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NOTE: Page references in italics refer to photos of recipes.


Advanced 4-Week Fitness Plan, 289, 290

Aerobic capacity, 274

Alcohol, 36, 61


       almond butter and flour, 124

       Almond Shortbread Cookies, 258, 259

       No-Bake Almond-Coconut Cookie Bars, 260, 261

       Salted Dark Chocolate Almond Butter Cups, 246, 247

Alt, Angie, 57, 58

Amenorrhea, 65

Amylase, 16

Anaerobic capacity, 274

Animal-based foods

       concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), 62, 64, 128

       protein from, 24

       vegetarian diet and, 63–64

Antinutrients, 23, 38

Apple cider vinegar

       choosing, 124

       Raspberry Apple Cider Vinaigrette, 191, 191


       Apple, Avocado, and Chicken Salad, 177, 177

       Apple Bacon Sweet Potato Hash, 140, 141

       Apple-Chicken Skillet, 200, 201

       Apple Pie Smoothie, 135, 135

       Cranberry-Apple Relish, 190, 190

       Easy Apple “Cookies,” 168, 169

       Pan-Seared Lamb Chops with Sage-Apple-Mint Puree, 228, 229

Artificial sweeteners, 31

Asian Beef Stir-Fry, 212, 213

Asparagus Bundles, Bacon-Wrapped, 162, 163

Autoimmune diseases

       leaky gut syndrome and, 23

       nightshades and, 56–57

Autoimmune Wellness Handbook, The (Trescott, Alt), 57, 58


       Apple, Avocado, and Chicken Salad, 177

       Avocado Butter, 186, 187

       Avocado Chocolate Mousse, 264, 265

       in Bacon-Guacamole Chicken Rolls, 207, 207

       in Everyone’s Favorite Guacamole, 184, 184



       Bacon-Guacamole Chicken Rolls, 207, 207

       Bacon-Liver Meatballs, 211, 211

       Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus Bundles, 162, 163

       Bacon-Wrapped Eggs, 146, 147

       Kale and Bacon Breakfast Skillet, 148, 149

Baked Plantain Chips, 170, 171

Baked Ratatouille, 198, 199

Baked Sriracha Chicken Wings, 202, 203

Baking chocolate, 124

Ballantyne, Sarah, 57, 58

Balsamic vinegar

       Balsamic Wine Pork Chops, 234, 235

       choosing, 124

       Grilled Balsamic Flank Steak, 220, 221


       Banana Split Pops, 254, 255

       Strawberry-Banana Smoothie, 135, 135

Bear Crawl (exercise), 294

Bear Hug (workout), 313

Beef and bison

       Asian Beef Stir-Fry, 212, 213

       Bacon-Liver Meatballs, 211

       Grilled Balsamic Flank Steak, 220, 221

       Shepherd’s Pie, 218, 219

       Slow Cooker Bison Chili, 226, 227

       Slow Cooker Garlic-Thyme Pot Roast, 216, 217

       Sweet Potato Chipotle Bison Sliders, 224, 225

       Zucchini-Beef Taco Skillet, 214, 215

Beets, Roasted, and Berries Salad, 180, 181

Beginner 4-Week Fitness Plan, 289, 290

Berries. See Raspberries; Strawberries

Big Four inflammatory foods, 20–31. See also 4×4; Reintroduction of foods

       artificial sweeteners and, 30

       Big Four, overview, 21

       dairy as, 25–27

       grains as, 22–25

       processed foods and, 20–21

       refined sugar as, 29–30

       vegetable oils as, 27–29

Big Time (workout), 308

Bioindividuality, 9–10

Blood sugar, 17, 29

Body fat, health and, 84–85

Bodyweight Squat (exercise), 294

Bone broth. See also Gelatin

       for gut health, 76–77

       Homemade Bone Broth, 222, 223

       nutrients in, 71

Brain, digestive functions and, 74. See also Mental health

Bread Lover’s Meal Plan, 93–105

       Bread Lovers, defined, 10

       Bread Lovers, example, 14

       calorie boosts and snacks for, 93

       overview, 88

       week 1, 94–96

       week 2, 97–99

       week 3, 100–102

       week 4, 103–105

Breakfast, 134–155

       Apple Bacon Sweet Potato Hash, 140, 141

       Bacon-Wrapped Eggs, 146, 147

       Breakfast Smoothie Trio, 135, 135

       Cinnamon Vanilla N’Oatmeal, 152, 153

       Fluffy Coconut Pancakes, 150, 151

       Kale and Bacon Breakfast Skillet, 148, 149

       Pumpkin Breakfast Muffins, 154, 155

       Raspberry-Coconut Smoothie Bowl, 138, 139

       Spinach, Tomato, and Mushroom Frittata, 144, 145

       Superfood Coconut Chai Latte, 136, 137

       Twice-Baked Breakfast Sweet Potatoes, 142, 143


       4×4 during, 63

       nutrition for, 16

Bruh (workout), 318

Budget, eating quality foods on, 62

Buffalo Chicken Dip, 183, 183

Butter, reintroducing to diet, 48

Butter Lover’s Meal Plan, 107–119

       Butter Lovers, defined, 10

       Butter Lovers, example, 13

       calorie boosts and snacks for, 107

       overview, 88

       week 1, 108–110

       week 2, 111–113

       week 3, 114–116

       week 4, 117–119

B vitamins, 4, 64


Cacao power, 124

Cakes. See Treats


       boosting, for Bread Lovers, 93

       boosting, for Butter Lovers, 107

       caloric intake needed, 6–8

       dieting and, 2–3

Carbohydrates. See also Bread Lover’s Meal Plan

       benefits of, 15–16

       “Bread Lovers” vs. “Butter Lovers,” 10, 13, 14

       defined, 9

       FODMAPs, 57

       gut health and, 57

       minimum intake for, 12

       post-workout nutrition and, 287–288

       pre-workout nutrition and, 286

       requirements for, 8–10

       sources of, 19

Cardiovascular health. See Heart health

Caribbean Grilled Tuna Steaks, 242, 243

Carrot, Parsnip and, Fries, 160, 161

Casein, 25–26, 48–51

Cauliflower, Creamy Mashed, 157, 157

Cauliflower Rice, Jalapeño-Lime, 167, 167

Celiac disease, 52

Center Field (workout), 311

Chai Latte, Superfood Coconut, 136, 137

Cheese, reintroducing to diet, 50

Cheesecakes, Lemon-Raspberry Mini, 262, 263

Cherry-Spinach Smoothie, 135, 135


       Apple, Avocado, and Chicken Salad, 177, 177

       Apple-Chicken Skillet, 200, 201

       Bacon-Guacamole Chicken Rolls, 207, 207

       Baked Sriracha Chicken Wings, 202, 203

       Buffalo Chicken Dip, 183, 183

       Chicken-Sage Meatballs, 206, 206

       Slow Cooker Chicken, 204, 205

Chili, Slow Cooker Bison, 226, 227

Chili-Lime Shrimp Salad, 178, 179


       Avocado Chocolate Mousse, 264, 265

       baking chocolate, 124

       Chocolate-Cherry Energy Bites, 172, 172

       Chocolate Coconut Bombs, 245, 245

       Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Ice Pops, 256, 257

       Dark Chocolate Mug Cake, 250, 251

       Homemade Chocolate Shell Topping, 252, 253

       Salted Dark Chocolate Almond Butter Cups, 246, 247

Cholecystokinin (CCK), 73

Cholesterol, 24

Cilantro-Lime Turkey Burgers, 208, 209

Cinnamon-Toasted Coconut “Chips,” 173, 173

Cinnamon Vanilla N’Oatmeal, 152, 153

Classic Italian Turkey Meatballs, 210, 210

“Clean Fifteen” (Environmental Working Group), 131


       Chocolate Coconut Bombs, 245, 245

       Cinnamon-Toasted Coconut “Chips,” 173, 173

       Coconut Macadamia Nut Crusted Mahimahi, 238, 238

       Fluffy Coconut Pancakes, 150, 151

       ingredients, 125

       No-Bake Almond-Coconut Cookie Bars, 260, 261

       Raspberry-Coconut Smoothie Bowl, 138, 139

       Superfood Coconut Chai Latte, 136, 137

       Thai Coconut Curry Shrimp, 240, 241

       Whipped Coconut Cream, 248, 249

Coconuts and Kettlebells Fitness Plan. See Fitness Plan

Collagen, 77

Collagen peptides, 125

Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), 62, 64, 128

Conditioning workouts, 275, 276

Confidence, exercise and, 271

Cookies. See Treats

Cranberry-Apple Relish, 190, 190

Cravings, 5–7

Cream, reintroducing to diet, 49

Creamy Mashed Cauliflower, 157, 157

Cultured dairy products, 27


D, vitamin, 4


       as inflammatory, 25–27

       reintroducing to diet, 48–51 (See also Reintroduction of foods)

Dairy-Free Ranch Dressing, 192, 192

Dark Chocolate Mug Cake, 250, 251

Dark leafy greens, benefits of, 69–71

Desert Island (workout), 308

Desserts. See Treats

Diabetes, 11, 17–18

Dietary fat. See Fats (dietary)


       as “on the wagon,” 81–82

       undereating problem and, 2–3

Digestion process, 71–73. See also Gut health

Dijon mustard, 124

Dips. See Salads, Dressings, and Dips; Sauces

“Dirty Dozen” (Environmental Working Group), 62, 130–131

Don’t Let Go (workout), 310

Dose of Fitness Plan workouts, 273–274

Dressings. See Salads, dressings, and dips


Easy Apple “Cookies,” 168, 169

Egg-free recipes, identifying, 132


       Bacon-Wrapped Eggs, 146, 147

       choosing, 129–130

       nutrients in, 71

       sensitivity to, 57–58

Elimination diets, 41. See also 4×4

Endurance, of exercise, 280–281

Energy Bites, Chocolate-Cherry, 172, 172

Environmental Working Group, 62, 130–131

Enzymes, 16

Equipment, for Fitness Plan, 282–284

Essential fatty acids (EFAs)

       omega-3 fatty acids, 28

       omega-6 fatty acids, 26, 28–29

Everyone’s Favorite Guacamole, 184, 184

Exercises, 291–304. See also Fitness Plan

       Bear Crawl, 294

       Bodyweight Squat, 294

       Front Plank, 295

       Glute Bridge, 295

       Goblet Clean, 300

       Goblet Squat, 301

       Inchworm, 293

       Kettlebell Deadlift, 299

       Kettlebell Swing, 301

       Kicks, 292

       Lying Knee to Chest, 293

       Mountain Climber, 296

       One-Arm Kettlebell Bent-Over Row, 299

       One-Arm Kettlebell Farmer’s Walk, 300

       One-Arm Kettlebell Push Press, 302

       One-Arm Kettlebell Reverse Lunge, 302

       Push-Up, 297

       Reverse Lunge, 296

       Shoulder Swings, 292

       Squat Thrust, 298

       Thoracic Twist, 304

       Walking Lunge, 298

       Wall Ankle Mobilization, 303

       Wall Slide, 304

       Wall Squat, 303


Fabulous 40 (workout), 324

Families, 4×4 diet and, 61

Farmers’ markets, 129

Fats (dietary). See also Butter Lover’s Meal Plan

       benefits of, 17–19

       “Bread Lovers” vs. “Butter Lovers,” 10, 13, 14

       defined, 9

       fat-soluble vitamins, 10

       gallbladder and, 74

       healthy cooking fats, 127

       healthy cooking oils, 127

       minimum intake for, 12

       reintroducing Big Four foods to diet, 48–51, 54

       requirements for, 8–10

       sources of, 19

       undereating and deficiency of, 3–5

       vegetable oils as inflammatory, 27–29

Fermented foods, benefits of, 27, 76

Fertility. See Pregnancy


       carbohydrates and, 9

       grains and, 22–24

Firecracker Salmon, 236, 237

Fire Starter (workout), 315

Fish. See Seafood

Fitness Plan, 268–329

       benefits of exercise, 270–271

       customizing plan for, 272–278

       equipment guide for, 282–284

       exercises for, 291–304

       four-week plans for, 289–290

       goals for, 278–279

       nutrition before and after workouts, 285–288

       overview, 269–270

       tracking progress of, 280–281

       using, 272

       workouts, 305–328

Flaxseeds, 56

Flexibility, healthy lifestyle and, 68

Fluffy Coconut Pancakes, 150, 151

Foam rollers, 284

FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, polyols), 57

Folate, 69

Food labels, 36

Food “morality,” 80

Food quantity, for meal plans, 90

Foods to Eliminate During the 4×4, 37

4×4, 32–42. See also Fitness Plan; Healthy lifestyle; Meal plans; Reintroduction of foods

       as choice, 41–42

       eating at restaurants during, 36

       eating Big Four foods by mistake, 59

       eating macronutrients during, 38

       food labels and, 36

       Foods to Eliminate During the 4×4, 37

       4×4 Friendly Foods, 39–40

       legumes and, 38

       observations for, 33–34

       preparation for eliminating Big Four foods, 32–33

       recognizing Big Four foods, 35

4-Week Fitness Plan (beginner, intermediate, advanced), 289, 290. See also Fitness Plan

Frequency of Fitness Plan workouts, 272–273

Fries, Parsnip and Carrot, 160, 161

Front Plank (exercise), 295

Full Strength (workout), 327


Gallbladder, 73, 74


       from bone broth, 77

       choosing, 126

       in Watermelon-Lime Gummies, 266, 267

Genetic testing, 16, 18

Ghee, 25, 26

Glucose, 11, 29–30

Glutamine, 77

Glute Bridge (exercise), 295

Gluten, 22, 52–53

Goals, for Fitness Plan workouts, 274, 278

Goblet Clean (exercise), 300

Goblet Squat (exercise), 301


       as inflammatory, 22–25

       reintroducing to diet, 51–53 (See also Reintroduction of foods)

       soaking, 53

Grass farming

       dairy products from, 26–27

       grass-fed meat, 70, 129

       process of, 64

Grilled Balsamic Flank Steak, 220, 221

Gripping (workout), 323

Gut health, 16–17

       carbohydrates and, 57

       cultured dairy products for, 27

       digestion process, 71–73

       gluten and, 52–53

       intestines and antinutrients, 23

       leaky gut syndrome, 23

       taking care of gut, 75–76

Gym chalk, 283


Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, 7, 23

Healthy lifestyle, 67–85

       benefits of exercise, 270–271

       for long run, 67

       for mental health, 78–85

       for physical health, 68–78

Heart health

       aerobic capacity and, 274

       body fat and, 84

       cholesterol, 24

       dietary fat for, 10

       grains and, 23–24

       macronutrients for, 8

       nutrient-dense foods and, 70–71

High-density lipoprotein (HDL), 24

Homemade Bone Broth, 222, 223

Homemade Chocolate Shell Topping, 252, 253

Honey-Lime Dressing, 193, 193


       dairy and, 25

       for digestion, 73

       nutrition and, 4–5, 10–11, 18

Hot sauce, 126

Hyperpalatability, 30

Hypoglycemia, 17

Hypothalamic amenorrhea, 65


Immune system

       dietary fat and, 10

       gluten and, 52

       gut health and, 75

       inflammatory foods and, 21, 26, 30

       monitoring symptoms during reintroduction phase, 46

       omega-6 fats for, 28

Inchworm (exercise), 293

Ingredients, choosing, 127–131

Insomnia. See Sleep

Insulin and insulin resistance, 11, 17–18, 29

Intermediate 4-Week Fitness Plan, 289, 290

Intestines. See Gut health


Jalapeño-Lime Cauliflower Rice, 167, 167


Kale and Bacon Breakfast Skillet, 148, 149

Kettlebells, choosing, 282–283. See also Fitness Plan

Kettlebell Complex (workout), 329

Kettlebell Deadlift (exercise), 299

Kettlebell Swing (exercise), 301

Kicks (exercise), 292

Kitchen tools and equipment, 120–123


Labels on foods, 36

Lactose, 25, 48–51

Lamb Chops with Sage-Apple-Mint Puree, Pan-Seared, 228, 229

Lamb Meatballs, Moroccan, 230, 231

Latte, Superfood Coconut Chai, 136, 137

Leaky gut, 52–53


       in grains, 23

       in legumes, 38

       in nightshades, 56

Leftovers, 90

Leggings (workout), 321

Legumes, 38

Lemon-Raspberry Mini Cheesecakes, 262, 263

Leptin, 11


       Chili-Lime Shrimp Salad, 178, 179

       Cilantro-Lime Turkey Burgers, 208, 209

       Honey-Lime Dressing, 193, 193

       Jalapeño-Lime Cauliflower Rice, 167, 167

       Watermelon-Lime Gummies, 266, 267


       Bacon-Liver Meatballs, 211, 211

       nutrients in, 70

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL), 24

Lying Knee to Chest (exercise), 293

Lysozymes, 58


Macronutrients. See also Carbohydrates; Fats (dietary); Protein

       defined, 9

       minimums for, 8–10, 12, 38

Main dishes, 194–243

       Apple-Chicken Skillet, 200, 201

       Asian Beef Stir-Fry, 212, 213

       Bacon-Guacamole Chicken Rolls, 207, 207

       Bacon-Liver Meatballs, 211, 211

       Baked Ratatouille, 198, 199

       Baked Sriracha Chicken Wings, 202, 203

       Balsamic Wine Pork Chops, 234, 235

       Caribbean Grilled Tuna Steaks, 242, 243

       Chicken-Sage Meatballs, 206, 206

       Cilantro-Lime Turkey Burgers, 208, 209

       Classic Italian Turkey Meatballs, 210, 210

       Coconut Macadamia Nut Crusted Mahimahi, 238, 238

       Firecracker Salmon, 236, 237

       Grilled Balsamic Flank Steak, 220, 221

       Homemade Bone Broth, 222, 223

       Moroccan Lamb Meatballs, 230, 231

       aOven-Roasted Spareribs, 232, 233

       Pan-Seared Lamb Chops with Sage-Apple-Mint Puree, 228, 229

       Shepherd’s Pie, 218, 219

       Shrimp and Cabbage Stir-Fry, 239, 239

       Slow Cooker Bison Chili, 226, 227

       Slow Cooker Chicken, 204, 205

       Slow Cooker Garlic-Thyme Pot Roast, 216, 217

       Spiced Potato Soup, 196, 197

       Sweet Potato Chipotle Bison Sliders, 224, 225

       Thai Coconut Curry Shrimp, 240, 241

       Zucchini-Beef Taco Skillet, 214, 215

Mango-Jalapeño Salsa, 185, 185

Massage sticks, 284

Mats, choosing, 283

Mayonnaise, Simple Homemade, 188, 189

Meal plans, 88–133

       Bread Lover’s Meal Plan, 88, 93–105

       Butter Lover’s Meal Plan, 88, 107–119

       food quantity and, 90

       ingredients for, 127–131

       kitchen tools and equipment for, 120–123

       leftovers and, 90

       recipe labels for, 132

       serving sizes for, 89

       shopping lists for, 91

       stocking pantry for, 124–125

       time management for, 91

Meal timing, 65–66, 286


       choosing, 128–129

       concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs), 62, 64, 128

       nutrients in, 70

       red meat (See Beef and bison)


       Bacon-Liver Meatballs, 211, 211

       Chicken-Sage Meatballs, 206, 206

       Classic Italian Turkey Meatballs, 210, 210

       Moroccan Lamb Meatballs, 230, 231

Menopause, 18

Mental health

       body fat and, 84–85

       dieting as “on the wagon,” 81–82

       exercise benefits for, 271

       food morality and, 80–81

       self-love and, 79

       supporting, 78–79

       willpower and, 82–83

Menus. See Bread Lover’s Meal Plan; Butter Lover’s Meal Plan

Microbiome, 75


       dairy as inflammatory, 25–27

       reintroducing to diet, 50


       in bone broth, 77

       in diet, 3

       grains and, 23

Minimum effective dose, 274

Moroccan Lamb Meatballs, 230, 231

Mountain Climber (exercise), 296

Moved to Tears (workout), 325

Moving Day (workout), 311

Muscle Tee (workout), 322


National Farmers Market Directory, 129

Natural sweeteners, 30


       identifying nightshade-free recipes, 132

       sensitivity to, 56–57

No-Bake Almond-Coconut Cookie Bars, 260, 261

No Filter (workout), 328

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS), 52–53

Nut-free recipes, identifying, 132

Nutrition, 2–19. See also Big Four inflammatory foods; 4×4; Reintroduction of foods

       before and after Fitness Plan workouts, 285–288

       caloric intake needed for, 6–8

       carbohydrates, 11, 14–16, 19

       dietary fats, 10–11, 13, 15, 17–19

       dieting and, 2–3

       macronutrients, 8–10, 12

       nutrient-dense foods and, 68–71

       shame cycle and, 5–6

       undereating problem and, 3–5

Nuts. See also Almonds

       choosing, 128

       Coconut Macadamia Nut Crusted Mahimahi, 238, 238

       omega-6 fatty acids in, 29

       Spiced Rosemary Roasted Nuts, 174, 175



       healthy cooking oils, 127

       vegetable oils, reintroducing, 54–55

       vegetable oils as inflammatory, 27–29

Omega-6 fatty acids, 26, 28

One-Arm Kettlebell exercises

       Bent-Over Row, 299

       Farmer’s Walk, 300

       Push Press, 302

       Reverse Lunge, 302

“On the wagon,” 81–82

Organic foods, 62

Oven-Roasted Spareribs, 232, 233


       antioxidants in foods, 69, 124, 128, 129

       nuts and, 29

       oxidative stress from inflammation, 30

       oxidized fats, 27


Pain, from exercise, 277–278

Paleo Approach, The (Ballantyne), 57, 58

Pan-Seared Lamb Chops with Sage-Apple-Mint Puree, 228, 229

Pantry, stocking, 124–125

Parasympathetic state, 74, 78

Parsnip and Carrot Fries, 160, 161

Physical health. See also Fitness Plan

       flexibility for, 68

       gut health and, 71–78

       nutrient-dense foods for, 68–71

       nutrition for physical activity, 15

Phytic acid

       in grains, 53

       in legumes, 38

Plantain Chips, Baked, 170, 171

Plyo (plyometric) box, 274

Polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), 27–28

Pork Chops, Balsamic Wine, 234, 235

Post-workout nutrition, 287–288

Potatoes, Rosemary Roasted, 164, 165

Potato Soup, Spiced, 196, 197


       folate for, 69

       4×4 during, 63

       meal timing during, 65

       nutrition for, 4, 8, 10–11, 15–16

Pre-workout nutrition, 285–286

Probiotic foods, 76

Processed foods

       food labels of, 36

       inflammatory foods in, 20–21

Produce, choosing, 130–131

Progress, from exercise, 280–281

Protein. See also Reintroduction of foods

       defined, 9

       digestion of, 73

       inflammatory foods and, 24–26

       minimum intake for, 12, 38

       post-workout nutrition and, 287–288

       pre-workout nutrition and, 286

       sources of, 24–25

Pumpkin, canned, 125

Pumpkin Breakfast Muffins, 154, 155

Push-Up (exercise), 297


Ranch Dressing, Dairy-Free, 192, 192


       Lemon-Raspberry Mini Cheesecakes, 262, 263

       Raspberry Apple Cider Vinaigrette, 191, 191

       Raspberry-Coconut Smoothie Bowl, 138, 139

       in Roasted Beets and Berries Salad, 180, 181

Ratatouille, Baked, 198, 199

Raw milk, 50–51

Reactive hypoglycemia, 17

Rear-Ended (workout), 320

Recipes. See Breakfast; Main dishes; Salads, dressings, and dips; Sides and snacks; Treats

Red Boat Fish Sauce, 126

Refined sugar, 29–30, 54. See also Sugar and sweeteners

Reintroduction of foods, 43–66

       basics of, 44–46

       frequently asked questions about, 58–66

       knowledge about body and, 55

       monitoring symptoms during, 46

       overview, 43–44

       preparing for, 44

       Reintroduction Worksheet for, 47

       troubleshooting with other problematic foods, 55–58

       week 1 (dairy), 48–51

       week 2 (grains), 51–53

       week 3 (refined sugar), 54

       week 4 (vegetable oils), 54–55

Reproduction. See Breastfeeding; Pregnancy

Rest, from exercise, 277–278

Restaurants, eating at, 36, 60

Restorative movement, 276

Reverse Lunge (exercise), 296

Ring the Bell (workout), 319

Roasted Beets and Berries Salad, 180, 181

Rodgers, Diana, 64

Rosemary Roasted Potatoes, 164, 165


Salads, dressings, and dips, 176–193

       Apple, Avocado, and Chicken Salad, 177, 177

       Avocado Butter, 186, 187

       Buffalo Chicken Dip, 183, 183

       Chili-Lime Shrimp Salad, 178, 179

       Cranberry-Apple Relish, 190, 190

       Dairy-Free Ranch Dressing, 192, 192

       Everyone’s Favorite Guacamole, 184, 184

       Honey-Lime Dressing, 193, 193

       Mango-Jalapeño Salsa, 185, 185

       Raspberry Apple Cider Vinaigrette, 191, 191

       Roasted Beets and Berries Salad, 180, 181

       Simple Homemade Mayonnaise, 188, 189

       Strawberry Cobb Salad, 182, 182

Salatin, Joel, 64

Salmon, Firecracker, 236, 237

Salsa, Mango-Jalapeño, 185, 185

Salt, 127–128

Salted Dark Chocolate Almond Butter Cups, 246, 247

Sauces. See also Salads, Dressings, and Dips

       hot sauce, 126

       Mango-Jalapeño Salsa, 185, 185

       Red Boat Fish Sauce, 126

       sriracha sauce, 126

Savory Sweet Potato Wedges, 158, 159

Scale, for body weight, 281


       Caribbean Grilled Tuna Steaks, 242, 243

       choosing fish for purchase, 71, 128–129

       Coconut Macadamia Nut Crusted Mahimahi, 238, 238

       Firecracker Salmon, 236, 237

       nutrients in, 71

       Shrimp and Cabbage Stir-Fry, 239, 239

       Thai Coconut Curry Shrimp, 240, 241

Secretin, 73

Seeds, choosing, 128

Self-love, 79

Serving sizes, 89

Shame cycle, resisting, 5–6, 78–85

Shepherd’s Pie, 218, 219

Shopping lists

       Bread Lover’s Meal Plan, 96, 98, 101, 104

       Butter Lover’s Meal Plan, 109, 112, 115, 118

       for meal plans, 91

Shoulder Swings (exercise), 292

Shrimp and Cabbage Stir-Fry, 239, 239

Shrimp Salad, Chili-Lime, 178, 179

Sides and snacks, 156–175

       Bacon-Wrapped Asparagus Bundles, 162, 163

       Baked Plantain Chips, 170, 171

       Chocolate-Cherry Energy Bites, 172, 172

       Cinnamon-Toasted Coconut “Chips,” 173, 173

       Creamy Mashed Cauliflower, 157, 157

       Easy Apple “Cookies,” 168, 169

       Jalapeño-Lime Cauliflower Rice, 167, 167

       Parsnip and Carrot Fries, 160, 161

       Rosemary Roasted Potatoes, 164, 165

       Savory Sweet Potato Wedges, 158, 159

       snacks, post-workout, 287–288

       snacks, pre-workout, 286

       snacks for Bread Lovers, 93

       snacks for Butter Lovers, 107

       Spiced Rosemary Roasted Nuts, 174, 175

       Zucchini-Tomato Sauté, 166, 166

Simple Homemade Mayonnaise, 188, 189


       carbohydrates for, 11, 15

       exercise for, 271

Slow cooker recipes

       Bison Chili, 226, 227

       Chicken, 204, 205

       Garlic-Thyme Pot Roast, 216, 217


       Breakfast Smoothie Trio, 135, 135

       Cherry-Spinach Smoothie, 135, 135

       Raspberry-Coconut Smoothie Bowl, 138, 139

Snacks. See Sides and snacks

Soreness, from exercise, 277–278

Soy, 55–56

Spareribs, Oven-Roasted, 232, 233

Speed, of exercise, 280–281

Spiced Potato Soup, 196, 197

Spiced Rosemary Roasted Nuts, 174, 175

Spices, choosing, 131

Spicy Meatball (workout), 312


       Cherry-Spinach Smoothie, 135, 135

       Spinach, Tomato, and Mushroom Frittata, 144, 145

Squat Thrust (exercise), 298

Sriracha Chicken Wings, Baked, 202, 203

Sriracha sauce, 126

Stella-R (workout), 314

Stevia leaf, 31

Stomach, digestive functions and, 74. See also Gut health


       Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Ice Pops, 256, 257

       Strawberry Cobb Salad, 182, 182


       exercise workouts for, 275, 276

       measuring exertion of exercise, 280–281


       nutrition and, 11

       reducing, for gut health, 77–78

Strong-Arm (workout), 316

Sugar and sweeteners. See also Treats

       artificial sweeteners and, 30

       choosing healthy sweeteners, 128

       natural options for, 29

       refined sugar as inflammatory, 28–29

       reintroducing to diet, 54 (See also Reintroduction of foods)

Superfood Coconut Chai Latte, 136, 137

Sweet potatoes

       Apple Bacon Sweet Potato Hash, 140, 141

       Savory Sweet Potato Wedges, 158, 159

       Sweet Potato Chipotle Bison Sliders, 224, 225

       Twice-Baked Breakfast Sweet Potatoes, 142, 143

Sympathetic state, 74, 78

Symptoms from inflammatory foods

       monitoring, while reintroducing foods, 46, 58–59

       Reintroduction Worksheet, 47


Testosterone, 18

Thai Coconut Curry Shrimp, 240, 241

Thai red curry paste, 127

Thoracic Twist (exercise), 304

Thyroid health and thyroid hormone, 4–5, 7, 16, 23

Time management, for meal plans, 91


       Baked Ratatouille, 198, 199

       ingredients, 125, 127

       Spinach, Tomato, and Mushroom Frittata, 144, 145

Tower of Terror (workout), 326

Traveling, eating while, 60–61

Treats, 244–267

       Almond Shortbread Cookies, 258, 259

       Avocado Chocolate Mousse, 264, 265

       Banana Split Pops, 254, 255

       Chocolate Coconut Bombs, 245, 245

       Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Ice Pops, 256, 257

       Dark Chocolate Mug Cake, 250, 251

       on 4×4, 63

       Homemade Chocolate Shell Topping, 252, 253

       Lemon-Raspberry Mini Cheesecakes, 262, 263

       No-Bake Almond-Coconut Cookie Bars, 260, 261

       Salted Dark Chocolate Almond Butter Cups, 246, 247

       Watermelon-Lime Gummies, 266, 267

       Whipped Coconut Cream, 248, 249

Trescott, Mickey, 57, 58

Tuna Steaks, Caribbean Grilled, 242, 243

Turkey Burgers, Cilantro-Lime, 208, 209

Turkey Meatballs, Classic Italian, 210, 210

23andMe, 16, 18

Twice-Baked Breakfast Sweet Potatoes, 142, 143


Undereating, 3–5

USDA Farmers Market Directory, 129


Vanilla extract, 126

Vegetable oils

       as inflammatory, 27–29

       reintroducing to diet, 54–55 (See also Reintroduction of foods)

Vegetarian recipes, identifying, 132

Vegetarians, 63–64

Villi (intestinal), 23, 73

Vinegar. See Apple cider vinegar; Balsamic vinegar


       from dark leafy greens, 69

       in diet, 3

       fat-soluble, 10

       grains and, 23

       requirements for, 3–5

Volume, of exercise, 280


Walking Lunge (exercise), 298

Walk the Plank (workout), 317

Wall exercises

       Ankle Mobilization, 303

       Slide, 304

       Squat, 303

Watermelon-Lime Gummies, 266, 267

Weakness, from exercise, 278


       gaining, 84–85

       measuring body weight with scale, 281

What The (workout), 310

Whey, 25–26, 48–51

Whipped Coconut Cream, 248, 249

Wild-caught fish, 71, 129. See also Seafood

Willpower, 82–83

Workouts, 305–328. See also Fitness Plan

       choosing weights for, 306

       cooling down from, 306

       overview, 305

       sets, reps, and rounds, defined, 307

       warming up for, 306

       10 minutes or less, 308–311

       15 minutes or less, 312–317

       20 minutes or less, 318–323

       30 minutes or less, 324–329


Yogurt, reintroducing to diet, 49


Zucchini-Beef Taco Skillet, 214, 215

Zucchini-Tomato Sauté, 166, 166
