some chapter

Casey at the Gym

Casey has a fat ass. She’s a pretty cute brunette with a completely normal upper body, just with a big fat ass attached. She knows it’s fat and got a membership to my gym so she could go with me and “get cute tight buns.” She even toyed with the idea of getting a personal trainer and she bought an exercise book called The Daily Butt Regimen.

So I’m sitting on the calf machine ready to put my head through the fucking mirror. Casey’s across the gym, smiling at me, doing curls. For the past six months, since she started her ass-slimming campaign, all she’s done is fucking curls and bench presses—and her ass shows it.

I’ve tried to get her to do squats with me, leg presses, quad extensions, hamstring machine, any fucking thing having even the most remote influence on the movement of muscles in her lower body, and she always says, “I think I’ll just do some curls.”

I finish my set and move to another part of the gym so I can’t see her.

That night, after suffering through a TiVoed three-episode Real World marathon, I’m rewarded by her letting me fuck her doggie style. As I look down at her fat ass, I wonder if fucking her hard enough will have any kind of slimming or toning effect. Couldn’t hurt.