Mars is the planet ruling Aries and Scorpio.* In Aries, it is the beginning of all objective manifestation. Aries is the sign in which Mars initiates activity on the outer side. In Scorpio it rules the inner life and involves the emotional and mental levels as well. Without energy, being could not manifest. Motion is necessary to matter if a universe is to exist. This energy must be directed and controlled, and not allowed to dissipate or escape in ways unwilled. Mars is the dynamic in life that drives over and through obstacles. The character which is lacking in Martian aspects never comes to grips with life.
Mars is a masculine, positive power. When it is too strong in a feminine chart (especially when afflicted to the Moon) it gives difficulties with too much masculinity and a dominating element which is very unattractive. When Mars is afflicted it gives temper, destructiveness and aggressive action. When wisely used, it is courage, initiative and outgoing energy of a positive nature.
Mars has a great deal to do with the blood stream for it rules the energy flow in the blood stream. It vitalizes, purifies, cleanses and stimulates all aspects and organisms in the body. The muscular system is under the rulership of Mars. It has rulership over the adrenal glands (sharing the rulership with Saturn). When Martian force is running rampant, one must run or fight. When Mars is afflicted by transit or progression in your natal chart, learn to channel that energy correctly, for you must do something. Mars is closely related to sex. an aspect of the pairs of opposites. Mars is the most unbalanced of the planets, and the one most in need of restriction and direction.
Mars is the symbol of the animal nature whereas Venus is representative of the human soul. If Venus alone governed the actions of individuals there would be no enterprise, no initiative, no strength to battle with the lower sides of the nature. We would not have the energy to meet the tests of life successfully. We call Mars a malefic, but is it?
Without energy there would be no activity or growth. Mars rules the right arm and represents the warrior who fights to protect the weak. Mars represents the fear of the Lord that is the beginning of wisdom. We have a healthy respect for the person who can put the fear of God in us, which is more satisfying than the love that can be walked on because it is sentimental and soft. Discipline is the keynote needed to direct the Martian force constructively.
Mars is concerned with the release of force in activity. Good and evil are not things in themselves. Evil is misplaced energy. Misplaced in space if it turns up in the wrong place, like wood burning on the living room floor instead of in the fireplace, or bathwater coming through the ceiling instead of being in the tub. Misplaced in place, or misplaced in time if we allow ourselves to be weakly sentimental when we should be strong, or when we allow children to go undisciplined because we want them to love us. Dynamic energy is as necessary as generosity (Jupiter), love (Venus), and patience (Saturn). Too much charity is the handiwork of a fool; too much patience can be the hallmark of a coward. What we need is to have the right proportion of every energy operating in our magnetic fields. If you have Mars in a poor sign or afflicted to other energies, study it well. You have the power to change the pattern. Accident prone people are those who are bad tempered. This is shown in the blueprint by the afflictions to Mars. When control of temper and right use of energy has been achieved there are no more accidents.
Acts positively from within, outwardly. Relatively independent of environment. Increases physical and mental activities. Gives ambition and drive to the nature. Courageous, rash, impulsive and enthusiastic. Aggressive and impatient if afflicted. Not good for a female; too positive and masculine in their approach. Gives strength of character in any chart, but a great deal of self-assertion. Quick on the trigger. Temper can cause trouble if Mars is afflicted. Irritability and restlessness needs changing.
MARS IN TAURUS (Detriment)
Mars is not well placed in Taurus where it is in detriment. Mars is persistent and patient in this sign but also extremely stubborn, jealous and possessive. Money and sex are important. Values need refining for they are of the earth, earthy. Security whether invested in money or people is important. Acquisitiveness is strong as is pride. If Mars is afflicted there is a tendency to resentfulness. Selfishness and too strong a possessiveness must be overcome. Sharing must be cultivated as a quality. Apt to be penurious.
Alert, energetic, witty, sarcastic, often strife with relatives and friends. Energizes the tongue too much and makes it sharp and caustic. Can be the gossip and can have a forked tongue. If afflicted, not trustworthy. Lively, mechanical minded, and capable of doing many things well. Has to learn to conserve energy and direct it wisely. Otherwise the nervous system gives trouble. Biggest fault is failing to follow through and keep promises. This is why it is undependable. Scatters force and needs to learn concentration of power.
Very sensitive. Over-emotional. There are difficulties with digestion due to emotions. Strife in home conditions. Ambitious and hard workers, but changeable. Very domesticated. Can not fight for is not aggressive outwardly. Holds everything in and steams inside. Timidity is strong if there are not other positive energies to help. Very sensitive stomach. Should not put juices on an empty stomach for it irritates the stomach linings. People with Mars in Cancer have a “red” stomach so acids can give upsets. Should not eat when tired or upset. Digestion strongly affected by moods and feelings.
Here is energy plus. Leo is a fire sign, and Mars is a fire planet. Dramatic, enthusiastic, ambitious and passionate. Have no intention of taking a back seat to anyone unless there is a strong Neptune in the chart to nullify the ego. Quarrelsome and jealous where those he loves are concerned if Mars is afflicted. Hates to be wrong and can be extremely fixed in convictions and opinions. Tremendous vitality and courage. Can have heart trouble if he overdoes physically.
Here is the fuss-budget! Energetic worker, very willing to serve, but fusses over inconsequentials. Narrowness of effort because of an inability to see the forest for the trees. Quarrels with employees and dependents due to endless fussing over details. Kindly people and not bad-tempered as a rule. Higher type very helpful with a strong desire to be of help to others. Practical, ingenious and industrious. Hard workers but get very irritated when others do not work as hard as they do. Their great virtue is mastery of detail, but they must learn not to waste time on nonessentials.
MARS IN LIBRA (Detriment)
Persuasive and at the same time argumentative. Enthusiastic and active in partnerships. Often strife in relationships due to strong desire to have one's own way. Can be easy-going, lazy, and lacking in self-reliance if the rest of the chart is not strongly positive. Alternately as meek as a lamb and as angry as a hornet. Need objectivity of approach to other people. Mars is in its detriment. Anger will not accomplish its purpose, but diplomacy and patience will. Purification comes through marriage and the problems it brings. Gives an intuitive mind. Balance needed between self-surrender and self-aggression.
Strongest position for Mars, but needs handling. Fixed fire in a water sign generates steam. Intense, proud, strong-willed, stubborn where convictions are concerned. Here the animal must be tamed for the personality must be redeemed. In best form energies flow into channels that make for deep, personal security. Must learn to draw to him through love, not fear. Instincts so strong his presence can be felt even though he says nothing. As effective in silence as he is in speech. Self-discipline is a necessity. Healing power very strong if individual is spiritually oriented.
A breezy, friendly, optimistic Mars. Impulsive, sometimes unreliable, for it scatters energy far and wide. Often talks too much. Good salesmen. Active traveler. Average type is interested in sports and gambling, but the higher type is interested in religion and philosophy. Very independent and wants no restrictions of any kind. “Don't fence me in” is the battle cry. Energies need to go into physical channels. Apt to be blunt and tactless if Mars is afflicted. Can be self-righteous. Needs to recognize the rights of others as well as his own.
Active, ambitious and works toward goal with persistence and patience. Pride is very strong. Self-reliant. Battle between animal soul and human soul. Much hostility aroused through efforts to reach the heights. Silent type, not apt to explain himself. Difficulties with superiors and in working relationships because of this fact. Has great strength. Need to work as though ambitious, yet hold no personal ambition. The need is to work for work's sake. Capable of much responsibility. Slow to learn but sure in the assimilation of knowledge. The best position for Mars, because the Saturn force restrains and checks the animal energy.
The airy influence of Aquarius tends to cause Mars to expand his force in intellectual pursuits. Gives more freedom than Mars in Capricorn, but it is not as cautious and can be very quarrelsome and contentious if afflicted. Independent, aggressive, and enterprising. Gains friends through merit and ability. Rebellious, impatient and perverse if afflicted.
Mars is not well-placed in Pisces. Pisces is receptive, over-emotional, sensitive and psychic, the very antithesis of the fiery, dominant, aggressive Mars. The drive for power is drowned in Pisces, and it is difficult for people with Mars in Pisces to attain the success they want so badly. Quiet on the outside, but very restless within. Not physically strong and can appear lazy. Can be unstable. Alchohol and drugs are dangerous. Very good position for musicians. Apt to be two marriages. Liable to disappointments in love affairs.
This position of Mars causes the personality to throw itself into whatever it wishes to do. Intense activity is necessary if this energy is to be used constructively. Self-assertion, physical strength, positiveness very strong. Inclines to personal risks, and if afflicted, danger of personal violence. Needs to guard against accidents due to undue speed and impulsiveness. Tremendously independent. If afflicted, temper has to be overcome as well as overemphasis of ego. Organizing ability strong. Self- confidence strong.
Can bring finances through engineering, mechanics and anything to do with Martian pursuits: i.e. government or military service. Money comes through enterprise and hard work, but it does not stay. Scatters money and possessions to the winds if afflicted in a fire sign. More cautious in earth and water signs. Test relating to the second house is the test of ownership. How we use our resources needs checking when Mars is in this house. If afflicted to Uranus, sudden and unexpected losses.
Right thinking important. Too impulsive thinking can bring trouble. Difficulties in environment with brothers or sisters. Many short journeys and, if afflicted, there is a need for caution where accidents are concerned, particularly in early teens. Usually a brother or sister will be in the armed services. If heavily afflicted can cause loss through the sudden and unexpected death of relatives. Quarrelsomeness and irritation in early home environment can make person high-strung and nervous. An abundance of mental energy that can further aims and objectives.
The activity of the fourth house centers on the building of the foundations of the person's life on the material and spiritual planes. This includes the instinct for security and the building of consciousness through experience. This house shows the roots of the person's being; the midnight side of the chart. The energies operating in this house are hidden from view, nevertheless quite potent. Strife and tension in the soul reflect through the domestic surrounding when Mars is in this house. There is no peace until the karmic decks are cleared by overcoming the hidden quarrelsomeness within the individual. Apt to have an active and dominating mother if Mars is afflicted. Strong emotions need toning down.
This energizes the drive for creative self-expression. The fifth house is the release of power; the compulsion to express yourself. Unusual force and impulsiveness to a person's desires with Mars in this house. Strong power of will, but can be foolhardy. These are the gamblers of life. Selfishness of a past life shows up through children that are self-centered and not particularly loving.
The sixth house is the adjustment to necessity. In this house you must work for what you get. Mars here makes the person dynamic and active in work but too much irritation and impatience can give trouble through co-workers and employees. Mechanically minded. Tendency to fevers when ill.
Early or hasty marriage without due forethought. Strife in marriage if afflicted. Legal difficulties. Trouble in business through partnerships. This house rules the lower courts. Anyone with Mars in this house would be well advised to settle difficulties out of court. Apt to want his own way and if gets it all is well. Marriage partner is combative and bad-tempered if Mars is afflicted.
Strife over partner's money. Difficulties where legacies are concerned. Death is sudden, and if the Martian force has not been regenerated and Mars afflicts Uranus it can come through accident or violence. Sex energy is very strong. If Neptune is afflicted to Mars in this house, avoid anything to do with psychic phenomena. Misuse of psychic power in a past lifetime could lead to obsession and psychic difficulties.
Long distance traveling. Strife with in-laws so it would be best to live at a distance from them. Enthusiastic mind. Independent. Religious zeal can become fanaticism if Mars is afflicted. Strong desire to travel. Very restless mind.
Friction with the father. Often a separation from him by choice. Needs to avoid scandal where public is concerned. The slightest bit of offence where morals are concerned will be used against this individual. This is a karma of gossiping and maligning others in a previous lifetime. Energy directed toward achievement where profession is concerned. Self-reliance and ambition strong. Practical person. Would do well in vocations dealing with mechanics, engineering or military pursuits.
Energy strongly directed toward achieving goals and objectives. Can use friends and acquaintances toward that end. Important to seek the right kinds of friendships for the wrong kind can bring plenty of difficulties with Mars. Needs to learn caution and integrity. Overemphasis on social life. Needs to lean to say “no.”
May appear mild, but if driven to the wall can be a formidable foe. Intelligent non-resistence best defense here. Gives intense emotional reactions, stronger for being suppressed. Must depend on self alone. False accusations by hidden enemies. Needs to overcome inner resentments. Should not repress or inhibit feelings but learn to express them in a non-combative manner.
*Pluto ia a co-ruler, with Mars, of Scorpio