Access Hollywood (entertainment news show), 98
AccuVote TS machines, 163, 164–65, 170
ads, campaign, 152–53, 204–205
African Americans
Birmingham, Alabama, and, 90
in Durham, North Carolina (2016 election), 167
first African American CIA operative, 90
Florida 2000 election and, 113, 167, 168–69
aktivniye meropriyatiya (“active measures”), 42
Alabama, 18, 160. See also Birmingham, Alabama
Alliance for Securing Democracy, 63, 135, 136, 137–39, 190
All the President's Men (film), 9–10
Americans, The (TV show), 39, 40, 42, 43, 46
American School of International Studies, 136
Amnesty International, 194
Andrews Air Force Base (Maryland), 81
Ansar al-Sharia (militant group), 99
Antifa (Far Left group), 140–42, 191
anti-immigrant rally, Twin Falls, Idaho, 146
anti-immigration projects, Joe Arpaio and, 193
anti-immigration protests, 191
APT28. See Fancy Bear (APT28, Russian cyber unit)
APT29. See Cozy Bear (APT29, Russian cyber unit)
Arizona, 114, 160, 177, 178, 191, 193–99, 202–205
Ashcroft, John, 121
Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections (CIA, FBI, NSA), 72–73, 149–53
asymmetrical warfare, 67, 68, 69
audits, postelection, 174
authoritarian populism, 106
Belan, Alexey, 131
Benghazi (2012), Hillary Clinton and, 72, 99
Berlin Wall, collapse of the, 62–63
Bharara, Preet, 44
Birmingham, Alabama, 18, 80, 81–82, 90–92
Black and Blue (Pegues), 110
Black Panthers (political organization), 145
Bogachev, Evgeniy, 131
Bradley, Ed, 34
Brady, Robert, 184
Breach (film), 51
Breitbart (news site), 143
Brennan, John, 80, 81–87, 89–92, 213
brush passes, 41
Burchik, Mikhail, 221
Burnham, Julia Kimani, 149
Buryakov, Evgeny (Zhenya), 43–45, 46, 47–48
Bush, Billy, 98
Bush, George W., 60, 107, 113, 121, 167–68, 220, 222
Bush, Jeb, 168
Carbon Black (firm), 51
Card, Andy, 121
Carlin, John, 44
CBS News Washington Bureau, 149
CBS This Morning (news show), 31
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), 127, 155, 185
Charlottesville, Virginia, Unite the Right Rally (2017), 140
Chinese intelligence, 85
Choate, Judd, 160
CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
declassified report and, 149, 150
first African American in, 90
knowledge of important global developments, 85–86
recruiting diversity into, 82, 90–91
civil rights movement, 82, 90, 145–46
Clapper, James, 21, 84, 97, 99, 207–11, 223–24
Clinton, Hillary
declassified report and, 151–53
deleted emails of, 32
email investigation and, 98, 99, 119–20
online posts attacking, 68
as a polarizing figure, 71
predicted as winner in 2016 election, 111, 150
reasons for dislike of, 72
reasons for supporting, in 2016 election, 71–72
Russian deep cover spy targeting, 40
Russian information warfare and, 69
states won by (2016), 111
Trump receiving information from Russia about, 27
use of private email server, 32–33
visits to Russia, Russia government collecting material about, 27
WikiLeaks of Podesta emails and, 97
Clinton Foundation, 72
Cold War–era spy techniques, 39, 40–41, 42, 45
Colorado, 160
Comey, James, 11
changing image of, during the 2016 election, 119, 120
Clinton email investigation, 98, 99, 119–20
investigation of Clinton's deleted emails, 33
investigation on firing of, 116
memos of interactions with Trump, 122
on “old and clunky” election system, 80
Russia investigation and, 121–22
Stellar Wind program and, 120–21
Connecticut, 160
Connor, Eugene “Bull,” 90
Cozy Bear (APT29, Russian cyber unit), 21, 28, 29, 35, 36, 37, 74, 183
Cronkite, Walter, 34
CrowdStrike (cybersecurity firm), 21, 25, 35–36, 68, 186
cyberattacks, 10
breached security systems (2017), 65
Brennan on need for protection from, 82–83, 86–87
disabling of Ukrainian power grid (2015), 65
on electrical/nuclear plant security systems (2017), 65
as an increasing challenge to US national security, 223–24
misinformation campaigns, 65–66
Ukrainian power grid (2015), 65
See also Russian cyberattacks; Russian cyberattacks (2016 election); Russian cyber espionage
CyberBerkut (hacking group), 70
“Cyber Cold War,” 65
cyber espionage
American, NSA operatives, 104
former FBI “ghost” (Eric O'Neill) on, 51–56
Putin's strategies, 63
unwritten codes of honor, 101
US cyber espionage, 101
See also Democratic National Committee (DNC) leaked emails; Russian cyber espionage
Cyber Response Group, 24, 26, 75
acknowledging need for, 184–85
after Illinois hacking (2016 election), 181–82
following hacking of Arizona voter databases, 197–99
United States creating a playbook for, 219–22
US response to Russian hacking, 128–29
Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (CTIIC), 75
internet trolls, 68, 132–33, 146–47, 185
malware, 36–37, 162, 167, 177, 186–87
saturation, 189
cyber warfare
covert and propaganda tactics, 66–67
definition, 65
growing threat from, 217
information warfare and, 68
Daily Mail (newspaper), 40
Daniel, Michael, 24, 25, 26, 70, 75, 76–79, 108, 227
dark web, the, 196
Database Technologies (organization), 168
data breach, Office of Personnel Management (OPM), 85
DCLeaks (website), 19, 25, 151
DDoS (distributed denial of service), 67, 187, 188
“Dead Doubles” (spy technique), 40
declassified report, 72–73, 123–24, 131, 149–53
“Deep Throat.” See Felt, Mark (“Deep Throat”)
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC), 36, 37
Democratic National Committee (DNC) leaked emails, 19, 20
CrowdStrike investigation, 35–36
determination of Russian involvement in, 36–37
distractions from awareness of, 56–57
former FBI “ghost” (Eric O'Neill) on, 55–56
knowledge about, 23–24, 33–34, 35
location of hackers, 37
malware for, 36
as phase one of Russian hacking, 74
protecting our democracy and, 136–37
Sequoia voting machines, 25–26
White House meeting following, 23–26
Democratic National Convention
in Chicago, Illinois (1968), 18
in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (2016), 17, 19
Department of Defense Law of War Manual, 221
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), 217
Arizona voter registration databases and, 197, 199, 203
Illinois voter registration database investigation and, 180
scanning service, 181
Wisconsin and, 159
working/communicating with states, 160, 161, 176, 178, 225–26
Department of Justice (DOJ), 44, 47, 121, 194
Detroit, Michigan, 166
DHS. See Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Diebold AccuVote TS. See AccuVote TS machines
digital forgeries, 191
direct recording electronic (DRE) voting machine, 163
disinformation, 190. See also misinformation (campaigns)
distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. See DDoS (distributed denial of service)
Dominick, Katie Ross, 149, 215
Donald Trump America, 153
dossier, on Trump-Russia alleged collusion, 27–29
and kompromat, 28
Dragonfly (hacking group), 65
DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass), 93–94
Dunlap, Charlie, 221
Dunlap, Matthew, 200
Durham, North Carolina, 166–67, 175
Dyn (company), 187
Eisenhower Executive Office Building, 23
Election Assistance Commission (EAC), 170
election-related cyber espionage, 24, 69–70. See also Democratic National Committee (DNC) leaked emails; Russian cyberattacks (2016 election)
election system
American confidence in, 162, 175
audits, postelection, 174
botnets and, 188
federal government's access to voter registration records, 196, 199–201
Help America Vote Act (HAVA, 2002), 170
paper records of votes, 173–74
prognosis/assessment of current, 172–73
security of, Illinois hacking (2016) and, 181–82
types of threats to, 174
upgrading equipment for, 175–76
US efforts at securing, 226–27
See also voting machines/booths
Election Valley of Death, 78, 80
electrical plants, cyberattack on security system of (2017), 65
Elliott, Josh, 20
Energetic Bear (hacking group), 65
cyber realm, 101
internet, before the, 39
US, for declassified report, 150
See also cyber espionage; Russian cyber espionage; spies (Russian)
Espionage Act, 61
“fake news” campaign (2007), 65–66
Facebook, 141, 146–47, 153, 157, 213
Fancy Bear (APT28, Russian cyber unit), 21, 25, 35, 36, 37, 65, 74, 183
Far Right news outlets, 142–43
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation)
declassified report and, 149, 150
DNC hack investigation, 20
Flynn and, 116
former surveillance operative (Eric O'Neill), 51–56
hacking of Arizona voter registration databases and, 196, 197, 203–204
Illinois voter registration database investigation and, 177, 180
investigation into Clinton's emails, 32–33, 98
Operation Ghost Stories, 40–42
preparing for future elections, 225
response to Russian involvement, 131
tactics for finding Russian spies, 46–48
See also Comey, James
Federal City of Bonn, Germany, 65
Federal Security Service (FSB), 44
Feinstein, Dianne, 153
Felt, Mark (“Deep Throat”), 10
Felten, Edward, 25–26, 78, 164–65, 170–75
Fields, James A., Jr., 140
First Amendment, 138
FiveThirtyEight (website), 93
hacking of voter registration records in, 166–67
hanging-chad incident (2000 election), 113, 162, 167–70
school shooting (2018), 132–33
vulnerable to Russian hackers, 160
Flynn, Michael, 116, 121–22, 208–10
forgeries, digital, 191
4Chan (website), 191
Fourth Amendment, 207
Freedom of Information Act (2011), 40
Freedom Tower (New York City), 95
Fusion GPS, 27
Gallup poll (2016), 162
Gates, Bob, 107
General Michael V. Hayden Boulevard (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania), 103
Georgia, 77, 163, 170, 171, 173, 175
Gonzalez, Alberto, 121
Gorbachev, Mikhail, 63
GRU (Glavnoye razvedyvatel'noye upravleniye, Russian intelligence), 37, 44
Guccifer 2.0 (online persona), 19, 24–25, 151
Guryeva, Lydia, 40
AccuVote TS voting machines, 164–65
Arizona voter databases, 196
“espionage” and, 53
Illinois voter registration databases, 75, 177–82
optical scanning machines and, 166
outdated voting machines and, 171
See also Democratic National Committee (DNC) leaked emails; Russia/Russian hacking
Halifax International Security forum (September 2017), 27–28
Hamilton 68 (web dashboard), 68, 139, 220
hanging-chad incident (2000), 113, 162, 167–70
Hayden, Michael, 101, 103–108, 127, 213, 221
Help America Vote Act (HAVA, 2002), 170
Heyer, Heather, 140
Holt, Lester, 122
House Appropriations Committee, 183, 184
House Intelligence Committee, 67
human intelligence. See espionage
Human Rights Watch, 61
HUMINT (human intelligence), 53, 54
Illinois voter registration databases, 75, 160, 177–82
information warfare, 24–25, 68. See also hacking; internet trolls; Russia/Russian hacking
intergenerational spying, 40–42
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, 70
espionage before, 39
voting machines and, 164–65, 181
See also cyberattacks; cyber espionage; hacking; social media
internet trolls, 68, 132–33, 146–47, 185
ITAR-TASS (Russian news service), 47
Jewish Defense League, 146
JFK International Airport (New York), 190
Americans, The, and, 39
cyber-espionage attacks rooted in techniques of, 145
on King, Martin Luther, Jr., 145
misinformation and propaganda by, 146
SVR and, 44
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 14, 145–46, 190
Kislyak, Sergey, 55, 116, 122, 208, 210, 211
Korobov, Igor, 131
Kremlin, the
cyberattacks on Estonia ordered by, 66
denying involvement in 2016 election, 221
Trump's relationship with, 27
Trump / Trump administration's ties to, 116, 117
See also Russia
Ku Klux Klan, 146
“Legends” (spy technique), 40
Leningrad State University, 62
Lewis, Jim, 127–29, 155–57, 185, 221
Liles, Sam, 161
Litvinenko, Alexander, 28
local election officials. See state and local election officials
local election systems, 179
local electoral boards, 153
Louisiana, 164
Maassen, Hans-Georg, 66
malware, 36–37, 162, 167, 177, 186–87
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School (Parkland, Florida), shooting at, 132–33
Marshall, Thurgood, 227
mayoral election (Odessa, Ukraine), 69–70
McCaskill, Claire, 226
McFaul, Michael, 73
media, US
botnet's use during an election and, 188
challenge of lack of faith in, 139
false rumors about Antifa, 141–42
focusing on cyber disruptions during 2016 election, 109–10
Hamilton 68 and, 139
laundered information brought into, 190
postelection higher level of journalism, 115–16
Russia hacking and alt-right/right-wing, 142–43
Medvedev, Dimitri, 73
memory cards, creating viruses in electronic, 165
Metsos, Chris, 41
Meyers, Adam, 35–37, 68, 69, 74, 111, 112, 186, 188
Miami University, 151
Microsoft antitrust lawsuit, 25
midterm elections (2018), 162, 175, 184, 225–26
Minnesota, 160
misinformation (campaigns), 25, 42, 65–66, 68–69, 145–46, 157, 190
Montgomery, Alabama, 18
Mother Jones (magazine), 97–98
Mueller, Robert, 121, 122, 123, 209–10, 221
Murphy, Richard, 41
Murrow, Edward R., 34
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People), 168
National Security Agency (NSA)
Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (CTIIC) and, 75
declassified report and, 149, 150
Joyce and, 214
leaking classified information from, 61
Stellar Wind program, 121
National Security Council (NSC), 26, 63, 75, 76, 77
NATO (North Atlantic Alliance), 65, 155, 156
Nazi resisters, 141
Netherlands, the, 66
New Jersey, 25, 41, 164, 170, 173
news media. See media, US
New York City
active shooter scare at JFK International Airport, 190
Manhattan Bridge banner of Putin in, 93–95
New York Stock Exchange, 47
New York University, 45
NFL (National Football League) protest, 103
North Atlantic Alliance. See NATO (North Atlantic Alliance)
North Atlantic Treaty (1940), 156
North Carolina, 69, 113, 164, 166–67, 174–75
North Vietnam, 62
NSA. See National Security Agency (NSA)
nuclear plants, cyberattack on security system of (2017), 65
Obama, Barack / Obama administration, 99, 108, 110
being called an Arab, 29
Brennan on, 86
as first African American president, 71–72
not pushing back, 108
Putin ignoring threats from, 110, 116
responding to Russian cyber attacks, 131–32, 160, 220–21
Russia investigation and, 149
sending Russians home, 48
undermined by Trump campaign during transition of power, 126
winning Ohio, 112
Office of Personal Management (OPM), 85
Operation Ghost Stories, 40–41
optical scanning machines, 165–67
Ordinary Spy, An (Weisberg), 39
Page, Carter, 45
Palm Beach County, Florida, 168
paper records of votes, 173–74
Patricof, Alan, 40
Pegues, Louise, 90
Pelley, Scott, 34
Pennsylvania, 113, 114, 160, 166
phishing, 55, 67, 97, 100, 191–92, 196–97
Phoenix Public Library, 203
PIPA (Personal Information Protection Act), 180
Pittsburgh Steelers (NFL team), 103
playbook, United States having a, 63–64, 219–22
police brutality, 110
Poole, Cecil D., 90
Power, Linda, 31–32, 33, 85, 97, 98–101, 113–14, 117, 125–26, 248n6
“Pred feeds,” 13
Presidential Advisory Commission on Electoral Integrity, 196, 199–201, 202
presidential election (2000), 162, 167–70
presidential election (2016)
Access Hollywood tape (“Pussygate”), 97–98
announcement of election results, 111–12
author's focus on cyber realm of, 110, 111, 112–13
Brennan on Russia's threat in, 84–86, 91, 92
Clinton in, reasons for voting for, 71–72
Clinton projected as winner in, 93, 111, 150
covert influence of Russia propaganda, 11
Durham, North Carolina, and, 166–67, 175–76
government's formal disaster plan for, 109
hampering of voting booths for, 171–72
Hayden on issues faced by new president, 105–106
Hayden on Russian influence in, 106–107
Manhattan Bridge banner of Putin and, 93–95
optical scanning machines and, 166–67
public knowledge of Russian threat, 83
Trump winning, 113–14, 119, 159–60
undermining our free election system, 110–11
See also Democratic National Committee (DNC) leaked emails; Russian cyberattacks (2016 election); Russia-Trump potential collusion
presidential election (2020), 162, 220, 225
Prokopenko, Valeria, 69
propaganda, 10–11, 66–67, 95, 145–47, 191
author's personal experiences with, 18
Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois (1968), 18
Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio (2016), 17–19
Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia (2017), 140
proxy networks, 139
punch-card ballots, 167
Putin, Vladimir, 10
Clinton, Hillary
Putin responsible for Clinton bashing, 72–74
Putin's hatred of, 26
cyber strategies of, 63
early life, 62
ego of, 60
human rights violations, 61–62
intimidating political adversaries, 60
Manhattan Bridge banner of, 93–95
McCain on, 29
offshore tax haven, 70
photograph with Flynn, 117
physical prowess of, 59
reasons for authorizing cyberattack (2016), 155
Snowden and, 61
terms in office, 61
Trump's connection/relationship with, 27
Trump's remarks on the campaign trail about, 32
using First Amendment against United States, 138–39
US response to hacking and, 128
Quicken Loans Arena (Cleveland, Ohio), 18
Reagan, Ronald, 42
reconnaissance, after Illinois hacking (2016), 178–80
Reddit (website), 141, 187, 191
Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio (2016), 17–19
Rice, Condoleezza, 90
Robert E. Lee statue, Emancipation Park, 140
Rogers, Mike, 226
Roldugin, Sergei, 70
Rosenberger, Laura, 63, 135–44, 190–91, 219–20
RT (Russian news channel), 141–42, 152, 156, 191
Rubio, Marco, 138
Brennan on threat from, 84–86, 91, 92
Cold War and, 62
cyber confrontation with, 128–29
elections (2011), 73
Flynn's connections with, 116–17
influence after February 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Florida, 132–33
lack of limits on presidential power in, 223
misinformation campaigns by, 42, 65–66
Reagan's reelection and, 42
“Russian reset” program, 73
Trump's ties to, 105
understanding political culture of, 63–64
See also Putin, Vladimir; USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
Russia investigation
as a domestic crisis, 10
House Intelligence Committee memo and, 67–68
information leaked out during, 125–26
Mueller building his case for, 123
release of classified information, 123–24
Watergate, parallels to, 9
See also Russia-Trump potential collusion
Russian bots, 67–68, 139, 157, 188–89. See also internet trolls
Russian cyberattacks
Clapper on influence of, 210
covert nature of, 10–11, 66–67
distractions from, before 2016 election, 56–57
information warfare during elections, 68–70
threat to US free election system, 83
Ukrainian cyberattack (2015) and, 65
US defense lagging behind, 87
US officials’ knowledge about, 35
See also Russia/Russian hacking
Russian cyberattacks (2016 election), 14
alteration of votes / voter registrations, 159, 160
American understanding/knowledge about, 143–44
creating a bad image of Western democracy, 156–57
declassified report on, 72–73, 149–50, 149–53
election security upgrades and, 184
hacking of voter registration databases, 75–76
number of states targeted, 161
Obama administration vs. Trump campaign and, 126
public statement by US officials on, 97, 98
Putin's reasons for authorizing, 155
Russia's goals in, 150
spreading division around topics, 157
unresolved questions on extent of, 225
US government preparation for, 109–10
See also Democratic National Committee (DNC) leaked emails; Russia/Russian hacking
Russian cyber espionage
Americans, The, on, 39
FBI's Operation Ghost Stories, 40–42
KGB and Soviet government techniques, rooted in, 145
understanding the scale of the problem, 137
US government's announcement of (October 2016), 97, 98
See also spies (Russian)
Russian External Intelligence Service. See SVR (Russian External Intelligence Service)
Russian operatives
in Americans, The, 39
modern-day cyber espionage, 43–46
in the 1960s, 14
propaganda, 95
renowned for compromising people, 33
See also spies (Russian)
Russia/Russian hacking
aimed at US military, 127
alt-right/right-wing media and, 142–43
Antifa, false rumors on, 141–42
Arizona secretary of state administrator, 191, 196–97
Arizona voter databases, 196–99, 202–205
Cyber Threat Intelligence Integration Center (CTIIC) report, 75
election cybersecurity for state and local government, 77–80
federal vs. state US government division and, 76, 77, 80
in Germany, 66
Illinois voter registration databases, 177–82
New York City glass tower condominiums and, 94
as a political action, 156
swiftness of, 127
targeting NATO countries, 156
threats of, to elections, 174–75
United States pushing back, 108
voter registration databases, 75–76
WikiLeaks of Podesta emails, 97
worst-case scenario for, 227
See also Democratic National Committee (DNC) leaked emails; Russian cyberattacks (2016 election)
Russia-Trump potential collusion, 116
author's sources talking about, 15
Clapper and, 208
deceptive practices by spies and, 45
electronic intercepts as evidence of, 126
news reporting and gathering information on, 100–101
suspicions about (October 2016), 93
Trump's meeting in Oval Office with Russian officials, 210–11
Trump's response to, 161
Trump's traitors and, 100
See also Russia investigation
Salt (film), 43
San Bernardino, California, terrorist attack, 57
saturation, 189
Saturday Night Live (TV show), 71, 98
scareware, 186
Schieffer, Bob, 34
secretaries of state, Commission on Electoral Integrity and, 196, 199–201
Secured Borders (Russian hacker group), 146
Secure Digital Music Initiative (forum), 25
See the Money (website), 202
Senate Intelligence Committee, 188–89, 207
Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, 224
September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, 135–36, 137
Sequoia voting machines, 25–26
Simpson, Glenn, 27
Sixteenth Street Baptist Church (Birmingham, Alabama), 90
social media
laundering information through, 190–91
rumors on Antifa on, 141
Russian bots spreading misinformation on, 157, 188–89
Russian hackers using, 14, 68, 69
Russians sowing divisions in United States via, 132–33, 157
Russians targeting ads on, 153
saturation and, 189
South Africa, 46
South Carolina, 164
South Vietnam, 62
Soviet Union. See USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)
spies (Russian)
Buryakov, Evgeny (Zhenya), 43–45
on economic sanction on United States, 47–48
FBI tactics for finding, 46–47
Murphy, Cynthia (Lydia Guryeva), 40
Murphy, Richard, 41
New York Stock Exchange and, 47
Podobnyy, Victor, 45
Sporyshev, Igor, 45
using classic Cold War–era techniques, 40–41, 45
Sputnik (media organization), 138, 143
spyware, 186
Stahl, Leslie, 34
state and local election officials, 167, 176, 225, 226
state and local electoral boards, 153
state elections, 170
Department of Homeland Security working/communicating with, 160, 161, 176, 178, 225–26
election security upgrades, 183–84
told of Russian cyberattacks by federal authorities, 108, 226
Stein, Jill, 167
Stellar Wind (surveillance program), 121
Stevens, Chris, 99
Stop All Invaders (group), 189
Süddeutsche Zeitung (newspaper), 70
SVR (Russian External Intelligence Service), 41, 44, 46
Symantec (software company), 65
Tent City (Arizona outdoor jail), 193–94
Thompson, Bennie, 184
tradecraft, 14, 39–40. See also spies (Russian)
Trojan horses, 186
trolls. See internet trolls
Trukhanov, Gennadiy, 69
Trump, Donald
Access Hollywood tape, 98
American self-interest, 106
appeal of, in 2016 election, 150–51
Clinton, verbal attacks on, 71
on Clinton's deleted emails, 32
Comey and, 122
Commission on Electoral Integrity and, 200
declassified report on Russia's support for, 151–52
dossier and, 28
ego of, 60
Hayden on, 105
investigation on business dealings in Russia, 27
meeting with Russian officials in the Oval Office, 210–11
online posts promoting, 68
pardon of Arpaio by, 194
remarks about Putin on the campaign trail by, 32
Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio (2016), 18
response to Russian intrusions, 132, 160–61
response to Unite the Right Rally (2017), 140
states won by (2016), 111–12, 113
See also Russia-Trump potential collusion
Twin Falls, Idaho, rally (2016), 146
Twitter, 14, 19, 139, 141, 146, 157, 204, 213
UCE-1 (Undercover Employee One), 46
Ukraine, 61, 63, 65, 66, 69–70, 144, 190, 203
United States
authoritarian populism and, 106
being good at telling the truth, 157
Cold War and, 62
goals of the Russians and, 76–77
laundering in, 191
military computers, hacking of, 127–28
modern-day Russian spies/operatives in, 43–49
national security threats to, 223–24
responding to Russian hacking, 226
role of new American president, 105–106
Russian hackers deepening divisions in, 67–69
Unite the Right Rally. See Charlottesville, Virginia, Unite the Right Rally (2017)
US Commission on Civil Rights, 167, 169
U.S. Presidential Election: Republican Candidate Donald Trump's Activities in Russia and Compromising Relationship with the Kremlin (Steele). See dossier, on Trump-Russia alleged collusion
USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), 44, 62, 63, 145–47
Utah, 113
“Value of Science Is in the Foresight: New Challenges Demand Rethinking the Forms and Methods of Carrying out Combat Operations, The” (Gerasimov), 66
VEB (Vnesheconombank, Russian Bank), 44, 46, 48
Vice (magazine), 191
viruses, computer/voting machine, 165, 186
Vnesheconombank. See VEB (Vnesheconombank, Russian Bank)
Votamic-style punch-card ballots, 167
vote count, Russia damaging the, 156
voter databases, hacking of, 75–80, 153, 174, 177, 183, 225
voter registration rolls, Commission on Electoral Integrity and, 196
voter-verified paper records, 173–74
voting machines/booths
AccuVote TS, 163, 164–65, 170–71
Felten on likelihood of hacking, 25–26
hampering of, in 2016 election, 171–72
paper backup for, 175
problems with direct recording electronic (DRE), 163–64
reasons for outmoded and unchecked, 170–71
Votamic-style punch-card ballots, 167
Voting Rights Act (1965), 76, 169
Ware, Omego, 90
Washington (state), 160
Washington Post (newspaper), 20, 24, 34, 97–98, 211, 221–22
Weisberg, Joe, 39
White House, meetings following the DNC leaks in, 23–26
white supremacists, 140
declassified report on, 151
DNC leaked emails, 19–20, 24, 34, 56
Russian misinformation campaign, 68–69
as a spy agency, 56
“Woke Blacks,” 68
World Trade Center attack, 135
Worldwide Threat Assessment, 223
worms, 186
Wray, Christopher, 226
Yeltsin, Boris, 63
Zhenya. See Buryakov, Evgeny (Zhenya)