General preface
Author’s preface
List of abbreviations
Bible versions
Other books and articles
1. Historical issues
2. Literary issues
3. Structural issues
4. Theological issues
5. Thematic issues
6. Ministry issues
1. The gateway to the sayings (1:1 – 9:18)
A. The prologue (1:1–7)
B. The choice between two calls (1:8–33)
C. The value of character (2:1–22)
D. The rewards of wisdom (3:1–35)
E. A plea to embrace wisdom (4:1–27)
F. Adultery as folly (5:1–23)
G. Other examples of folly (6:1–19)
H. The danger of adultery (6:20–35)
I. The enticing words of the immoral woman (7:1–27)
J. A fuller picture of wisdom (8:1–36)
K. Two invitations (9:1–18)
Looking back over chapters 1 – 9
2. The sayings of Solomon (10:1 – 22:16)
A. The first half of Solomon’s sayings (10:1 – 15:33)
B. The theological heart of the sayings (16:1–9)
C. The second half of Solomon’s sayings (16:10 – 22:16)
3. The sayings of the wise (22:17 – 24:34)
A. The thirty sayings of the wise (22:17 – 24:22)
B. More sayings of the wise (24:23–34)
4. More proverbs of Solomon compiled during the time of Hezekiah (25:1 – 29:27)
A. Living wisely in public (25:1 – 27:27)
B. The righteous and the wicked (28:1 – 29:27)
5. The sayings of Agur and Lemuel (30:1 – 31:9)
A. The sayings of Agur (30:1–33)
B. The sayings of King Lemuel (31:1–9)
6. Epilogue: the wife of noble character (31:10–31)
A. Her great value (31:10–12)
B. Her actions (31:13–27)
C. The praise she receives (31:28–31)
Additional notes
The immoral woman in chapters 5 – 7
Interpreting 8:22–31
Praise for Tyndale Commentaries
About the Author
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