accounting methods, 36, 37, 39–44
environment and, 78
evolution and, 56, 78–79, 133–34
group-level, 78
human society and, 56
religion and, 80
African buffaloes, 15
Alexander, Richard, 33
algorithms, 55
altruism, 3
action based, 7–9, 16–17, 22, 29, 38, 60, 65, 69–71, 73, 81, 88, 116–17
behavior and, 13–14, 22–25, 80, 141–42
Comte and, 89
cooperation and, 52
cultural evolution and, 69
definition of, 4, 82–83, 86–87
evolution of, 22, 34, 39, 42, 45
extinction and, 24
functional organization and, 29, 71–72, 141
group-level selection and, 34, 38–39, 81
outcomes of, 133
philosophical systems and, 83
psychology and, 60–61, 65, 68–70, 151n3
relative fitness and, 29
religion and, 79–80, 82, 83–84, 89, 91
selfish behavior and, 22–27, 32, 34–35, 38, 45, 61, 71–72
in social environments, 116
thought and feeling based, 8, 16–17, 60–62, 71, 73, 82, 91, 112, 143, 149
altruistic action, 4
behavior based on, 80
environment and, 70
proximate mechanism and, 70–71
altruistic instinct, 90
altruists, 155n10
Aristotle, 83
assets, 117
Atlas Shrugged (Rand), 96
behavior, 81. See also prosociality; selfish behavior
altruistic, 13–14, 22–25, 80, 141–42
deviant, 138
good, 89
group and, 89
relative fitness and, 80
religion and, 80
Beinhocker, Eric, 98
benefit-cost equivalence, 12
between-group selection, 42, 71, 73, 81
Binghamton, New York, 115, 118–20, 123, 127
Binghamton Neighborhood Project, 116, 157n1
business, 130
calculus, 98
causation. See proximate causation; ultimate causation
Christianity, 81, 83–84, 88, 91
codependent relationships, 135, 136
coefficient of relatedness, 43–44
cognition, distinctive, 52
Cognition in the Wild (Hutchins), 10
Cold-Blooded Kindness (Oakley), 135–37
collaboration, 138
collective action, 144
collective-choice arrangements, 12, 65
coloration, 63
common good, 7, 101, 107, 125, 139
common-pool resources (CPR)
core design principles of, 11–13, 65–70, 124–27, 147
effective management and, 11–13, 147
community-based research, 116
Comte, Auguste, 4, 89–91, 94, 98, 142–43
configurations of thought, 35, 37
conflict of interest, 102
conscious awareness, 108
consequences, 48
cooperation, 33
altruism and, 52
functional organization and, 52
coordinated social process, 14–15
core design principles, 11–13, 65–70, 124–27, 147
CPR. See common-pool resources
cultural evolution, 86, 88, 109, 112, 120
adaptations and, 79
adaptive radiation in, 56
altruism and, 69
analogy for, 100
between-group selection, 81
mechanisms and, 114
proximate mechanism and, 69–70
religion and, 79
cultural group selection, 79, 101, 108
cultural inheritance, 57
cultural traits, 154n23
DAP. See Developmental Assets Profile
Darwin, Charles, 4–5, 31–32, 34, 53–54, 61–62
depression, 135
The Descent of Man (Darwin), 31–32
design principles. See core design principles
destructive relationships, 135–36
development, healthy, 117
Developmental Assets Profile (DAP), 116–17, 120, 123, 124, 127
deviance, 138
distinctive cognition, 52
E. coli (Escherichia coli), 25–26
eating disorders, 135
economic systems, 99, 100–101, 108–9
neoclassical, 100
ecosystems, biological, 111
efficacious groups, 137
egotistic instinct, 90
empathy, 135
environment. See also social environment
adaptation and, 78
altruistic action and, 70
challenges with, 144
response to, 123
symbolic relations and, 53
environmental factors, 52–53, 118, 120, 122–23, 124
equilibrium selection, 153n10
benefit-cost, 12
proportional, 65
ethics, 71
evolution, 17, 26, 28, 100, 148. See also cultural evolution; genetic evolution
adaptations and, 56, 78–79, 133–34
of altruism, 22, 34, 39, 42, 45
forces of, 79
foundational principles of, 19–20
functional organization and, 21–22, 45, 71–72
milk and, 64
of moral conduct, 32
of preference and abilities, 107
total population and, 40
Evolution Institute, 6, 94, 115–16, 127, 134, 147, 156n2
evolutionary algorithms, 55
evolutionary game theory, 32, 42–43, 45
evolutionary perspective, 88, 101, 148, 157n7
evolutionary processes, 55, 100
evolutionary research, 115
evolutionary theory, 5–6, 37, 43, 61, 131, 146–48
predictions and, 62
evolutionary transitions, 47–50, 73, 148
explanation, 69
exploitation, 33, 109–10, 113–14
field studies, 115
2008 financial crisis, 94, 104–5
fitness. See also inclusive fitness theory; relative fitness
design principles and, 67
of genes, 43
of individual, 23
Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt (Lewis), 109–12
free movement, 25
friendship, 83
functional organization, 145–46
cooperation and, 52
evolution and, 21–22, 45, 71–72
in groups, 9–11, 13, 16, 17, 27, 143, 147
in humans societies, 16, 51–52
law and, 139
at level of action, 61
molecular, 28
multilevel selection theory and, 71–72
in nonhuman societies, 13–14, 16
organisms and, 28
gene-culture coevolution, 56–57, 64–65
general equilibrium model, 97–98
genetic evolution, 19, 79, 120, 144
adaptive radiation in, 56
analogies for, 100
religion and, 79
genetic inheritance, 56–57, 145
genotype-phenotype relationship, 53
genotypic combinations, 53
Ghiselin, Michael, 33
givers, 130
good behavior, 89
goodwill, 95
Governing the Commons (Ostrom), 13
graduated sanctions, 65
greed, 95–97, 101, 104, 130. See also self-interest
Green, William Scott, 4, 82–87
group-level adaptation, 78
group-level functional organization. See functional organization
group-level selection, 35, 42–43, 71, 80, 152n4–152n5, 153n10
functional organization and, 48
major evolutionary transition and, 73
sex ratio and, 59
within/between, 26–28, 32, 38–39, 42, 48–49, 59, 73, 111
altruism in, 22–23, 27, 29, 141
benefit to, 137
efficacious, 137
fitness in, 20–21, 32, 38, 40, 66, 71–72
functional organization in, 9–11, 13, 16, 17, 27, 143, 147
harm to, 137
human social, 142
morality in, 31
selfish behavior in, 22–23, 27, 144
guilt, 135
Hayek, Friedrich von, 95, 100–102
heritable variation, 62
hierarchy. See multitier hierarchy
high functioning groups, 73–74
high-cost behaviors, 80
high-frequency trading, 109–10, 111–12
High-PRO. See PROSOCIAL scores historical process, 57, 63
Homo economicus, 97–101, 103, 105, 107, 113, 130
human nature, 111
human social groups, 142
human traits, 52
humans. See also Homo economicus; society
distinctive properties of, 47
preferences and abilities of, 99
hunter-gatherer societies, 76
Hutterites, 76, 80–81, 84, 86, 102
immorality. See morality impulse, 7, 138
inclusive fitness theory, 32, 43–45, 121, 152n4, 153n10
inheritance, 53–54, 56–57, 144, 145
insects. See water striders instinct, 90
intentional change, 128
internal assets, 117
invisible-hand metaphor, 96–97, 105–7, 108, 113, 114
John Templeton Foundation, 4–5, 75, 82–83
Judaism, 83
kin selection. See inclusive fitness theory
lactose. See milk
Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 54
law, 139
Lieberman, Jerry, 94
long-term sustainability, 66–67
low-cost behaviors, 80
lower-level selection, 50
Low-PRO. See PROSOCIAL scores
management, effective, 11–13, 147
Mandeville, Bernard, 96, 106, 114
market process, 113
mathematical techniques, 98–99
metabolic process, 144
metaphors, 96–97, 105–7, 108, 113, 114
methodological individualism, 51
The Methodology of Positive Economics (Friedman), 100
Miller, William, 87
money, 122
monkeys, rhesus, 15
Mont Pelerin Society, 100
moral choice, 112
moralistic punishment, 110
biological ecosystems and, 111
in groups, 31
human nature and, 111
in individuals, 31
of self-interest, 113
motives, 3
financial, 130
psychological, 104
self-interest as, 6
by worldviews, 104
multigroup population structure, 39
multilevel cultural evolution, 144–45
multilevel selection theory, 43–45, 47, 104, 137, 139, 149
functional organization and, 71–72
National Science Foundation’s National Evolutionary Synthesis Center (NESCent), 94
nation-level selfishness, 138–39
natural selection, 4, 9, 14–15, 144. See also relative fitness
evolutionary theory and, 71–72
functional organization and, 21–22
milk and, 64
organisms and, 106
scales of, 155n9
variation and, 22
navigation, 10
NESCent. See National Science Foundation’s National Evolutionary Synthesis Center
No Longer at Ease (Achebe), 138–39
nonhuman societies, 105
functional organization in, 13–14, 16
Nudge (Sunstein & Thaler), 99
obsessive-compulsive disorder, 135
opportunism, 33
functional organization and, 28
human society as, 28–29, 50, 72–73, 76, 105–6, 143, 144, 148
natural selection and, 106
responses of, 106
selection between, 43
Ostrom, Elinor, 11–13, 65, 68, 70, 124–26, 147–48
paradigms, 35–36, 37, 44, 51, 72
pathological altruism, 133, 135–36
perspectives, 36–37, 88, 101, 148, 157n7
phenotypic plasticity, 157n5
planning, 114
polycentric governance, 13, 147–48
positive reinforcement, 138
post traumatic stress disorder, 135
prey, 112
proportional equivalence, 65
PROSOCIAL scores, 118–19, 121, 134
High-PRO, 117, 120, 129, 130–31, 135
prosociality, 141
changes in, 124
evolutionary perspective, 157n7
financial capital and, 122
individual difference and, 137–38
money and, 122
quality of life and, 129
response to, 123
social capital and, 122
social environment and, 124, 130–31
society and, 129
protection, 70
Protestant. See Seventh-Day Adventism
proximate causation, 61–63, 68–69, 73, 86, 145, 148–49
proximate mechanism, 68–71, 73–74, 86, 113–14, 142
psychological altruism, 60, 151n3
psychological egoism, 60
psychological mechanism, 61, 65, 68–70
psychological universals, 145
punishment, 110
quality of life, 129
Rand, Ayn, 96, 101–4, 113, 129
Randian fundamentalism. See fundamentalism
Rand’s System of Thought, 103–4
rare events, 48
rational choice theory, 19
reasoning, 20
reciprocators, 130
regulatory mechanisms, 144, 146–47
altruism and, 29
behavior and, 80
group and, 20–21, 32, 40, 71–72
individuals and, 40
loss of information in, 42
multilevel selection theory and, 71–72
natural selection and, 19, 22, 71–72
relative reasoning, 20
religion, 4, 142–43. See also specific type
academic study of, 85
adaptations and, 80
altruism and, 79–80, 82, 83–84, 89, 91
behavior and, 80
challenges in explaining, 77
functional similarities of, 86
genetic and cultural evolution and, 79
violent conflicts and, 156n17
religion of humanity, 89–90, 91
reproductive strategies, 134
resource management, 11
revenge, 112
controversies in, 5
truth from, 35
Seeley, Tom, 14
selection. See also group-level selection
colony-level, 106
disruptive forms of, 48–49, 50
functional organization and, 28–29, 48
gene level, 43
among trait groups, 152n5
selective advantage, 41
self-interest, 6, 97, 100, 102, 146
enlightened, 133
individual, 113
morality of, 113
motivated by, 6
unrestrained, 107
selfish behavior, 81, 97, 102, 133, 142–43, 145
action based, 22
altruism and, 22–27, 32, 34–35, 38, 45, 61, 71–72
psychological mechanism and, 61, 65
selfish gene theory, 32–33, 43, 45
selfish systems, 91
self-organization, 101, 108–9, 146–47
Seventh-Day Adventism, 87–88, 102
sex ratio, 59
sin, 142
Smith, Adam, 95–97, 107–8, 114
social Darwinism, 148
altruism in, 116
changes in, 124
harsh, 134
social interaction, 10–11, 120
social organization, 10
society. See also nonhuman societies
adaptation and, 56
benefit to, 104
as collective unit, 105
functional organization in, 16, 51–52
mechanisms and, 113
as organism, concept of, 28–29, 50, 72–73, 76, 105–6, 143, 144, 148
prosociality and, 129
society-level selection, 106, 107, 113
sociopaths, 117
spatial distribution, 134
spontaneous mechanisms, 113–14
spousal abuse, 136
stock market, 112
stock trading. See high-frequency trading
structure, 114
struggle, for existence, 67
Sunstein, Cass, 99
superorganism, 9–10, 15, 48, 76
survival, 9
survival strategies, 134
symbolic relations, 53
symbolic thought, 53–54, 56, 73, 144, 154n15
takers, 130
Thaler, Richard, 99
theory. See hypothesis
thought, 65
altruism and, 8, 16–17, 60–62, 71, 73, 82, 91, 112, 143, 149
habit of, 7
symbolic, 53–54, 56, 73, 144, 154n15
traditional virtues, 102
The Tragedy of the Commons (Hardin), 11
trait group, 152n5
trial-by-error, 100
truth, 35
ultimate causation, 61–63, 68–69, 73, 86, 148–49
utopia, 8
value, 113
free movement and, 25
heritable, 62
natural selection and, 22
variation-and-selection process, 55–56
Veblen, Thorstein, 99
veil of ignorance, 155n11
victim, 136
water striders, 23–27, 29, 39, 44, 121
welfare, 3, 73–74, 95, 105, 113–14, 143
William, George, 59
harm and, 105
of Hutterites, 102
motivated by, 104
Wright, Jonathan, 97