10 Object-Oriented Programming


In this chapter you’ll:

  • Create custom classes and objects of those classes.

  • Understand the benefits of crafting valuable classes.

  • Control access to attributes.

  • Appreciate the value of object orientation.

  • Use Python special methods __repr__, __str__ and __format__ to get an object’s string representations.

  • Use Python special methods to overload (redefine) operators to use them with objects of new classes.

  • Inherit methods, properties and attributes from existing classes into new classes, then customize those classes.

  • Understand the inheritance notions of base classes (superclasses) and derived classes (subclasses).

  • Understand duck typing and polymorphism that enable “programming in the general.”

  • Understand class object from which all classes inherit fundamental capabilities.

  • Compare composition and inheritance.

  • Build test cases into docstrings and run these tests with doctest,

  • Understand namespaces and how they affect scope.