Abbottabad, Pakistan, 53–55
Abdallat, Lara, 213
account suspensions, 92, 235, 236, 242
Active Measures Working Group, 263
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), 26–27
Advocates for Peace and Urban Unity, 14
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 60
AIDS disinformation campaign, 104, 208
Airbnb, 239
Al Qaeda, 54, 65, 79–80, 149, 234
Alabed, Bana, 214–16
al-Assad, Bashar, 9, 72, 88, 215
al-Awlaki, Anwar, 234
Albright, Jonathan, 113
Alefantis, James, 128
Algeria, 88–89
algorithms, 124, 139, 141, 147, 209, 221, 251
Ali, Muhammad, 254
al-Jabari, Ahmed, 193
Al-Shabaab, 235
alternative (alt-)right, 133–34, 170, 188–89, 232, 237–39
Al-Werfalli, Mahmoud, 76
Al-Zomor, Aboud, 151
Amazon, 41
America Online, 218–19, 244–45
American Civil War, 30–31
Android, 48
Anonymous (hacktivist group), 212–13
anti-Semitism, 146, 190, 198, 238
anti-vaxxers, 124–25
“Anyone Can Become a Troll” (report), 165
Apple, 47–51
Apprentice, The (TV show), 2
Arendt, Hannah, 170
Argus Panoptes, 57
arms dealers, 76–77
Armstrong, Matt, 108
Aro, Jessikka, 114
historical background, 27–35
Arquilla, John, 182–83
artificial intelligence, 250, 255–56
Aristotle, 168
Ashley Madison (social network), 59
Asif, Khawaja, 135
astroturfing, 142
“@” symbol, 36
Athar, Sohaib, 53–55
attacks, on others. See discrediting; trolls and trolling
attention economy (and war), 148–80
authenticity, 165–69
community, 169–73
emotion, 161–65
fake news, 120
future of, 261–73
inundation, 173–79
ISIS, 148–54
reality stars, 154–57
attention span, 158
audience engagement, 65–66, 119, 152, 165–67
Austen, Ben, 13
authenticity, 165–69, 186, 215
authoritarianism, 86–87, 102–3, 116, 262–63
Bahrain, 89
Baidu Baike, 98
balkanization, 89
Bangladesh, 140
Baskayev, Alan, 112
Bateman, Robert, 126
Becoming Facebook (Hoefflinger), 222
Belarus, 86
Bell, Alexander Graham, 31, 50, 221
Bell Telephone, 31
See also AT&T
Bellingcat, 73–77, 109, 115, 205, 214
Ben Ali, Zine el-Abidine, 84
Benjamin, Daniel, 154
Bentham, Jeremy, 57
Berger, J. M., 150
Bibles, 28
bin Laden, Osama, 53–55, 120, 149
bit (binary information digit), 26
Bittman, Ladislav, 208
Black P. Stones, 12
black propaganda, 104
#BlackLivesMatter, 163
blackouts, 88
Blacktivist, 112–13
Blair, Tony, 148
Blitz, the, 18
Bloch, Marc, 7
blogs, 44
Boston Marathon Bombing, 2013, 66
Bouazizi, Mohamed, 84–85
Bowie, David, 41–42
boyd, danah, 131
Brand, Stewart, 83
brand building
ISIS, 154
Macedonians, 119
terrorism, 235
Brandwatch, 175
Brazil, reporting in, 67–68
Breedlove, Philip, 205
Breitbart (media outlet), 133–34, 145, 146, 210, 238
Breitbart, Andrew, 133–34
Brin, Sergey, 40
Brown, Scott, 142
Brown Moses, 72
Browning, Robert, 29
browsers, 39
Buchanan, James, 30
Bureau of Memetic Warfare, 191–92
Bush, Barbara, 171
Bush, George W., 254
BuzzFeed, 178–79
C“Calling Bullshit: Data Reasoning in a Digital World” (course), 264
Cambridge Analytica, 177
campaign. See elections; propaganda
Campbell, Joseph, 159
capitalism. See profit
Carolus, Johann, 28–29
Carpenter, Scott, 232
Castells, Manuel, 41
cave allegory, 272
censorship, 89–90
botnets, 141–47
in China, 95–103
Facebook, 253
of Nipplegate, 218–19
regulation, 228–29
in Russia, 103–17
Silicon Valley view of, 83
in Turkey, 91–93
Center of Defense Against Disinformation, 211
Centre for Research on Globalization, 108
Charlottesville, VA, 115, 138, 189, 232, 239
Chen, Steve, 218
Chessen, Matthew, 255–56
Chicago gang violence, 11–16
child pornography, 226–27
cyberbullying, 227–28
as informants, 94
vaccination of, 125
censorship, 95–103
one voice of, 215–16
People’s Daily, 139–40
Chinese Communist Party (CCP), 96, 100
Christensen, Thomas, 217
citizen reporters
Athar, Sohaib, 53–55
Bellingcat, 73–77
María del Rosario Fuentes Rubio (“Felina”), 69–70
Mumbai 2008 massacre, 62–63
Rene Silva, 67–68
Clausewitz, Carl von, 16–18, 21, 106
clickbait coach, 119
Clinton, Bill, 119
Clinton, Hillary, 81, 109, 114, 127, 128, 132, 169, 253
Cloudflare, 232
Cohen, Jared, 152
Cohen, Roger, 86
Cold War, 61, 78, 79, 103–4, 109, 205, 259, 263
Cole, August, 193
Coler, Jestin, 132
Collins, Lauren, 227
Comet Ping Pong pizza, 127
between computers, 35–42
control of, 88, 221. see also censorship
future of, 261–73
history of, 27–35
speed of, 29
Communications Decency Act (CDA), 224–25
Community Leader Program, 244–45
compassion fatigue, 247
“Computer as a Communication Device, The” (Licklider and Taylor), 25–26
computer communication. See ARPANET; internet
“Daily Me” vs. “Daily We,” 121
discovery of, 125
polarization due to, 126
U.S. presidential election (2016), 132–33
war and, 208
Chicago gang violence, 11–16
deaths. See deaths
elections. See elections
Nissenbaum arrest, 90–95
See also confirmation bias; polarization; war
Conservative Vice Lords, 12
conspiracy theories, 160, 175, 190
content moderation, 225, 233–34, 244–48
Conway, Kellyanne, 112
core principles, 21–22
countering violent extremism (CVE), 171–72, 185, 236–37
Couric, Katie, 24
Cox, Chris, 224
Creative Minds for Social Good, 172
credibility, 209
Crimean War, 30
Cronkite, Walter, 34
crony capitalism, 104
crowdsourcing, 64–65, 69, 175, 245
CS Alert (ship), 181
“Cyber Scouts” program, 94
cyberbanging, 12
cyberbullying, 227–28
cybercrimes, in China, 100
cyberporn, 223–24
cybersecurity, 241
cyber-utopianism, 86–87
“Cyberwar Is Coming!” (article), 182
Czechoslovakia, 83–84
Daalder, Ivo, 205
Daesh. See ISIS
“Daily Me,” 121–22
“Daily We,” 122
dangerous speech, 266–67
data. See information
data localization, 89
de Tocqueville, Alexis, 121
Chicago gangs, 13–14
Duterte’s “drug war,” 15
ISIS and, 153
Nairobi’s Westgate mall, 235
Turkey coup, 91–92
deep fakes, 253
deep web, 52
democracy (vs. trolls), 211, 241, 262–63, 265–66
Denver Guardian (fake newspaper), 132
Dewey, Caitlin, 137
Digital Forensic Research Lab, 138
Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), 225–26
digital wildfires, 137
digital world war, 172
DigitaShadow, 213
anti-vaxxers, 124–25
campaigners, 116
of information, 123
of truth, 140
See also trolls and trolling
botnets, 141–47
cybersecurity, 241
dangers of, 261
Russian botnets, 144–45
See also fake news; propaganda
disintermediation, 54–55
diversity, 101
Dogood, Silence, 29
Domino’s Pizza, hack, 195
Donbass News International (DNI), 108
Dorsey, Jack, 48
dot-com bubble, 44
Drew, Lori, 227–28
Ducca, Lauren, 116
Dumbledore’s Army, 172
Dupin, C. Auguste, 110
Durov, Pavel, 94
Duterte, Rodrigo, 15
eBay, 41
Egypt, revolution in, 85
8chan, 191–92
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 259
El Salvadoran drug gangs, 14, 136
botnets, 142
future of, 264
interference in, 242
in Iran, 84
U.S. midterm (2006), 55–56
U.S. midterm (2010), 142
U.S. midterm (2018), 58
Electronic Frontier Foundation, 83
Eliot, T. S., 161
email, origin and growth of, 36–37
emoticon, origin of, 37
emperors. See leaders
Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip, 91
Euromaidan, 203
Evans, Josh, 227–28
Exon, James, 224
extension, 209
activism, 86
Arab Spring, 126
arms dealers, 76–77
community, 169–70
Duterte and, 15
Egypt, revolution, 85
emotional contagion study, 162
government surveillance on, 94
homophily, 123–25
Instagram and, 49
intelligence gathering, 177
Lookalike Audiences, 177
Macedonian disinformation, 118–21
Mexican cartels, 69–70
Myanmar genocide, 136
News Feed, 46
Palestinians, 197
status update, 59
Sudan conflict, 135–36
transparency reports, 232
Tunisian slaughter, 85
Turkish coup, 90–95
virality vs. veracity, 119
WhatsApp and, 50
Facemash, 42–43
facial identity, 254
Fahlman, Scott, 37
fake accounts, 114, 139–42, 144, 147, 176
cyberporn, 223–24
Mumbai 2008 massacre, 63–64
pre-internet, 31
prevention of, 251
profitability of, 132
propaganda, 201
reality shows, 155–57
riots in India, 136
Russia and Ukraine, 204
Sudan conflict, 135–36
fans. See followers
FARC (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), 14
authoritarianism, 90
of fake news, 233
Pepe meme, 193
Russian propaganda, 208
Federal Communications Commission, 218–19
Federal Election Commission, 242
Federal Security Service, 107
feedback loop (of social media), 3, 8
“Felina” (María del Rosario Fuentes Rubio), 69–70
50-Cent Army, 100–101
Filter Bubble, The (Pariser), 122
Flickr, 62
flight MH17, 71–77, 109–10, 115
Flynn, Michael Thomas, 79–82, 112, 176
“fog of war,” 17
Foley, James, 151–52
of fake account, 113–14
of Jack Posobiec, 129
popularity, 139
Ford, Henry, 190
Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), 78
Fort Polk, 259–60
47 U.S.C. § 230 (1996), 224–25
4 Ds, 107
France, 7–8
Franceschi-Bicchierai, Lorenzo, 268
Franklin, Benjamin, 29
free speech, 145, 228–30, 238, 239, 266–67
Freedom Flotilla, 199
Freedom’s Secret Weapon, 192
#FreeMosul, 10–11
#FreeTibet, 141
Friendster, 45
Fuentes Rubio, María del Rosario, 69–70
Furie, Matt, 187
dangerous speech, 266–67
military training for, 258–60
recommendations for, 261–66
responsibility for, 267–73
of social media, 248–57
Galloway, Scott, 248
Gamergate, 229–30
Gangster Disciples, 12
Garza, Alicia, 163
gaslighting, 116
Gaza City, 193–200
#GazaUnderAttack, 197
#GazaUnderFire, 195
Gen Next, 172
generative adversarial networks, 256–57
generative networks, 254–55
geographical data, 58–59
Gerasimov, Valery, 106
Gerasimov Doctrine, 106–7
Center of Defense Against Disinformation, 211
communication in World War I, 181
cybersecurity, 241
propaganda in World War II, 7–8
refugees and, 206–7
Ghonim, Wael, 85
Giesea, Jeff, 192
Gilmore, John, 83
Gingrich, Newt, 142
Golden Shield Project, 96–97
laws governing, 225
profits, 119
regulation, 228
searches, 45
transparency reports, 232
See also YouTube
Google Brain project, 249
Google Play Store, 48
Google Translate, 8
Gore, Al, 39
Gorka, Sebastian, 112
Great Firewall, 96, 102, 184, 253
Facebook users, 46
hours spent online, 137
smartphone use, 48
Twitter use, 48–49
Gumbel, Bryant, 24
Gurría, José Ángel, 40–41
Gutenberg, Johannes, 28
GVA Dictator Alert, 75–76
Haberman, Maggie, 169
Hacker News (forum), 222
hacktivists, 212–13
Hammami, Omar, 160
harassment, online, 227–28, 235, 250–51
harmony, in China, 96, 98, 101
Harper, Stephen, 60
Harrman, John, 134
Hassan, Ruqia, 70
hate crimes, 238–39
Hayes, Rutherford B., 31
Hearst, William Randolph, 31, 46
Heider, Fritz, 157
Hero with a Thousand Faces, The (Campbell), 159
Herrman, John, 221
Hezbollah, 65
Russia and, 111
Hills, The (TV show), 155, 158
Hitler, Adolf, 33, 76, 186, 259
Hoefflinger, Mike, 222
definition, 123
during elections, 132–33
Russia and Ukraine, 201–2
of social media companies, 145–46
validation vs. information, 134
honeypot, 115
Howdy Doody Show, The (TV show), 33
Hrabove plane crash, 71
Huffman, Steve, 241
Hughes, Seamus, 170
human intelligence (HUMINT), 78
Hurley, Chad, 218
Hussain, Junaid, 148–49, 150, 158, 167–68, 195
hyperlinks, 38
hypertext, 38
hypertext markup language (HTML), 38, 44
hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP), 38
identity masking technology, 89–90
Indonesia, 213
botnets, 144–45
campaign ads, 178
elections. See elections
of ISIS, 153–54
sharing and, 124
of super-spreaders, 130
See also consequences; politics; war
in book form, 45
collection of, 77–82
history of, 27–29
intelligence gathering, 61
units of, 26
volume of, 46
Wikipedia, 45
information jihad, 154
information literacy, 269–71
“Information Operations and Facebook” (document), 241
information war campaigns
Russian, 203–6
Instagram, 61
anti-hate organizations, 172
authenticity, 165–66
growth of, 49
instant gratification. See feedback loop
intellectual property rights, 225–26
intelligence gathering, 61, 77–82, 96–97, 101–2, 177
See also surveillance
Intergalactic Computer Network, 26, 27
commercialization of, 39
control of, 88
definition, 24–25
future of, 261–73
impact on society, 41
international communication, 182
mobility, 47–51
origin of, 35–42
physical components of, 87–90
reach of, 51–52
regulation, 223–32
usage vs. understanding, 24–25
internet blackouts, 88
Internet Research Agency, 111–14, 144
internet revolutions, 83–84
internet service providers (ISPs), 88
inundation, 173–79
inventions. See technology
iPhone, 47
conflict in, 5–6
deaths in, 153
internet access of, 5
ISIS soldier capture, 65–66
weapons, 77
Iron Dome, 194
Ironghazi, 164
Abu Hussain al-Britani, 148–49
deprogramming jihadists, 172
emotion, 162–63
fake news, 136–37
isolation and community, 170
#killajew, 198
marketing and brand of, 151–54
vs. Operation Inherent Resolve, 60
origin of, 79
Raqqa city attack, 70
Twitter and, 235–36
Islamic State. See ISIS
isolation, 170
Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), 185, 193–200
Jackson, Janet, 218–19
Jackson, Michael, 1–2
Jenkins, Brian, 150
Jewish Internet Defense Force, 198
Jihad, Janna, 197–98
Jihadi Design, 151
Jingwang (web-cleansing) app, 101
Jobs, Steve, 47
“Johnny Appleseed,” 83–84
Joint Readiness Training Center, 259–60
Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), 79–80
Jones, Alex, 128
journalists, 91–92
disintermediation, 54–55
murder of, 69–70
photographs, 62–63
Russia and, 105–6
social media and, 135
vs. spies, 75
Twitter, 49
validation vs. information, 134
junk news, 131
See also fake news
Kardashians, 155
Karim, Jawed, 218
Kennedy, John F., 33
Kennedy, Ted, 142
Kerry, John, 142
Khan, Robert, 35
Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, five stages of grief, 240
Kushner, Jared, 176
La Muete, 169
Lamloum, Imed, 201
Lana (news agency), 201
lateral thinking, 271
leaders, 218–57
accidental nature of, 219–23
censorship, 233–44
content moderation, 244–48
neural networks, 248–55
regulation and, 223–32
Leigh, Robert D., 33
Lewis, Michael, 77
Lewis-Kraus, Gideon, 249
Licklider, J.C.R., 25–27, 35, 169, 182
“like” symbol, military operations, 10–11
likes, 139
evolution from netwar, 186
hidden, 202
and memes, 189
organization for, 196
public-facing, 201
techniques, 154
Linehan, Adam, 66
LiveJournal, 44
lone wolves, 9, 153, 170, 189, 198, 237
Lookalike Audiences, 177
Lords of War (arms dealers), 76–77
Lotan, Gilad, 199
Louisiana Maneuvers, 259–60
Luther, Martin, 28
Lyrebird, 253
Lysiak, Hilde Kate, 68
M“Macaca” moment, 55–57
machine-driven communication tools (MADCOMs), 252, 255–56
Madden, Kevin, 173–74
Maduro, Nicolas, 115
MAGA3X, 192
Maginot Line, 7
Magra Salvatrucha (MS-13), 14, 136
Manjoo, Farhad, 49
Mao Zedong, 100
“Marketing Pornography on the Information Superhighway: A Survey of 917,410 Images, Descriptions, Short Stories, and Animations Downloaded 8.5 Million Times by Consumers in over 2000 Cities in Forty Countries, Provinces, and Territories” (Rimm), 223–24
Marshall Plan, 157–58
mass line, 100–101
massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs), 44
masters. See leaders
Mateen, Omar, 153
Matrix, The (movie), 272
McCain, John, 226
McCarthy, Jenny, 125
McGahan, Jason, 69–70
defined, 67
history of. See technology
manipulation of, 155–61
social media. See social media
media projectiles, 154
media use. See growth
medical implications, 251
Meier, Megan, 227–28
“Memetics—a Growth Industry in US Military Operations” (Prosser), 191
Mesopotamia, 27
metadata, 57
cartels, 14
citizen reporting and, 68–70
war and revolution, 40–41
Zapatista uprising, 183
MH17. See flight MH17
microblogging, 97
MicroChip, 143–44
Mikro, 213
military, 8
Gerasimov Doctrine, 106–7
Mosul, 2014 attack, 4–7
radio use (World War II), 7–8
social media use, 9–10
See also U.S. military
military memes, 191
Milley, Mark, 58–59
Milner, Ryan, 191
Milošević, Slobodan, 83–84
Milov, Vladimir, 105
mining information, 79
misinformation. See disinformation; fake news
mobile phones, 47
Modi, Narendra, 116
Moneyball (Lewis), 77
monopolies, 49–50
Montag, Heidi, 155–57, 158, 159
Monteiro, Mike, 219–20
Moore, Joe, 12
Morgan, Jonathan, 145–46
@MosulEye, 11
Motorola, 47
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 126–27
“Mrs. Silence Dogood,” 29
MS-13 (Magra Salvatrucha), 14, 136
Mubarak, Hosni, 85
Mumbai, 2008 massacre, 62–67
Napster, 265
narrative, 156–57, 158–60, 179, 186
Nashi, 111
National Science Foundation, 38
NATO, 9, 107, 185, 192, 201, 205, 206, 207, 235
Nazis, radio use, 32–33
Negroponte, Nicholas, 121–22
Nemtsov, Boris, 105
neo-Nazis, 115, 170, 188–89, 232, 238–39
Net Delusion, The (Morozov), 86
Netscape Navigator, 39
netwar, 183–85
See also LikeWar
New-England Courant (newspaper), 29
newspapers, 28–29, 31, 67–68, 84, 91, 104, 121
Nichols, Tom, 61
Nielsen, Jakob, 51
1984 (Orwell), 57
Nipplegate, 218–19
Nissenbaum, Dion, 90–93
Nixon, Richard M., 33
North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), 40–41
North Korea, 90
Nothing Is True and Everything Is Possible (Pomerantsev), 106
novelty, 160
nudity, 230–31
Obama, Barack
Lyrebird, 253
Operation Neptune Spear, 53–55
social media use, 60
O’Brien, Conan, 200
OkCupid, 239
On War (Clausewitz), 17
online, time spent, 137
Online Civil Courage Initiative, 172
open-source intelligence (OSINT), 75–82, 92, 205
Operation Earnest Voice, 185
Operation INFEKTION, 104, 109, 208
Operation Inherent Resolve, 60
Operation Neptune Spear, 53–55
Operation Pillar of Defense, 194, 195–96
Operation Protective Edge, 196–97
O’Reilly, Tim, 45
Orwell, George, 57
Osbournes, The (TV show), 155
Ovadya, Aviv, 256
overwhelm. See inundation
Page, Larry, 40
Pan, Cor, 71
Panama Papers, 97–98
Pandith, Farah, 171–72
Panopticon, 57
Pargin, Jason, 173
Pariser, Eli, 122
Parker, Sean, 265
Patrikarakos, David, 205
Patton, George S., 259
Pentagon. See ARPANET
People’s Daily (propaganda outlet), 139–40
People’s Republic of China. See China
Pepe (meme), 186–93
Peretti, Jonah, 178–79
Peskov, Dmitry, 203–4
Philippines, 140
Phillips, Whitney, 191
Photobucket, 46
Pinterest, 194
Plato, 272
Pliny the Elder, 45
Poe, Edgar Allan, 110
Poe’s Law, 174
polarization, 126, 132–33, 160, 202
authenticity, 168
China internet, 95–103
disinformation, 115–16
dislike for, 222
EZLN revolution, 40–41
fake news, 130–31
“Macaca” moment, 55–57
radio use in, 32–33
Trump and, 3
Turkey coup, 90–95
use of terrorist video content, 152
See also elections
Politika (Aristotle), 168
Pomerantsev, Peter, 106
popularity. See followers
Pornographer’s Handbook: How to Exploit Women, Dupe Men, and Make Lots of Money, The (Rimm), 224
Posobiec, Jack, 129, 132, 209–10
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 247
censorship. See censorship
elections. See elections
followers. See followers
Pratt, Spencer, 154–57, 158, 159
Predata, 77
presentism, 66–67
Prince, Matthew, 232–33
Princes of Malibu (TV show), 155
privacy, 251
internet and, 39
Macedonia and, 118–21
Al Qaeda, 234
amount of, 179
anti-Semitism, 190
Belarusian regime, 86
Britain, 181
enemy casualties, 201
IDF vs. Palestinians, 194–95
Israel, 199
netwar, 183–85
Nissenbaum and, 92–93
Trump and, 174–75
ProPublica, 140
Protestant Reformation, 28
public awareness, 264–65
Pulitzer, Joseph, 31
“Purloined Letter, The” (Poe), 110
Putin, Vladimir, 81, 94, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 208
intelligence gathering, 78
invention of, 32–33
transatlantic cables, 181
as weapon in World War II, 7–8
#RapeMelania hoax, 210–11, 214
Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently, 70
reality stars, 154–57
@ReallyVirtual, 53–55
by gangbangers, 14
Israel, 199
r/The_Donald, 174–75
religion, 190
reporters. See journalists
Republic (Plato), 272
Republican National Committee, 177
resonance, 159–60
responsibility. See regulation
revenue. See profit
in Mexico, 40–41
OSINT, 76–77
in Serbia, 84
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), 14
Rigveda (Hindu text), 271
Rimm, Marty, 223–24
robo-reality wars, 248–57
Rohtak, 89
Ronfeldt, David, 182–83
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 32
Rosen, Jeffrey, 60
Rossiya Segodnya, 107
RT. See Russia Today (RT)
Rubin, Robert, 14
Rudaw (media outlet), 10
rulers. See leaders
rumor cascades. See fake news
Rushkoff, Douglas, 67
Russia, 103–17
censorship, 94
Facebook and, 241
flight MH17, 74–75
vs. Ukraine, 201–7
See also U.S. presidential election (2016)
Russia bots, 138–47
Russia Today (RT), 107–8, 138, 204, 206, 207, 210, 211
Russian sockpuppets, 111–17, 128, 144, 164–65, 246
Saddam Hussein, 5
Sadat, Anwar, 151
Sanders, Bernie, 65
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 164
scale. See inundation
Schaffer, Kris, 145–46
Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 254
secrets, 55
Secured Borders (Facebook group), 114
security issue, 264
Selfish Gene, The (Dawkins), 189, 190
sensors, definition, 57
Serbia, 84
Serbia, internet revolution, 84
serfs, digital, 244–48
“SF-lovers” email, 36
Shane, Janelle, 248
Shannon, Claude, 26
shareholders, 221
alt-right, 134
links in, 134
as reflection of self, 273
thoughtfulness of, 123–24
virality, 129–30
Shinn, James, 77
Shirky, Clay, 86
Sidarth, S. R., 55–57
signals intelligence (SIGINT), 78
Silicon Valley
censorship, 237–38
dot-com bubble, 44
editorial decisions, 233–34
globalization, 231–32
homophily and confirmation bias, 239–40
idealism of, 121
profit, 243
regulation, 223–32
responsibilities of, 260–73
Silva, Rene, 67–68
Simmel, Marianne, 157
Simonyan, Margarita, 107–8
simplicity, 158–59
Sinclair, Upton, 243
Six Degrees, 44
SMEIR, 259–60
Snowden, Edward, 231
Snowden Files, 231
addictiveness of, 3
arms dealers, 76–77
Chicago gangs, 11–16
core principles, 21–22
editorial decisions, 233–34
experience of, 2
fact vs. opinion, 121–27
forensics, 72–77
future of, 248–57
impact on military operations, 10–11
medical implications of, 61
origins of, 42–47
participation in, 67
regulation, 223–32
smartphone use, 48
Trump election, 240
validation vs. information, 134
war, effect on, 195–96
See also specific platforms
Social Media in Strategic Communications program, 185
sockpuppets, 111–17, 144, 164–65, 185, 208
Spanish-American War, 31
Spencer, Richard, 188, 238, 239
spiral of silence, 94–95
Sputnik International, 108
spying. See surveillance
spying, on U.S. citizens, 231–32
“Star Wars” botnet, 140–41
Stark, Luke, 61
Stein, Jill, 112
Sterling, Bruce, 83
Stern, Jessica, 150
“Stooky Bill,” 33
Stormfront (forum), 232
Strange Defeat (Bloch), 7
Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence, 185, 192
Sudan conflict, 135–36
Sunstein, Cass, 122
super app, 51
Super Bowl 2004 halftime, 218–19
super-spreaders, 130, 137, 143, 149, 151
by Anonymous, 212–13
with fake accounts, 227–28
requests for, 232
Snowden Files, 231–32
See also Bellingcat; intelligence gathering
Swift, Taylor, 165–67
Swifties, 166
Switzerland, 75–76
deaths in, 153
Raqqa city, 70
weapons, 77
tagging, 12
Taliban, 201
#Talk OIR, 60
Tamaulipas, Mexico, 69–70
Tay, 252
Taylor, Robert W., 25–27, 35, 169, 182
#Taylurking, 166
“technocracy,” 265
technological advances. See invention by name
internet. See ARPANET
mobile and smartphones, 47–49
neural networks, 248–55
printing press, 28–29
telegraph, 29–32
telephones, 31–32
television, 33–35
webcam, 41
telephones, 31–32
television, 33–35
attention and, 150
censorship, 234
countering, 264
fundraising, 65
origin of, 170
social media of, 194
Twitter, 235
Thailand, 93–94
Third Reich symbols, 188
Thomas, Shaquon, 11–12
throttling, 89
Tiananmen Square, 98
Timberlake, Justin, 218
Toler, Aric, 73
training videos, on YouTube, 9, 198, 234
transmission-control protocol/internet protocol. See TCP/IP framework
bin Laden operation, 53–55
democracy, 211
Facebook, 46
Panama Papers, 97
reports on, 232
trend, 141
TriCk (hacker), 149
anti-Semitism, 238
vs. democracy, 211
effect of, 165
free speech, 228–29
moderation of, 246
origin of, 163
Pepe meme, 187–93
purpose of, 164–65
Trump as, 174–75
Trump, Donald
authenticity, 168–69
botnets, 143–44
on censorship, 236
digital history of, 60–61
early tweets of, 1–4
Flynn and, 81
hate crimes, 239
inundation, 173–74
Lyrebird, 253
Pepe meme, 186–93
propaganda, 125
simplicity, 158
threats made by, 15
Twitter and, 49
Trump, Donald, Jr., 112
Trump Entertainment Resorts, 2
Trumpbot overlord, 143–44
“trustworthiness” score, 102
truth, 116
in early newspapers, 28–29
fight over. See propaganda
vs. virality, 119–20
Tufekci, Zeynep, 270
Tumblr, 194
ability to incite violence, 201
Arab Spring, 126
authenticity, 166
bin Laden operation, 53–55
Boston Marathon Bombing, 66
Duterte, emoji for, 15
extremist groups, 170
Flynn and, 81
GVA Dictator Alert, 75–76
honeypot, 115
Iranian election (2009), 84
Israel, 199
metadata, 57
Mexican cartels, 69–70
Mosul, attack of, 4–7
Mumbai massacre, 62
profit, 243
smartphones, 48–49
transparency reports, 232
Turkish coup, 90–95
volunteers, 214
Twitterbomb, 142
election safety, 264
internet army, 211
social media accounts, 15
Ullah, Haroon, 172
U.S. Air Force, 52
U.S. internet user, 118
disinformation, Russian, 108–9
intelligence gathering, 79–82
ISIS and, 10–11
narrative, 160–61
Operation Neptune Spear, 53–55
Rolling Thunder campaign, 18
social media presence, 60
tactical operations center, 258–60
television, 34
transparency, 58–59
weaponization of information, 185
weapons tracking, 77
World War I, 182
U.S. National Intelligence Council, 51
U.S. presidential election (2016)
authenticity in, 168–69
detox from, 222
disinformation campaigns, 241
fake accounts (botnets), 143
fake news, 131
Macedonian disinformation, 119
memetic warfare, 192
Pepe meme, 186–93
#Pizzagate incident, 127–28
real vs. fake news, 135
regulation, 251
Russian trolls, 111–14
transparency, 268
U.S. State Department, 185, 217, 255–56, 264
URI (uniform resource identifier), 38
URL (uniform resource locator), 38
validation vs. information, 134
van der Linden, Sander, 130
Vid.Me, 247
dangerous speech, 266–67
ISIS and, 153–54
See also deaths; war; white supremacists
attraction of, 153
authenticity, 165–67
community, 169–73
emotion, 161–65
hijacking, 191
inundation, 173–79
narrative of, 156–61
#Pizzagate incident, 129–30
study of, 178–79
vs. veracity, 137
VKontakte (VK), 74, 94, 202, 205
volunteers, 244–48
Voz das Comunidades, 67
wallbanging, 13
war, 181–217
among everyone, 212–17
China’s one voice, 215–16
Clausewitz on, 16–18
early communication, 30–31
hidden aspect of, 203–11
internet as, 261–73
masters of. See leaders
memes, 186–93
open access to, 193–202
radio use in, 32
real-time reporting of, 62–64
robo-reality wars, 248–57
Russia and, 111
social media and, 15–16
treason in, 266
types of, 184
weaponization of information, 181–86
Wars of German Unification, 30
Warzel, Charlie, 175
Washington, George, 158
web brigades, 110–11
weblogs, 44
Welch, Edgar, 127–37
Wheeler, John Archibald, 26
white supremacists, 115, 170, 188–89, 232, 237–39
Williams, Evan, 19
Winfrey, Oprah, 119
Winnie-the-Pooh, 98
Winter, Charlie, 152
women, harassment of, 229, 238
Woolley, Samuel, 145
World War I, 181–82
World War II
the Blitz, 18
computer use, 25
German invasion of France, 7–8
intelligence gathering, 78
Marshall Plan, 157–58
See also internet
Wyden, Ron, 224
Xue, Charles, 99
Yanukovych, Viktor, 203
yellow journalism, 31
Yiannopoulos, Milo, 238
Yoda, 163
Al Qaeda, 234
anti-hate organizations, 172
copyright algorithm, 226
flat-earthers, 123
flight MH17, 72
Google and, 49
Google Brain project, 249
“Macaca” moment, 55–57
military training and recruitment, 9
origin of, 218–19
#Pizzagate incident, 128
Russia Today (RT), 107–8
terrorism and, 151–52
Tunisian slaughter, 85
war in real time, 193
Yuan Zhifa, 96
Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN), 40–41
Zappa, Frank, 72
Zeitzoff, Thomas, 195–96
Zhirinovsky, Vladimir, 105
Zimmerman, Amy, 166
Zuckerberg, Mark
Arab Spring, 85
fake news profits, 119
information gathering, 57
scale and power of, 221