Get to the Next Step


Any time you pitch, first figure out what you want to accomplish. Your intended outcomes will affect what you say and how you say it. When talking to an investor at a networking event, for example, many entrepreneurs make the mistake of diving into their full presentations. They lose sight of the fact that the appropriate outcome at an event should be to get a meeting, not cash a check.

Whether you are pitching your one-liner or your full-blown presentation, your goal is usually pretty simple—get to the next step. When formally pitching an investor, for example, your goal is to pass the first screen and move forward in their evaluation process. It’s unheard of to get a check on the spot, so don’t try to get one. When you run into a potential customer at a networking event, pitch in a way to get a meeting, not a purchase order.

Focus on your next steps, and do only what’s necessary to get there. Don’t inundate your listeners with pointless detail that causes them to tune out of the conversation. Be considerate of the situation, and get to the point quickly. Know what comes next, and ask for it.


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