Small stalls against one wall, dented doors or missing lock holes sprouting wads of white toilet paper, a set of sinks with drippy faucets, rust rings around the drains, hair strands clinging to the white sinks, urinals with pink or blue sanitary cakes near the drain, a condom or tampon machine, messages written on the walls and in the stalls, advertisements on the interior stall door, toilet paper dispensers (sometimes broken or out of paper), urine on the seats or floor, a sanitary garbage box and a tissue seat cover dispenser, dirt and ripped-up toilet paper on the floor, a hook for a coat or purse in the stall, a garbage bin overflowing with brown paper towel wads, bits of soggy paper towels littering the countertop, pink soap oozing out of dispensers and streaking the sinks, hand dryers that may or may not work, aged mirrors that are losing their silver, water-speckled counters, a fold-down diaper changing station attached to one wall
Water dripping from faucets that won’t shut off, toilets flushing, girls laughing and fixing their makeup and hair, the whir of the hand dryer, the tear and crinkle of paper towels being pulled from a wall dispenser and used, the gurgling of a toilet refilling, echoing voices, stall doors slamming shut, locks clicking into place, people talking on their phones, bodily function noises that one typically associates with a restroom, parents ordering small children not to touch anything, babies crying
Cleaner, soap, bleach, cloying perfume, hairspray, bathroom smells
Some settings have no specific tastes associated with them beyond what the character might bring into the scene (chewing gum, mints, lipstick, cigarettes, etc.). For scenes like these, where specific tastes are sparse, it would be best to stick to descriptors from the other four senses.
Sitting on a tissue-thin seat cover, holding a foot against the door to keep it closed when the lock is broken, using a foot to flush the toilet, using one’s elbows or forearms to open a door, slippery soap, wet hands from washing, foamy lather, a scratchy paper towel used to dry one’s hands, smoothing on lipstick or plucking at one’s hair, rubbing a finger under the eyes to remove makeup smudges, being embarrassed about doing one’s business in public and trying to do so quietly, shoving one's sleeves up to keep them from getting wet while washing, water from the counter dampening the front of one's shirt, struggling to keep one's clothing from touching the floor while using the toilet, toilet paper that's rough and thin
Someone lying in wait in a stall
Running out of toilet paper or soap
Discovering that all the toilets are plugged up
Being followed by bullies who block the exit
Overhearing a conversation that puts oneself in danger
Witnessing a brutal crime while in a stall
Gastrointestinal issues
Being a germaphobe and having to use a public restroom
Seeking privacy but finding the restroom occupied
Not being able to get into the restroom when one really needs to
Cleaning staff, visitors
Airport, amusement park, bazaar, convenience store, gas station, homeless shelter, park, shopping mall, sporting event stands, water park, zoo
Some public restrooms are well kept and post a sheet near the door that shows frequent cleanings, while others are rarely visited by custodial staff or restocked for supplies. If your scene uses this location, think about the character’s reason for being here and what will take place. Which type of restroom will create strong contrast, add tension, or offer symbolism opportunities?
Amy shouldered open the rest stop door, wishing she hadn’t ordered that extra-large soda with her hamburger at lunch. A draft stirred crumpled wisps of toilet paper against the dirty tile and the overhead florescent light flickered and buzzed, threatening to go out. Dead bugs decorated the single cracked sink, but water dripped from that faucet, so at least it worked. Two stalls were missing doors, and the third hung askew. She headed for it, praying that it held a square or two of toilet paper and no passed-out drug addicts.
Techniques and Devices Used: Contrast, multisensory descriptions
Resulting Effects: Establishing mood, tension and conflict