Appendix 1
A Synced-Up Day
To make incorporating the teachings of this book as easy as possible for you, in this section you will find the techniques and exercises laid out as morning, afternoon, and evening routines. Following these will keep your vibration high and help you stay synced up with the communication from the universe and your angels, guides, and loved ones on the other side. Feel free to adjust it to fit your schedule and life.
Morning Routine
Before Getting Out of Bed
Early Morning
- Set the alarm on your cell phone so it will chime every hour (or three times per day) so you can take The 60-Second Retreat breaks throughout the day and incorporate gratitude or surrendering your worries.
- Listen to a positive podcast, audiobook, or video while getting ready for the day.
- Put on an aromatherapy diffuser necklace or bracelet with a grounding fragrance in it to wear throughout the day or carry an essential oil with you to stop and smell to recenter you during your 60-second retreat breaks. (See list of Essential Oils for grounding.)
Afternoon Routine
- If you can get out into nature at some point during your lunch break (and maybe even hug a tree), it can keep you grounded or reground you if you feel you are out of sync.
- You can also do a Crown Chakra Reset to get grounded before continuing your day.
Evening Routine
- Cleanse your aura (The Shield).
- Do the Legs Up the Wall Yoga Pose for 5 to 10 minutes before bed.
- Write down three things you are grateful for that happened to you that day.
- Answer the nightly questions (Replay Your Day) and make a note of any signs from the day and who they came from in your signs and synchronicity nighttime journal.