Rituals, Meditations,
and Affirmations


Throughout my experience working with stones, I’ve found that meditation is one of the most useful techniques. There’s something comforting about holding a stone, or gazing upon it—it can help us relax and quiet our minds. The spells in this chapter are united by their use in meditation, divination, or use for a type of dedication or personal affirmation ritual.

Ritual to Dedicate Your Personal Power Stone

What is a personal power stone? These are stones that individuals are attracted to, often for reasons they can’t explain. We may say we are initially drawn to them because of their appearance, but sometimes we want to have a stone because our insight tells us we need it. Use all these reasons to explore finding your personal power stones. Similar to animal totems, these stones may change for us over periods of time, and we may have several that we use for particular times in our lives. Use your intuition; meditate. Research the qualities of the stone you have selected. You may discover a need you have not addressed and you can then learn ways to use your personal power stones to enrich your life. (See chapter Nine for suggestions based on birth month, zodiac, and numerology.)

How You Can Tell if a Stone Is a Personal Power Stone:

If you do feel drawn to a stone, that’s also a sign. Or it could be a sign that you simply think it’s an attractive stone. Not every stone you wear needs to be a personal power stone. Gems and stones are still used for decoration, after all!

We all choose stones we think are pretty for jewelry or decorative purposes. But sometimes we just “need” a stone for no reason we can explain. Do not ignore this insight—you apparently need this particular stone at this time for a reason.

I have a close friend and coven sister who has never liked the color pink. However, she found herself inexplicably drawn to a lovely specimen of rose-colored rhodochrosite (which is not a stone associated with her astrological sign or birth month). No matter that this was a stone she considered out of character for her, she wanted it—needed it. She described a calming and soothing feeling that came over her the first time she held it. This is one example of being drawn to a stone—especially one that normally wouldn’t catch your interest.

My friend eventually purchased some beads made of rhodochrosite to make a necklace. It turns out that this is a personal power stone for her. She stumbled upon it quite by accident, or so it appears. Always listen to your inner voice.

As another example, I recently attended a gem and mineral show with a good friend who is a collector but does not usually work with the metaphysical aspect of stones. She wondered why she was always drawn to particular types of stones or why certain stones always seemed to “find” her. Our discussion revealed that she had been practicing chakra work for opening her third eye and using her intuition. It’s not surprising that amethyst was one of the stones she was attracted to.

To learn from your personal power stone, meditate with it, wear it, sleep with it under your pillow or carry it with you. Research its metaphysical properties and folklore. See if there’s anything that corresponds with current situations in your life. If you don’t see an immediate connection that’s OK, something may come up in the future that you need to be prepared for. Or you may just need to strengthen a particular area of your life.

You can dedicate any type of personal power stone (raw or tumbled stones, jewelry, or carved shapes) by using this ritual.

Place the stone on your altar or other sacred space, visualize a bond between you and the stone, and chant:

Stone of mine, you came to me
Stone divine, I ask of thee
On this day, at this hour
I seek to find distinctive power;

What you have in store for me

For good of all so shall it be.

Ritual for Opening Your Third Eye

The third eye is known as the seat of intuition and insight; it’s also the location of one of the chakras. Use this ritual to practice seeking wisdom and learning to use your intuition. Begin by selecting a stone from this list—these are all reputed to aid the opening of the third eye: amethyst, apatite, apophyllite, azurite, fluorite (purple), Herkimer diamond, iolite, kyanite, lapis lazuli, moonstone, opal, clear quartz, wulfenite.

Breathe deeply and center yourself. Visualize your third eye opening—imagine an actual eye in the center of your forehead, granting insight and focusing your natural psychic ability. Hold the stone to your forehead while you visualize and chant:

Eye that sees
All there is
Open wide
Nothing hides
Eye that knows
Eye that shows
What I need
Now is freed.

Smoky Quartz Spell for Temperance

Smoky quartz has been called the “stone of cooperation.” It can be used to help remove emotional and mental blocks, transform negativity, and aid balancing and grounding techniques. Because of these characteristics, smoky quartz is good for adding clarity and depth to meditation while at the same time allowing you to be “present” in your physical body—use it to get in touch with yourself—physically and mentally.

I have always been drawn to smoky quartz—perhaps it’s because I’m a Libra, and the balancing nature of this crystal calls to me. For meditation, I can’t recommend this stone highly enough. Because it’s quartz, it helps clear the mind yet it has a calming and soothing element. It grounds, but not too much, leaving the mind free to expand. I also like to hold this crystal before and after yoga. It has a gentle energy that’s perfect for preparing and relaxing the body. That’s why I think this stone is perfect for temperance—it has a balance of grounding and uplifting—leaving one feeling centered, calm, and content. Moderation allows you to enjoy the pleasure of an experience without over-indulging—a useful practice for anyone who has bad habits or the tendency to enjoy too much of a good thing. Because of these gently balancing qualities, smoky quartz has been noted astrologically as a stone especially suited for those born in Libra. However, anyone can receive the benefits smoky quartz offers. This spell works with the balancing aspect of the stone to help one achieve moderation.

Naturally, if you have an addiction or medical condition you should seek the assistance of a licensed professional. Consider using this ritual in accordance with a management program. If you have a bad habit you want to curb, use this spell to help you achieve balance and strength.

For this particular spell, the best type of smoky quartz to use is a point or tumbled piece. Jewelry can work as well, but an unset stone held in your hand will generate the most energy. Of course, charging a piece of smoky quartz jewelry during this spell will help keep the energy present with you after the ritual. Perform during a waning or dark moon; the moon in the sign of Libra is ideal.

In addition to the piece of smoky quartz (combined with a piece of smoky quartz jewelry, if you choose) you will need:

Sit on the floor facing a small altar or meditation table, or sit on a chair near a table. Light a black candle and a white candle on the table in front of you and place the stone between them.

Visualize the balance you strive for. Then, pick up the stone (and put on the piece of jewelry) in both of your hands. Repeat this chant six times:

Balance of the dark and light,
balance I seek on this night.
Faced with choice, I pass the test—
find the balance that is best.

Meditate as long as you like, holding the stone and gazing at the candles. When you feel ready, replace the stone between the candles and allow the candles to burn out. Hold the stone whenever you feel the need, and/or wear the piece of jewelry. Repeat this spell as desired every few months.

Dream Spell

This spell can serve a variety of purposes. Perhaps you wish to remember your dreams, hope for a prophetic dream to give insight into a problem, or maybe you want to dispel nightmares. You’ll need a chunk of celestite, the larger the better. This is the best stone to use for dream magic—it’s also good for balance and problem solving, and it can aid astral travel. You will keep this stone under your bed or on a bedside table. If you have a small, smooth stone, you could place it beneath your pillow or in your pillowcase, if you’d like.

Dedicate the stone. Visualize the stone magnifying your dreams, clarifying them, helping them to stay with you, and, most importantly, allowing you to gain access to their meaning.


Dreaming state, elusive thoughts, mysteries of night,

Bring me knowledge, wonder, peace, as I dream tonight.

Prayer Beads

The word bead comes to us from the Anglo-Saxon bidden, a word meaning “to pray,” and bede, meaning “prayer.” These beads are considered “all-purpose” because they generally cover things often focused upon in prayer and can be used as a general framework for most personal needs and expression.

Once again you have the option of using jewelry-making skills and tools for a project. If you don’t have the tools or supplies, string the beads on thread, tying each end in a secure knot.

You Will Need:

For best results, keep the beads to a uniform size. However, the first set (hematite and clear quartz) may be smaller than the others, if desired.

String the beads on wire as follows: After the main piece, add a silver bead, then the 2 hematite, 3 clear quartz, another silver bead, 5 tiger eye, another silver, 8 aventurine, another silver, then the 13 rose quartz, and the final silver. Seal the strand any way you like. I used the final silver bead to crimp the strand. Tip: don’t string the beads so tightly that they won’t move at all. Let your strand be a bit flexible so you can slide the beads very slightly beneath your fingers. You can tie a ribbon or tassel on the end, if you’d like.

The numbers of stones correspond to the Fibonacci Sequence: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and 13. The stones are used for the following purposes: Clear quartz is a good overall energy amplifier and the silver acts to conduct the energy through the strand. Hematite is used to stimulate the mind; tiger eye is used for focus, grounding, courage, balancing, and optimism (it’s an excellent personal power stone for manifesting ideas into reality); aventurine is often used for good fortune and prosperity (as is tiger eye) and helps with self-confidence, stress-relief, motivation, healing, and creativity; rose quartz promotes self- and universal love, forgiveness, compassion, and it’s also calming.

You may notice this strand is almost all quartz-based—there’s a reason for that. The stones complement each other due to similar properties. The metallic hematite and the silver act as conductors.

After you create the strand, dedicate it. Wait for a waxing moon—ideally, begin with a new moon and complete the dedication at the full moon. Use any format or dedication ritual you choose. I like to place the beads on my altar and, every night, hold them and visualize them being empowered with energy. You may wish to burn a candle near them for a few hours each night.

Someone once said that prayer is speaking to the divine and meditation is listening. While you can use prayer beads as a meditation device, this strand is intended for actual prayer—for sending your thoughts, wishes, desires, and needs into the universe. Visualize your request for guidance, strength, calming—whatever you need.

There’s no right or wrong way to use prayer beads. If you’re familiar with the Catholic rosary, you know that the number of beads helps one to remember the number of times to say a prayer. For your personal beads, you decide how to use them. For this particular strand, the correspondence with the Fibonacci Sequence is intended to create a harmonious feeling, along with the quartz beads that serve a specific purpose.

The circle is a popular symbol to its never-ending nature, but this set of beads is a strand. In this way, the series of beads comes to an end point and you can imagine a culmination; a sending of your thoughts to the universe.


Prayer Beads

To begin using the beads, hold the pendant, focus your mind, and breathe deeply. Visualize your personal soul aligning with the universal spirit. Once you memorize the pattern of beads, you can close your eyes as you use them. You can say your own words or use the chant provided.

Begin by holding the quartz pendant. Focus on calming your mind and spirit, reaching out to the universe, goddess, or any other divine presence. This act establishes your intent. The silver lets you know there’s a transition to the next set of beads, hematite. This deepens your focus and sharpens your intent. The three clear quartz beads are designed to carry your thoughts seamlessly to the next stage. Use the two hematite and three quartz beads to visualize your movement from self to reaching out to the divine; next, a silver transition bead. For the five tiger eye beads, consider that five is the number of life. Use these to focus on aspects of your life that you wish to ask for help with, moving to the material aspects represented by the aventurine. And, finally, rose quartz at the end represents the culmination, self- and universal love.


Hear my voice, know my heart,

with these words, I impart

all I hope, all I feel

in this prayer, I reveal.

Speak the words for each bead in the series.

2 hematite

Know my mind, I begin,

seek without; look within.

3 clear quartz

In my soul, I reflect,

spirit-world, I connect.

5 tiger eye

Focused will, at my best,

all my goals, manifest.

8 aventurine

Health and wealth, fortune mine,

nurture me, flesh and mind.

13 rose quartz

Love of self, love to share,

Love divine, everywhere.

If this sounds like more of a spell than a prayer to you, that’s probably because they are quite similar. Try to memorize these words so that as you say them, your mind will be free to visualize your specific personal needs and goals. The words will become like a rhythm and you’ll know them by heart—the perfect accompaniment to your visualized prayers. The act of memorization can also keep your mind free to embody the words of the chant. Don’t try to rush through the prayer as rote memorization—feel the words; know them. Put your desires behind them.

You can recite the chant as you string the beads, if you’d like. Remember, what I’ve written here is just an example. You can use your knowledge of numerology and stones to create your own personal set of prayer beads.

Crossroads Spell

This spell calls for a “cross-stone”—chiastolite. This special formation is a unique variety of andalusite—crystals of andalusite with cross or “x” shaped inclusions of carbon. It is named for a location where it was once abundant, Andalucia, Spain.

This spell can be used if you’re seeking an answer or solution, especially during divination. Cross-stone assists one with change and transitions, death and rebirth, and astral travel. It is an excellent problem-solving stone for use in mediation. It also enhances creativity, practicality, and it can help one maintain spirituality during an illness. It is also useful when one needs to find balance.

Hold the stone, and focus on your question or problem.


I face a crossroads at this time,
Like a mountain I must climb.
I seek an answer or some aid,
Help me not to be afraid.
To make a choice or to decide,
I have the strength I need inside.

You can carry the stone or sleep with it under your pillow or mattress.

Onyx Meditation for Balance

Real onyx can be pure black or banded black and white—a popular myth states that onyx must always be completely black. In fact, black onyx can be created artificially using dye (jewelry stones sold as “black onyx” are often not real quartz onyx). Onyx is similar to agate, but the bands are often straight or in parallel curves in shades of brown and white or black and white; the bands in agate are curved. “Mexican onyx” is actually banded calcite and is often used to create statues and other small carvings. Most onyx sold today is not genuine quartz onyx, so be a careful shopper.

This meditation calls for a piece of real onyx—any color or pattern. A smooth-shaped stone is best, but a piece set in jewelry can also be used. Use this meditation prior to spell work or any time you need general balance. Onyx is good for centering and for opening yourself to trust your instincts, as well.

Prepare as you normally would for meditation. Sit comfortably and hold the onyx in your receptive hand. Visualize the balance of forces in the universe—night and day, the yin and yang—two sides necessary for balance. See them coming together in perfect harmony within you.


Stone of earth against my skin

Balance energy within.

Yin and yang, dark and light—

Let the opposites unite.

Totem Stone Dedication Ritual

Perhaps you have a stone that features the image of one of your totem animals: a stone carved in the animal’s shape, or a stone with the animal’s image engraved or painted on it. This ritual is for dedicating the stone and for helping you connect with the energy of your totem animal(s).

Like personal power stones, people often have several animal totems for specific purposes or discover that their animal totems change depending on need. Or, you may have a stone carving you wish to use for another purpose even if that creature is not one of your totems. Often the carved shapes are created from a mineral such as quartz, but painted stones are typically ordinary rocks. I have acquired many of these over the years—in an art museum gift shop I found a tiger eye pendant carved in the shape of one of my totems, and on a recent trip to Seattle, I purchased a stone bearing a hand-painted image of another. I have also collected onyx carvings of animals over the years. If you have some of these items, they can be useful magical tools.

To dedicate your stone, create an altar arrangement to honor the animal. Place the stone inside a circle of clear quartz points, points facing toward the stone. You can add candles or incense if you like or other items of personal significance, but be sure to include at least one other representation of your totem animal on the altar, depending on the type of creature. For example, if your totem is a bird, try to incorporate a feather from that specific bird (or any feather if you don’t have one from that type). A picture or drawing of the animal is perfectly fine to use, and may be the only other representation you have, especially if the animal is mythical. A statue of the totem animal would also be an excellent choice. Use your imagination and create a space to honor this creature. If you have several totem animals you wish to honor, create a separate dedication for each of them. However, it’s perfectly fine to display images of all of them on your regular working altar.

Once your totem altar is assembled, light candles and/or incense as desired and visualize your totem animal. Focus on the creature’s characteristics and why this animal is meaningful to you. If you’re still in the exploration stage, focus on connecting with this creature and discovering why it has made itself known to you. Use this chant:

Creature, you have come to me—please make known the reason.

I seek connection to you now in proper time and season.

Teach me wisdom of your ways, council me throughout the days,

Guide me by your image here with energy I raise.

You can repeat this ritual any time you like to connect with the totem animal or dedicate any object associated with it. Afterward, you may wish to keep a representation of the animal on your altar at all times or carry its image with you in some way. Wearing a symbol of your totem animal as jewelry is also a good option.

Scrying Spell

While this spell is intended for use with a crystal ball, you can use it for other methods as well. Scrying, which means “to make out dimly,” can be done with just about any substance that’s translucent or reflective—water, metals, stones, flames, or mirrors. The intent is to clear the mind and look for patterns or images. Don’t expect to see pictures—you may see images in your mind, symbols, suggestions—use your intuition to interpret these. When you gaze intently upon a polished surface, eventually, the optic nerve becomes fatigued. Impressions from within the brain are then “seen”—sometimes, if done too long, the nerve actually becomes temporarily paralyzed. Don’t attempt scrying for too long without a break, especially if you’re new to it.

If you are using a crystal ball, be sure to cleanse, clear, and program or dedicate your sphere as desired. A sphere of real, clear quartz with inclusions (as opposed to a perfectly clear stone) actually works best for crystal ball scrying—the light plays off the inclusions in the stone and can help you visualize. In fact, most real clear quartz spheres are not perfect. I don’t recommend using a lead crystal ball—these are glass and not nearly as effective as real stone. You may even want to try obsidian or jet. Your choice of object provides an avenue for your intuition.

Place the crystal or other reflective surface on a table in front of you, so you can sit comfortably and look upon it. To prevent reflections from other objects surrounding you, use a bit of black cloth both under the crystal and behind it—you can drape it over a box to make a backdrop. Darken the room and use candlelight. Place candles in front of the backdrop but behind the crystal—any type of candles will do. Some people like to use tapers (seven is a traditional number), but you can try other sizes and numbers to see what works best for you. Move the candles around until you achieve your desired lighting. Before you begin, use this chant to focus:

Crystal orb, tiny moon,

bring my senses all in tune.

Help me see, more than stone,

help me know, let it show.

Surface shine, as I stare,

Insight true, I’m aware.

Do whatever you can to avoid distractions during the scrying process. Place your hands flat on the table, palms down, or on your lap, palms up. Relax, and don’t literally stare into the stone; rather, allow your eyes to go into soft focus, as though you’re looking at one of those 3D “magic eye” prints. Try this starting for a few minutes at a time, working up to five minutes. Your eyes may water—if so, stop. Don’t try too hard, and take a break if you get tired. Try holding the crystal sphere in your hands for a while, if you’d like—sometimes this helps establish a connection. Don’t worry if scrying doesn’t work for you, it’s not a technique everyone can master right away. Keep practicing.


Crystal pendulums are often used in divination and are believed to work with Earth’s natural radiation. Pendulums have been used by ancient civilizations to locate mineral deposits and water (dowsing).

Your inner self has the answer you seek, and the pendulum gives motion to what you already know. It can serve as an outlet for your intuition; some people consider this intuition as coming from a spirit guide or the higher self. The pendulum translates the language into consciousness. Use the pendulum to answer yes or no questions.

Manmade points are best because they’re perfectly balanced, but you can try a variety of shapes. These perfectly cut stones can be purchased at metaphysical shops. I like to use clear quartz, but you can try using other types of stone. Suspend the stone from a silver chain—you can purchase stones that are wrapped with wire or set in a pendant style setting; sometimes pendulums are sold with cords, but silver works best in my experience. Practice with your pendulum to determine how it swings to answer a yes or no question.

Some people like to use tarot cards, pictures, or other symbols and hold the pendulum over them while focusing on a question to see if the crystal points to a particular object. Experiment with several of these methods to find one that works for you. Try to leave emotions out of the way. Be open and neutral.

Technique is important: Use a chain or string that is about 5 inches long. Be sure to keep your arm straight—parallel to the surface you’re using. Relax your wrist. Use your thumb and index finger to hold the chain—this technique takes practice. After about eight to ten swings you should get a sense of how your pendulum feels. Stop the pendulum, then start again with the neutral swing—this time focus on making the pendulum swing in a specific way—circular or elliptical. Practice with this, eventually making the pendulum swing counterclockwise, clockwise, and even bringing it to a halt.

Next, practice with responses. Ask yes or no questions you’re certain of and see how the pendulum moves. After you are certain of your pendulum’s motions, you are ready to practice divination with it. You can even dowse with drawings, patterns, and grids to find answers to your questions. You can use a simple list of numbers or a spectrum of colors.

Here’s a Ritual You Can Use to Program
and Dedicate Your Pendulum:

Hold the pendulum in your projective hand and visualize your in-tended use of the pendulum in divination. Use this chant:

I dedicate this stone
To help me see unknown.
For insight I divine
And wisdom in good time.

As you use your pendulum for divination, try this chant:

To and fro,

Answer show.

I appeal—

Now reveal.
