Aspects to Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus and Neptune

image                     : This is a “New Start” lifetime. Individual free to act without the burden of the past weighing him down. Not a difficult life, especially if there are no afflictions to this conjunction. Jupiter is the soul rushing out to experience life; Saturn, the soul inturning to assimilate the experience gained. In a certain sense, one energy nullifies the other. Because life isn't challenged enough, this individual can rest on his psychological “oars” and not be in the mainstream battling the current. Pleasant life but ineffective unless other energies in the chart are challenging.

image                     : Judgment and practicality work together. The inner and outer selves can work together as a team. Able to project goals and objectives, and bring them to completion. Worldly ambition is there but behind it a truly philosophical and religious spirit. Achieves success because of willingness to work for what is wanted. Is honest, sincere and practical in approach to life.

image                     : This is what Marc Jones calls a “last chance” lifetime. The individual has to learn to follow through and grow himself a soul. Has the power to do so but often cops out and evades responsibilities. Will be defeated by life if talents and powers are not used. A physical muscle atrophies when not used; so do the spiritual muscles. Powers and talents, of which there are many, will atrophy as well. Later years will be years of regrets over unused opportunities. Judgment not good for inherent selfness stands in the way. Will have responsibilities where older people are concerned at some period of life.

image                     : Two lifetimes in one. One half, Jupiterian in nature; the other half, Saturnian. Cleavage between early life and later life would make the individual feel he had lived two entirely different life paths. The position of these two planets by house would show in what part of life the changeover would take place. Usually it is in the early forties. There is a pull between outgoingness and the desire to retreat from participation in the world. Whichever planet is the stronger will show which tendency is the stronger. These two energies can polarize each other and be a help to the individual if he will cooperate with them both; facing the responsibility of Saturn through the understanding of the higher law of Jupiter.

image                     : Intuition and judgment work hand in hand if this aspect is not afflicted by Mars and Mercury. Religious tendencies strong but not orthodox. Would be a strong individualist with concepts and opinions that were his own. Very inventive with creative power. This can be a genius aspect. This person should trust their intuitive powers and act on them if this aspect is not afflicted by Neptune. First impressions would be the true ones. Extensive and unexpected travel. Changes in the life will come in seven year cycles and could come suddenly and unexpectedly. Uranus always acts with no advance notice and always operates through other individuals or circumstances outside the person's control.

image                     : This is one of the most fortunate aspects from the worldly point of view. Gives an unusual life, filled full of unexpected and out of the ordinary happenings. The sextile gives the opportunity to have an unusual life but the individual must take advantage of the opportunity. In the trine things happen without the individual having to do anything about it. This is the difference between the trine and the sextile. Finances are not a problem with this aspect though the wrong inner attitude toward money can make a multimillionaire a pauper. Has truly religious outlook. Advanced type of consciousness if the chart shows evolvement. Philosophical depth and capable of keen and accurate judgment. Brings development and success in middle life. Powerfully magnetic personality.

image                     : Conflict between the “status quo” and the desire for freedom and independence. Apt to be strong-willed. Judgment not always sound. Has the same liberal and religious outlook as the trine and conjunction but is more direct, forceful and expressive in promulgating their ideas. Needs to cultivate patience and forethought, for their reflexes are fast and their minds keen. Are apt to be impatient and irritable with the slower thinking individual. Needs to use discrimination where choice of friends are concerned. Could be financial loss through them.

image                     : Independent person with strong determination and will power. If judgment cooperates with intuition all will be well. The sign and aspects of Jupiter will show whether the judgment can be trusted or not. Individual will break away from orthodoxy and dogma but will continue to search for religious values that will be meaningful for him. This individual can act as a “cracker of shells” to those locked in attitudes that are stultifying and imprisoning. Great similarity between the opposition and the square where these two planets are concerned.

image                     : Clouds the judgment because emotions get in the way of logic. Imagination apt to play tricks where facts are concerned. Generous and sympathetic nature. Hates injustice and will sacrifice self in effort to irradicate it if the rest of the chart shows strength. If the chart is a weak one there will be compassion but there will be lack of courage to act. Any aspect of Jupiter and Neptune can give difficulties with the liver; essential to use caution where diet, drugs, and alcohol are concerned.

image                     : The inner assumptions and the outer judgment are in harmony. Receptivity and openness bring benefits outwardly as well as inwardly. Individual is intuitive and psychic and should follow his inner leading. Courteous, kindly and sincere person. Religious tendencies strong. Can be mystical and drawn to religious and philosophical groups.

image                     : The tendency to exaggeration and confused emotions can cause difficulties in whatever areas these two energies are placed. Can cause person to be deceived or deceive, according to its house position. Not apt to see straight. The schemer and the dreamer who can be unstable as water, constantly veering and changing course. Apt to be unreliable and lacking in emotional control. Can be a weak character but seldom a mean or cruel one. Can be dominated by a stronger mind due to suggestibility.

image                     : Similar to the square but not as enervating and energy dissipating. Deception could come through others due to past karma. When either ends of this opposition are afflicted by strong planetary transits there could be financial loss through underhanded methods. Anyone with this aspect should scrutinize all documents and agreements very carefully before signing on the dotted line. Diet is important for there is apt to be trouble with the liver and also the lower back. Advanced methods of healing, rather than drugs, would be much better for this individual than medicine. Osteopathy, massage, light, heat and natural foods could be of great help if there were physical difficulties.

image                     : All aspects between Saturn and Uranus signify a rebellious spirit, strongly centered in the will to be free, and the unwillingness to accept any authority but its own. A battle between the world as it is at any moment in time, versus the world as it should be if everyone passed through (not around) the self discipline that would make that world possible. Uranus breaks the crystallization of Saturn, often painfully, to those who have this conjunction. When Saturn, by transit, stimulates this conjunction, the conservatism and conforming of the character would be apparent. When Uranus stimulates this aspect a completely different aspect of the personality would emerge. The rebel, who resents any restraint or restriction, would come to the surface and act precipitously and erratically and everyone around the individual would wonder what happened. An aspect that causes energy to simmer undercover for a long period of time, and then erupts explosively and erratically and blows all that has been painfully acquired to pieces.

image                     : People born with this aspect have been born at this time in order to act as bridges between the age that is dying and the age that is coming to birth. They are able to balance both energies within themselves and thereby help others to understand what is happening. They do not destroy the ladder by which their brother climbs until he is ready to accept another way. Respecting the rights and traditions to which others cling, but inwardly free themselves, they are able to be effective agents in social sciences, humanitarian efforts and in all work that has to do with the communications media. Periodically Uranus will break the established pattern and set them free to work in other fields. Always it will be a better opportunity and a freer field of activity.

image                     : Trouble with those in authority and those who want to keep the status quo because it is safe. This battle rages within as well as without. Person bucks and resists changing for self will is strong and no one is going to tell him anything. Saturn wins in the outer world of appearance (the personality) because that is his domain. Uranus rules the spirit and the spirit is always free. Nothing can harm it yet it can not operate in the outer world without a form or mold to contain it. No one can break a cosmic law but they have the privilege of breaking their own neck trying. This is the lesson for those who have Uranus and Saturn in discordant aspect. Learn that freedom lies on the other side of Saturn, the planet of necessity and responsibility.

image:Partly selfishness and partly lack of practicability and common sense can cause difficulties. Torn between the necessity to conform because of wanting to feel safe and secure, and the desire to launch out into more expanded horizons and feel free. Must not act impulsively where business or partnership deals are concerned or there could be considerable loss. Needs to consult with those who would be wiser before coming to decisions.

image                     : Difficult aspect for Neptune dissolves the ability to see the outer world as it is. The impractical dreamer who would rather retreat from the world than relate to it. Has a mystical temperament with a deep passivity. Apt to be negative in outlook and subject to moods of depression and futility. Is fearful but never sure of the reason for fears are deepseated. Needs to analyze situations through reasoning power, not through emotions. When this individual gets into emotional situations reason flies out the window. Apt to lack judgment in business matters for the material world is of little concern unless the conjunction is in an earth sign. Then, if afflicted by other planets, there would be secretiveness, shrewdness and deviousness in business dealings. There could be undercover dishonesty.

image                     : Brings in spiritual power and philosophical under standing. The inner assumptions and the outer facts are not at variance. The practical dreamer who can bring his ideas into concrete expression. This aspect often found in charts of those who could be initiates in this lifetime. Can investigate the inner planes of consciousness with no unpleasant repercussions.

image                     : Emotional fears that are hard to eradicate for they are so deeply embedded in the unconscious levels. Feelings of loneliness and isolation can be strong. Partly due to person's inability to relate to people in the outer world. Not enough understanding or empathy projected toward others. Feeling of insecurity and uncertainty only vaguely conscious but it is damaging to the personality. Should stay away from seances or anything that would open up the psychic senses. Could bring in obsessing forces. Look for the trines to Saturn or Neptune as the way out of the impasses where these energies are concerned. Any discordancy in a birth chart can be overcome if the individual recognizes that the world without is a reflection of the world within him. Look to the houses from which trines to the planets operate for they will give clues as to the path that can lead them out of the shadows into the Light.

image                     : Choice between hanging on to the ego structure and materialism, or letting go and trusting the inner spirit to direct and guide the life. Responsibility vs. escapism; materialism vs. spirituality; selfishness vs. sacrifice. The choice is there but choice there must be. No one on earth can get beyond influence but they can choose what will influence them. With this aspect the choice is very important. Difference between an integrated life or a disintegrated one.


Aspects between these planets operate for some time so many individuals are born with the same aspect. These two energies come from outer space, beyond our zodiac, to step up the vibration of the planet and bring it to a higher state of evolution. Mankind always responds negatively to new energies before he learns to respond positively to high forces. Therefore, for many people aspects between these two planets can be dumb notes or can be destructive. They are of importance when placed in the 1st, 4th, 7th or 10th house, or in relationship to the Sun, Moon or Mercury. In the angular houses, especially the conjunction or opposition, can cause great difficulty. It is too high a voltage for the average person to assimilate and can bring rebellion and self will and chaotic emotional conditions into the life.

Good aspects between Neptune and Uranus will be indicative of an advanced soul who has come to earth to serve the planet in some philosophical or religious way. Not at all orthodox in their approach to life. A new concept and new seeds would be sown in this life by this individual. Brings into incarnation the spiritually intuitive people able to grasp first hand knowledge of spiritual truths. Uranus in good aspect to Neptune can make the person a spiritual psychic. In square or opposition can give psychism and intuitive powers but can become the dark occultist if he uses the power for self. The White Magician is used by the power to serve others. The Black Magician uses the power to serve himself and brings about his own downfall.

Those born with Neptune afflicted have attained spirituality in other lifetimes but have lost their equilibrium through not balancing their emotional or devotional fanaticism with mental poise and logic. In square or opposition can give psychism and intuitive powers but can become the dark occultist if he uses the power for self. The White Magician is used by the power to serve others. The Black Magician uses the power to serve himself and brings about his own downfall.


Ed. note: For Jupiter-Pluto aspects, see pp. 316-317; for Saturn-Pluto aspects, see pp. 317-319; for Uranus-Pluto aspects, see pp. 319-320; for Neptune-Pluto aspects, see p. 320.