3.1 Origin
3.2 Energy Distribution
3.3 Escape Depth of Secondary Electrons
3.4 Secondary Electron Yield Versus Atomic Number
3.5 Secondary Electron Yield Versus Specimen Tilt
The monotonic dependence of the secondary electron coefficient on the local surface inclination is an important factor in producing topographic contrast that reveals the shape of an object.
3.6 Angular Distribution of Secondary Electrons
Even when the surface is highly tilted relative to the beam, the escape path length situation for a secondary electron generated below the surface is identical to the case for normal beam incidence, as shown in ◘ Fig. 3.7c. Thus, the secondary electron trajectories follow a cosine distribution relative to the local surface normal regardless of the specimen tilt.
3.7 Secondary Electron Yield Versus Beam Energy
3.8 Spatial Characteristics of Secondary Electrons
Incident beam footprint, high resolution, SE1 (9 %)
BSE generated at specimen, low resolution, SE2 (28 %)
BSE generated remotely on lens, chamber walls, SE3 (61 %)
A small SE contribution designated the SE4 class arises from pre-specimen instrumental sources such as the final aperture (2 %) that depends in detail on the instrument construction (apertures, magnetic fields, etc.). These measurements show that for gold the sum of the SE2 and SE3 classes which actually carry BSE is nearly ten times larger than the high resolution, high surface sensitivity SE1 component. These three classes of secondary electrons influence SEM images of compositional structures and topographic structures in complex ways. The appearance of the SE image of a structure depends on the details of the secondary electron emission and the properties of the secondary electron detector used to capture the signal, as discussed in detail in the image formation module.
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