Book 1

Pursuing Digital SLR Photography

Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Embracing Digital SLRs
    1. Introducing the Digital SLR
    2. Naming and Classifying Digital SLRs
    3. Pricing Digital SLRs
    4. Delving into Camera Specifications
    5. Following Recent dSLR Developments
    6. Shopping for a dSLR
    7. Embracing dSLRs
  2. Chapter 2: Handling, Cleaning, and Protecting Your Camera
    1. Anatomy of a dSLR
    2. Working the Controls
    3. Gripping the Camera
    4. Providing Additional Support
    5. Handling an Articulated Monitor
    6. Using a Touchscreen
    7. Changing Batteries
    8. Inserting and Removing Memory Cards
    9. Cleaning Your Camera
    10. Protecting Your Camera
  3. Chapter 3: Learning about Lenses
    1. Identifying and Naming Lenses
    2. Categorizing Lenses
    3. Looking at Lens Anatomy
    4. Working with Lenses
    5. Cleaning Lenses
  4. Chapter 4: Exploring Menus and Camera Settings
    1. Understanding How Menus Are Organized
    2. Opening and Using the Menu
    3. Setting Up Your Camera
    4. Setting Typical Shooting Options
    5. Making Other Choices
    6. Controlling Playback
    7. Keeping Everything Running Smoothly
    8. Exploring Advanced Options
  5. Chapter 5: Taking Pictures with Your dSLR
    1. Seeing the Big Picture
    2. Planning Ahead
    3. Unpacking and Readying Your Gear
    4. Setting Up Your Camera
    5. Taking and Reviewing Photos