Page numbers refer to the print edition but are hyperlinked to the appropriate location in the e-book.
ʿAbd Allāh ibn Amad ibn anbal, 117–18
ʿAbd Allāh ibn al-Mubārak, 50
ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿUmar, 17, 52
ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-anʿānī, 22
ʿAbd al-amīd (jurist), 123
ʿAbd al-Malik (caliph), 146
ʿAbduh, Muammad, 178, 260–61
Al-ʿAbdūsī, ʿAbdallah, 126
Abou-Bakr, Omaima, 147, 166
Abou El Fadl, Khaled, 281
Abū Barza, 114
Abū al-Dardāʾ, 146
Abū anīfa, 65, 71–74
Abū ‘l-Jawad, 136
Abū’l-Suʿūd, 87
Abū Shāma, 132, 152–53
Abū Shuqqa, ʿAbd al-alīm, 273–74
Abū Umāma (al-Bāhilī), 147
Abū Yaʿqūb Yūsuf, 124
Abū Yūsuf, 71–72, 74
Al-ʿAdawī, ʿAlī ibn Amad, 35, 284
Al-ʿAdawīya, Maʿādha, 118
additions, to mosques. See ziyādas
adolescent girls, 107. See also age cohorts of women
adornment, 13, 220, 287. See also clothing; dress
adultery. See zinā
Africa. See Spain and North Africa
afterlife, 108–9, 175. See also paradise
age cohorts of women, 128, 249–50; significance of, 23–25, 63, 73–74, 89, 100–102, 106; significance of questioned, 41, 55–56, 63, 74–75, 96, 98, 103. See also adolescent girls; ʿajūz; mutajālla; old and young women; shābba
akām (legal statuses of actions), 34; arām, 34, 233, 236; makrūh, 235; mubā, 37, 49, 91–92, 98
Ahmed, Leila, 2, 292
ʿĀʾisha bint ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿĀim, 126
ʿĀʿisha report, 18, 50, 62, 64, 261; commentary, 84, 97; perfume and, 260
ʿajūz (old woman), 24, 71, 72, 102. See also age cohorts of women
Al-Albānī, Nāir al-Dīn, 281–85, 287
ʿĀlī, Muafā, 141
Ali Bey, 169
ʿAlī ibn Abī ālib, 115
Āl al-Shaykh, Muammad ibn Ibrāhīm, 278
ʿAlwān, al-Shaykh (ʿAlī ibn ʿAīya al-Hītī). See Al-Shaykh ‘Alwān
amrad (beardless youth), 105–6
Andrews, Walter, 84
Al-Anārī, Zakarīyā, 70
Al-Aqfahsī, ʿAbd Allāh ibn Miqdād, 32
Al-Aqfahsī, Ibn al-ʿImād, 63, 137
Aqā Mosque, 166–71
ʿĀshūrāʾ, 130, 144, 194, 261, 332n76
Al-ʿAsqalānī, Ibn ajar, 55–56, 59, 69, 137, 156, 195, 250
Aston, Margaret, 173
ʿAāʾ ibn Abī Rabā, 22
ʿĀtika bint Zayd, 18, 23, 27
Al-Aydinī, 87
Al-ʿAynī, Badr al-Dīn, 84
Al-Bahūtī, Manūr ibn Yūnus, 96, 98
Baiqarā, usayn, 186
Al-Bājī, Sulaymān ibn Khalaf, 30, 36
Al-Balāunusī, Muammad ibn ʿAbd Allāh, 66
balconies, 120, 182–83, 184, 185, 186, 187–88, 289, 292; in synagogues, 349n325. See also women’s space, in mosques
Bale, Pierre, 175
Al-Baʿlī, Amad, 96
Al-Bannā, asan, 266, 269, 275
Al-Bāqillānī, Abū Bakr ibn al-ayyib, 33
baraka (blessings), 6–7, 131
barza (non-secluded woman), 96–97
Al-Barzanjī, Jaʿfar, 222
Al-Barī, al-asan, 115
Bauer, Karen, 108
Al-Bazzār, Amad ibn ʿAmr, 101
beardless youth. See amrad
beatific vision, 109
Beck, Lois, 296n8
Berkey, Jonathan, 136, 157–58
bidaʿ (innovations), 10, 12; books on, 112; Ibn ʿAbd al-Ghaffār on, 224, 226, 244–45; separate prayer rooms for women as, 285–86, 371n115
Black Stone, 217, 221, 239; kissing, 357n64
Blair, Sheila, 185
blessings. See baraka
blocking the paths. See sadd al-dharāʾiʿ
Blunt, Fanny, 191
boots, 50, 113, 151, 309n121
Boulden, James, 188
Al-Bukhārī (author of aī), 23, 31, 58
Al-Bukhārī, ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn, 162–63
Burton, Richard, 278
Al-Burullusī, Amad, 70
Al-Burzulī, 123
Al-Būī, Muammad Saʿīd Ramaān, 263–65
Cairo, Egypt: grave visitation, 139–45; ʿīd, 129–30; Jumʿa, 133–34, 139; study sessions, 134–35; women preachers, 136; women’s de facto presence in mosques in, 128–45; women’s space in mosques, 134
Castellan, Antoine-Laurent, 187
Çelebi, Evliya, 187, 221, 255
changing of legal rulings with changing of circumstances. See taghayyur al-akām bi-taghayyur al-awāl
childbirth, 102; rituals, 7; seclusion after, 222
children: care for, as women’s obligation, 263, 267, 268–72, 279, 286, 291; in mosques, 31, 97, 131, 133, 136, 159, 162, 171, 189, 193, 194, 261, 278
circumambulation area. See maāf
classical schools of law. See madhāhib
clothing, 62, 357n59; festive, 47, 131; humble, 29; inspection, 233; modest, 138, 266; ostentatious, 69; revealing, 130. See also dress; jewelry
coercion. See kurh
coffee, 201–4
coffeehouses, 6, 291
commanding right and forbidding wrong, 206, 247–48, 251, 329n50; conditions of performance, 233
concubine. See umm walad
conditions for women going out to mosques, 28–30, 53–54
congregational prayer. See al-jamāʿa
Cordoba, Great Mosque of, 24, 120–21, 122
Craven, Elizabeth, 188
dāʿiyāt (female preachers), 283
Al-Dajjānī, Muammad ibn āli, 150, 170–71
Al-Damīrī, Sharaf al-Dīn Yayā, 252
d’Andrea, Giovanni, 173
Dankoff, Robert, 255
Al-Dasūqī, Muammad, 35–36
Davis, Robert, 7
daytime, woman who goes out (or does not go out) during, 21–22, 107, 217, 324n324. See also times of day
de Amicis, Edmondo, 192–93
de Nicolay, Nicolas, 181
Dernschwam, Hans, 181, 182
de Saint-Olon, François Pidou, 144–45, 174
De Tott, Baron, 175, 182
dhikr (remembrance [of God]), 33, 35–36, 180, 196, 273
discretionary punishment. See taʿzīr
d’Ohsson, Ignatius Mouradgea, 181, 187, 191
Dome of the Rock, 167, 177
domesticity, 262–64, 266–67; duties, 269–70, 275, 280; anafīs and, 85–86; shift in theme of, 277
dress: adornment, 13, 220, 287; boots, 50, 113, 151, 309n121; conditions for, 261; footwear, 309n121; improper, 285; men’s, 287; proper Islamic, 286, 290. See also jewelry
Du Fresne-Canaye, Philippe, 174
Duval, Soraya, 289
Early, Evelyn, 291
Edib, Halidé, 191
education, 4–5, 276, 277, 280. See also schools
Ellison Grace, 188
enclosures. See maqūra (pl, maqāīr); women’s space, in mosques
eunuchs, 182, 222
European Council for Fatwa and Research, 271
Fabri, Félix, 137–38, 168–69, 173
Fal Allāh, Ayatollah Muammad, 290
Al-Fākihānī, ʿUmar, 29
farāʾi (religious obligations), 282
Al-Farazdaq, 117
Al-Farrāʾ, Abū Yaʿlā ibn, 88, 93
Fāima bint ʿAbbās ibn Abī’l-Fat, 152
Fāima bint Sahl, 152
fat women, 303n35
Al-Fayyūmī, Amad, 96
female preachers. See dāʿiyāt
festival prayers. See ʿīd
fire temples, 326n26
First Egyptian Congress, 262
fitna (sexual temptation), 34, 102–3, 307n98; de-emphasis, 280; development of concept, 323n307, 323n309; anafīs and, 73–75, 83–85; anbalīs and, 83–8588, 90–92; Ibn ʿAbd al-Ghaffār and, 226, 228, 232, 237–38, 240, 242, 246, 250–51, 255; legal doctrines development and, 3; Mālikïs and, 24–26; Muslim Brotherhood and, 266, 268; in Qur’an, 103–4; women’s mosque attendance, sixteenth-century Mecca and, 216, 227; āhirīs and, 40–41
food, 114, 183; distribution, 145; preparation, 327n28; vendors, 170; wedding, 163
footwear. See boots
forbidden. See akām; arām
forbidding wrong. See commanding right and forbidding wrong
fornication. See zinā
Friday prayers. See Jumʿa
funerals, 35, 36, 113, 114, 145, 262, 325n2
garlic, 226, 228, 232
Garnett, Lucy, 189
Gauvain, Richard, 285
gender-inappropriate behavior. See tashabbuh
gender mixing. See ikhtilā
generalization. See taʿmīm
Georgijevic, Bartholomej, 179–80
Gerlach, Stephan, 174
Al-Ghawrī (Mamlūk Sultan), 205
ghayra (jealousy), 41, 101, 109, 231, 282
Ghazāla, 115
Al-Ghazālī, Abū āmid, 51–53, 63, 69, 104, 135, 149, 150, 171, 268–71
Golvin, Lucien, 124
Gonzales, Antonius, 138–39
gossip, 228, 237–38, 239
Grabar, Oleg, 185
grave visitation, 67, 139–45, 164, 336n134
El Guindi, Fadwa, 8
gynaeceum (women’s section), 187. See also balconies
adīth (reports recounting statements and actions of the Prophet), 8
adīth, specialists in. See muaddithūn
Al-āfi, Muammad Muīʿ, 154
Hagia Sophia, 187–88, 190–91
ajj, 42–43, 90, 94, 284
Al-ajjāj, 114–15
Al-alabī, Ibrāhīm, 86
Halevi, Leor, 113
amza, ʿAbd al-Laīf, 264
anafīs (legal school), on women’s mosque attendance, 71–87
anbalīs (legal school), on women’s mosque attendance, 88–99
arām (forbidden), 34, 233, 236. See also akām
harassment of women, 84, 209
Al-arīrī, 183, 184
Harvey, Annie Jane, 190
Al-akafī, Muammad, 86
Al-aāb, Muammad, 200, 202
Al-Haytamī, Ibn ajar, 66–70, 106, 108, 199, 205–6, 212–15, 227, 237, 239–40, 243, 244, 246
ijāz, 7, 22, 113, 222, 230
Al-ijāzīya, Umm al-Khayr, 128, 331n72
Hill, Aaron, 174, 182
Hirschler, Konrad, 154
Al-inī, Taqī al-Dīn, 64–67, 99, 166, 170, 198
Al-Hītī, ʿAlī ibn ʿAīya. See ʿAlwān, Al-Shaykh
Hoffman, Valerie, 262
Holod, Renata, 292
home, 48, 66, 266, 267–68; commitment to, 286; economics, 262; as mission, 268; women’s worship in, 263, 268. See also domesticity
Al-Huaybī, asan, 267
Hunter, William, 175
Hurgronje, Snouck, 222
husband’s permission (required for woman to attend mosque), 264, 272, 279, 282, 297n13, 351n354; anbalīs on, 95; Mālikïs on, 26–28; Shāfiʿīs on, 42–43, 45–46; āhirīs on, 60
Ibn ʿAbd al-Barr, 29–30
Ibn ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, Amad: age cohorts and, 254–55; on bidaʿ, 224, 226, 244–45; biography, 200–201; on coffee debate, 201–4; on commanding right and forbidding wrong, 233; concept of taʿmīm, 232, 250; fitna and, 226, 228, 232, 237–38, 240, 242, 246, 250–51, 255; istiftāʾ and, 213–15; Izālat al-ghishāʾ and, 202, 211; legal analysis, 225–51; on Meccan women’s behavior in mosque, 216–25; personal involvement in debate over women’s access to mosque, 207–11; on punishment, 232–33, 247
Ibn ʿAbd Rabbih, 167
Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhāb, Muammad, 278
Ibn Abī Jamra, 31, 37
Ibn Abī Shayba, 116
Ibn ʿAqīl, 132
Ibn al-ʿArabī, Abū Bakr (jurist), 37, 148–49, 167
Ibn ʿArabī (mystic), 41
Ibn ʿArafa, 33
Ibn ʿAsākir, 147–52
Ibn al-ʿAār, ʿAlī ibn Ibrāhīm, 57–58, 63
Ibn Baāl, 26, 30
Ibn Baūa, 151, 220
Ibn Bāz, ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz, 279, 282
Ibn Daqīq al-ʿĪd, 55–57, 60, 83
Ibn al-iyāʾ, 223–24
Ibn Fahd, 205, 238–39, 256
Ibn Farūn, Ibrāhīm ibn ʿAlī, 32
Ibn al-addād, Abū Bakr, 77
Ibn al-ājj, 5, 6, 10, 11, 31–32, 129–35, 137–44, 194, 198, 261
Ibn al-akam, ʿAbd al-Ramān, 120, 155
Ibn al-akam, Hishām, 121
Ibn amdān, 96
Ibn anbal, Amad, 88–89, 95, 103, 117, 277
Ibn azm, 9, 38–41, 59, 62
Ibn Hubayra, 89–90
Ibn al-Humām, 82–83, 102
Ibn Jābir, ʿAbd al-Ramān ibn Yazīd, 147
Ibn Jamāʿa, ʿIzz al-Dīn, 220–21
Ibn al-Jawzī, 5, 90–92, 102, 117, 147, 150; hagiographical accounts, 166–67
Ibn Jurayj, 22
Ibn Kathīr, 61, 147
Ibn Khajjū, Abū’l-Qāsim, 125–26
Ibn Manūr, 20
Ibn Masʿūd, 113–14, 118
Ibn Maymūn, ʿAlī, 163, 165–66, 196
Ibn Māza, 76–77, 85
Ibn Mufli, 96, 132
Ibn al-Mulaqqin, 70
Ibn al-Munāif, 122, 198
Ibn Muzayn, Yayā ibn Ibrāhīm, 26
Ibn al-Naās, 159
Ibn al-Najjār, 96
Ibn al-Naār (or Ibn al- ʿAār, author of Akām al-nisāʾ), 64, 66
Ibn Nujaym, Zayn al-Dīn, 86–87
Ibn al-Qāsim, 19, 22, 25
Ibn Qayyim al-Jawzīya, 95, 279
Ibn Qudāma, 92–93, 151, 155–56, 279
Ibn Rajab al-anbalī, 97–98, 105
Ibn Rushd, Abū’l-Walīd, 24–27, 35–36, 102, 104, 198, 247, 303n35
Ibn Saʿd, 20, 116–17
Ibn Shāhīn, Zayn al-Dīn, 133
Ibn Shuhayd, Abū ʿĀmir, 122
Ibn awq, 158–59
Ibn Taymīya, 93–95, 109, 152, 279
Ibn al-Ukhuwwa, 135, 150
Ibn ʿUthaymīn, 280–81
Ibn Zabāla, 120
Ibrāhīm ibn Amad (Aghlabid sultan), 127
ʿīd (festival) prayers, 92–93, 129–30, 192, 275; discouragement from, 362n164; legal obligation to, 317n38
itiyā (pious precaution), 79
Iyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn (Al-Ghazālī), 51–52, 149–50
ijtihād (legal reasoning), 236, 241–42, 248–49, 257, 261; engagement in, 305n67
ikhtilā (mixing of men and women), 54, 208, 221, 266, 271–72
Ikhwān al-Muslimūn. See Muslim Brotherhood
ʿilla (rationale), 79, 80, 88, 240
illegitimate sexual intercourse. See zinā
imāma (ritual leadership), 9
imprisonment (abs), 285
innovations. See bidaʿ
Iraq, 89, 112–19, 351n354
Al-ʿIrāqī, Zayn al-Dīn, 63
Al-Isfāhānī, Abū’l-Faraj, 117
ʿishāʾ (nighttime prayers): anafīs on, 71–72, 77; Mālikïs on, 22–23; Ramadan, 180, 191, 272. See also tarāwī
IslamOnline website, 271
Istanbul, Ottoman: balconies, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187–88, 349n325; gender segregation, 175–76; ʿīd, 192; Jumʿa, 192, 198; Ramadan, 180, 190–91, 195; women’s de facto presence in mosques in, 171–95; women’s space in mosques in, 171–95
istiftāʾ (legal inquiry), 211; al-Haytamī, 214–15; Ibn ʿAbd al-Ghaffār, 213–15
Italy, Renaissance, 7
iʿtikāf (religious retreat), 115–16, 167; anafīs on, 73; Syria, 147
ʿIyā ibn Mūsā al-Yaubī (al-Qāī ʿIyā), 27–28, 29, 31, 60
Iyās ibn Muʿāwiya, 118
Izālat al-ghishāʾ, 202, 211
Jackson, Sherman, 248–49
Al-Jāi, 22, 100–101
al-jamāʿa (congregational prayer), 30–31
Jāmiʿ al-Jabal, 152
Jāmiʿ al-Muaffarī, 153–56
Jāmiʿ al-Nisāʾ (Women’s Mosque), 168–69
Al-Jawbarī, 135
Al-Jazeera, 271
Al-Jazīrī, ʿAbd al-Qādir ibn Muammad, 200–201
Al-Jaznāʾī, ʿAlī, 124–25
jealousy. See ghayra
Jenkins, Hester Donaldson, 191
Jerusalem: Aqā Mosque, 166–71; celebrations, 170; enclosed space for women, 167, 169; Jāmiʿ al-Nisāʾ, 168–69; Jumʿa, 169–70; permanent retreats, 167; women’s de facto presence in mosques in, 166–71
jewelry, 13, 28, 55, 165, 214, 219, 236
Johnson, Sarah Barclay, 177–78
John the Baptist, shrine of, 260
judge. See qāī
Al-Judhāmī, Ibn al-Fakhkhār, 126
Juā, 150
Jumʿa (Friday prayers), 5, 31, 242, 264, 275; Cairo, Egypt, 133–34, 139; anafīs on, 86; anbalīs on, 92; Iraq, 113–14, 116; Jerusalem, 169–70; Mālikïs and, 34, 37; Ottoman Istanbul, 192, 198; Qur’an on, 108–9; to renew religion, 366n46; Shāfiʿīs on, 43–44, 46; as social acts of worship, 267; Spain and North Africa, 121–22, 125; Syria, 148–49; women’s mosque attendance and, 7–8, 292; āhirīs on, 54–55
Al-Jundī, Khalīl ibn Isāq, 30–31, 34
juristic analogy. See qiyās
juristic principles. See qawāʿid al-fiqhīya
Kaʿba, 16, 222–23, 228–30, 246
Kahf, Mohja, 174
Kalpaklı, Mehmet, 84
Al-Kāsānī, 75, 85
Kathīr ibn Murra, 147
Kemalpaşazadeh, 106
Khalīfa ibn Khayyā, 115
Khalīl ibn Isāq al-Jundī, 30–32, 34, 252
Khan, Hasan-Uddin, 292
Khārijism, Ibāī, 9
khāiba (matchmaker), 159
Khawla bint Qays, Umm ubayya, 20
Khāʾir Beg, 203–4
El-Kholy, Heba, 290–91
Khomeini, Ayatollah, 290
Al-Khūlī, al-Bahī, 267–68
Al-Khurashī, ʿAbd Allāh, 34–35
Kufa, Great Mosque of, 115
kurh (coercion), 236
Al-Lakhmī, 123
Lane, Edward William, 193–94
Al-Laqānī, Nāir al-Dīn, 252
lattice. See shabaka
al-layālī al-fāila (sacred nights), 223–24
Laylat al-Qadr, 132
de Maillet Benoît, 141
Leder, Stefan, 153, 155
legal inquiry. See istiftāʾ
legal statuses of actions. See akām
Lescalopier, Pierre, 174, 182
Lithgow, William, 173, 189
locking mosques, 161, 354n17
Lufti, Huda, 10
Lull, Ramon, 172–73
Al-Maʿarrī, Abū’l-ʿAlāʾ, 148
madhāhib (classical schools of law), 277. See also anafīs; anbalīs; Mālikïs; Shāfiʿīs
maghrib (sunset), 217
Al-Maallī, Jalāl al-Dīn, 63, 70
maar (memorandum), 208
Mamūd, ʿAbd al-alīm, 264
majlis al-ʿilm (religious instruction), 78
makrūh (undesirable), 235
Malcolm, John, 176
Mālik ibn Anas, 17–18
Mālikīs (legal school), on women’s mosque attendance, 17–38
maqāīr (enclosures), 167, 333n99. See also women’s space, in mosques
Al-Maqdisī, Muammad ibn ʿAbd al-Wāid, 149
Al-Maqdisīya, Fāima, 155
Al-Maqdisīya, abība bint Ibrāhīm, 155
maqūra (enclosed space, pl. maqāīr), 120–21, 123–25, 167, 287–89, 333n99. See also women’s space, in mosques
Al-Mardāwī, ʿAlī ibn Sulaymān, 96, 98
Al-Marghinānī, ʿAlī ibn Abī Bakr, 77, 83–85
market inspector and enforcer of public morals. See mutasib
Al-Marwazī, Muammad, 85
Masjid al-Bayāira, 153
Masnavī (Rūmī), 150
mass media, 275, 276
maāf (circumambulation area [around Kaʿba]), 207, 209–10, 217–18, 221, 223, 229
matchmaker. See khāiba
mature woman. See age cohorts of women; mutajālla
Al-Māwardī, ʿAlī ibn Muammad, 48–49
Al-Mawilī, ʿAbd Allāh, 75–76
Mazumdar, Sanjoy, 5
Mazumdar, Shampa, 5
Mecca, 15–16, 21, 146. See also pilgrimage to Mecca; women’s mosque attendance, sixteenth-century Mecca
Mecca, Great Mosque of, 43, 68; access to, 201; coffee and, 204; custodians, 206–7; women’s attendance in sixteenth-century Mecca, 15–16, 216–25, 249
Medina, 19, 22, 120, 153, 183, 200, 218, 222, 287–88
Melchert, Christopher, 2, 99, 113
memorandum. See maar
men, 7, 11, 191, 351n35; adornment and, 287; male authority, 4; male guardian, 21; maleness, 57; young man, 105–6. See also husband’s permission; ikhtilā
Menavino, Antonio, 180
menstruating women, 102, 284–85, 348n312
merit, 286; Mālikīs on, 36–37; āhirīs on, 38, 56–58
mīʿād (regularly-scheduled lesson), 157–58
Mihailović, Konstantin, 178
minor pilgrimage. See ʿumra
Misʿar ibn Kidām, 117
mixing of men and women. See ikhtilā
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley, 189
mosques: Aqā Mosque, 166–71; children in, 31; Great Mosque of Cordoba, 24, 120–21, 122; Great Mosque of Kufa, 115; Great Mosque of Qayrawān, 123–24, 127; legal procedures in, 118; locking of, 161, 354n17; men’s attendance at, 11; range of functions performed in, 5–6; record keeping, 12–13; sacred functions performed in, 6; separate entrances for women, 364n12; shrines compared to, 6–7, 131; village mosques, 291; ziyādas and, 333n98. See also Mecca, Great Mosque of; women’s mosque attendance; women’s mosque attendance, modern developments; women’s mosque attendance, sixteenth-century Mecca; specific geographic locations
mothers, 271; desexualized, 276
Moüette, Germain, 174
mubā (permissible, legally neutral), 37, 49, 91–92, 98
Mudawwana, 19, 22
muaddithūn (scholars of adīth), distinctive attitudes towards women’s mosque access, 52–63, 81–83
Muammad. See Prophet Muammad
mutasib (market inspector and enforcer of public morals), 51, 121, 135, 150, 234, 237
Mujīr al-Dīn, 168
mukhaddara (secluded woman), 107, 108, 218, 324n324
Al-Mukhtār, 114
Muslim Brotherhood: fitna and, 266, 268; home worship and, 266; members, 289; mothers and, 271; origination, 265–66; thinkers, 274; training and deployment emphasis, 271; views, 282; women’s mosque attendance, 265–77
Al-Mustanir, Al-akam, 121
mutajālla (mature woman), 19–21, 23–25, 30, 34–35, 301n12. See also age cohorts of women
Muwaaʾ, 17–18
Al-Muzanī, 128
Al-Nābulusī, ʿAbd al-Ghanī, 169
Nadwi, Muhammad Akram, 136
Al-Nafrāwī, Amad ibn Ghunaym, 34
Al-Nakhaʿī, Ibrāhīm, 114
Al-Nasafī, ʿAbd Allāh ibn Amad, 78
Nāif, Malak ifnī, 262–63, 277
Nāi al-Dīn ibn al-anbalī, 151
Al-Nawawī, Abū Zakarīyā, 53–55, 63, 69, 104, 250
nāir (superintendent), 137
Necipoğlu, Gülru, 298n25
Nightingale, Florence, 176–77
nighttime, women’s mosque attendance at, 22–23, 29–30, 77, 82, 158–59, 179, 207, 217–19, 239
nighttime prayers. See ʿishāʾ
nighttime prayers during Ramadan. See tarāwī
Nif Shaʿbān, 132, 171, 196
non-secluded woman. See barza
North Africa. See Spain and North Africa
oaths, 21–22, 298n20
old and young women. See age cohorts of women; ajūz; mutajālla; shābba
Palerne, Jean, 138, 140–41
paradise: Islam and, 174–75; women’s exclusion from, according to Western reports, 174; women’s place in, 108–9. See also afterlife
Pardoe, Julia, 1, 175–76, 188, 189
Pedersen, Johannes, 2
Peirce, Leslie, 106
perfume: prohibited for women attending mosques, 55, 69–70, 260; used by Meccan women, 220–21
permissible, legally neutral. See mubā
physical attractiveness, 46, 150, 309n120; grave visitation and, 142; old woman and, 35; public worship and, 47, 48–50, 52, 65, 160–61, 227
pilgrimage to Mecca, 16, 21, 356n54; minor pilgrimage, 222–23; Shāfiʿīs and, 42–43; women’s mosque attendance, sixteenth-century Mecca and, 224–25
pious foundation. See waqf
pious precaution. See itiyā
Pococke, Richard, 141
political awareness, 276
postclassical stage, 249–50
postmenopausal women, 102
prayer. See alāt
prayer leadership, 288, 330n63. See also imāma
prayer space. See maqūra; women’s space, in mosques
preacher. See wāʿi
preacher-storyteller. See qā
preaching sessions: anafīs on, 78–79; Syria, 150–57, 165–66
Prophet Muammad, 2–3, 18; actions and statements, 23; birthday, 196; birthplace, 205–6; grave, 16, 222–23, 228–30, 246; guidance, 260; adīth and, 8; innovations and, 39–40; permission and dispensation, 71; Shāfiʿīs on wives of, 44–45
punishment. See taʿzīr
qāī (judge), 203
qafa (cage), 288. See also women’s space, in mosques
al-Qaffāl al-Shāshī, al-Qāsim ibn Muammad, 50–51
Al-Qaraāwī, Yūsuf, 271–73
Al-Qarāfī, Badr al-Dīn, 200, 202
Al-Qāsimī, Jamāl al-Dīn, 260, 277
qā (preacher-storyteller), 117, 158
Qaām ibnat al-Shijna, 115
qawāʿid al-fiqhīya (juristic principles), 241
Qayrawān, Great Mosque of, 123–24, 127
Al-Qayrawānī, Ibn Abī Zayd, 34
qiyās (juristic analogy), 62
Qur’an, 79, 161, 191, 264; fitna in, 103–4; on men’s “degree” over women, 108–9
al-Qurubī, Amad ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn ʿAbd al-Raʾūf, 121
Al-Qurubī, Muammad ibn Amad, 105, 228
Ramadan, 67, 117; Cairo, Egypt, 133; Ottoman Istanbul, 180, 190–91, 195; tarāwī, 272; women’s mosque attendance, sixteenth-century Mecca and, 223–24
Al-Ramlī, Shams al-Dīn, 70
Al-Raqqī, Hilāl ibn al-ʿAlāʾ, 118
rationale. See ʿilla
Raʾūf, Hiba, 274–75
Rauwolff, Leonhart, 179
Reformation, 173–74
regularly-scheduled lesson. See mīʿād
Reland, Adrianus, 174
religious instruction. See majlis al-ʿilm
religious obligations. See farāʾi
religious retreat. See iʿtikāf
Riā, Rashīd, 261–62, 267, 277
Roald, Anne Sofie, 287
Roger, Eugène, 170
Rūmī, Jalāl al-Dīn, 150
Rutter, Eldon, 278
Al-Rūyānī, ʿAbd al-Wāid ibn Ismāʿīl, 51
sadd al-dharāʾiʿ (blocking the paths), 240, 242–44
Sadeghi, Behnam, 2, 75, 87
Al-āgharjī, Maʾmūn, 153, 155
Al-aʿīdī, ʿAlī al-ʿAdawī, 30
St. John, James Augustus, 193
Al-Sakhāwī, Muammad ibn ʿAbd al-Ramān, 135, 220
Salafism, 277–89
alāt (prayer), 5, 6; congregational, 30–31; daily prayers, 206–7, 217, 219; men’s prayers, 351n35; public prayers, 352n366. See also ʿīd; ʿishāʾ; Jumʿa
Sale, George, 175
āli, Suʿād, 265
Al-āliīya (area of Damascus), 197
Salīm, Shaykh ʿAbd al-Majīd, 263
Al-Samdīsī, Shams al-Dīn, 251
Al-Samhūdī, ʿAlī ibn Amad, 218
Al-anʿānī, ʿAbd al-Razzāq. See ʿAbd al-Razzāq al-anʿānī
Sandys, George, 182
Al-Sarakhsī, Abū Bakr, 73–74, 77, 83, 104
Saudi Arabia, 265, 281, 288
Saudi Permanent Council for Fatwas, 279–80
Al-āwī, Amad, 35–36
Al-Sawwās, Yāsīn, 153, 155
Al-aydalānī, 63
Sayeed, Asma, 2, 264
Schiltberger, Johann, 178, 188
school precedent. See taqlīd
schools, 262
schools of Islamic law, classical. See madhāhib
Schweigger, Salomon, 174, 188–89
secluded woman. See mukhaddara
Selim (Ottoman sultan), 205
sexual temptation. See fitna
shabaka (lattice), 288, 369n95
shābba (young woman), 23–25, 36, 122. See also age cohorts of women
Shabīb ibn Yazīd, 115
Al-Shabrakhītī, Ibrāhīm ibn Marʿī, 35
Al-Shabrāmallisī, ʿAlī, 70, 71
Al-Shāfiʿī, Muammad ibn Idrīs, 25, 41–51, 65, 77, 90, 128, 141
Shāfiʿīs (legal school), 25, 41–71, 77
Al-Shaʿrānī, ʿAbd al-Wahhāb, 135
Al-Shāibī, Abū Isāq, 132
Al-Shaybānī, Muammad ibn al-asan, 71–72, 74
Al-Shaykh ʿAlwān, 66, 160–66, 198
Shaykh-Zādeh, 102
Al-Shayzarī, ʿAbd al-Ramān ibn Nar, 152, 159
Shīʿism, Imāmī, 9
Al-Shīrāzī, Abū Isāq, 49–50, 54
Al-Shirbīnī, Muammad, 70
shrines, 296n8; grave visitation and, 139–41; of John the Baptist, 260; mosques compared to, 6–7, 131; visitation, 278
Shuray, 115
Al-Shuwaykī, Shihāb al-Dīn, 252
Sib Ibn al-Jawzī, 152–53
Sind ibn ʿInān al-Azdī, 23, 26–27, 36
Sitt al-Wuzarāʾ bint ʿUmar ibn al-Munajjā, 136
Southgate, Horatio, 175–76, 188, 189, 192
space, women’s. See women’s space, in mosques
Spain and North Africa: Jumʿa, 121–22, 125; women’s de facto presence in mosques in, 119–28; women’s prayer space in, 120–27
storyteller. See qā
study sessions, 134–35
Al-Sunbāī, Amad ibn ʿAbd al-aqq, 252–53
sunset prayer. See maghrib
superintendent. See nāir
Al-Suyūī, Jalāl al-Dīn, 63, 109
Syria: de facto presence of women in mosques in, 145–66; preaching sessions, 150–58, 161, 165–66
Al-abarānī, Sulaymān ibn Amad, 101
Al-abarī, Muammad ibn Jarīr, 114–16, 218–19
Al-abarī, Muibb al-Dīn, 218–19
taghayyur al-akām bi-taghayyur al-awāl (changing of legal rulings with changing of circumstances), 243
Al-aāwī, Amad ibn Muammad, 72–73
Talmon-Heller, Daniella, 149, 183
taʿmīm (generalization), 225, 232, 250
Al-anbadāwī, Amad ibn al-ayyib, 253
Al-Tanūkhī, Sanūn ibn Saʿīd, 19
taqlīd (school precedent), 9, 248–49
tarāwī (special nighttime prayers during Ramadan), 180, 191, 272
tashabbuh (gender-inappropriate behavior), 283
Al-Tatāʾī, Muammad ibn Ibrāhīm, 34
Taylor, Christopher, 143
taʿzīr (discretionary punishment), 232–33, 247
Temple Mount (Jerusalem), 167
Thackeray, William Makepeace, 190
Al-Thawrī, Sufyān, 50, 72
Thenaud, Jean, 140
Thévenot, Jean, 174
Thomson, H. C., 189
Time of Ignorance, 229
times of day, 77, 84, 246, 255. See also ʿishāʾ; nighttime, women’s mosque attendance at; nighttime hours
travelers, Western, 6, 12, 15, 112, 124, 137, 139–40, 144, 171, 172–73, 182, 193
Turkey, 1, 172, 181. See also Istanbul, Ottoman
Al-urūshī, Abū Bakr, 132
al-Ubbī, Muammad ibn Khalīfa, 28–29, 37
Al-ʿUmarī, Ibn Fal Allāh, 168
Umar ibn al-Khaāb, 2, 18, 36–37, 116
Umm al-Dardāʾ, 146–47
Umm umayd, 89
umm walad (concubine), 114
ʿumra (minor pilgrimage), 222–23
undesirable. See makrūh
Al-ʿUtbī al-Qurubī, 19–20, 24
ʿUtbīya, 26
village mosques, 6, 149, 183, 261, 291
Virgin Mary, 171
virgins, 23, 180, 332n298
Wahhābī movement, 278, 282
wāʿi (preacher), 151, 253, 260. See also dāʿiyāt
Al-Walīdī, Rāshid ibn Abī Rāshid, 32–33, 126
Al-Wansharīsī, Amad ibn Yayā, 123
al-Waqāʾiʿ al-mirīya, 261
waqf (pious foundation), 229
Warner, Charles Dudley, 193–94
weddings, 13, 163, 170
Wild, Johan, 138
women, 267–68; adolescent girls, 107; advocacy, 290; affluent, 220; aged, elderly, 72; categorization concerning, 3; chaste woman, 96–97; divorced, 301n8; fat, 303n35; free, 104–5; groups of, 250; ikhtilā, 54, 208, 221, 266, 271–72; latter day, 31–32; learned and pious, 58, 63; menstruating, 102, 284–85, 348n312; postmenopausal, 102; prayer room, 125–27; preachers, 136; teachers, 146–47; women’s space, 134; working-class, 291. See also old and young women
Women and Gender in Islam (Ahmed), 2
Women Between the Home and Society (Al-Khūlī), 267–68
Women’s Mosque. See Jāmiʿ al-Nisāʾ
women’s mosque attendance: debate in sixteenth-century Mecca, 199–257; Egypt: Cairo, 128–45; examples of historical practice, 111–98; anafīs, 71–87; anbalīs, 88–99; Iraq, 113–19; Islamic reform from the turn of the twentieth century, 259–65; Jerusalem: al-Aqā, 166–71; legal debates in classical schools, 17–109; Meccan women’s usage of the Sacred Mosque, 216–25; modern developments, 259–93; the Muslim Brotherhood, 265–77; Ottoman Istanbul, 171–95; Salafism, 277–89; Shāfiʿīs, 41–71; Spain and North Africa, 119–28; Syria, 145–66; āhirīs, 38–41. See also specific topics
women’s prayer rooms, in mosques. See women’s space, in mosques
women’s section. See gynaeceum
women’s space, in mosques: in Alexandria, 177; in Aqā Mosque, Jerusalem, 167–69, 178; balconies and, 183, 184, 185, 186, 187–88, 287, 349n325; in Cairo, 133–34, 137–38; as a legal issue, 123–24, 285–86, 287–89; in Medina, 120, 287–88; in Spain and North Africa, 119–25; in Turkey, 179, 182–83, 187–88, 191
young man. See amrad
young woman. See age cohorts of women; shābba
Al-Zabīdī, Muammad, 96
Al-Zāhid, Amad ibn Sulaymān, 135–36
āhirīs (legal school), 38–41
Zarrūq, Shaykh Amad, 126
Zaynab bint al-Kamāl, 155
zinā (illegitimate sexual intercourse), 41, 165, 237–38, 240, 241, 244
ziyādas (additions, to mosques), 333n98
Ziyād ibn Abīhi, 115
Al-Zurqānī, 34