Chapter 7

Pitching Your Startup

As an entrepreneur, you’re a salesperson above all else. You have to pitch constantly—to potential customers, partners, investors, suppliers, and even family members. If you can’t pitch, then you can’t close deals, which means you’ll have a heck of a time succeeding. There’s an art to pitching in a way that gets people excited and interested. In this chapter, you’ll learn important tactics, such as why it’s important to have two versions of your pitch, a surprisingly simple way to figure out if your pitch is working, and how to get your audience to understand your business idea in less than three seconds. Put these practices into place to wow your audience at any stage of the game.

Get Your Story Straight

Get to the Next Step

Half as Long Is Twice as Good

First Rule of Elevator Pitches

Get Used to Rejection

Use the Use Case

Make It Stick

Name It and Frame It

Find the Hot Buttons

Fake It ’Til You Make It

Be Simple, Not Simplistic

Don’t Bury the Lead

Back of a Business Card