– NINE –

Stones by Number


Magicians of antiquity considered the understanding of numbers to be essential to their arts. In magic, numbers have always been considered for calculations, formulas, potions, alchemy, measurement of time, and so on. We use numbers to mark celestial movements, make predictions, and in some ways, know the future. By studying their patterns, we know when certain planets will occupy particular areas of space, and how to determine solstices, equinoxes, alignments, and eclipses.

There are many ways to incorporate numerology into your crystal magic practice. If each number has a specific vibration, discovering these correspondences can help us find balance and create harmonious relationships in our surroundings since food, objects, colors, and people all vibrate. This is a common New Age belief. Scientific study has not made any claims, but crystal healers often work with these principles in mind since crystals are also said to vibrate to specific numbers. Some numerologists say you should find the numbers missing in your name and work with stones based on those missing numbers. Those missing numbers are calculated using a numerology chart.

Numbers can be translated into letters of names; dates of birth can be used to calculate a person’s birth number. And, of course, numbers figure predominantly in the study of astrology and birth charts. Musical intervals and chords produce harmonious and beautiful sounds that people have always responded to. Numbers are associated with various meanings, planets, and characteristics. And, naturally, numbers are an important aspect of crystal structure.

Let’s begin by finding numbers that will lead to stones you can work with.

Finding Your Numbers

Somewhat like the practice of astrology, numerology seeks to guide human behavior, relationships, and other aspects of life and personality based on a person’s number. This number can be determined in a variety of ways. Names are one way. This system has Greek, Latin, and Hebrew roots—gematria, the “practice of turning words into numbers,” and is often used in divination practices and the interpretation of religious texts. Different systems use different charts. There are many numbers you can calculate—the most common are your birth and name numbers.

For your birth number, the idea is to reduce a number to its smallest parts. Look at the following example:

January 20, 1980

1 + 20 + 1980 = 2001

2 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 3

Your birth number is 3.

For your name number, letters are assigned a numerical value—this ancient formula was based on a Hebrew system. These charts allow you to use names to calculate your special number. For example:

By this chart (English translation), Jane Doe’s number is 9:

1 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 6 + 5 = 27

2 + 7 = 9




































Here’s another chart, more closely based on the Hebrew alphabet:



































By this chart, Jane Doe’s number is: 1

1 + 1 + 5 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 5 = 28 = 10

1 + 0 = 1

Try calculating your number with each chart and compare your results. Do you “like” one outcome more than the other? If so, use that one. Or, experiment with both. In Jane Doe’s case, having numbers 9 and 1, she could add them for a total of ten, giving her the number 1. You may wish to add both of your numbers and reduce that to discover yet another outcome.

Now that you have some numbers to work with, let’s find some corresponding stones.

The subsequent pages contain lists of correspondences for using numbers and stones. First, there is a list of numbers and the stone(s) most commonly associated with each, as well as some folklore on the numbers. Next, you’ll find a list of stones that correspond to natal signs; a list of traditional birth stones based on month is also included. The end of this chapter contains some specific spells that incorporate numerology.

The stone correspondences listed here pertain to the numerical influence, not necessarily the planet or sign. Not every number has a stone or metal associated with it; these are the ones most often cited in folklore and magical practice.

Note: the planet and the god or goddess the planet was named for are separate entities. Much of this information comes from sources attributed to Pythagoras, who noted the names of Greek gods and goddesses; some of the planets (which now bear the names of Roman gods) were not known during his time. In addition, folklore associated with the number is also provided.

How to Begin

Start by determining your birth number; this is the most popular numerological association—names are easily changed but you can’t change your birthday. This is also a good reason to start by working with stones based on your astrological sign.

Scan the lists in the following pages to find some stones that correspond with your number. For example, my birth number is 8; I’m a Libra, which is associated with the number 6. Diamond and onyx both correspond to 8; diamond is also listed under stones for Libra. Since diamond is common to both, this stone would be a good one for me to start with.

In addition, since Libra’s number is 6, opal and copper are good choices for me. Opal is a traditional birth stone for the month of October but I’m a September Libra, so sapphire is also on my list as a traditional birth stone. However, the stone one chooses also depends on the type of spell as well as the access to stones in one’s collection. Explore all your options. I don’t have any diamonds or sapphires that are not set in jewelry, but I do have raw pieces of opal and copper, which may be my best choices. You can also work with your moon sign, ascendant sign, or other aspects of your natal chart. In this case, if copper or opal didn’t correspond with my goals, I would seek other options, such as finding the stone of the day. Or I might decide to pick from the list of natal stones or calculate my name number.

If some information among natal stones, birth stones, and numbers seems contradictory, it’s because there are many ways to determine correspondences—some of them overlap, but there are bound to be differences. Some correspondences are calculated based on folklore, elements, or astrology. Others are based on color or associations with gods and goddesses. But this produces a wide range of opportunities so you should always be able to find something you can use. In addition to finding stones that correspond with your name or date of birth, you can use numbers with stones to create your own grids (see chapter Ten). And, if you wish, use the ritual in chapter eight to dedicate a personal power stone.

Numerological Associations

The first stones listed that correspond with each number are based on folklore and planetary associations. The second list is the number to which these stones are said to “vibrate.” Please note this “vibration” is not a scientific term; it has nothing to do with the movement of subatomic particles. These vibrations are calculations using the stone’s name with the number chart. It’s the energy associated with the letters (using the English translation chart in this chapter). You may use the chart to calculate any stone’s name; I have simply listed some of them here for your convenience.

ONE (1)—topaz, amber

Stones that vibrate to the number 1: aquamarine, azurite, barite, bronzite, copper, mica, obsidian, turquoise

The number of solitude, permanence, unity, roots, beginning, divine spark, self-expression, ambition, and courage; others say it is both male and female, being added to odd makes it even and it makes the even odd. It’s the center of the circle (the Sun), willpower, determination, leadership. Pythagoreans called it the monad—always the same, seperate from the multitude. It’s also said to represent the mind. The gods Apollo and Jupiter and the goddess Vesta (hearth center) were associated with this number. This number rules the sign of Leo. In a grid, you may consider some of these elements as the center, to represent the Sun, life spark, or the spirit.

TWO (2)—moonstone, silver, pearl, and emerald

Stones that vibrate to the number 2: bornite (peakcock ore), garnet, gypsum, gold, granite, howlite, iron, sapphire, tourmaline

Two symbolizes reflection, polarity, duality, balance, harmony of opposites, the unconscious mind, duality of humanity and the divine, emotions, harmony, cooperation, wealth, mystery, money, marriage, feminine energy (the moon) peace, and receptivity. The Pythagoreans considered 2 to be the duad or dyad—divided; the mother, but also separateness; polarity. Two was associated with Isis, Diana, Ceres; the mother figure. Two rules the sign of Cancer. In a grid, use two to represent a harmony of opposites, male and female. Or, you can consider two symbolic of Illusion (like the Moon card in tarot).

THREE (3)—turquoise

Stones that vibrate to the number 3: amber, amethyst, aventurine, chiastolite, dolomite, Herkimer diamond, lapis lazuli, pyrite, ruby

Three represents synthesis, movement, divinity, manifestation, trinity, creativity, joy, bridge between sky and earth, expansion, versatility, expressiveness, and luck. Pythagoreans considered this—the triad—to be the first real number. The oracles of Apollo sat upon a tripod, the number being equilibrium; the number of knowledge and wisdom. The musical ratios of 3:2 and 3:1 are intervals of the fifth—the loveliest of harmonies aside from the octave itself. Made up of the monad and duad, the triad was sacred and was associated with the god Saturn, the goddess Hecate, the gods Pluto and Triton, and the three Fates, Furies, and Graces. The number three is ruled by the planet Jupiter and is the number of the sign of Sagittarius. For a grid (see chapter ten), use three for a sacred trinity of any kind—Maiden, Mother, and Crone, for example.

FOUR (4)—sapphire, quartz, and a blend of azurite and malachite

Stones that vibrate to the number 4: apophyllite, bloodstone, chiastolite, emerald, hemimorphite, kyanite, lead, moonstone, rhodochrosite, rutile, rhyolite, silver, sodalite, tiger eye, zircon (A note about tiger eye: You may see it spelled as tiger’s eye or tigereye in other sources. According to the National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Rocks and Minerals the name is tiger eye, so that’s the spelling I use. In this case, the spelling of a gem name could change its number.)

Four is the number of Earth energy, the four classical elements, solidarity, crossroads, discipline, will, order, practicality, endurance, efficiency, materiality, and instinct. The Pythagorean tetrad was the root of all things, the “perfect number.” It was order, symbolic of the divine; balanced; the first geometric solid; the soul (consisting of the four powers: mind, science, opinion, and sense). Four was associated with the gods Mercury, Hercules, Vulcan, and Bacchus. (The planet Uranus wasn’t known in the times of Pythagoras.). Four is the number of the sign of Aquarius and the planet Uranus. A grid based on four represents stability.

FIVE (5)—aquamarine, platinum, and silver

Stones that vibrate to the number 5: amazonite, carnelian,
chrysocolla, peridot

Five represents humanity and life itself, protection, love, reproduction, regeneration, strength, intelligence, the five senses, freedom, communication, struggle, confusion, curiosity, adventure, and sensory experiences. Pythagoreans called this the pentad—the union of odd and even, sacred symbol of light, health, and vitality. A perfect division of the perfect number, ten, it also contains the fifth element, ether. Five is symbolic of nature (only 5 and 6 when multiplied by themselves end in their original number). 4 plus 1, the elements plus the monad, equal 5. The pentagram is a sacred symbol of life and associated with the goddess Venus. The planet Venus makes a fivefold pattern as it orbits the sun. We find fives everywhere in nature—even in our physical form. The associated planets are Venus and Mercury; the astrological signs of Gemini and Virgo. Use five in grids for a pentagram shape—one of the oldest magical symbols.

SIX (6)—opal, copper

Stones that vibrate to the number 6: apache tear, bloodstone, citrine, creedite, jade, labradorite, onyx, topaz

Six is, like four, a “perfect number” symbolizing beauty, union of conscious and unconscious minds, balance, creation, perfection, wholeness, healing, love, wisdom, responsibility, release, union of opposites, idealism, loyalty, harmony, domesticity, and truthfulness. Pythagoreans called this the hexad, and it was the creation of the world—perfection; the union of two triangles. Six is the sum and product of the first three numbers (1, 2, 3) and its factors are also 1, 2, and 3. This is one reason it’s called a “perfect” number. To the Pythagoreans, it symbolized harmony, marriage, and balance (and was associated with Orpheus). Crystalline structures such as snowflakes and quartz crystals are built on the number six, a cube has six sides, and honeycombs are hexagrams. The astrological signs associated with six are Taurus and Libra. The Pythagoreans did not associate a planet/goddess with 6; however, it corresponds to the planet Venus based on the signs of Taurus and Libra. Grids using six represent harmony and perfection, also healing and love.

SEVEN (7)—amethyst, emerald

Stones that vibrate to the number 7: agate, fluorite, iolite, pearl, platinum, sulfur, tin, wulfenite

Seven represents perfect order, a mystical and sacred number, higher learning, spirituality, magic, wisdom, law, intelligence, divinity, mystery, and solitude. In Pythagorean philosophy, the heptad was the number of religion and life, fortune, judgment, dreams, and sounds. It was associated with the god Mars. 3 plus 4—soul plus world—equals the mystic nature of man, the three-fold soul or spirit (spirit, mind, and soul). There are seven chakras, seven visible colors in the spectrum, and seven days of the week—named for the seven celestial bodies of ancient times. The Pythagoreans associated this number with the god Mars; seven is also associated with the god Osiris and the planet Neptune (based on its association with the sign of Pisces since the planet Neptune was not known to the Pythagoreans). The number seven has long been regarded as a mystery number among various religious traditions. Grids for wisdom, mystery, and spirituality are the purposes for grids using this number.

EIGHT (8)—diamond, onyx

Stones that vibrate to the number 8: calcite, fossils, jet, lepidolite, mica, opal, marcasite, serpentine

Eight is the number of strength, life-force energy, discipline, eternity, authority, courage, regeneration, good luck, justice, practicality, power, salvation or spiritual evolution, karma, balance, and material success. Pythagoreans called this ogdoad and it symbolized love, counsel, and the god Neptune. It was associated with the Eleusinian Mysteries. Eight was special because it could be divided into 4 then 2 and then each 2 separated back to 1. The eighth note on the musical scale is the octave. Eight corresponds to the planet Saturn and the sign of Capricorn. Grids using eight represent strength and courage.

NINE (9)—ruby

Stones that vibrate to the number 9: apatite, aragonite, fuchsite, hematite, malachite, rhodonite, unakite, vanadinite

Nine represents completeness, change, achievement, culmination, order, action, physical prowess, forgiveness, compassion, inspiration, spirituality, and divine love. Pythagoreans called this ennead; it’s the first square of an odd number: 3 x 3. Nine is the first number that can be used to construct a magic square. Nine was called the number of man by the Pythagoreans (human gestation time is nine months). But, since nine falls short of the perfect number, 10, it symbolized horizon and boundary to the Pythagoreans. It gathered all numbers within itself. It was associated with the god Prometheus and the goddess Juno. The corresponding planet is Mars and the sign is Aries. Grids using 9 can represent a wide variety of magical purposes.

There is much magic surrounding the number 9. If you add up the numbers 1–9 it equals 45, and 4 plus 5 is 9. Nine can’t be destroyed no matter how many times you multiply or add it—and this is true for no other number. All products of nine can be reduced to nine. Try it: 3 times 9 is 27, and 2 plus 7 is 9. Nine times nine is 81 and 8 plus 1 is nine. Nine times 4 is 36 and 3 plus 6 is 9.

TEN (10)—no specific stone associations

Ten is perfection through completeness, return to unity, transformation, a plateau. Called the decad, it was the greatest of numbers, the very nature of numbers; heaven and the world; power, faith, memory; tireless—associated with Atlas and the sun. We have ten fingers and ten toes; Plato believed it contained all numbers. Since ten is the first number with two digits, it’s often associated with opposites and balance.

ZERO (0)—no specific stone associations

Some may argue that zero is not actually a number … throughout history, various cultures have gone through confusion over how nothing can be something and whether or not it should be valued, and how. Zero often represents the universal—everything. Associated with Pluto, rules Scorpio. And yet, zero represents power—think about it: if you keep adding zeros to a number, it grows from 10 to 100 to 100,000. It also represents eternity, the circle, the serpent eating its tail.

Natal Stones

Here is a compiled list of natal stones based on the signs of the Zodiac. This list also includes the ruling planet(s), associated colors, the corresponding number for each sign, and the element. See the Appendix for more stones associated with the planets.

If you study astrology, you know how complex a natal chart can be. For beginners, start with your sun sign, rising sign (ascendant), and moon sign. You probably already know your sun sign. But a person’s rising sign can actually be as significant, if not more, than the sun sign. The sign the moon occupies at your time of birth offers yet another layer of characteristics. Think of it this way (this is a very simplistic view, but it will serve): your sun sign is the inner you—the person those closest to you know; your rising sign reflects more of your outward personality; your moon sign reflects your instincts and reactions to what life throws at you. And, each sign is also associated with one of the elements, offering more ways to make use of your personality’s various aspects.

If you were born on a cusp (during the moment when the sun changes signs) you may feel like you have two sun signs. Have your chart drawn to find out for sure, based on the exact time and place of your birth; there are many free services online you can use to get a simple natal chart. You may see the influences of two sun signs, but you really do have just one. Most people do exhibit the influence of other signs, especially the ones closest to their sun sign. This may be due to the location of Mercury or Venus. For instance, I’m a Libra, with ascendant also in Libra, but I definitely have some Virgo tendencies—it turns out Mercury was in Virgo when I was born. Since Mercury and Venus are so close to the sun, it’s beneficial to find out where these planets are in your natal chart; knowing their influence can be useful.

So you see, there are many ways to work with natal stones beyond your sun sign. For example, find a stone for your rising sign if you want to enhance your outward characteristics; use your sun sign to find a stone to use for more personal, emotional situations. A stone that corresponds to your moon sign would be useful when you must deal with external issues beyond your control. One way to find an especially strong natal stone is to cross-reference the lists to see if your sun sign, ascendant sign, and moon sign have stones in common.

Aries: amethyst, Apache tear, aquamarine, aventurine, bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, diamond, dolomite, emerald, garnet, gypsum, hematite, iron, jade, jasper, kyanite, ruby

Planet/Number/Colors/Element: Mars, 9, crimson, blue, white; Fire

Taurus: agate, aventurine, blue tourmaline, carnelian, chrysocolla, citrine, copper, diamond, emerald, gypsum, iolite, jade, kyanite, malachite, obsidian, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz, rutile, tin, zebra rock, zircon

Planet/Number/Colors/Element: Venus, 6, rose-pink, blue, brown, green; Earth

Cancer: aventurine, bornite, calcite, carnelian, chrysocolla, emerald, grossular garnet, jade, jasper, moonstone, opal, pearl, peridot, rhodochrosite, ruby, silver, sodalite

Planet/Number/Colors/Element: Moon, 2, white, light green, pale yellow, silver, violet, lavender; Water

Gemini: agate (moss), amber, apatite, apophyllite, aquamarine, carnelian, celestite, chrysocolla, citrine, emerald, howlite, jade, lodestone, pearl, rutile, sapphire, serpentine, tiger eye, turquoise, watermelon tourmaline, zebra rock

Planet/Number/Colors/Element: Mercury, 5, gray, light green, silver; Air

Leo: amber, black tourmaline, bronzite, carnelian, citrine, diamond, garnet, gold, golden topaz, gypsum, iron, jasper, labradorite, marcasite, onyx, peridot, petrified wood, platinum, pyrite, rhodochrosite, ruby, sulfur, tiger eye, zircon

Planet/Number/Colors/Element: Sun, 1, yellow, orange, purple; Fire

Virgo: agate (moss), amazonite, amethyst, azurite, carnelian, chrysocolla, citrine, creedite, fossil, garnet, hematite, jade, jasper, lapis lazuli, lodestone, opal, peridot, ruby, sapphire, sodalite, tiger eye, vanadinite, watermelon tourmaline, zircon

Planet/Number/Colors/Element: Mercury, 5, gray, silver, dark green, white; Earth

Libra: apophyllite, aquamarine, bloodstone, carnelian, chiastolite, chrysocolla, citrine, diamond, granite, hemimorphite, iolite, jade, kyanite, lepidolite, malachite, moonstone, obisidan, opal, rose quartz, sapphire, star sapphire, smoky quartz, tin, tourmaline, turquoise

Planet/Number/Colors/Element: Venus, 6, rose pink, pastels, light blue; Air

Scorpio: agate, amazonite, fluorite, garnet, hematite, jade, labradorite, malachite, moonstone, obsidian, opal, peridot, rhodochrosite, ruby, topaz, turquoise, unakite

Planets/Number/Colors/Element: Pluto, Mars, 0, black, blood red, burgundy, wine, maroon; Water

Sagittarius: amethyst, apatite, aventurine, azurite, black sapphire, blue zircon, copper, Herkimer diamond, iolite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, moonstone, obsidian, opal, peridot, rhyolite, rose quartz, ruby, sapphire, smoky quartz, snowflake obsidian, sodalite, star sapphire, tin, topaz, tourmaline, turquoise, wulfenite

Planet/Number/Colors/Element: Jupiter, 3, autumn colors, turquoise, purple; Fire

Capricorn: agate, amethyst, aragonite, black tourmaline, citrine, diamond, fluorite, galena, garnet, jasper, jet, malachite, obsidian, onyx, sapphire, smoky quartz, star sapphire, tiger eye

Planet/Number/Colors/Element: Saturn, 8, indigo, navy, brown, dark green; Earth

Aquarius: amazonite, amber, amethyst, aquamarine, barite, blue topaz, blue tourmaline, diamond, fluorite, fuchsite, garnet, hematite, jade, labradorite, malachite, mica, moonstone, onyx, opal, silver, tiger eye (blue), turquoise

Planets/Number/Colors/Element: Uranus, Saturn, 4, bright blue, silver, gray, green; Air

Pisces: agate (blue lace), amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, carnelian, citrine, diamond, fluorite, garnet, jade, opal, rose quartz, sapphire, turquoise

Planets/Number/Colors/Element: Neptune, Jupiter, 7, emerald green, light yellow, pink, white; Water

Traditional Birthstones

This is the list of traditional birthstones commonly used today. This list has evolved over the years and some say has its origins in the biblical Breastplate of the High Priest. In modern times, jewelers have made adaptations to the list.

Using Your Numbers in Spells and Rituals

After you find stones that resonate with you based on numbers, there are endless ways to use them. Basically, based on the charts, you can reduce any word or a large number to a single digit and find a corresponding stone. Of course, one can become carried away by all this, allowing life to be ruled by numbers. Use moderation and have fun—don’t become obsessed with the numbers. It’s simply one more way to seek a harmonious balance in your magical life—not a rule to live by. All kinds of “coincidental” numbers occur in the cosmos. Entire books exist on these subjects, offering endless ways of speculating about cosmic messages, patterns, and meanings. However you look at it, there is much harmony to be found.

Simple Spells

Here are some quick and easy ways to use numerology and stones:

Stone of the Day

Take the current date and reduce it to its smallest number. For example: March 1, 2014

3 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 4 = 11 = 2

Check the list for correspondences of the number 2. Wear or carry that stone for the day.

Birthday Stone

Reduce your age to the smallest number, select a stone. Dedicate the stone on your birthday and wear or carry the stone for an entire year.

Year Stone

Reduce the current year to a single number (for example, 2013=6). Dedicate the stone on New Year’s Day and wear or carry it for the year

Relationship Stones

Find stones for you and a mate, friend, or family member—even a pet. Use date of birth or name. Use these stones in spells or rituals.

Address Stone

Reduce the street number of your home and select a stone or stones. You can include the street name if you wish, or just use the number. Use these stones for home protection spells or home blessing rituals.

Job Seeker’s Spell

When you’re seeking employment or have an interview on the horizon, use this spell to enhance your opportunity. There are two versions—one for a waning moon and one for waxing, since we can’t determine when the opportunity will arise. Check the moon sign as well to be sure it’s conducive to the type of spell. You may want to wait a few days for the best moon sign.

Arrange the stones and strand of devil’s shoestring around the candle. Visualize the desired outcome, light the candle, and chant.

Waning Moon Option:

Earth to nurture and to ground,

Fire transform, no longer bound.

Problems of the past resolved—

Fresh new start, be absolved.

Waxing Moon Option:

Elements of Earth and Fire

Good employment’s my (or name) desire.

Forge a new foundation strong,

Find the place where I (name) belong(s).

After an Interview:

Elements of Earth and Fire

This new job is my (name’s) desire.

Forge a new foundation strong,

This place could be where I belong (name belongs).

After the candle burns out, allow all objects to remain on the altar until you or the intended person receives more news. You can combine these spells if you’d like, performing each during the appropriate moon phase.

Spell for a Favorable Outcome

This is a general spell you can use for just about anything you need. The key is using stones based on numerology. Here’s an example: Let’s say you’re seeking bids for a project in your home. Reduce your house number, find the corresponding stone, and place the stone in the location (or as near as possible) where the work is needed.

You can also use your personal power stone for this spell. You may choose how to use the stone—wear it, carry it, combine it with candle magic, etc. Hold the stone as you visualize your desired outcome and chant:

I need things to go my way,
Decision in my favor—
Bring good fortune on this day,
An outcome I will savor.

State your goal. Place the stone.
