
images Makes 1 cup, enough to add to 2 quarts of soup images

Barley, a nutty-flavored, off-white grain, is a special addition to soup. I prefer pearl barley—with the hull and bran removed. It can almost always be cooked in the soup itself: Add 1/2 cup barley per 2 quarts of soup during the final 45 minutes of cooking. This saves you the step of precooking the barley on its own and imbues the barley with the flavor of the soup itself.

If you want to precook barley to add it to hot leftover soup or stew, follow this recipe:


1/2 cup pearl barley

21/2 cups water

Coarse salt


1. Put the barley in a pot and add the water and a pinch or 2 of salt. Bring to a boil over high heat, then lower the heat, cover, and simmer until the barley is softened but still a bit al dente, about 45 minutes.

2. Drain or, if not serving immediately, cool under cold running water, drain, and keep at room temperature for up to 2 hours or cover and refrigerate overnight. Let come to room temperature before using.

Add to: Mushroom, Barley, and Sage Soup, Turkey Soup with Stuffing Dumplings.