I love adding crunch and a bit of sweetness to my chia seed pudding in the mornings, and this granola is ideal for that! I sprinkle it on top to give my breakfast extra nutrition for a more energized day. It is also an amazing snack to take while traveling or on the go!

INGREDIENTS (6 Servings):

5 tablespoons extra-virgin coconut oil, divided

⅓ cup raw honey

1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice

3 cups gluten-free rolled oats

½ cup raw almonds

⅓ cup macadamia nuts

⅓ cup goji berries

½ cup unsweetened coconut flakes

1 tablespoon cacao powder

1 tablespoon maca powder


1.    Preheat the oven to 325°F.

2.    In a saucepan, combine 4 tablespoons of the coconut oil, the honey, cinnamon, and lemon juice, and bring to a boil over medium-high heat.

3.    Remove from the heat and place in a large bowl. Add the oats, almonds, and macadamias and stir thoroughly to combine.

4.    Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil, then grease the foil with the remaining 1 tablespoon coconut oil. Spread the granola on the sheet and bake for 35 minutes, stirring periodically.

5.    Remove the granola from the oven and place in a large bowl. Add the goji berries, coconut flakes, cacao powder, and maca powder and mix well. Store in an airtight container until ready to use.