Aberdeen, on Mary’s journey, 156, 157, 158
Act Against the Makers and Setters Up of Placards and Bills, 314
Act Concerning Religion, 313, 315
Act for the Queen’s Safety, 461–62, 463
and Mary’s trial, 472
Aesop’s fables, in Mary’s reading, 70
Agent provocateur, 466n
Cecil’s use of, 254–56
Ainslie’s Tavern Bond, 314–15, 316, 320–21
and marriage contract, 320–21
and Bothwell in battle with Confederate Lords, 332
in Bothwell’s memoirs, 365
and marriage contract found with Casket Letters, 388
Alba, Duke of, 200, 227, 446, 450
Albany, Duke of, Darnley becomes, 206
Alloa, Mary on holiday in, 259, 377
Almond Bridge, 316, 317, 320, 348, 405, 412, 413
Ambrogini, Angelo, 72
Amyot, Jacques, 69
Andrews, Sir Thomas (sheriff of Northamptonshire), 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 487
Ane Ballat (a ballad), 377
Anet château, 100
Angel Mary (perfumer), 426
Anglo-French entente, 452
Angus, Earl of, 29, 124, 201, 334
Anjou, Henry Duke of, 188, 189
Anthony of Navarre, 155
Antoinette of Bourbon, 13, 18, 21, 42, 43, 46, 48, 60–62, 87, 89, 438
Archbishop of Paris, and Mary’s wedding, 82, 84
Archbishop of Rheims, Charles of Guise as, 97
Archbishop of St. Andrews, 369, 414
Argyll, Bishop of, 285
Argyll, Earl of (Archibald Campbell elder), 25
Argyll, Earl of (Archibald Campbell younger, son of Archibald), 104, 157, 243
and Mary’s Mass location, 137
on Privy Council, 138
in Mary’s charade with Randolph, 179
in parley on Mary’s search for dynastic marriage, 182
on Lennox, 191
in factional realignment, 199
refuses to attend wedding banquet, 208
estranged wife of (at scene of Rizzio assassination), 239
as guard for Mary, 256
and regency in Mary’s will, 257
as beneficiary in Mary’s will, 258
with Mary on Justice Ayre tour, 262
and Darnley assassination conspiracy, 271, 278, 283
with Mary on previous evening, 285
in Buchanan’s dossier, 381
in lineup of lords, 305
with Mary on travels, 306
after Darnley assassination, 307
and Bothwell in Parliament, 313
rewarded by Bothwell, 313
as audience for Mary’s desire to be rid of Darnley (Buchanan dossier), 379
and Maitland, 492
Aristotle, in Mary’s education, 68
Arran, Earl of (James Hamilton elder; later Duke of Châtelherault), 19, 21
and James V’s will, 18–19
in negotiation for treaty with Henry VIII, 20
and Henry VIII’s demands, 23
and treaty of Greenwich, 24
in Mary’s coronation, 25
vs. Somerset (Pinkie campaign), 37–38
comes to terms with Henry II, 38
plan for dismissal of, 58
and Mary’s return to Scotland, 116
See also Châtelherault, Duke of
Arran, Earl of (James Hamilton younger, son of James), 105, 116, 117, 122, 133, 135, 212–13, 214, 324, 346
Arschot, Duchess of, 174
Art of Rhetoric, The (Wilson), 453
Assassination of Darnley. See Darnley assassination
Aston, Sir Walter, 469
Athalia (queen of Israel)
Knox sees as overthrow precedent, 135
Atholl, Earl of (John Stuart elder), 15
Atholl, Earl of (John Stuart younger, son of John), 121, 158, 165
Lennox gifts for, 191
as Lennox supporter, 199
as trusted adviser of Mary, 221
at Mass with Mary and Darnley, 230
and Rizzio assassination plot, 242
at reconciliation ceremony, 249
in Mary’s will, 258
with Mary on Justice Ayre tour, 262
and Argyll, 305
after Darnley assassination, 307
and soldiers’ insults toward Mary, 337
l’Aubépine, Guillaume de. See Châteauneuf, Baron de
Babington, Anthony, 463, 466, 467–68, 469, 474, 475–76
Bacon, Sir Nicholas, 418
Bagpipes, 188
Balfour, Gilbert, 360
Balfour, Sir James, 227
and Rizzio assassination plot, 241
as messenger to rebels, 249
as governor of Edinburgh castle, 307
and Bothwell’s acquittal, 313
switches support to Confederate Lords, 329–30
Balfour, Robert, 281–82
Ballard, John, 466
Banff, Bothwell flees to, 359
of Mary Queen of Scots, 16
of Prince James, 272–74
Bayonne meeting of Spanish and French ruling families, 227, 272, 298
Beale, Robert, 5, 456, 459, 481, 483
Beaton, Cardinal David, 18–19, 22, 25, 26, 32
with Mary of Guise, 24
Mary as guest of, 29
exoneration of, 30
and English invasion of Scotland, 31
as Henry VIII assassination target, 31
and regency, 32
Beaton, Mary, 41, 42, 199–200, 208, 217. See also Four Maries
Beaufort, Margaret, 490
Beaugué, Jean de, 39
Mary’s reprimand to, 120
on Darnley’s failure to come to Mary, 245
on Darnley’s jealousy, 259
reports of, 270
and pardons for Rizzio plotters, 275
Throckmorton to on mission to Mary in prison, 352
Belon, Pierre, 436
Berwick, treaty of, 106
Berwick meeting of English and Scottish commissioners, 188, 192, 195
Bess of Hardwick, 428–29, 434, 435, 440–41
Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris
Mary’s Latin compositions in, 70
Castelnau’s report in, 224
Bothwell letter in, 362
Bill of attainder, Cecil wants Parliament to pass against Mary, 454
Bill of exclusion against Mary, 455–56
Bishop of Orkney (Adam Bothwell), 321
Bishop of Ross (John Lesley), 120–21, 227, 447
Bloodletting, 390
Bocosel, Pierre de, Seigneur de Chastelard, 171, 303
Bolton Castle, 427
Bond, 24n
Bond of Association, 460–462, 471
Book of the Courtier (Castiglione), 68
Border Papers, 519
Borthwick, Lord, 105
Bothwell, Adam, Bishop of Orkney, 321
in flotilla accompanying Mary on return to Scotland, 213
adventures of prior to recall (early 1560s), 214–16
suggested as near sibling of Mary, 218
trial and escape of, 219
refuses Darnley’s invitation to Mass, 229
at reconciliation ceremony, 249
given captaincy of Dunbar, 249
political recovery of, 253
and regency in Mary’s will, 257
as beneficiary in Mary’s will, 258–59
aiding Mary in Justice Ayre, 262
and Darnley, 264
and lords’ plan for Mary’s divorce, 271
and pardon of Rizzio plotters, 275
and Darnley assassination plot, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280–81, 283, 296–97
and Moray (Stuart) as ally, 282
with Mary on previous evening, 285
denounced as Darnley’s murderer, 291–92
and Ker, 293
in Elizabeth’s letter to Mary, 299–300
and allegations of Mary’s involvement, 301
and Bothwell’s ambitions, 303
in Mary’s justifying account, 344–45
Buchanan’s dossier on, 379–81
after Darnley assassination, 306, 307
Prince James put in care of, 306
with Mary on travels, 306
seizes control of military power, 307
considers marriage to Mary, 308
and pornographic placard, 309–10
and Mary’s feelings, 311
assumes dominance over Mary, 315
in Mary’s downward spiral, 323
trial of for Darnley’s murder, 310, 312–13
Lennox files accusation, 308
Privy Council arrangements for, 309
and letter from Elizabeth, 311–12
Confederate Lords’ masque of, 320
dominates Parliament, 313–14
and Ainslie’s Tavern Bond in support of marriage to Mary, 314–15
and soldiers’ mutiny, 315
Mary pardons and raises in peerage, 320
marriage to Mary, 320–22, 498–99
vs. protests of minister Craig, 319–20
and Bothwell’s jealousy, 324
belated celebration of, 325
Mary pregnant by, 336
pregnancy miscarried, 350
in Bothwell’s memoirs, 365
application to pope to annul, 448
lords’ resistance to kingly behavior of, 326–27
Confederate Lords gathering forces against, 327
Confederate Lords’ grievances against, 329
supposed deathbed confession of, 368–71
death of, 371
remains of, 371–72
lords’ accusations of moral turpitude against, 373–74
marriage contract signed with Mary, 388
and English Parliament’s debate on Mary, 479
as Scottish nationalist, 494
Bothwell, Earl of (Patrick Hepburn), 28–29, 31, 105, 211, 218, 308, 360
Bourdeille, Pierre de (Abbé de Brantôme), 71, 73, 129, 130
Bourgoing, Dominique, 469, 470, 473, 478, 485, 486, 487
Boyd, Lord, 104
Brazil, and French imperial designs, 50
Brézé, Sieur de (Artus de Maillé), 40, 41, 43, 48
Brienne, Count of, 273
British Library, Cecil’s working papers in, 270
Brosse, Jacques de la, 29–30, 118
Bruce, Marjorie, 15
and Mary’s masques, 147
and Mary’s verse, 152
and Kirkcaldy, 334
and Confederate Lords
as author of lords’ dossier on Mary, 374, 375–83, 402–3, 453–54, 455, 490, 527–28
Paris interrogated by, 397
and history of Mary, 490
Camden’s criticism of, 490–91
and Moray’s funeral, 492
as official historian, 499
Budé, Guillaume, 69
“Bull” (headsman of Tower of London), 4, 6
Burghley, Lord, Cecil as, 494
Buxton spa, 434
French recapture of, 66
in peace of Cateau-Cambrésis, 94
Wars of Religion as opportunity to recover, 156
Calder, Captain (killer of Earl of Lennox), 493
Calvin, on female monarchy, 170
Camden, William, 490–91
Carberry Hill, 331–32, 356, 359
Cardinal-Archbishop of Rouen, 84
Cardinal of Lorraine (Charles), 17, 54, 89
in military campaign in Scotland, 38
on Mary’s development, 57
as Mary’s guest, 60
out of town during quarrel, 62
and Parois, 63
constable’s nephew put in irons by, 66
letters to, 70
Mary as English queen advertised by, 92
and pope’s ruling on Elizabeth, 93
in palace revolution, 99–100
suppressing of Scottish Protestants urged by, 102
and Francis’s illness, 114
and Mary’s decision on treaty of Edinburgh, 119
as Mary’s mentor, 171
on Darnley, 191
and Mary’s private letters, 196
and Bothwell on Mary, 219
sends ambassador to Darnley’s investiture, 229
and Darnley assassination case, 298
and Rizzio plot (Mary’s justifying account), 347
as Mary’s model in writing Philip II, 422
Mary’s request for pets from, 436
Mary writes to from captivity, 437
decline of, 438
on value of discretion, 452
and Mary’s naiveté, 498
Carlisle, Mary imprisoned in, 357, 358
Carswell, John, 285
Carwood, Margaret, 257, 258, 305, 410
Casket Letters, 258, 384–85, 389–404, 405–16
handwritten transcripts of, 11
in Buchanan’s dossier, 382
questions on, 383
disappearance of originals, 386
impact of, 386–87
and handwriting test, 407
English public unaware of, 424
and Mary’s need for sympathy, 427
and Maitland-Moray quarrel, 492
Cassillis, Earl of, 121
Darnley quizzes about Bayonne meeting, 227
feuds eased by, 253
Mary-Darnley reconciliation as aim of, 259
replaced, 261
requests dogs from Mary in captivity, 437
warns Mary of gossip at court, 440
works with Mary toward Scotland-France alliance, 457
Mary instructs on addressing James, 462–63
blackmailing of, 463
discredited and replaced, 464
ciphers of, 465
Castiglione, Baldassare, 68
Castres, Madame de, 70
Cateau-Cambrésis, treaty of, 94, 95, 100, 103, 156, 227
and treaty of Edinburgh, 108
Catherine of Aragon, 20, 51, 93
and Fotheringhay Castle, 1
tomb of, 489
Catherine de Medici, 43–44
and Guise family, 54
and household arrangements, 57
breeches for women introduced by, 76
and Mary Queen of Scots, 100, 115
Mary’s education overseen by, 69
and Mary’s declamation, 71
and Mary’s embroidery, 75
portraits commissioned by, 77
at Mary’s wedding, 83
as spokeswoman for Mary, 110
on Mary’s match with Darnley, 200–201
Darnley’s letters to, 253
Privy Council letter to on Darnley’s wish to leave Mary, 262
du Croc’s report to, 325
Mary rejected by, 480
and treaty of Upsettlington, 95
coronation of, 98–99
at Francis II’s coronation, 99
as Queen Mother instead of Dowager Queen, 100
appeals to Philip II as mediator, 107
and Mary of Guise’s misfortunes, 108
and treaty of Edinburgh, 108
sexual obligations of, 113
and Francis II’s illness, 114
as regent for Charles IX, 115
and Philip II, 117–18
and Elizabeth I (rapprochement), 118
and movement of court, 119
coach for, 145
peace policy of, 188
Bothwell’s “confession” sent to, 369
and Paulet, 443
Cecil’s message to, 452
Castelnau urges alliance with Scotland on, 457
Catholic Church and Catholicism
and lecture at Mary’s execution, 5
and Mary’s convictions, 6
and naming of Mary, 16
Guise family influential in, 17
and succession to English throne, 51
Guise family stance(s) toward, 56
Guise-incited attempts to promote in Scotland, 102
attacks on (Scotland)
from Knox’s influence, 104–5
in Mary’s entrée royale pageants, 132
at Mary’s chapel, 134
and memorial Masses for Francis, 143
against priest celebrating Mass in Mary’s chapel, 179
against Catholic priest in Edinburgh, 210
situation of in Scotland, 133
in England, 164
and Randolph’s suggestion that Mary convert, 206
and Darnley’s ambitions, 226
as support for Mary’s dynastic claim, 233–34
and plot against Mary and Rizzio, 235
Mary’s failure to uphold (Mondovi), 298–99
lenience of about marriage (Scotland), 308
Mary professes devotion to (1567), 315
Bothwell’s measures against, 327
Mary’s turn toward as English prisoner, 423
and Catholic priest disguised as household staff member, 425
Philip II’s ambitions as threat from, 441
and English lords’ plans, 446–47
and Norfolk’s plan to marry Mary, 448
in Mary’s letter to supporters, 452
Beale’s campaign against, 456
Mary’s protestations of loyalty to as arrested, 470
and nursery rhyme, 499
Catholic League
and Catholics vs. Huguenots, 56
vs. Huguenots in France, 441
French, 457–58
and Mary Queen of Scots, 10, 112, 276, 300–301, 352, 482, 494
and verse on heraldic arms, 93
report to on Mary’s illness, 95
and poverty of Scots, 130
and Randolph’s confidence, 161
Act of Exclusion planned, 161
and Maitland’s suggestion for meeting between Mary and Elizabeth, 182
recognition of Darnley refused by, 208
on Mary’s preparation for war, 211
and pardon of Rizzio plotters tied to reconciliation of queens, 275–76
Mary’s conciliatory note to, 288
and abduction by Bothwell, 317
Mary’s pregnancy reported to, 336
drawing of Mary’s surrender sent to, 337
and policy toward Mary while imprisoned in Scotland, 351–52, 353
and policy toward Mary in England, 357–58
Cecil fearful of escape attempt, 427
and Mary’s request for spa, 434
and Mary’s gossip about Elizabeth, 440
and public proclamation of Mary’s death sentence, 479
and parliamentary petition, 479
and Cecil’s script for subordination, 494–95
and support for Protestants, 103
and Philip II, 118
and Earl of Bedford, 119
Lord James’s briefing of, 122–23
on duties of neighboring rulers, 159
on women rulers, 163
Elizabeth’s note to, 194
and Throckmorton, 194
and Elizabeth’s refusal of settlement, 198
on Darnley’s candidacy, 195
Bothwell carries Mary’s letters to, 217
Bothwell threatens to kill, 219
sees Scotland as satellite state, 223
and Yaxley, 228
agent provocateur used by, 254–56
Bedford’s reports to, 259
informed of Bothwell’s injury, 262
storage of papers of, 270
and Morton, 276
informed of accusations against Bothwell, 300
and Bothwell trial, 311
and Ainslie’s Tavern Bond, 314–15
on Scotland’s woes, 323
Bothwell letter to, 327
Clark as spy of, 368
and conservative English nobles, 376
and Casket Letters, 383, 385, 386, 387, 391, 400, 403–4, 407, 408, 409–10, 414–15, 420, 422
and Paris’s confession, 397
and Moray as regent, 424
Shrewsbury’s opinions of, 428
Shrewsbury reports to on Mary’s illness, 432
and Walsingham, 437
and Philip II’s designs, 441
and Mary’s appeal to Philip II, 444
de Spes on, 446
English lords wish to overthrow, 447
and pope’s decree against Elizabeth, 450
visits Mary at Chatsworth, 453
and parliamentary debate about Mary, 454–56
succession procedure proposed by, 461
warns Elizabeth about safety, 470
inner caucus of, 471
in pretense of new plot to kill Elizabeth, 480
private and public duties of, 476
Camden’s knowledge of papers of, 491
and Moray on accusations against Mary, 491
and Morton, 492
Knox letter to, 493
death of, 494
epitaph of, 494
Cellini, Benvenuto, 67
Chalmers, David, 227–28, 291–92
Chambord château, 130
Charles, Archduke of Austria, 168–69, 174, 175, 216
Cecil urges as husband for Elizabeth, 266
Charles, Cardinal of Lorraine. See Cardinal of Lorraine
Charles, Duke of Lorraine, 83, 92
Charles V (king of Spain), 19, 31, 33, 56, 57–58, 93
Charles IX (king of France), 115
and Catherine de Medici, 155
Castelnau sent by, 224
and Darnley, 226
at Bayonne meeting, 227
advises Mary to pardon Moray, 232
Darnley’s letters to, 253
representative of at Prince James’s baptism, 273
ultimatum from on Darnley murder case, 298
in secret pact with lords over Mary’s future, 338
Bothwell appeals to, 362
and Mary in captivity, 433–34
succeeded by Henry III, 437
Chartley manor house, 444, 465, 470
Chase-about Raid, 220
and Castelnau, 252
all-or-nothing approach in, 304
and mustering of entire army, 328
and Rizzio plotters, 362
Chastelard, Seigneur de (Pierre de Bocosel) 171, 303
Châteauneuf, Baron de (Guillaume de l’Aubépine), 464, 465–66
Châtelherault, duchy of, 38
Châtelherault, Duke of (title assumed by Earl of Arran), 58, 90
in revolt of lords, 105
Mary’s suspicions toward, 116
Mary’s entrée boycotted by, 133
on Privy Council, 138
in factional realignment, 199
threatened by Darnley, 202–3
refuses to attend wedding banquet, 208
Mary seizes stronghold of, 215
and Lord Gordon, 220
apologizes for role in rebellion, 223
as heir apparent, 240
in voluntary exile, 305
in Mary’s account, 346
imprisoned by Moray, 491–92
See also Arran, Earl of
Châtillon, Gaspard de, Admiral Coligny, 155
Chatsworth, Mary at, 429, 440, 453
Chaumont, 100
and Linlithgow, 13
Childbirth, in sixteenth century, 256
Chisholm, William, Bishop of Dunblane, 342, 345, 350
Cicero, in Mary’s education, 68, 70
used for Mary’s communications, 78, 450, 465
seized by Walsingham, 470
and Mary’s defense in trial, 475
and Enterprise of England plot, 450
Civil war, and fear over marriage to Darnley, 204, 208–9
Claude, Duke of Guise (grandfather of Mary). See Guise, Duke of (Claude, father of Francis)
Claude, Princess, 43, 57, 92, 99
Clement VII (pope), 44
Clernault, Monsieur de, 289, 291, 298
Cockburn, Captain, Laird of Ormiston, 212, 218
Cockburn, James, Laird of Skirling, 307, 311, 320
Coding of Mary’s letters, 78. See also Ciphers
relation of Mary to Darnley shown on, 231
influx of fake foreign coins, 326
Coligny, Gaspard de Châtillon, 155
Condé, Prince of, 83, 85, 155, 156, 174
Confederate Lords, 319, 320, 322
Mary’s reaction to, 326
Maitland overtures to, 326
in revolt against Bothwell and Mary, 328
mustering of troops by Mary, 327
Bothwell and Mary at Borthwick Castle, 328–29
declaration of grievances issued by, 329
Edinburgh captured, 329–30
Mary escapes to Dunbar, 330
troops mustered on both sides, 330–31
confrontation at Carberry Hill, 331–32
single combat with Bothwell negotiated, 332–35
Mary surrenders herself, 335–38
lords’ deception and secret pact with France, 338
imprisonment of Mary, 338–39
in Bothwell’s memoirs, 365–66
and Buchanan, 374
and conservative English nobles, 376
Bothwell outlawed by, 359
Bothwell against propaganda of, 362
in attempt to extradite Bothwell, 367
accusations against Bothwell, 373
and Duke of Norfolk, 416–17
and English tribunal, 417
King James attends to, 457
Contay, Françoise de, Lady Humières, 44, 46, 47, 57
Contracts, accompanying Casket Letters, 387, 388–89
Corrichie, battle of, 158–59, 215, 220, 326, 334
Council of Regency, 36
Court of Session, 186
and Buchanan, 374
Craigmillar Castle, 175
bond signed at, 277n
Craik, Allison, 214
Crichton Castle, 28, 211, 212, 324
Crokat, Meg, 295
Crown matrimonial
given to French dauphin, 90
Mary denies to Darnley, 232
and accusations against Rizzio, 239
Darnley sees as within reach, 245
and Mary on lords’ intentions toward Darnley, 247
and Rizzio’s death, 310
Cullen, James, 292–93
Curel, Madame de, 60
Curie, Elizabeth, 4
Dacre, Lord, 447
Dancing, Mary’s love of, 74–75, 147, 171
Danès, Pierre, 69
Danjou, Pierre, 75
Darnley, Charles, 435
Darnley, Henry Lord, 187–88
and Mary’s ring, 9
as candidate to wed Mary (after death of Francis), 117
passport for, 189
Elizabeth’s attitude toward, 190
and Lennox Jewel, 192
given passport to Scotland, 195
Mary’s meeting with, 196–97
Mary watches games of, 198
nobles’ suspicion toward, 199
marriage to Mary, 203, 206, 207–8, 209, 498
in Mary’s justifying account, 343–44
Buchanan’s dossier on, 378
Protestants and Catholics behind, 515
(see also Mary Queen of Scots AND DARNLEY)
created Duke of Albany, 206
in battle against rebel lords, 220
ambition of, 226–27
and pardoning of Châtelherault, 231
in plot to assassinate Rizzio and usurp power, 234–36, 250, 251
in Rizzio’s assassination, 238–40
Parliament discharged by, 244
and Mary’s downward spiral, 323
in Bothwell’s memoirs, 363
(see also Rizzio assassination plot)
and regency in event of Mary’s death, 257
in Mary’s will, 258
on reinstatement of Maitland, 261
as reason for lords wanting to keep Mary alive, 263–64
and Bothwell, 264
as all-around problem, 264
assassination of, 268 (see also Darnley assassination)
lords blame for Mary’s breakdown, 270
and Prince James’s baptism, 273
Douglases’ revenge on, 276
reported plotting coup d’état, 278–79
funeral of, 305–6
Buchanan’s dossier on, 378
Darnley assassination, 269
and archival distortions, 270
as conspiracy, 270–72, 275–78, 280–81
first becomes assassination plot, 276–77
bond supposedly signed by lords, 277n
and Darnley’s reported planning of coup d’état, 278–79
and Mary’s disincentive to murder Darnley, 280
gunpowder brought into house, 283
and Darnley’s thoughts on last night, 283–84
and activities on day preceding explosion, 285–87
mysteries around bodies of Darnley and servant, 287–88
Mary believes aimed at her, 288–89
conjecture of several plots, 293
and women’s testimony, 295–96
Bothwell denounced for, 296–97
Mary denounced for, 297–301
aftermath of
Guise family turns against Mary, 302
and relationship between Mary and Bothwell, 317
and masque showing Bothwell guilty, 320
and Bothwell’s hold on fellow accomplices, 323
Bothwell’s revelation to Mary and Mary’s unhappiness, 325
and Confederate Lords’ declared grievances, 329, 332, 339–40
Balfour defects to Confederate Lords in return for pardon, 330
humiliating accusations against Mary, 337
as excuse for Mary’s imprisonment, 339
in Mary’s justifying account, 344–45
and Morton’s fear of Bothwell, 360
Mary’s lack of effort to find perpetrators of, 302–3
and Mary’s failure to observe mourning period, 305–6
Confederate Lords’ accusations on, 341
in Bothwell’s memoirs, 364
and Casket Letters, 384–85, 391–93, 395–97, 398–99, 401, 402–3, 409, 411 (see also Casket Letters)
Mary’s statement on, 421
and Mary’s portrait case, 433
and English Parliament’s debate on Mary, 479
d’Aubigny, Sieur (Esme Stuart), 457, 458, 462, 492
Debatable Land, 14–15
Debt, of Scotland to France (in Mary’s secret documents), 88
Denmark, Bothwell in, 213, 361–62
de Paz, Luis, 173–74
de Quadra, Alvarez (Bishop of Aquila), 166, 167, 173
de Spes, Don Guerau, 446, 447, 449–50
Detection of the doings of Mary Queen of Scots . . . , 453–54, 455, 463, 527–28, 490–91
Diane de Poitiers, 43, 44, 46, 47, 49, 55, 65, 69, 88, 94, 100
coach for, 145
Divorce for Lady Jean Gordon from Bothwell, 318, 320
in Mary’s justifying account, 349
in Buchanan’s dossier, 382
Divorce for Mary
lords’ contemplation of, 271
Mary’s tentative agreement to, 271
and Maitland’s plan, 272
and elder Bothwell’s experience, 308
in Buchanan’s dossier, 379
and Mary-Darnley conflict, 259–60
Mary receives during captivity, 436–37
Domino theory, in Mary’s view of republicanism threat, 224
Don Carlos (son of Philip II of Spain), 115, 117, 166, 167, 168, 174, 181, 183, 187, 188, 215, 216
Dormer, Jane, 109
Douglas, Archibald, 124, 248, 277, 278
Douglas, George, 245–46, 355, 425
Douglas, Lady Margaret (Countess of Lennox), 29, 30, 117, 168, 187, 189, 192, 205, 209, 228, 295, 370, 490
Douglas, Sir William, Laird of Lochleven, 339, 355
Douglas, Willie (“Little Willie”), 355, 425, 426
Douglas clan (Douglases)
and promotion of Morton, 165
Mary’s animosity toward, 250
Mary’s pardoning of, 275–76
and Bothwell’s ancestor, 334–35
Dragsholm Castle, 368, 370, 371, 372
Drury, Sir William, 231, 270, 277, 289, 291–94, 298, 303, 311, 316–17
reports of, 324
on Mary’s stress, 327
on lords’ speech against Mary, 329
and interception of Bothwell’s forces, 330
on Lady Reres, 377–78
and Maitland’s death, 492
du Croc, Philibert, 168, 261, 265, 273, 279, 297, 321, 325, 331, 332–33, 336, 338, 384–85, 407
Dudley, John (Duke of Northumberland), 57, 193
Dudley, Lord Robert, Earl of Leicester
in negotiations with France, 156
becomes Earl of Leicester, 190
and Darnley, 196–97
Randolph’s criticism of, 199
Bothwell carries Mary’s letters to, 217
as Mary’s champion, 351
at Buxton spa, 434
and Mary-Norfolk marriage plan, 449
in command of expeditionary force to aid Dutch rebels, 462
Dumbarton Castle, 23, 38, 215, 280
Dumfries, Mary escapes to, 357
Dunbar, meeting of Mary and Bothwell at, 215, 217, 218
Dunbar Castle, 218
Mary escapes to from Lochleven, 356
as Bothwell haven, 359
Dunblane, Bishop of, 342, 345, 365, 414
Dundrennan, Mary escapes to, 357
Dunfermline, scurrilous placard in, 309
Dunkeld, 32
Dynastic alliances and projects
and Mary’s search for husband, 163
Confederate Lords capture, 329–30
Edinburgh, treaty of, 108–9, 111
and Mary vs. Lord James, 116
as betrayal of Mary, 117
and Mary’s relationship with Elizabeth I, 119
and Lord James Stuart, 121
and Mary’s return to Scotland, 124–26
and Scottish lords’ attitude toward Mary, 139
Mary’s memory of, 225
Elizabeth’s new insistence that Mary ratify, 300
in Cecil’s demands on Mary in England, 358
and birth of Prince James to Mary, 256
Prince James in, 260
Mary moves into after Darnley’s death, 305
Edward I (king of England), 13, 20, 495
Edward VI (king of England, son of Henry VIII)
Council of Regency for, 36
and Mary’s claim to English throne, 51
death of, 57
as eclipsed by Mary, 489
Edward, Prince of Wales (Black Prince), 14
d’Elbeuf, René, Marquis, 106–7, 126
Elizabeth, Princess (Elizabeth of Valois, daughter of Henry II), 43, 44, 46, 57, 451
letters to, 70
at Bayonne meeting, 227
Elizabeth I (queen of England), 91–92
and Fotheringhay Castle, 1
Ronsard poems dedicated to, 74
accession of to throne, 91
peace with France favored by, 94
new French attitude toward, 95
and Scottish lords’ uprising, 106
recognized as queen (treaty of Edinburgh), 108
isolationism of, 174–75
as obfuscator, 182
and sincerity, 183
Catherine de Medici offers Charles IX to, 188–89
and Darnley, 193
and Latin, 194
and rebellion of lords (1565), 222
informed of plot against Mary and Rizzio, 236
and Douglases after Rizzio assassination plot, 250
and Cecil’s use of agent provocateur, 256
and birth of Prince James to Mary, 256
and baptism of Prince James, 273
and Bothwell’s trial, 311
Bothwell letter to, 327
Bothwell’s “confession” sent to, 369
and marriage of Bess of Hardwick’s daughter, 435
plot to depose (Enterprise of England), 449–52
and execution of Norfolk, 454
Cecil rebukes for way of dealing with Mary, 454
and parliamentary debate about Mary, 455–56
assassination plots against, 460
and public proclamation of Mary’s death sentence, 479
and parliamentary petition, 479
death of, 488
memorial for, 489
portraits of replaced by portraits of Mary, 489
James moves resting place of, 489
and Morton, 492
and Walsingham, 493
and Mary Queen of Scots, 495–96
and Mary’s prayers at execution, 6
and heraldic arms of England/France/Scotland, 92
and Mary’s offer to exchange portraits, 110, 119–20, 151, 154
and Mary’s reconciliatory interview with Throckmorton, 110–12
condolences over Francis’s death, 119
and renegotiation of treaty of Edinburgh, 139, 140–41, 142, 148–49, 150
and second portrait of Mary, 152–53
Wars of Religion lead to Elizabeth’s turning away, 159–62
and Randolph’s discounting of Mary’s Catholicism, 161
condolences over death of Mary’s uncle, 172–73
statement of conditions re Mary’s search for dynastic marriage, 174–77, 178, 182, 217
gift of diamond ring to Mary, 178
and Mary’s masque, 181
and proposing of Dudley as Mary’s husband, 183–86, 188, 190, 194, 195
Elizabeth’s refusal of settlement, 197–98
Mary’s ultimatum on Darnley and Elizabeth’s reaction, 200
recognition of Darnley refused, 208
Elizabeth’s criticism over marriage to Darnley and Mary’s rejoinder, 208–9, 343–44
Bothwell carries Mary’s letters to, 217
and Mary’s defiance after overcoming rebellion, 223
and Castelnau interview, 225–26
conspiracy never resorted to, 255
request for Elizabeth to be Prince James’s protector in event of Mary’s death, 265–66
Elizabeth’s proposal of new treaty, 266–68, 272, 275, 280, 288, 351
Mary’s appeals to after escape and defeat in battle, 357, 358
and tribunal to examine case against Mary, 416, 417, 419, 421–22
and Shrewsbury as jailer, 428
and expense of Mary’s captivity, 428
and request for spa, 434
Mary and Elizabeth at nearby locations in Staffordshire, 434
and Mary’s request for spa visits, 434
in Mary’s embroidery, 436
in exchange of malicious gossip, 440–41
and Mary as heir apparent, 441
and threat from Philip II, 441
and Norfolk’s intended marriage to Mary, 449
and parliamentary debate about Mary, 455–56
and Beale mission to Mary, 458
and discovery of Mary’s dabbling in conspiracy, 460
and Mary’s complicity in Babington plot, 468
fears for safety, 470–71
and Moray on accusation against Mary, 491
and Cecil, 495
failure to meet, 496
Elizabeth of Valois. See Elizabeth, Princess Elizabeth of York, and Fotheringhay Castle, 1
Elliots of Liddesdale, 262, 330, 378, 391
Elwood, Martin, 391
Embroidery, Mary’s love of, 75
Emmanuel-Philibert (Duke of Savoy), 65, 94
Engine, at banquet for Prince James’s baptism, 274
Enterprise of England, 449–52, 454
Entrapment, Walsingham’s plan of, 465
Erasmus, 70
Erskine, Arthur, 132
Erskine, Lady Margaret, 339
Erskine, Lord. See Mar, Earl of Estates-General, 115
d’Este, Anne, Duchess of Guise, 45, 52, 57, 65, 79, 85, 89, 298
d’Este, Hercules, 45
Falconry (hawking), Mary’s engaging in, 76, 442
Female monarchy. See Women rulers Ferdinand I (Holy Roman Emperor), 117
Fernel, Jean, 64
Feron, Laurent, 459
First Blast of the Trumpet Against the Monstrous Regiment of Women, The (Knox), 135, 136, 163, 170
Fitzalan, Lady Mary, 447
Fleming, Lady, 41, 43, 45, 47–48, 55, 56, 60
Fleming, Mary, 41–42, 48, 147, 171
and Bothwell in prison, 217
at window with Mary, 312
leaves Mary, 327
and Mary’s escape efforts, 354
See also Four Maries
Fletcher, John, 5
Fotheringhay Castle, 1, 144, 145
Mary’s execution at, 1–2,
diamond taken to, 448
execution warrant sent to, 481–82
in Mary’s final days, 483
Fouquelin, Antoine, 69
sent to learn French, 47
Mary’s dancing with, 75
stools set out for, 144
Mary plays at begging with, 146
as confidantes in Scotland, 172
at interview with Randolph, 184
Lennox gifts for, 191
in Mary’s will, 258
at Mary’s marriage to Bothwell, 321
and Mary’s emotional needs, 496
map of, xix
and threat from Mary Tudor’s accession, 57–58
queen’s status in, 99
Mary’s regard for, 189
Mary’s links to, 257
in secret pact with lords over Mary’s future, 338
in trade war with England, 446
and Mary’s need for love, 496
See also Catherine de Medici; Charles IX; Francis I; Francis II; Guise family; Henry II
Francis (son of Lord John of Coldingham), 258
Francis (son of Mary of Guise), 18
Francis (younger son of Henry II), 43, 76
Francis I (king of France), 17, 29, 32, 33, 34
death of, 36
and Catherine de Medici, 44
expenditures of on Scottish affairs, 52
education of, 67
Francis II (dauphin and king of France), 45–46
siblings of, 43
and Catherine de Medici, 44
as central figure in victory celebration, 50
separate household for, 56
dancing with Mary, 74
crown matrimonial given to, 90
and treaty of Upsettlington, 95
accession to throne, 96
coronation of, 97–99
and Mary’s embroidery in captivity, 436
Francis Duke of Guise (uncle of Mary). See Guise, Duke of (Francis)
Frederick II (king of Norway and Denmark), 213, 361, 362, 366, 367, 369
French embassy
letters to passed on to Walsingham, 464–65
French language, and Ronsard’s campaign for vernacular poetry, 72
Frescobaldi family, 71
Friar Wynd, 295
Garde Écossaise, 28, 46, 52, 433–34
George III (king of England), and porphyria, 64
Gesner, Conrad, 435
Gifford, Gilbert, 464–65, 466, 467
lords muster forces at, 356
and Casket Letters, 389–90
Glencairn, Earl of, 104, 249, 333
Golden Fleece, Mary seen as (Ronsard epic poem), 86
Golf, Mary’s playing of, 146
Gordon, Lady Jean, 211, 252–53, 305, 311, 318, 322, 401, 408
Gordon, Lord George, 220
Gordon, Sir John, 157–59
“Great Harry” (pendant), 84
Greenwich, treaty of, 23–24, 26, 27, 30, 31, 36, 51
Grey, Lady Catherine, 151–52, 198, 205, 456
clandestine marriage of, 268
Grey, Henry, Earl of Kent, 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9
clandestine marriage of, 268
Grey, Mary, 151–52
Guise, Duke of (Claude, father of Francis), 13, 17, 38, 42, 48, 50, 438
Guise, Duke of (Francis, uncle of Mary), 22, 55, 80
marriage of, 45
rebuff of, 94
in palace revolution, 100
and Francis’s illness, 114
and massacre of Huguenots, 153
and Wars of Religion, 155
Mary writes to children of, 437
Guise, Duke of (Henry, son of Francis), 438, 457, 459, 485, 486
Guise family, 17, 36, 53, 54, 66, 80
Arran’s fear of Mary being raised by, 24
and Scotland campaign, 38
and religion vs. politics, 56
Mary’s dependence on, 89
on Elizabeth as queen, 92
Henry II’s turn against, 93–94
reinstatement of Franco-British project by, 100–101
and defense of Mary of Guise against rebel lords, 107
and Mary’s predicament after treaty of Edinburgh, 112
end of ascendancy of, 115
in organizing crossing to Scotland, 126
and Wars of Religion, 155
Mary’s breach with, 175
English paranoia over, 176–77
and Mary’s veering toward Catholicism, 230
and Darnley’s assassination, 298
and Mary after assassination, 302
and Mary’s marriage to Bothwell, 321
Bothwell aims for support from, 360
decline of, 438
comeback of, 457
and Mary’s emotional needs, 496
See also Mary of Guise
Gunpowder plot, Darnley murder plot as, 268, 269
Guthrie (desecrator of Beaton’s corpse), 35
Haddington, treaty of, 49, 87, 90, 102
Haddington fort, 39
Hamilton, James. See Arran, Earl of; Châtelherault, Duke of
Hamilton, James (Moray’s assassin), 492
Hamilton, John (Archbishop of St. Andrews), 369
Hamilton family, 90, 279, 305, 356, 380
Hampton Court, 20
Elizabeth’s tribunal at, 419–21
Handwriting of Mary Queen of Scots, 78–79, 257
Hatton, Sir Christopher, 441, 473–74, 478
Henry (Duke of Guise, younger), 65, 438
Henry (son of Henry II), 43, 76, 83
Henry II (king of France), 36, 38, 39
Lady Fleming as lover of, 47
and Mary of Guise’s trip to France, 48
expulsion of English celebrated by, 48–50
as Mary’s guardian, 58
and Mary’s expenses, 61
and Mary’s declamation, 71
styles at court of, 74
Mary given horses by, 76
portrait of Mary sent to, 77
and marriage of dauphin to Mary, 80
and Mary’s secret documents, 88
and Mary’s claim to English throne, 93–94
and Scotland
Scots given French citizenship by, 86–87
promise to “pacify” (peace of Cateau-Cambrésis), 94
and treaty of Upsettlington, 95
death of, 96
Diane de Poitiers’s jewels from, 100
power vacuum from death of, 107
exotic birds at court of, 437
Henry III (king of France), 437, 457, 458
Châteauneuf to on Mary’s overconfidence, 466
Mary rejected by, 480
Mary’s final letter to, 486
Henry V (king of England), 14
Henry VII (king of England)
and Fotheringhay Castle, 1
and Mary, 4
Mary and Elizabeth I as descendants of, 111
and James I’s lineage, 488
Henry VIII (king of England)
and Fotheringhay Castle, 1
wars within British Isles under, 14
and Mary’s birth, 16
Arran supports against Rome, 21
and Lennox-Douglas marriage, 30
and revocation of treaty of Greenwich, 30–31
and Beaton’s assassination, 35
death of, 36
as insulting Spain by divorce from Catherine, 93
and succession to throne, 51
and unicorn’s horn, 434
age of at death, 461
and Fotheringhay Castle, 472
and James I’s lineage, 488
Henry VIII (Fletcher and Shakespeare), 5, 47
Henry of Angoulême, 47
Henry of Navarre, 441
Hepburn, James. See Bothwell, Earl of (James Hepburn)
Hepburn, Jane, 214, 217–18, 399n
Hepburn, John, 281, 289–90, 291
Hepburn, Patrick, Earl of Bothwell, 28–29, 31, 105, 211, 218, 308, 360
Hepburn, Thomas, 311
Heraldic arms, England, France, and Scotland joined on, 92, 101, 204, 494
Hermitage, the (Scottish castle), 28, 211, 214–15, 218, 262, 263, 328, 378
Hertford, Earl of (Edward Seymour; later Duke of Somerset), 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 151. See also Somerset, Duke of
Hertford Castle, 472
Hiegate, William, 278–79, 280, 393, 399
Hilliard, Nicholas, 439
History of the Life and Death of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scotland (Camden), 490
History of Scotland (Buchanan), 490
Hogg, Christina (or Christily), 285, 286
Holinshed’s Chronicles, 276
Holyroodhouse, 128, 129–30, 286
ransacking of, 32
Mary’s dancing in, 75
in mourning on anniversary of Francis II’s death, 143
Privy Council meetings at, 181
Mary and Darnley married in, 207
Castelnau interviews in, 224
goes home to on night of explosion, 286
security at, 296
peerage ceremony for Bothwell at, 320
Mary and Bothwell married in, 321
Bothwell moves into, 322
Mary taken to by lords, 338–39
and Casket Letters, 384
James moves into, 457
Home, Lord, 199
Honor culture in Scotland, 28, 275, 497
“Honors of Scotland,” 25
l’Hôpital, Michel de, 86
Horse, Mary and Bothwell quarrel over, 324
Hubert, Nicholas (“Paris”)
execution of, 397
and Fleming, 56
and Constable Montmorency, 100
and presentation to Mary in procession, 132
Mary’s knowledge of, 133
massacre of (Duke of Guise), 153
and assassination of Duke of Guise, 171
and St. Bartholomew’s Day massacres, 452–53
Humières, Jean de, 44
Humières, Lady (Françoise de Contay), 44, 46, 47, 57
Hundred Years War, 66
Hunting, Mary’s engaging in, 76
Huntingdon, Earl of, 419
Huntly, Earl of (George Gordon, elder), 35, 121, 132–33, 138, 157–59, 160, 164, 169, 223, 241
Huntly, Earl of (George Gordon younger, son of George), 220, 222, 252
refuses Darnley’s invitation to Mass, 229
Morton’s chancellorship to, 244
in Mary’s will, 258
with Mary on Justice Ayre tour, 262
and Darnley assassination conspiracy, 271, 278, 279, 283
with Mary on previous evening, 285
in Buchanan’s dossier, 381
Casket Letter on, 396
Prince James put in care of, 306
with Mary on travels, 306
after Darnley’s assassination, 307
rewarded by Bothwell, 313
and Ainslie’s Tavern Bond, 314
at Bothwell’s peerage ceremony, 320
with Mary after escape, 356
as audience for Mary’s desire to be rid of Darnley (Buchanan dossier), 379
and marriage contract between Mary and Bothwell, 388
and Maitland, 492
Illnesses of Mary Queen of Scots, 63–65, 95–96, 101–2, 138, 160, 179, 265
after Prince James’s baptism, 275
Inchmahome Priory, 38
International politics, of sixteenth century, 17
Inverness, 157
Darnley’s interest in, 228
and Spain, 228
Isocrates, 183
James, Lord. See Moray, Earl of; Stuart, Lord James
James III (king of Scotland), 361
James IV (king of Scotland), 15, 51
death of, 15–16
and “honors of Scotland,” 25
and Hepburns, 28
and Bothwell, 218
James V (king of Scotland), 15
Mary as daughter of, 12
illegitimate children of, 18
“last will and testament” of, 18
and crown, 25–26
revenue of, 30
Mary and Lord James as children of, 116
and Holyroodhouse, 128
and Lady Erskine, 339
James VI (king of Scotland and James I of England; earlier Prince James), 6
and porphyria, 64
birth of, 256
baptism of, 272–74
and alleged Protestant plot to kill Mary, 297
Earl of Mar watches over, 307–8
Mary’s last sight of, 316
Confederate Lords rule in name of, 320
Cecil compares with Joash, 351
coronation of, 353
and Mary’s dynastic claim, 431
and Mary in captivity, 433
and Mary’s portrait, 439
reportedly offered in marriage to Philip II’s daughter, 451
and “oration” against Mary, 453
imprisonment of, 458
declares end to minority, 458–59
and Bond of Association provisions, 461
and Act for the Queen’s Safety, 462
Elizabeth recognizes as king, 462
Mary’s bitterness toward, 485
and Elizabeth on deathbed, 488
proclamation of as king of England, 488–89
Mary’s naivete toward, 498
“Jardinière, La” (court jester), 146
Jean (uncle of Mary of Guise), 17
Jedburgh, Mary’s breakdown at, 262, 263, 265, 270, 275, 378
Jefferson, Thomas, and William Small, 9–10
and Knox on violent overthrow, 135
John (valet), 62
John, Lord, of Coldingham, 214, 217–18, 249, 252, 399n
Kent, Earl of, I, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 481–82, 487
Ker of Fawdonside, Andrew, 250, 274, 293, 294–95, 303, 493, 520–21
on Lennox resentments, 257
on missions for Cecil, 456
Kirkcaldy of Grange, William, 187, 217, 315, 317, 333–34, 336–37, 356–57, 360–61, 366
Kirk o’Field, Edinburgh, 281, 286, 287, 289, 293, 295, 303, 364
in Buchanan’s dossier, 379–80
and Casket Letters, 398
Kirkwall, Bothwell at, 360
Knollys, Sir Francis, 425, 426–27
Knox, John, 37, 104–5, 122, 134, 493
on welcome for Mary, 129
on Mary’s entrée, 134
Mary’s interview with, 135–37
and Mary’s participation in Mass, 137
and Randolph, 138
Maitland on, 141
on Mary’s celebrations, 146
and Mary’s fears over authority, 149
and Moray, 171
and sex scandal in Mary’s court, 173
need to curtail, 175
and Mary’s illnesses, 179
and Court of Session controversy, 186
on Mary vs. Elizabeth, 195
on Mary’s wedding celebration, 207
and Moray’s rebellion, 211
on Mary’s battle against rebels, 221
and Darnley’s aim to restore Mass, 230
and baptism of Prince James, 273
and Cecil, 276
and Bothwell, 313
and Kirkcaldy, 334
at Prince James’s coronation, 353
and Buchanan, 374
and Moray’s funeral, 492
on Mary’s courage, 498
Langside, battle of, 356–57, 375
of Scotland, 14
Largesse, at Mary’s weddings, 84, 207–8
Laws (Plato), in Mary’s education, 68
Leicester, Earl of. See Dudley, Lord Robert
Lennox, Countess of (Lady Margaret Douglas), 29, 30, 117, 168, 187, 189, 192, 205, 209, 228, 295, 370, 490
Lennox, Duke of, d’Aubigny as, 457
Lennox, Earl of (Matthew Stuart), 22–23, 27–28, 29–30
in defense against Arran and Henry VIII, 24
at coronation, 25
and Darnley as marriage candidate, 117
at wedding of Mary and Darnley, 207
and Darnley as king, 208
as trusted adviser of Mary, 221
at Mass with Mary and Darnley, 230
banished by Mary, 253
resentment of over Mary’s will, 257
gifts to Mary from, 258
Rizzio conspirators seen by lords as counterweight to, 271
and rumor of danger to Darnley, 279
Darnley’s optimistic letter to before murder, 283
and Cecil, 300
Morton fears reprisals from, 300
and Buchanan’s dossier, 376
death of, 493
and pardoning of Châtelherault, 231
Mary’s effort to separate Darnley from, 280
in Casket Letter, 393
Lennox Jewel, 191–92
Leonardo da Vinci, 67
Lesley, John, Bishop of Ross, 120–21, 227, 447
Leslie, Norman, 34–35
Leyburne, Elizabeth, 447
Lindsay, Lord (John, Lord Lindsay of the Byres), 122,
Lindsay, Lord (Patrick, Lord Lyndsay of the Byres, son of John; earlier Master of Lindsay), 134, 334–35, 337, 339, 352, 354, 366, 404
Lindsay, Master of. See Lindsay, Lord (Patrick, Lord Lyndsay of the Byres, son of John)
Linlithgow Palace, 12–13, 16, 20, 21–22, 24, 137
Little, Margaret, 256
Livingston, Mary, 41, 42, 257, 354. See also Four Maries
Livingstone, Lord, 41, 42, 279, 394, 400
Livy, Mary’s interest in, 147, 374
Lochleven castle
wardrobe recovered from, 426
Lodge, Edmund, 435
London, Bishop of, 453
Long Glasgow letter, 389, 418, 420, 427
Longueville, Duchess of (Mary of Guise), 13. See also Mary of Guise
Longueville, Duke of (younger), 44, 52
Longueville, Duke of (elder), 13
Lord James. See Moray, Earl of; Stuart, Lord James
Lords of the Congregation, 104, 121, 122, 225, 346, 494
Lords of Session, 186
Lorges, Gabriel de, Count of Montgommery, 96
Lorges, Jacques de, Sieur de Montgommery, 33, 44
Lorraine, Cardinal of. See Cardinal of Lorraine
Louis (son of Henry II), 43
Louis d’Orléans, Duke of Longueville, 13
Louis Prince of Condé, 83, 85, 155, 156, 174
Louise, Duchess of Arschot, 117
Louise of Savoy, 67
Luss, Laird, 392
Macbeth, and atmosphere around Mary’s struggle, 328
Madeleine (queen of Scotland, wife of James V), 17–18, 72, 130
Maillé, Artus de. See Brézé, Sieur de
Maisonfleur, Étienne de, 73
Maitland, William, of Lethington, 123, 124
as Privy Council member, 138
and treaty of Edinburgh, 139
Elizabeth’s doubts explained to, 151
with Mary in battling Huntly, 158
reports to Mary on English Privy Council, 160
on halt in Elizabeth’s letters, 161
as leading councilor, 165
as recommending Privy Council appointments, 165
on trial of Knox, 180
reined in by Mary, 180
and Elizabeth’s refusal, 198
and Mary Fleming, 201
omitted from Mary’s will, 258
reinstated as Mary’s secretary, 260–61
with Mary on Justice Ayre tour, 262
on Darnley’s ingratitude, 264
on Mary-Darnley relationship, 270
and Darnley assassination plot, 271, 276–77, 278, 299
seeks divorce for Mary, 271–72
absent from Mary on previous evening, 285
after Darnley’s assassination, 307
and letter from Elizabeth about Bothwell trial, 311–12
and Mary in captivity, 338
as audience for Mary’s desire to be rid of Darnley (Buchanan dossier), 379
and divorce between Mary and Darnley, 409
and plot to marry Mary to English nobleman, 447–48
death of, 492
on Knox, 493
on Mary and ordinary Scottish people, 496–97
on Mary’s transition back to Scotland, 497
Malmö Castle, Bothwell in, 366, 369–70
Malta, grand master of, 457
Mar, Earl of (Lord Erskine), 257
as regent in event of death in childbirth, 257
in Mary’s will, 258
Mary as guest of, 259
with Mary after childbirth, 260
Prince James left in care of, 260
Bothwell gets dismissal of, 307
refuses to deliver Prince James, 316
and Casket Letter, 398
Margaret (daughter of Christian I of Denmark), 361
Margaret (daughter of Lord Audley), 447
Margaret of Parma, 107
Margaret Tudor (sister of Henry VIII), 29, 51
Marguerite (daughter of Henry II), 43, 80, 99
Marguerite (sister of Henry II), 94
Marigold, in Mary’s monogram, 79–80, 430
Marriage contracts, accompanying Casket Letters, 387, 388–89
Martin, Barbara, 295
Martyre de la Royne d’Éscosse (Blackwood), 491
“Mary, Mary, quite contrary . . . references of, 499
Mary Queen of Scots (Mary Stuart), 10, 496–500
original documents on life of, 10–11
will of, 256–59
downward spiral in destiny of, 323
burial of, 489
monumental tomb for, 489–90
Camden’s estimate of, 490
and death of Moray, 492
birth, 12
baptism, 16
and French-English intrigues, 16
regent for, 18
at Stirling Castle, 24–25
coronation, 25–26
and Henry VIII’s invasion, 32
plot to assassinate, 52
and plan for rule with mother as sole regent, 58
and Mary Tudor, 58–59
marriage to dauphin, 80–81, 82–86
and dynastic plans, 86–87
and secret documents, 87–89
sleeping arrangements, 113
as queen of France, 96
at Francis’s coronation, 98–99
Catherine de Medici as adversary of, 100, 115 (see also Catherine de Medici)
and Guise family manipulations, 101
pregnancy imagined, 113–14
and death of Francis, 114–16
and death of mother, 109
safety and comfort of, contrasted with life in Scotland, 303
coronation, 25–26
return to Scotland, 116–17
advice from Catholic Lesley, 120–21
agreement with Stuart on religious status quo, 121–22
and controversy over ratification of treaty of Edinburgh, 124–26
departure from Calais and arrival at Leith, 126–27, 128–29, 213
and Holyrood, 129–30
domestic staff brought along, 130
and problem of Lord James Stuart, 119
entrée royale, 131–34
royal progress through country, 137–38
Privy Council formed, 138
relationship with lords, 139
Christmas celebration, 143–44
royal progress to northeastern Scotland, 156–57
kidnapping attempt and defeat of Earl of Huntly, 157–59
loneliness of, 172
royal progress to western Highlands, 173
Court of Session reformed by, 186
progress to far north, 188
Lennox’s gift to, 191–92
steps to confirm religious status quo, 210–11
and Cecil’s agent provocateur, 254–56
gives birth to James, 256
royal progress to Berwickshire and East Lothian, 264
twenty-fifth birthday as turning point, 304
and soldiers’ mutiny, 315
See also Mary Queen of Scots AND DARNLEY; Mary Queen of Scots AND BOTHWELL; Mary Queen of Scots IN CLASH WITH CONFEDERATE LORDS
and rules of the time, 163
needed to restore status, 167
and Knox, 169–71
needed to bolster position in Scotland, 175
and Mary’s ring, 9
first meeting, 196–97
early courtship, 199–200
and Mary’s ultimatum to Elizabeth, 200
Mary’s securing of continental support, 200–201
and domestic opposition, 201–2
Darnley raised to earl, 202
and Darnley’s character, 203
English Council debate on strategy toward, 203–5
Mary’s defiance of letters of recall, 205
and Darnley’s foolish remarks, 206
in battle against rebel lords, 220
and Mary’s turn toward Catholicism, 230
Mary’s pregnancy, 230, 231, 232–33, 247, 248, 251, 253, 254–55
marriage troubles, 230–32
Darnley’s anger at denial of sex and suspicion toward Rizzio, 235, 236, 241–42
birth of James, 256
and regency in event of Mary’s death, 257
Darnley’s intention to separate, 261–62
Mary’s talk with lords about divorce, 271
Mary’s dominance, 280
in Mary’s justifying account, 343–44
Buchanan’s dossier on, 378
Protestants and Catholics behind marriage, 515
and Darnley assassination plot, 271–72, 278–81, 288–89, 297–301
and alleged remark about Rizzio murder, 294
Mary’s offer of pardon to informant, 296
and Mary’s lack of effort to find perpetrators, 302–3
and Lennox’s accusations, 308
in Mary’s justifying account, 344–45
Buchanan’s dossier on, 380–81
and Casket Letters, 384
(see also Darnley assassination)
suggested as near siblings, 218
Bothwell’s trial and escape, 219
second recall of, 219–20
reinstated on Privy Council, 221
and pornographic placard, 309–10
and Ainslie’s Tavern Bond, 314–15
Mary’s submission to, 315
Buchanan’s dossier on, 377–79
and English Parliament’s debate on Mary, 479
marriage to Bothwell, 320–22, 498–99
Mary asks for annulment of Bothwell’s existing marriage, 318
marriage banns protested, 319–22
Bothwell pardoned and raised in peerage, 320
unhappiness in, 323–26
suicide wishes, 325
belated celebration of, 325
Mary’s behavior affected, 326
failure to put Bothwell in place, 327
and Bothwell’s duplicity, 336
and factionalism, 336
Mary’s pregnancy by, 336
pregnancy miscarried, 350
in Bothwell’s memoirs, 365
and marriage contract, 388
pope’s annulment of, 448
and Mary’s naivete, 498
Mary Queen of Scots
raising funds for army, 328
at Borthwick Castle, 328–29
Edinburgh captured by lords, 329–30
Mary escapes to Dunbar, 330
troops mustered, 330–31
confrontation at Carberry Hill, 331–32
single combat by Bothwell negotiated, 332–35
Mary surrenders herself, 335–38
lords’ deception and secret pact with France, 338
and Mary’s popularity, 338
in Bothwell’s memoirs, 365
and Casket Letters, 414
Confederate Lords’ dossier against, 375–82
counts in indictment against, 382–83
and Casket Letters, 383, 402–3, 453–54, 455, 527–28 (see also Casket Letters)
taken to Holyrood, 338–39
imprisoned in Lochleven, 339
visited by Moray, 353–54
domestic staff of, 354
defeated in battle, 356–57
escape to England and imprisonment in Carlisle, 357
and Cecil’s designs, 357–58
supposed letter to Bothwell on, 361
rumored secret correspondence with Bothwell, 368
and Bothwell’s reported deathbed confession, 368–69
and justification of trial in England 376
and reasons for fleeing to England, 422
writes to Philip II, 422–23
stalemate, 424
domestic staff of, 425–26
with Lord and Lady Scrope, 427
moved to Tutbury Castle, 427–29
moved to Sheffield Lodge, 429
guarded confinement of, 431
meals of, 431–32
at Buxton spa, 434–35
embroidery as pastime, 435–36
enjoys dogs and birds, 435–37
and French family connections, 438
and suspicion of affair with Shrewsbury, 440
returned to Tutbury Castle, 442–43
Paulet as jailer of, 443–44
plots and conspiracies during captivity
Enterprise of England, 449–52
Mendoza contacted for information on, 458
Mendoza-incited invasion plot by Duke of Guise, 459
Mary’s dabbling in, 460
Mary’s openness to, 463
and Ridolfi, 449–50
offers James in marriage, 451
Cecil’s visit to, 453
and parliamentary debate about Mary, 454–56
Cecil’s further efforts to undermine, 456–57
naiveté of, 459–60
Walsingham’s new entrapment scheme, 464–66
positions of Elizabeth on, 470–71
commissioners for, 472
preparatory steps, 472–74
and execution as private vs. public act, 479–81
execution warrant signed, 480
execution warrant delivered, 481–82
and Mary’s appearance, 2–3
and battle of prayers, 6
and color of undergarments, 7
and favorite pet dog, 8
seen as playing to gallery, 10
made inevitable by England’s treaty with James, 463
final days and hours before, 483–87
and Guise dynastic project, 56
efforts to forward claim against Elizabeth, 92–93
and pope’s refusal to declare against Elizabeth, 93
and peace of Cateau-Cambrésis, 94
and treaty of Upsettlington, 94–95
and Cardinal of Lorraine’s fanciful proposal, 107–8
in message to Elizabeth I, 111
argument with Throckmorton over ratification of treaty of Edinburgh, 124–26
and search for dynastic marriage, 162
honor and reputation as motive for, 184
Throckmorton on, 194
and Elizabeth’s refusal of settlement, 197–98
and Mary’s statement of conditions, 209
and Castelnau interview, 225–26
claim to be only rightful queen, 233
Mary’s insistence as captive, 444
and plan for Mary to marry nobleman, 448
and pope’s disqualifying Elizabeth as queen, 450
and Cecil’s campaign to disqualify pretenders (1571), 450
and Act for the Queen’s Safety, 461–2
and Bond of Association provisions, 461
and subsequent British rulers, 489
and Mary’s prayers at execution, 6
and Mary’s execution, 9
and heraldic arms of England/France/Scotland, 92
and reconciliatory interview with Throckmorton, 110–12
condolences from over Francis’s death, 119
and second portrait of Mary, 152–53
Wars of Religion lead to Elizabeth’s turning away, 159–62
and Randolph’s discounting of Mary’s Catholicism, 161
condolences from over death of uncle, 172–73
and search for dynastic marriage, 174–77
Elizabeth’s gift of diamond ring, 178
and Mary’s masque, 181–82
and Elizabeth’s refusal of settlement, 197–98
Mary’s ultimatum on Darnley and Elizabeth’s reaction, 200
and vocabulary of kinship and dependency, 206
and ploy of rendezvous with Bothwell, 217
and Mary’s defiance after overcoming rebellion, 223
and Castelnau interview, 225–26
conspiracy never resorted to, 255
request for Elizabeth to be Prince James’s protector in event of Mary’s death, 265–66
and Darnley’s assassination, 268
Elizabeth’s admonishment over Darnley’s assassination, 299–300
and Casket Letters, 385–87 (see also Casket Letters)
and English tribunal examining charges, 421–22
Mary and Elizabeth in nearby locations in Staffordshire, 434
and Mary’s request for spa visits, 434
in Mary’s embroidery, 436
in exchange of malicious gossip, 440–41
and Mary as heir apparent, 441
and threat from Philip II, 441
and discovery of Mary’s dabbling in conspiracy, 460
and Mary’s complicity in Babington plot, 468
failure ever to meet, 496
Randolph on, 161
and Randolph’s suggestion of conversion, 206
steps away from to confirm religious status quo, 211
and dynastic claim, 233–34
professes devotion (1567), 315
turn toward as English prisoner, 423
and Catholic priest disguised as household staff member, 425
protestation of loyalty at arrest, 470
at age four, 39
sense of humor, 42
at age nine, 52–53
generosity, 59
culturally French, 74
love of poetry, 74
musical accomplishments, 74
cooking and play-housekeeping, 75–76
uneven precocity of, 88
in portrait, 110
personal possessions of
Budé manuscript, 69
jewels inventoried in will, 257–58
after arrest in England, 472
love of clothes, 145–46
exercise, 146
love of entertainments, 146–48
love of social inversion, 146–48
love of weddings, 252
change in after marriage to Bothwell, 324
letter writing, 485
Mary Duchess of Suffolk, 51, 267
Mary of Guise, 12, 13, 16–18, 27
domestic staff of, 18
and regency of Arran, 19
and Henry VIII’s plans for dynastic marriage, 20–26
coronation of, 25–26
as regent of Scotland, 32–33
sole regency, 58
and Scottish lords’ attitudes, 89
and brother’s demand for persecution of Protestants, 102
religious-political revolt of lords against, 102, 103–8, 213
and splendor of palaces, 144, 145
and Huntly, 157
and Bothwell (Mary’s account), 346
and murder of Beaton, 35–36
and Mary’s removal to France, 39
reports to of Mary in France, 44–45
and expenses in France, 60
Mary’s tastes and preferences different from, 74
Mary requests Shetland ponies from, 76
death of, 109
Maitland as secretary of, 123
Knox attack on, 135
coach of, 145
motto of, 430
Mary of Portugal, Infanta, 115
Mary Stuart. See Mary Queen of Scots
Mary Stuart (Schiller drama), 496
Mary’s letter to, 58–59
death of, 90–91
and Mary’s claim to throne, 92
and Cecil as Protestant supporter, 103
Knox’s First Blast against, 136
and absentee monarchy, 149
and Yaxley, 228
age at death of, 461
and James I’s lineage, 488
as eclipsed by Mary, 489
of Confederate Lords (trial of Bothwell), 320
Massacre of Huguenots by Duke of Guise, 153
Mauvissière, Sieur de. See Castelnau, Michel de
Medea, and writer of Casket Letter, 408, 411
Melville, Sir James, 189–91
on Mary’s reaction to Darnley, 196
warning from, 234
on Mary-Moray reunion, 244
gives Darnley water spaniel, 259
on Bothwell’s ambition, 274
and Bothwell as conspirator, 292
and Bothwell’s profane language, 321
on Bothwell’s treatment of Mary, 325
on Mary’s surrender, 335
on Mary’s supposed letter to Bothwell, 337–38
on Maitland’s death, 492
Melville, Robert, 255, 265, 266, 267, 268, 288, 342, 344, 350, 414
Ménage à trois, in Elizabeth’s proposal of Dudley for Mary, 185–86
Mendoza, Bernardino de, 458, 459, 466
Mesnage, Jules de, 29
Millot, Claude, 69
Mona Lisa, Francis I as owner of, 67
Monarchs and monarchy
and coronation, 25
Buchanan’s tirades against to Prince James, 371
Buchanan against, 374
and Elizabeth’s swearing tribunal to secrecy, 424
and Elizabeth on parliamentary selection of successor, 461
and execution of Mary as queen, 471
and private vs. public execution of Mary, 479
Mary as martyr for, 487 See also Women rulers
Monogram, Mary’s design for, 61, 79–80, 81, 436
Montalembert, André de, Sieur d’Essé, 39
Montmorency, Anne de, Constable, 17, 45, 54–55, 65, 66, 83, 94, 95, 99–100, 115, 155
heirs and successors of, 438
Montmorency, Henry de, 126
Moral turpitude, Mary charged with, 341, 373
Moray, Earl of (Lord James Stuart), 157, 163
and news of no support in Privy Council, 160
Mary’s disillusionment with, 164
and Knox’s trial, 180
at interview with Randolph, 185
and Elizabeth’s refusal, 198
in factional realignment, 199
refuses to pledge support to Darnley marriage, 201
refuses to attend wedding banquet, 208
Elizabeth urges Mary to reconcile with, 209
declared a rebel, 209
and Lord Gordon, 220
and Huntly, 222
overthrow of, 223
in Mary’s will, 258
and Darnley assassination conspiracy, 271, 278, 283, 285, 286, 289–90, 299
voluntary exile of, 303
in Mary’s justifiying account, 345
and pardon of Rizzio plotters, 275
Killigrew entertained by, 302
Guise family dealing with, 302
and lords after Darnley assassination, 307
Mary’s jailers related to, 339
and Mary in prison, 353–54
in battle after Mary’s escape, 356
Mary on ambition of, 356
and evidence against Mary, 358
and Buchanan, 374
and lords’ case against Mary, 375
and Cecil’s attack on Mary, 376
with Mary at Alloa, 377
as audience for Mary’s desire to be rid of Darnley (Buchanan dossier), 379
and Casket Letters, 383, 384–85, 386, 388–89, 391, 398, 403, 413, 414, 415, 416, 427
and Paris’s execution, 397
Lord and Lady Scrope on, 427
and Mary-Norfolk marriage, 448–49
Northumberland seized by, 449
Walsingham writes to, 463
Camden on, 490
assassination of, 491–92
as supported by Cecil, 494
and Mary’s naivete, 498
More, Thomas, 67
Moretta, Signor di, 148, 289–91, 294, 297
Morton, Earl of (James Douglas), 165, 201–2, 492
and Moray (Stuart), 123
and lords’ revolt, 124
on Privy Council, 158
at battle of Corrichie, 158
as chancellor, 165
at wedding of Mary and Darnley, 208
and Rizzio assassination conspiracy, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 243–44, 245, 246, 248, 250–51
lords want pardon for, 271
reconciliation with Mary, 307
in Mary’s downward spiral, 323
as beholden to Cecil, 276
in Darnley assassination plot, 276, 277, 278, 280, 295
and Moray (Stuart) as ally, 282
absent from Mary on previous evening, 285–86
and Cullen, 293
and Ker, 293
looks to Cecil as protector, 300
in Casket Letter, 399
arrested for complicity in, 457
and lords after Darnley’s assassination, 307
supplies cavalry for Bothwell’s trial, 310
as absent from Bothwell’s trial, 312–13
rewarded by Bothwell, 313
and Ainslie’s Tavern Bond, 314
and Confederate Lords, 319, 331, 332, 335, 338–39
Mary on, 326
and sacking of Edinburgh, 330
and proposal of single combat, 334
and pursuit of Bothwell, 359
and Laird of Lochleven, 339
and Mary’s fate after imprisonment, 352
as interim regent, 352
at Prince James’s coronation, 353
and Maitland’s death, 492
Cecil supports, 494
Murate Convent, Florence, 75
Murder of Darnley. See Darnley assassination
Murray, Sir William, Laird of Tullibardine, 307, 334, 337, 360, 371
Nationhood, shaping of common language for, 72
Nature and Diversity of Fish (Belon), 436
Nau, Charles, 263
Nero (emperor of Rome), Mary compared to by Knox, 136, 303
Calvinist revolt in, 441
Elizabeth plans to aid rebels in, 462
Nichola (court jester), 146
Niddrie, Mary escapes to, 356
Norfolk, Duke of (Thomas Howard elder), 14
Norfolk, Duke of (Thomas Howard, grandson of Thomas), 375–76, 416–17, 418, 428, 447
attempting to overthrow Cecil, 446–47
and Ridolfi as link, 449
and Enterprise of England plot, 450–51
and Casket Letters allegations, 454
Normandy, 50
Northern Rising, 449, 457, 468
Northumberland, Countess of, 449
Northumberland, Duke of (John Dudley), 57, 193
Northumberland, Earl of, 419, 449
Norton, Thomas, 455
Norway, Bothwell escapes to, 361
Notre-Dame Cathedral, Mary’s wedding to Francis at, 82
Nursery rhyme referring to Mary Queen of Scots, 499
Ochiltree, Lord, 104
Ogilvy, Marion, 34
Old Provost’s Lodging, 281, 282, 287, 289, 290, 292, 294, 313
in Casket Letter, 396
Order of Saint Michael, 226, 229, 298
Orkney, Bishop of (Adam Bothwell), 321
Orkney, Duke of, Bothwell as, 320, 321, 342, 344, 345, 360
Orkney Islands
Frederick II aims to acquire, 361
Bothwell’s trading of, 367
Ormiston, Laird of, 449
d’Oysel, Seigneur (Henri Cleutin), 57, 58, 89, 118, 119, 122, 125
Pages, Bastian, 274, 285, 286, 289, 381, 425, 469
Papal conspiracy, English paranoia over, 176–77
Paris. See Hubert, Nicholas
Parliament (English)
and regicide, 9
and Cecil on succession, 10
debates on whether Mary could be tried for treason, 454–56
and Cecil’s definition of Protestant citizenship, 496
Parliament (Scottish)
rebellious lords to be punished by, 234
and Maitland’s plan for Darnley, 272
Bothwell dominates, 313–14
and Mary on Bothwell’s acquittal, 344
Parois, Lady (Françoise d’Estamville), 55, 59, 60, 61–62, 63, 65, 72, 75, 77
Parr, Catherine, 30
Patrick, Earl of Bothwell, 28–29, 31, 105, 211, 218
Patrick, Master of Lindsay, 134
Paul IV (pope)
Paulet, Sir Amyas, 443
as Mary’s custodian, 443–44, 484
and “foolish pity,” 453
and sealing of outside contacts, 463
Mary’s letters intercepted by, 465
on Mary’s resilience, 464
on Mary’s fear of being murdered, 467
requested to do away with Mary, 480–81
on Mary’s spirits before execution, 483
Peace (treaty) of Cateau-Cambrésis, 94, 95, 100, 103, 156, 227
and treaty of Edinburgh, 108
Penelope, as Bess of Hardwick heroine, 428
Peterborough Cathedral, Mary buried in, 489
Mary’s love of, 76
and loneliness of later years, 497
See also Dogs
Phelippes, Thomas, 467, 469, 475–76
Philip II (king of Spain), 57–58, 65
and Mary Tudor, 91
and peace of Cateau-Cambrésis, 94
Guise family plans opposed by, 100–101
and revolt of Scottish lords against Mary of Guise, 107
and treaty of Edinburgh, 108
and absentee monarchy, 149
and Wars of Religion in France, 155
Maitland sees as religious pragmatist, 166–67
and Catherine de Medici, 167–68
and Bayonne meeting of Spanish and French ruling families, 227
and Yaxley, 228
Darnley request to for protection, 228
cordiality toward Elizabeth questioned by, 228
and pope’s letter of congratulation, 233
Darnley’s letters to, 253
Casket Letters reported to, 384
Mary’s communication with, 422–23
conquest of England as goal of, 441
Mary talks of link to, 444
Mary’s communication with, 446
and English lords’ plans, 447
Mary appeals to for help for exiles, 457
prospective war with, 462
Pius V(pope)
and Mary’s hope for dynastic claim, 234
Darnley’s letters to, 253
names papal nuncio in Scotland, 298
sends funds to English Catholics, 446
Cecil links Mary to, 457
Plato, in Mary’s education, 68, 70
Plautus, in Mary’s reading, 70
Plèiade (poets circle), 72, 73–74, 147, 171
Plutarch, in Mary’s education, 68, 69, 70
by Mary, 73
Mary’s love of, 74
Point tresse embroidery, as gift to Mary from Margaret Douglas, 370
Mary’s fear of in captivity, 431
Poitiers, Diane de, 17
Pole, Reginald, 102
Political evasion, Mary’s skill at, 111, 119, 120
Politics (Aristotle), in Mary’s education, 68
Polonius, Cecil as, 494
Ponies, Mary’s love of, 59, 76
Popular sovereignty, and Mary, 9–10
Porphyria, as possible illness of Mary, 64, 96, 179, 247, 263, 434
Postscript to Mary’s letter in Babington plot, 469
Praise of Folly, The (Erasmus), 70
Privy Council (Scotland)
Mary’s formation of, 138
Stuart’s allies in no longer needed, 219
Darnley’s wish for separation heard by, 261–62
and criminal justice system, 296
and action in Darnley assassination case, 296
and offer of pardon to informant in Darnley assassination, 296
and Bothwell’s trial, 309
Bothwell enforces compulsory attendance at, 326
Mary’s religious dispensations annulled by, 327
and Mary’s meeting with Bothwell, 378
Protestant exiles in Paris, vs. French ambitions toward Scotland, 89
Protocol, importance of, 57
Public Record Office, Cecil’s working papers in, 270, 411
Queen Mother, James VI recognizes Mary as, 462
Quinquagesima, feast of, 285
Quintilian, in Mary’s education, 68
Rabelais, François, 79
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 150
Randolph, Thomas, 138
on joy of Christmas festivities, 143–44
and Mary on portrait of Elizabeth and anticipated meeting, 154
and letter from Elizabeth on aid to Huguenots, 159–60
on Mary’s religious/political commitments, 161
on du Croc, 168
Elizabeth’s letter delivered by, 172–73
presents ring from Elizabeth to Mary, 178
on Mary’s illness, 179
at Mary’s masque, 181–82
as Knox-Cecil intermediary, 184
on return of Lennox/Darnley, 187
and meeting of commissioners, 188
in billiard game against Mary and Danley, 199–200
and Mary’s harangue about relationship with Elizabeth, 205
suggests that Mary convert to Protestantism, 206
rebellious nobles appeal to (1565), 208
and Mary on religious tolerance, 211
and revolt of the lords (1559), 212
on Mary’s battle against rebels, 221
and aid to rebels, 222
and Mary’s message of defiance, 223
and Mary’s pregnancy, 230
on Mary’s renewed claim to throne, 232
on Mary’s assertive turn, 233
found to have aided Moray’s rebellion and forced to leave, 236
replaced by Killigrew, 255
and George Buchanan, 374
on Knox, 493
Raulet (confidential secretary and decipherer), 196
Darnley’s murder as, 288
and Cecil’s views on Mary, 352
and Elizabeth’s concern for monarchy, 471
and private vs. public execution of Mary, 479
Regnans in Excelsis (papal decree), 450
and politics
for Guise family, 56
and Cecil’s view on succession to throne, 164
and Darnley’s ambitions, 226
and Elizabeth’s belief in hereditary rights, 265
and Act Concerning Religion, 313
Catholic-Protestant polarization, 441
See also Catholic Church and Catholicism; Huguenots
Religious wars. See Wars of Religion (France)
Renée, Abbess (Mary’s aunt), 120, 425
Buchanan’s ideas on, 374–75
Reynard the Fox, Elizabeth I seen as, 107
Rheims Cathedral
in Guise family, 17
Francis II’s coronation at, 97
Rhetoric (Aristotle), in Mary’s education, 68
Richard II (king of England), Mary on murder of, 484
Richard III (king of England), and Fotheringhay Castle, 1
Ridolfo, Roberto, 446–47, 449–50, 452
ciphers of, 465
Rizzio, David, 147–48, 196, 227
Rizzio assassination plot
and Bothwell, 236–37, 241, 242, 243, 290
in Mary’s justifying account, 347
in Bothwell’s memoirs, 363
and hypothesis of Mary as additional target, 239–40
Mary’s belief in second stage of, 240–41
subsequent harangues and recriminations, 241–443
Mary’s countermoves, 243–47
and articles of pardon for conspirators, 248–49
lords want pardons for conspirators in, 271
Mary pardons participants in, 274–75
and alleged remark by Mary before
Darnley murder, 294
and Châtelherault, 492
Mary’s courage in, 498
Robert I (king of Scotland), 15
Robsart, Amy, 150
Rokesby, Christopher, 254–55
Ronsard, Pierre de, 72, 73, 86, 126, 147, 171
Rosencrantz, Eric, 361
Ross, Bishop of, 451
Ross, Earl of, Darnley as, 202
Rouen, royal celebration at, 49–50, 273
Ruthven, Lord (Patrick)
in Lords of the Congregation, 104
and Privy Council candidates, 165
in Knox’s trial, 180
as Lennox supporter, 199
Darnley draws dagger on, 202
in Darnley’s plans, 246
and articles of pardon, 248
death of, 251
Ruthven Castle, James VI imprisoned in, 458
Sadler, Sir Ralph, 20–21
and Arran, 24
on Patrick Hepburn, 28–29
vs. Beaton, 31
and security arrangements for Mary, 32
Scots belittled by, 166
on Mary as infant, 256
on tribunal examining case against Mary, 416
St. Andrews
and Lord James Stuart, 104
St. Andrews Castle, 31, 32, 34, 35–37
St. Bartholomew’s Day massacres, 452
St. Denis, abbey of, queens crowned at, 99
St.-Pierre-des-Dames, Rheims
Mary Seton at, 425
Mary’s mother buried at, 484
Sanitation needs, and large households, 429
ambassador of, 285
Scarborough Castle, Darnley’s scheme to invade, 253, 254
Schiller, Friedrich von, 496
Scilly Isles, Darnley’s scheme to invade, 253–54
and England
history of relationship, 13
English-French competition over, 16
Henry VUI’s designs on, 19–20
independence of to be guaranteed (treaty of Greenwich), 23
Somerset’s invasion of, 37–38
Cecil’s script for subordination of, 494–95
politics of, 14
and Henry VIII’s wars against France, 14
and France
alliance between, 30
French patronage pensions to Scottish nobles, 30, 33, 49, 52, 89
and dynastic impact of Mary’s wedding, 86–90
Guise design for great seal of, 101
in Ptolemy’s Geography, 71
and wedding of Mary to dauphin, 86
in peace of Cateau-Cambrésis, 94
religious-political revolt of the lords in (1559–60), 102, 103–8
Randolph’s role in, 138
and Bothwell, 212
Mary’s reflection on, 225
declared Protestant by Lords of the Congregation, 121
climate of, 130
relation of queen to husband in, 163
Mary’s unifying of Highlands and Lowlands, 188
Cecil on woes of, 323
Scrope, Margaret, Lady, 427, 447
Selve, Georges de, 69
Sempill, John, 354
Seton, Lord, 105, 199, 213, 306, 355, 356
death of brother of, 42
See also Four Maries
Seymour, Edward. See Hertford, Earl of; Somerset, Duke of
Seymour, Jane, 20
Shakespeare, William
and John Fletcher, 5
and Cecil as Polonius, 494
Sheffield Castle, 429
Sheffield Lodge (or Manor), 429, 436, 440, 445, 458, 459
Shetland, Lord of, 320
Shetland Islands
Bothwell flees to, 360
Frederick II aims to acquire, 361
Bothwell’s trading of, 367
Shetland ponies, Mary’s request for, 76
Short Glasgow letter, 389, 427
Shrewsbury, Earl of
on tribunal examining case against Mary, 419
as Mary’s custodian, 428–30, 434
hunting dogs found, 437
and Mary’s exercise, 439–40
warning hastened to, 451
asked to tempt Mary, 452
and Babington, 466
Sidney, Sir Henry, 154, 155, 156, 199
Simancas, archives at, 229
Sinclair, Janet, 16, 41, 47, 59
Sinclair, John, 399n
Sinclair, Olaf, 360
Small, William, 9–10
Smith, Sir Thomas, 174, 175, 452
Solway Moss, battle of, 13, 14–15, 375
Somers, John, 442–43
Somerset, Duke of, Protector Somerset, Earl of Hertford as, 36, 37–38, 104, 331, 494
Sonnets, accompanying Casket Letters, 387–88, 525
in cordial relationship with England (1560), 118
Calvinist revolt in Netherlands against, 441
and Mary’s reinvention in captivity, 445
and Ridolfi, 446
in trade war with England, 446
in Enterprise of England plot, 450–51
See also Philip II
Spynie Castle, 360
Star Chamber at Westminster, Mary’s trial commission meets at, 478
“States of Scotland,” 351, 495
future coronation in as prospect, 90
Catholic faction convenes at, 121
and Mary and companions as beggars, 146
Throckmorton meeting at, 202
Bothwell’s command at, 213
Mar in charge of, 307
Prince James’s coronation in, 353
Strozzi, Leone, 36
Stuart, Esmé, Sieur d’Aubigny, 457, 458, 462, 491
Stuart, Lord James (later Earl of Moray), 41, 104, 116, 118–19
at Mary’s wedding in Paris, 89
and Philip II’s relations with England, 118
and Mary’s return to Scotland, 121–23
and treaty of Edinburgh, 124
in Mary’s inner cabinet, 138
as Mary’s chief adviser, 139
letter to Elizabeth I by, 139–40
raised to earldom of Moray, 157
See also Moray, Earl of Stuart, John, 305
“Stuart, Marie,” Mary’s anagram of, 79
Stuart, Mary. See Mary Queen of Scots
Stuart, Matthew. See Lennox, Earl of
Stuart, Lord Robert, in Bothwell’s “confession,” 369
Stuart dynasty or line, 15
and Henry VIII’s will, 51
Suffolk, Duchess of, 151
Sunderland, Earl of, in Casket Letters, 415
Sussex, Earl of, 416, 417, 418
Syphilis, of Darnley, 200, 278, 279, 364, 515
Talbot, George. See Shrewsbury, Earl of
Talbot, Henry, 9
Mary’s collection of, 144
Mary of Guise’s collection of, 145
Taylor, William, 246, 287, 290, 291, 294
Thieves Row, 282, 287, 289, 290, 294, 295, 303
Third Act of Succession (1544), 51, 267–68
Thomworth, John, 208–9
“Three Maries,” 42
Throckmorton, Francis, 459, 460, 463, 464
Throckmorton, Sir Nicholas, 95–96
and verse on heraldic arms, 93
on Mary’s illness, 95–96
and great seal for Scotland, 101
on Mary’s expectations for Scotland, 116
and Lord James Stuart, 122
and ratification of treaty of Edinburgh, 124–25
Mary courageous in dealings with, 127
Mary’s debating skills practiced on, 135
and support for Huguenots, 156
vs. Cecil on Mary as threat, 194–95
as bearer of Elizabeth’s demands on Darnley, 200
on Darnley marriage, 204
on Mary’s dress after Francis II’s death, 207
on Bothwell, 211–12
Randolph dispatches to, 232
Bothwell letter to, 327
as Elizabeth’s minister to imprisoned Mary, 351
on coronation spectacle, 353
and Casket Letters, 385
and Mary-Norfolk marriage plan, 449
death of, 459
Throne, of Mary, 144
Tixall, Mary brought to, 469, 470
Tower of London, rejected as trial location, 471–72
Trade war, Anglo-Spanish, 446
Training of an Orator (Quintilian), in Mary’s education, 68
plotting about king’s aftermath as, 22
and Cecil on Mary’s marriage to Darnley, 204
and parliamentary debates on Mary, 454–56
Treaty of Edinburgh. See Edinburgh, treaty of
Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis, 94, 95, 100, 103, 156, 227
and treaty of Edinburgh, 108
Trial of Mary Queen of Scots, 416, 474–79
Elizabeth’s position on, 470–71
commissioners for, 472
preparatory steps, 472–74
and execution as private vs. public act, 479–81
execution warrant signed, 480
execution warrant delivered, 481–82
Tribunal in England to examine case against Mary, 416–21
Trivulzio, Cardinal, 83
Tullibardine, Laird of (Sir William Murray), 307, 334, 337, 360, 371
Tutbury Castle, Mary confined in, 427–29, 442, 463
Upsettlington, treaty of, 95
Vaucelles, truce of, 65
Villegagnon, Nicolas de, 127, 128, 129
Vives, Juan Luis, 67
Walsingham, Sir Francis, 437–38, 443, 493
and conspirators’ code, 450
double agents of, 451
Cecil to on frustration with Elizabeth, 456
Elizabeth sends on mission to Scotland, 459
Paulet to on Mary’s resilience, 464
and Babington plot, 466–67
Mary’s documents taken to, 470
and severity of Mary’s arrest, 470
private and public duties of, 476
and Mary’s notes for incriminating letter, 477
and public proclamation of Mary’s death sentence, 479
and warrant for Mary’s execution, 480
Camden’s knowledge of papers of, 491
death of, 493
Wars of Religion (France), 107, 155–56, 161
Mary’s position on, 166
agreement on peace and unity against English in Normandy, 174
and Moray’s revolt, 226
renewal of (1584), 441
St. Bartholomew’s Day massacres, 452–53
Warwick, Earl of, 419
Westminster Abbey, Mary’s tomb in, 489, 490
as shrine of canonized saint, 491
Westmorland, Countess of, 449
Westmorland, Earl of, 419, 449, 457
Wharton, Lord, 306
White, Nicholas, 430
“White queen,” Mary as, 99
Whittingham Castle, 276–77, 399
of Mary Queen of Scots, 256–59
William of Orange, assassination of, 460
Wilson (pirate), 221
Wilson, Thomas, 453
Windsor Castle, 470–71
Wingfield, Robert, 5, 481, 484
Witch, reported prophecies of, 328
Women, at French court, 67
Women rulers
rules for, 163
classic dilemma for, 196
Wood, John, 397