This may be the end of the book, but it is really the beginning of a new way of looking at your life. Applying what I’ve taught you here will begin to fill your life with magic and miracles. Now when something goes wrong or doesn’t work out the way you planned, you can remind yourself there are no accidents in life. You will remember there is a reason for whatever occurs, even when the meaning takes some time to uncover. As a result, the circumstances of your life won’t get you down for very long.
I’ve also given you tools to tame the chaos in your life and to raise (and protect) your vibration so you feel less stress, more joy, and, of course, let the flow of signs and synchronicities into your awareness. But most importantly, you can now begin to create a dialogue with the universe and your loved ones on the other side. Because you now understand communication is a two-way street, you can use the prayers in this book to call in help when you need it—including to open you up to the messages being sent to you. Please see the sample schedule in Appendix 1 to help you incorporate some of the exercises and techniques mentioned in the book, as well as Appendix 2’s guide to higher help, which lists angels, ascended masters, and more.
The spiritual path I am on today began with the sudden death of my mother, and although I would love to have her back in this physical world with me, I know her passing was meant to teach me how the universe works, the way it (and our loved ones on the other side) communicate with us, and ultimately to teach this communication to others. I am grateful for the strong connection I still have with my mother from the other side, and I want you to have the same gratitude and connection with your loved ones in Spirit. They are not gone. You are not alone. The universe is talking to you, and now you have all you need to start listening.