The North Korean Army began the invasion of the South on 25 June 1950. The US Army’s 772nd Military Police Battalion (Railway Security) made up of four companies with a total complement of thirty-eight officers and 412 men, left its base in Maryland in September and landed at Wonsan. Their initial role was to help stop the advance of the North Korean divisions, and ensure the security of road communications. They also took charge of refugees and prisoners of war. In December, they handled security during the retreat of the United Nations Forces, faced with twelve Chinese divisions, up until the fall of Hamhung. At that point, the United Nations’ lines of communication were being threatened by the presence of North Korean units1 as much as 150km (93 miles) behind the front lines. The 772nd Battalion, which had been evacuated to Pusan, was charged with the role of protecting the MSR, the principal supply route for the United Nations forces. Company D became responsible for protecting the railway line between Ulsan and Chechon, then from January 1951 as far as Seoul. In August 1951, the role of the battalion was changed, and all four Companies were dedicated to protecting the railway network, from their HQ in Taegu, under the overall command of the 3rd Transportation Military Rail System. Company A was posted to Taejon, Company B to Pusan, Company C to Tongdong-Po, and Company D remained at Yongchon. In all, they were responsible for the security of almost 1,700km (1,050 miles) of track.
Their rolling stock comprised bogie wagons reinforced internally with sandbags and nicknamed ‘rolling foxholes’. Company B at least put back into service a Japanese armoured wagon, which ran in front of the locomotive and was itself preceded by a safety bogie wagon. The unit remained in Korea after the armistice of 27 July 1953, and was demobilised on 11 June 1955.
Mesko, Jim, Armor in Korea, a Pictorial History (Carollton, Texas: Squadron Signal Publications Inc. 1984).
American and Korean members of Company B, 772nd MP Battalion (Railway Security) in front of their ex-Japanese armoured wagon.
(Photo: Paul Malmassari Collection)
The ex-Japanese armoured wagon and the rear of the safety wagon.
(Photo: Paul Malmassari Collection)
1. With a strength equal to three divisions.