1:4a Greek in myths and endless genealogies, which cause speculation.

1:4b Greek a stewardship of God in faith.

1:10 Or kidnappers.

2:9 Or to pray in modest apparel.

2:12 Or teach men or usurp their authority.

2:15 Or will be saved by accepting their role as mothers, or will be saved by the birth of the Child.

3:1 Or an overseer, or a bishop; also in 3:2, 6.

3:2 Or must have only one wife, or must be married only once; Greek reads must be the husband of one wife; also in 3:12.

3:3 Greek must not drink too much wine; similarly in 3:8.

3:6 Or he might fall into the same judgment as the devil.

3:11 Or the women deacons. The Greek word can be translated women or wives.

3:16a Or of godliness.

3:16b Greek He who; other manuscripts read God.

3:16c Or in his spirit.

4:2 Greek are seared.

4:5 Or made holy.

4:6 Greek brothers.

4:10 Some manuscripts read continue to suffer.

5:1 Or an elder.

5:3 Or Honor.

5:9 Greek was the wife of one husband.

5:10 Greek and washed the feet of God’s holy people?

5:17 Greek should be worthy of double honor.

5:18 Deut 25:4; Luke 10:7.

5:22 Greek about the laying on of hands.

6:2 Greek brothers.

1:12 Or what has been entrusted to me.

2:17 Greek gangrene.

2:19a Num 16:5.

2:19b See Isa 52:11.

3:6 Greek and take captive.

4:13 Greek especially the parchments.

4:17 Greek from the mouth of a lion.

4:21 Greek brothers.

1:1 Or to strengthen the faith of.

1:6 Or must have only one wife, or must be married only once; Greek reads must be the husband of one wife.

1:7a Or An overseer, or A bishop.

1:7b Greek must not drink too much wine.

1:12 This quotation is from Epimenides of Knossos.

2:3 Greek be enslaved to much wine.

2:5 Some manuscripts read to care for their homes.

3:5 Greek He saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.

3:9 Or spiritual genealogies.

1:5a Or Today I reveal you as my Son. Ps 2:7.

1:5b 2 Sam 7:14.

1:6a Or firstborn.

1:6b Or when he again brings his supreme Son [or firstborn Son] into the world, God will say.

1:6c Deut 32:43.

1:7 Ps 104:4 (Greek version).

1:8-9 Ps 45:6-7.

1:10-12 Ps 102:25-27.

1:13 Ps 110:1.

2:6 Or the Son of Man.

2:7 Some manuscripts add You gave them charge of everything you made.

2:6-8 Ps 8:4-6 (Greek version).

2:11 Greek brothers; also in 2:12.

2:12 Ps 22:22.

2:13 Isa 8:17-18.

2:14 Or has.

2:17 Greek like the brothers.

3:1a Greek And so, holy brothers who.

3:1b Greek God’s apostle.

3:2 Some manuscripts do not include entire.

3:6 Some manuscripts add faithful to the end.

3:7-11 Ps 95:7-11.

3:12 Greek brothers.

3:15 Ps 95:7-8.

4:2 Some manuscripts read they didn’t combine what they heard with faith.

4:3 Ps 95:11.

4:4 Gen 2:2.

4:5 Ps 95:11.

4:7 Ps 95:7-8.

4:9 Or a Sabbath rest.

5:5 Or Today I reveal you as my Son. Ps 2:7.

5:6 Ps 110:4.

5:12 Or about the oracles of God.

6:1 Greek from dead works.

6:10 Greek for God’s holy people.

6:14 Gen 22:17.

7:5 Greek from their brothers.

7:11 Greek the order of Aaron?

7:17 Ps 110:4.

7:21 Ps 110:4.

7:25 Or is able to save completely.

7:26 Or has been exalted higher than the heavens.

8:2 Or tent; also in 8:5.

8:5 Exod 25:40; 26:30.

8:10 Greek after those days.

8:11 Greek their brother.

8:8-12 Jer 31:31-34.

9:2 Or tent; also in 9:11, 21.

9:3 Greek second tent.

9:6 Greek first tent.

9:8 Or the first room; Greek reads the first tent.

9:11 Some manuscripts read that are about to come.

9:14 Greek from dead works.

9:16a Or covenant; also in 9:17.

9:16b Or Now when someone makes a covenant, it is necessary to ratify it with the death of a sacrifice.

9:19 Some manuscripts do not include and goats.

9:20 Exod 24:8.

9:26 Greek the ages.

10:5 Greek he; also in 10:8.

10:5-7 Ps 40:6-8 (Greek version).

10:16a Greek after those days.

10:16b Jer 31:33a.

10:17 Jer 31:34b.

10:19 Greek brothers.

10:20 Greek Through his flesh.

10:30a Deut 32:35.

10:30b Deut 32:36.

10:32 Greek when you were first enlightened.

10:38 Or my righteous ones will live by their faithfulness; Greek reads my righteous one will live by faith.

10:37-38 Hab 2:3-4.

11:5 Gen 5:24.

11:11 Or It was by faith that he [Abraham] was able to have a child, even though Sarah was barren and he was too old. He believed.

11:18 Gen 21:12.

11:37 Some manuscripts add some were tested.

12:2a Or Jesus, the originator and perfecter of our faith.

12:2b Or Instead of the joy.

12:3 Some manuscripts read Think of how people hurt themselves by opposing him.

12:5a Greek sons; also in 12:7, 8.

12:5b Greek son; also in 12:6, 7.

12:5-6 Prov 3:11-12 (Greek version).

12:9 Or and really live?

12:18 Greek to something that can be touched.

12:20 Exod 19:13.

12:21 Deut 9:19.

12:26 Hag 2:6.

13:1 Greek Continue in brotherly love.

13:5 Deut 31:6, 8.

13:6 Ps 118:6.

13:10 Or tent.

13:21 Some manuscripts read in us.

13:22 Greek brothers.

13:24 Greek all of God’s holy people.