Preface to the Third Edition



 1  The Beginnings


     The rise of Kiev

     Kiev’s economy

     The emergence of the Mongol Empire

     Mongol domination


 2  The Rise of Muscovite Russia

     Challenges to Mongol rule

     Moscow’s expansion

     Ivan the Terrible

     Reign of terror


 3  Times of Troubles and Grandeur, 1584–1725

     Social conditions

     Religious conflict

     Peter the Great

     The Westernizer


 4  Decline and Revival in the Eighteenth Century

     The reign of Catherine II

     Paul I


 5  Russia as a Great Power, 1801–55

     Napoleon’s invasion of Russia

     Domestic reform

     Political ferment

     Tsar Nicholas I

     Domestic developments

     The Crimean War


 6  Reform and Counter-reform, 1861–94

     Judicial, administrative, and military reform

     Consequences of reform

     Deepening of political ferment



 7  Revolutionary Russia, 1894–1917

     The revolution of 1905

     Outcome of the revolution

     Stolypin’s reforms

     World War I

     The revolution of 1917

     The revolution deepens

     The Bolsheviks seize power


 8  The Soviet Union under Lenin and Stalin

     The Tenth Party Congress

     Struggle for power

     Revolution from above


     Stalinist terror

     Everyday Stalinism

     Stalin’s last years


 9  Reform, Stagnation, Collapse


     Foreign policy under Khrushchev

     Era of stagnation

     Era of reform

     Economic crisis

     Political collapse

     The presidency of Boris N. Yeltsin

     Political tensions

     The presidency of Vladimir Putin


10  The Rise and Rise of Putin


     Ilyin’s ideology

     Putin and the Church


     The Baltic States


     Domestic troubles

     Relations with the US

     Putin’s success


