21–22, 204, 269n13;
“Marriage of pleasure,” 164
Marx, Karl, xxviii, 264n36;
Masculine, 30, 35, 43, 249; as gender, 47; ideology, 17, 235; in language, 47–48; protest, xxiv, xxviii
Materialism, 50, 200; fleshly, 50, 202, 210; nonmaternalist, 227
Maternal body, xxxii, 38; as first environment, 51, 157, 211
Maternity, 209–10; leave, 72–73, 159–60; liberated from enslavement, 204, 217; secularization of, 229
Matricial, economy, 56; filiation, 226; flesh, xxxii; functions, 58, 117–18; genealogy, xxxii; son and, 249; voice, 92
The matricial (le matriciel), xiii, 38, 52, 58, 88, 146, 191, 204–7
Matricide, 43, 46, 87–88, 126, 135, 206; the symbolic and, 198
Mauss, Marcel, 221
May ’68 revolution, 4, 6, 10–11, 16, 44; American feminism and, 15; MLF and, 27–28, 201–2, 216
Media, xxv–xxvi, 21–22, 44, 69, 206; age and narcissistic era, 29; censorship, 154; on condition of women, 129; debate on parity in, xxi; male appropriation of, 33; wartime rapes and, 123–24; violence against women and, 69, 192–93; women invisibility in, 66; women second place in, 187
Mediterranean, 13, 34, 127
Millett, Kate, 154, 235
Misogyny, xxiv–xxv, xxviii, 2, 44, 46–47, 58, 67, 73; in ancient Greece, 61; cause of, 187–88; discrimination, 61, 66; eradicating, 73–74; fundamentalism and, 129; laws and, xxxi, 46, 66; levels of, 67; plague of, 60; as racism, xxix, 60–62; roots, 11–12, 62; sexism compared to, 61; types of, 63–64; uterus envy and, 134; violence and, 64–65, 73; see also Observatory of Misogyny (Observatoire de la misogynie)
Mitchell, Juliet, 90; Psychoanalysis and Feminism, 90
Mitterrand, François, 3, 153–54, 155, 285n58;, 294n10;
MLF, see Women’s Liberation Movement
MLF Estates General of Women from All Nations Against Misogyny (March 6, 1982), 2, 154
MLF Estates General of Women (March 8, 1989), 154, 266
Monism, xxix–xxx; fundamentalisms and, 148; juridical, 46; phallic, 37, 41, 55, 87–88, 148
Monotheisms, xxvii, 55, 58, 99, 136, 209–10; alliance of, 26; as fundamentalisms, 134; women and, 127–32
Montaigne, Michel de, 113; The Essays, 14, 276
Mother, 38–39, 63, 247–48; body of, 12, 57, 145, 227; co, 228; daughter and, 14, 30, 145, 191, 196, 214; foreclosure of the body of the mother, 12, 57, 145, 227; homosexuation to the, 93, 196, 203; notion, 4–5; procreation and, 226–27; son and, 57–58; surname transmission law, 262n10; surrogate, 216, 223
Mother-daughter genealogy, xiv, 103–4
Motherhood, xxvi–xxvii, 7, 63, 108, 111, 147
Mouvement de Libération des Femmes (MLF), see Women’s Liberation Movement
Movement for Freedom of Abortion and Contraception (Mouvement pour la Liberté de l’Avortement et de la Contraception-MLAC), 3, 266n2;
Naître / faire naître, see Being born/giving Birth
Naître femme (being born a woman), 116
Napoleonic Code, 161
Narcissism, 4, 24, 29, 33, 86; Freud on, xxviii, 30, 221–22; genesic blow to, xiii–xiv, xxviii, 4–5, 209, 222; logic of, 150; media and, 21–22; phallus and, 27–28, 30–32, 39; pregnancy and, 108, 116
Nasrin, Taslima, 129, 278n11;, 279; dialogue with, 133–37
National Organization for Women, 267n10;
Native homosexuality, xiv, xxxii, 144–47, 205
NGO, see Nongovernmental Organizations
Nondifferentialism, xxix, xxxii, 45
Nondifferentialist feminism, xxvii, 171, 189
Nondifferentiating egalitarianism, 72, 87
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), 157, 178
Nora, Pierre, 268, 292n2;
Observatoire de la misogynie, see Observatory of Misogyny
Observatoire de la Parité entre les femmes et les hommes, 296
Observatory of Misogyny (Observatoire de la misogynie), 64, 120, 129, 272n7;, 296
Oedipus complex, 218, 243–44, 252–53
One-Whole (lUn-Tout), xxiv, xxix–xxx, xxxii, 177; abstract logic of, xxi–xxii; economy of, 175
Oral, conflict, 144–45; repression by the written of the, 206, 208; the oral, 251–52
Orgasm, 242, 254
Origin, 10, 42, 51; relations to, 5, 11–12; working on, 52
The other, 231, 232, 253–54; capacity to welcome, 49, 58, 104, 116, 222; democracy and, 135; fear of, 150; hospitality of the flesh and, xiv, 220, 222; jouissance of, 58, 60; as subject, 86, 116
“Our bodies belong to us,” 136, 204
PACS, see Civil Solidarity Pact
Parity, xxi–xxii, 153–55, 267n12; based democracy, 181; etiological diagnosis, 173–75; in Europe, 172–73; fight for, 215–16; filiarchy, 175–76; gestation for another and, 217–18; paths to, 170–73; principles and, 156–62; qualitative, xxii, 173, 175–78, 217; quantitative, 173; reality and, 162–70; see also Club Parité 2000
Parliament, 161; women in, xxi, 165, 170, 290n20; see also European Parliament
Paternal, function, 117, 126, 294n6; omnipotence, xx, xxii; power, 221, 226
Patriarchy, 2, 103, 167, 207, 227; feminism and, 144, 146, 20, 235–37; filiarchy and, 29, 44
Péguy, Charles, 201
Penetration, 241; refusal of, 240, 242–43
Penis, 27, 28, 31, 37, 39, 244; “genital penis,” 40; see also Phallus
Penis envy, xiii, xxviii, 62, 104–5, 146; as screen for uterus envy, 205
Personal status, xxiii
Perversion, 174, 177, 197; derivative, 99, 101; phallic, 56, 88
Phallic, monism, 37, 41, 55, 87–88, 148; perversion, 56, 88; symbol, 27–28
Phallicism, 31, 55, 267n8;
Phallic stage, 237–38; articulation of, 239–40; beyond, 239, 243–46; of feminism, 144, 239; Freud and, 240; to genital stage, 252; for girl child, 39
Phallocentrism, xxii, xxix, xxx, 208, 209, 226–27, 237–39
Phallogocentrism, 48, 86, 238, 244, 247, 249
Phallus, 188; boy and, 144–45; erected, 39–40; girl and, 30, 144–45; narcissism and, 30–32; primacy of, 4, 28, 40, 145, 206, 240, 252, 259
Pleasure, principle of, xx, 55, 126, 132, 134, 252–53, 293n3;
Poethics, 89–93
Pornography, xxvi, 166
Postfeminism, xii–xiii
Poverty, 162, 283n25; in Europe, 166, 179–80, 283n24; feminization of, 166, 264n27;
Powerlessness, 70–71, 86, 187
Pregnancy, 35–36; denial of, 220; difference experiences during, 197–99, 215; performativity of, 232; narcissism and, 108; see also Birth; Gestation
Primary homosexuality, 145–46
Pro-, 112, 118–19
Procreation, xii–xiv, xvii–xviii, xxvi–xxvii, xxix; analytics of, 49–50; creation and, 50, 104, 106, 111, 221; dissymmetry and, 26, 33, 48, 49–50, 53, 63, 136; ethics of, 50–54; focus on, 210–12; gratitude and, 58–59; Lacan on, xxix; liberation and, 216; lifting of censorship on, 119; metaphors of, 26; mother and, 226–27; rights, 119–20, 137; symbolic and, 198
Production of living beings/the living (production de vivant), xvii, xxvii, xxviii, 40–41, 249–50, 265n44; ethics of procreation and, 50–54; political economics and, xxviii; as tripartite, 4, 31–32, 254–55
Prostitution, xxvi–xxvii, 65, 77, 184, 287n2, 288n8; “breaking-in camps,” 184
Proust, Marcel, 92–93, 118
Psychanalyse et Politique (Psychoanalysis and Politics), xi, xiii, 89, 161, 262n2;, 296; beginning works, 144–46, 233–35; creation of, xix, 114–15, 202–3; idea behind, 143–44; Leclaire and, 147–48, 280nn8, 9; naming, 15–16; orientation, 17; university and, 83, 120–21; revolution of symbolic, 191
Psychoanalysis, xiii, xxviii–xxix, 114–15, 229; Beauvoir and, 108; body and, 86; contribution to, 55–56; democratization of, 58–59, 143–48; evolution of, 147–48; female identity and, 37; gestation and, 218–19; research on, 113–14; secularizing, 58–59; uterus envy and, 146–47; women and, 90
Psychoanalysis and Politics, see Psychanalyse et Politique
Publishing house, see Des Femmes publishing house
Qualitative parity, xxii, 173, 175–78, 217
Quebec tragedy, 73
Le Quotidien des femmes, 208, 296
Ramond, Michèle, 87, 91
Rape (viol), xxii–xxiii, 159, 163, 288n11; as crime, 3, 120, 162; daughter and, 241; effects of, 124–25; ethnic cleansing and, 123–24, 127; Freud on, 241; media and, 122–23; MLF fight against, 161–62, 241; in U.S., 283n31; wartime, 122–25, 163–64, 185–86, 277n18;
“The real,” 85
Reality principle, 25, 40, 48, 55, 62, 206, 237–38, 252–53, 293n3; denial of, 63; “there are two sexes” as, 63, 134
Reconnaissance, 271n17;
Regression-reintegration, 12, 38–39
Religion, 6, 126–32, 164; as fundamentalist, 128; Freud and, 148, 149; laïcité, 284n46; resurgence of, xxiv; see also Christianity; Islam; Monotheisms; Secularism
Repression, 207, 219; antiemancipatory, 26; of body, 248, 250; of hysteria, 57; psychoanalysis and primal, 63, 117
Republic of Sons, 65, 87, 149, 177
Revolution of the symbolic, 4, 90, 144, 191
Right to procreate , xxi, 7, 21, 47, 217
Rio Conference on Environment and Development, 155, 157, 229, 296
Rocard, Michel, 287n64;
Roudinesco, Elisabeth, 37
Roudy, Yvette, 3
Rykiel, Sonia, 265n55;
Sainte-Anne, 20, 114, 268n11;
Sand, George, 92–93, 118, 212–13
Santos, Emma, 87, 91
Sarraute, Nathalie, 94, 100, 111, 112; writing of, 95–96
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 197
Secularism, xxi, xxii, xxiii–xxiv, 130, 131, 230; with and for women, 135
Sen, Amartya, xxiv–xxv; women missing from the census of world population and, 162, 185, 283n28;
Sexism, xxxi, 61, 182; misogyny compared to, 61
“Silk” revolution of the self (révolution de soi(e)), xx, 215, 227, 262n6
Simon, Claude, 197
Slavery, xxx, 70, 188, 265n50; pornography and, xxiv; procreation and prostitution as forms of, xxvi, 8; prostitution as sexual, 184
Socialism, 28–29, 44, 149–51
Solanas, Valerie, 294n5;
Son, 28, 38, 85–86, 105 247–48; father and, xiv, 5, 26, 27, 58, 118; matricial and, 249; misogyny and, 63–64; mother and, 4, 38, 57–58; see also Boy child; Republic of sons
Steering Committee for Equality Between Women and Men (CDEG), 159, 286n62;
Surrogate mothers, 216, 223
Suu Kyi, Aung San, xxi, 75–79, 91, 178, 190, 273
Symbolic, 7–8; gynocide, 189; obstacles, 37–41; order laws, 62–64; procreation and, 198; revolution of, 4, 90, 144, 191; right to, 56
Thinking flesh, 41, 50, 57, 88, 199, 222
Thought, 3, 3, 103; ethical, 53, 58; expression of, 110; of the flesh, 12; freedom of, xxv; gestation and, 34–36; May ’68 as liberation of, 201; poetic creation and analytic, 90; primal, 93, 107; woman of action and woman of, xviii
Le torchon brûle, 21, 268n12;
Tota mulier in utero model, xxvii, 211
Tota mulier sine utero model, xxvii, 211
Translation policy, 89–93
Treaty of Rome, 179–82
Tresnjevka, 122
Trintignant, Marie, xxv–xxvi
Triple production, xxvii, 65–66, 168–69; recognition of, 70
Ultraliberalism, 184, 188–89
Un-, 62, 99, 118–19
UNCED, 281n7;
Unconscious, xxviii; archi-, 95; body and, 112; political, 17, 234–35; root of misogyny, 11–12
Underrepresentation, in government, xxi, 68–69; political, 66–67, 165, 173–74
Unemployment, xxvi–xxvii, 32–33, 285n51; in Europe, 166; in France, 65, 169; income support, 279n19; long-term, 69
Unisex symmetry, 87–88
Uni(sex)versalism, xxiii, xxvii, 189
United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, 7, 66, 156–58
United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948), 156
United States (U.S.), 7, 165, 242, 254, 283n31; see also American feminism
Universalism, 25–26, 45–46, 174–75, 188
Université Paris VIII, 83, 84, 268n6;, 274, 275, 296
U.S., see United States
Uterine, economy, 218; libido, 56, 144, 146, 147, 249; prostitution, 225; stage, 39–40; see also Female libido
Uterus, xxviii, 37–38, 250, 253–54; artificial, 221; domination over, 210; gestation for another and, 215–32; symbolization of, 246–47, 249
Uterus envy, xiii, xxviii, xxx, 104–5, 191, 205; democracy and, 43; gratitude in place of, 53–54; implications of, 271n6; misogyny and, 134; psychoanalysis and, 146–47
Veil (voile), xxii–xxiii
Veil law of 1974, 3, 22, 136, 267n4;
Veil, Simone, 266 n55, 269n14;
Vincente, 36, 196, 199, 295
Viol, see Rape
Violence, xxv–xxvi, 26–27, 29; fundamentalism and, 164; misogyny and, 64–65, 73; see also Crimes against humanity; Crimes against women; Rape
Virgin Mary, 209–10
Visibility, 32–33, 63, 66
Le vivant, see The living
Levivant-parlant, see The living-speaking
Voice, 93, 208; genital, 92; matricial, 92; as the Orient of the text, 93; privileges of the living and, 109; see also La Bibliothèque des voix
Voile, see Veil
Wahl, François, 12, 13
War against women, xxvii, 129
WEDO, see Women’s Environment and Development Organization
WHO, see World Health Organization
Wilson, Bob, 100, 104
Wittig, Monique, xix, 10–11, 16, 196, 200, 201–2, 206; on difference, 216; Les Guérillères, 86, 201–2
Woman giving birth to a woman (l’enfante femme), 211
Women’s Alliance for Democratization (Alliance des femmes pour la démocratisation), 9, 262n14;, 273n7
Women’s Alliance for Democracy (Alliance des femmes pour la démocratie), 89, 171, 267n14;, 279, 296; honorees, 265n55;
Women’s capacity to welcome the other, 49, 53, 58, 104, 116, 222
Women’s Environment and Development Organization (WEDO), 281
Women’s International Center, 296
Women’s Liberation Movement (Mouvement de Libération des Femmes), xi, xix, 262n1;, 296; activism, 256–57; assertion of a sexed identity by, 211; commitments, xxxi; dynamics, 9; evolution, 24–25, 213–14; feminism and, 207, 236, 257; fight against rape and, 161–62, 241; first public demonstration, 83–84, 205; as genesic event, 196; gestation for another and, 215–16; going public, 17–18; history, 195, 200–213, 234–35; Lacan and, 206; legal work, 87; May ’68 and, 27–28, 201–2, 216; men and, 257–59; as a movement of civilization, 5, 24, 32, 208, 213; naming, 15; nonmixity of, 203, 247–48; origins of, 10–11; psychoanalysis and, 143–44; role of, 3–4; struggles, 3, 5–6, 9, 21, 161, 175, 217, 220, 226, 256; see also Psychanalyse et Politique
Woolf, Virginia, 4, 95, 103–4
Workforce, 160, 168–69; discrimination, 180, 186–87; equality in, 71–72; night, 71–72; part-time, 289n17; see also Unemployment
World Health Organization (WHO), 158
World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen, 281
Writing, 23, 48, 86, 91; female compared to feminine, 22, 39, 93; see also Language
Zana, Leyla
Zapatero, Jose Luis, 217
Zetkin, Clara, 1, 152