Aspects to the Sun

The sun represents the central power to do and to be; the purpose or will as it projects itself outward in its drive for significance. It vitalizes any planet it aspects.

In studying aspects it is extremely important to understand the essential nature of the planets rather than to read the aspects from a book. The same aspects will function in different ways in cardinal, fixed and mutable signs. Fixed aspects are very strong and are tied with will and desire. Aspects in Mutable signs have to do with the way we use our minds. Cardinal sign aspects have to do with initiative and how we inaugurate activities.

The central drive is shown in the chart by the Sun. It is tied to the ego drive on the personality level. Everyone needs and wants to feel important. The basic sense of selfhood and the individual's worth in the world is his by divine right and should be respected. It is when this drive is over-emphasized at someone else's expense, or frustrated and inhibited that difficulties arise. The Sun represents superiors and those in authority.

The Sun is the source of vitality coming into form. It rules prana, or life force. A person with a strong Sun has energy and vitality. If he has a poorly placed and afflicted Sun he does not have the vital force he needs, and needs to learn the laws of nutrition and to build up his vital forces. There is nothing in the pattern that says it cannot be done. An afflicted Sun does say that the individual has wasted his life force and needs to rebuild it through right understanding of cosmic laws.

The aspects between the Sun and Moon are very important. The Sun represents the Solar Ego, the Individuality. The Moon represents the personality and the subconscious self. The lunar forces rule the form side of life. The solar forces rule the vitality that flows into the magnetic field from the etheric field of energy. The Sun rules the constitutional strength; the Moon rules the functional strength. In judging health and longevity these two energies will be the key. When the Moon is afflicted and the Sun has no afflictions the body may be weak and troublesome but the vitality coming into the body will keep it going. When the Sun is afflicted and the Moon is not afflicted the person may appear healthy but has not the vital force to stay in the body unless he builds his vital forces.

The relationship of the Moon to the Sun shows the time of the month when the person was born. A conjunction of the Sun and Moon shows the New Moon. An opposition of the Sun and Moon occurs at the time of theFull Moon. Only when the Sun has married the Moon (New Moon has taken place in this sign) will the person be a true type of that particular sign in which the birth took place. If there hasn't been a New Moon in the sign of the person's birth the individual subconsciously will be more like the preceding sign. He will not be a true type. Check the ephemeris to see if the New Moon has already taken place.

People born when the Moon is going from the New Moon to the Full Moon are more objective in consciousness. Those born when the Moon is going from the Full Moon to the New Moon are more subjective or reflective. People born in the last quarter are lacking in vitality but if the Sun is in a strong sign it will help to overcome the lack. The Moon phases deal with nature's rhythms. The Moon is the mother-side of all existence for it rules matter; the form side of life. The Sun rules the father-side of life; positive, masculine, spiritual force.

If you wish anything on the material side to succeed, start projects, enterprises and new jobs when the Moon is going from New to Full Moon. Then you are in tune with nature's rhythms for everything is on the ascending arc. Anything started in the last quarter, especially the last three days, will not have any vitality and will not succeed. The Moon is the principal influence of all that is physical and those who react more to their emotions than their minds are deeply affected by the Moon. Lunar types are moody, passive, receptive and react emotionally to life rather than act on life through positivity. The waning Moon is best for planning projects for spiritual work, for meditation and comtemplation.

The Sun represents the faculty of Integration or Individuation as a Spiritual being. The spiritual potentialities are shown by the Sun, its sign, house and aspects. The Moon represents the habit patterns of the past; the subconscious trends and the ancestral patterns and impulses. The Moon rules the personality for it is the Unlit self: It, like the Moon in the heavens has no light of its own but shines from the reflected light of the Sun. Until the personality becomes the servant of the Real Self (the Sun) it has no wisdom or understanding. When Jesus said “I and my Father are one” He meant that his personality had become one with His High Self and that Self was operating through his outer self. That is the destiny of every one of God's children, sometime, somehow, somewhere.

img             : This aspect gives vitality and a zest for life. The sign and house it is in will be of extreme importance in the life. The person will be a “whole hogger” in whatever direction is indicated. The emotions and desires will be so closely entwined it will be difficult for the individual to have a clear perspective regarding his own nature. He will be inclined to put all his eggs in one basket. This conjunction is best when the Sun is stronger than the Moon. This will be shown by the sign the Sun and Moon are in.

img             : Harmony between inner and outer self is reflected through harmonious parents at the time of conception. A harmonious soul cannot come through a disharmonious union. Good health, success and harmony shown through this aspect is earned increment from the past. Gives independence, stability and self-reliance.

img             : Conflict between the inner self and the subconscious forces. There is tension between the Will and the emotions. There will be psychological difficulties until there is a resolving of the frustrations that keep the individual from following the course he desires to pursue. He will be inclined to blame his parents but the trouble lies in his subconscious patterns. Health is apt to be disturbed if the inner conflicts are not resolved. Can be separation between the mother and father while the individual is still young enough to feel this division keenly. There is conflict between the past and the future. This aspect gives the impulse to escape from limitation by plunging into new experiences, then he lacks stability and perseverance to carry the effort to a conclusion. He is his own worst enemy but feels everyone around him is wrong.

img             : The main difference between a square and an opposition lies in the fact that limitations and frustrations of the square are within the individual while oppositions are losses and separations that come through others. An opposition is 180 degrees of the 360 degree circle. This is as far as one can go; there is only one way to go from there. One must turn back to one's self. Full Moon charts are particularly difficult because there is separation between the Inner self and the personality. Disharmony in the soul pattern is reflected through disharmony between the parents at the time of conception. If this union between the inner and outer self is not achieved there is disharmony where any union is concerned in the outer world. Marriage on the inner side between the two selves has to be achieved before there can be a happy marriage in the outer world. The energy flow in the physical body is uneven and causes difficulty until the person adjusts to his own particular rhythm. There will be ebbs and flows of energy. The individual has to learn to use his peak times to do all that needs doing and then learn to relax and rest when the energy tide is out.

img             : Egocentered if the orb between the Sun and Mercury is closer than eight degrees. Intellectually posited. Nervous type. Makes a good teacher for they are able to communicate ideas through speech and writing. Quick witted. Apt to be selfish without realizing it. Everything is related to self and frequently there is no thought of the other fellow. Perspective poor if Mercury is too close to the Sun.

img             : Easygoing. Can be lazy and self-indulgent. Usually attractive in appearance. Feminine, affectionate, cheerful and non- combative. Not good for a male unless it is in a masculine sign. Brings gratuities and blessings into the life. Can be loving if the sign it is in is a strong one; if afflicted can be self seeking but because of charm often gets away with it. Luckier in occupations dealing with women than in the competitive business world. Solar energy is refined through this conjunction and in the more evolved soul manifests as beauty, harmony and love. Artistic in expression.

The Sun and Venus cannot get so far apart that they can be opposed or squared to each other. This has deep significance to the perceptive student. The Solar Self and Love are never in disharmony. Love (Venus) and Spirit (the Sun) cannot oppose each other. They are One. It is the same situation where Mercury (Consciousness) is concerned. There can be no disharmony between the soul (Mercury) and the spirit (the Sun). Mercury never moves more than 28' from the Sun.

img             : Gives great vital force unless Mars is in its detriment. Very martial and combative type of person if it is afflicted and in a positive sign. Fearless and impulsive in action. If afflicted can be bad- tempered and extremely willful. Tendency to domination. Outgoing energy that goes after what it wants. Not always diplomatic. Needs to be active to be happy. Quick in decision, alert and able. Mechanically inclined. Gives a very strong body and person is able to overcome many illnesses because of super energy in the magnetic field. In a feminine sign the martian force is not so strong and the person is not aggressive. If this conjunction is afflicted, especially to Uranus, the individual is accident prone and if he doesn't learn to control the animal self he can leave the body through an accident or violence.

img             : Vitality excellent. Action and Will will operate well together. In a female chart gives attracting power where males are concerned. In past lifetimes the animal nature has been subdued and brought under the control of the will. Hence, right and constructive action come naturally and bring success in this lifetime.

img             : The solar rays pouring through Mars as blind forces represent desire rushing toward anything that will give pleasure. Mars rules the animal man and when Mars is afflicted to the Sun the animal forces need transmutation and regeneration. Mars in affliction is responsible for cruelty, violence, accidents and often acts precipitiously and without any forethought. Guns are dangerous for anyone with Mars square the Sun. The square gives as much physical energy as the trine but is apt to be used destructively.

img             : Rash actions. Tendency to draw antagonism from others because of inner resentment and anger. Learn to be conciliatory with this aspect and trouble can be avoided. Apt to have trouble with superiors and with father. Sun-Mars afflictions are difficult in a woman's chart for it makes her opinionated, dominating and animus-ruled. She has to learn to come to grips with the male in her subconscious before she can have a peaceful relationship with the males in her outer life.

img             : Not only protective of the vitality for the individual but shows a strong and powerful spirit in operation. Not an aggressive person for strength is used to help others in a quiet way. If heavily afflicted by Saturn or Mars this would not be true. If this conjunction is in a feminine chart, benefits would come through the males in her life. In the chart of a male it would describe his character and his optimistic outlook on life. Benefits would come to him through his father. If unafflicted, this conjunction is very fortunate. It attracts benefits, morally, physically and financially. There will be much travel in the life.

img            : Similar to the conjunction but even more beneficial in its effect. Gives a religious philosophy that has been brought over from other lifetimes. Earned increment in the spiritual bankbook will bring very harmonious and beneficial conditions into the life. Benefits through males. Good for health and success in life. Good for anyone in the medical field as well as for counselors and psychologists for there are innate intuitive powers.

img             : This is similar to the opposition—too much false pride and a desire to be on top without being willing to earn it. Not good for health if diet is not moderate. Need for honesty and straightforwardness. Tendency toward untruthfulness and exaggeration must be overcome. Love of display. Poor judgment. Need for reevaluation where attitudes are concerned.

img             : Jupiter has a great deal to do with judgment. Here the drive for significance has been overemphasized and there is an inflation of one's importance causing conceit and an expanded ego. Jupiter afflictions are those of overdoing, whereas Saturn's troubles are lacks, inhibitions and fears. On the physical level this aspect affects the liver. Too many carbohydrates and too much rich food will give difficulties. Wherever Jupiter is afflicted judgment can be impaired. Watch wise use of finances if you have this affliction at birth. Apt to be penny-wise and pound-foolish. Extravagance.

img             : Here is self-restraint and great reserve. Saturn holds back the vitality, zest and enthusiasm of the Sun. Many limitations and much discipline in life but a great strength and persistence. Strong, controlled type who attains through hard work and determination. Not a happy childhood. Often due to the lack or neglect of father's influence in the life. In a female chart the father has too prominent a role often resulting in a father complex. This is the disciplinarian, the organizer, the individual with power to attain his goals and objectives through hard work patience and persistence. Strong personality going his own way, regardless of the opinions or feelings of others. A strong pride often to the detriment of the individual. The lone wolf type. For a female this aspect brings responsibilities and hardships through marriage.

img             : Practicality and the drive for significance go hand in hand. The power drive is well-directed so the person attains his goals without too much difficulty. The genes inherited from the male side of the family will have physical strength. Even with a trine or sextile Saturn makes the individual work for what he gets, but he is willing to do so. This individual has integrity and a highly developed moral character.

img             : This is an aspect of egocentered selfishness and stinginess that needs redeeming. A negative attitude toward the world has to be overcome. It brings disappointments and frustrations because the individual has frustrated and disappointed others through self- centeredness, coldheartedness and an overemphasis on materialism and not enough emphasis on love. This aspect affects the physical vitality as well as relationships with the males in the life. Look for good aspects to either the Sun or Saturn as the key to release from the overemphasis on self. No good astrologer tells a person what is wrong with them without telling them the way out of their difficulties. No one comes unbound into this livingness. The blueprint shows what we have brought over to work out in this lifetime as well as the blessings we have earned. Saturn's adverse aspects show the hardening and crystallizing of the ego. This ha3 to be broken up by suffering. There is no other way except through the relinquishment of the personal self.

img            : An opposition differs from a square in that the opposition comes from opposing forces in the outer world. Oppositions always affect us through others. Squares are the innate difficulties within the individual. This aspect brings difficult people into our orbit causing the necessity to learn to compromise. We meet ourselves as we once were on the path of life but we don't recognize ourselves in the other person. Obstacles and difficulties which are karmic in origin, frequently manifested through father, husband or son. Selfishness must be overcome. A tendency to be drawn to negative and stingy people must be handled through understanding.

img             : With Uranus afflictions, difficulties are due to over-crystallization on the side of self-will. Independent and individualistic. Strong self-will. Very intuitive. Originality in thought and action. Powerfully magnetic personality. Over-sensitive and very impulsive. Not good in a feminine chart for it gives too much masculinity.

img             : Originality and independence. Strong magnetic healing force. In a woman's chart, makes her attractive to males on an intellectual and impersonal level. The “pal” type, not an emotional attunement. Successful career through own ingenuity. Strongly intuitive person.

img             : Self-willed and rebellious. Unexpected and sudden upsets. Tendency toward abruptness of manner and rudeness. Needs to learn respect for the opinions of others as well as his own. Needs to guard against impulsive and hasty action. Many disruptions and upsets in life until self-will is overcome.

img             : Disruptive, upsetting conditions where relation ships are concerned. Too much self-will operating and it is apt to arouse the self-will in others. Has over-crystallized on the side of self-will in other lifetimes and so attracts the self-willed in this life. Difficulties with males, especially husband or father.

img             : Psychically sensitive. Extremely emotional. Apt to deceive oneself unknowingly. Sentimental and romantic. Apt to day dream and fail to achieve their dreams if Saturn isn't strong in the chart. Mystically inclined. Not an easy person to understand for they do not understand themselves. What is undercover is far more important than what is on the surface and if the person isn't evolved there can be something undercover that is detrimental and disintegrative in effect. Needs to be; absolutely honest in all their dealings with others. Watch the tendency to color and shade the truth where this aspect is concerned. This tendency stems from the aim to please. This individual works through persuasion, never through pressure.

img             : The outer drive and the inner idealism work hand in hand. Person extremely sensitive to inner currents and is by nature a mvstic. Gives good taste and refinement. Love of art and music. Does very well in creative fields. Good imagination. In the medical field this aspect would give healing power.

img             : This is a difficult aspect, especially in a male chart. In a female chart it would attract a male that would be the cause of disillusion and it would call for much sacrifice. Inability to see clearly where emotions are concerned. Deception and deceit must be eliminated. There are karmic debts to pay when Neptune is afflicted by the Sun. The sign and the houses involved will show where the payment is due. Wherever Neptune is placed by house is where the obligation to sacrifice will manifest. Here is where you took in other lives; now you must restore the balance.

img             : Tendency to obsessive behaviour. Deception and disillusionment come through others. Similar to the square. Confusion and chaos where emotions are concerned. Only in seeking nothing for the separated self can the individual go free where this aspect is concerned.


Ed. note: For Sun-Pluto aspects, see pp. 310-311.