I would especially like to thank my wonderful publishers, ABC Books. They have allowed me to live and breathe my life’s dream — to have a reason to cook and experiment with food and write recipes each day. No lifestyle could suit me better.

Special thanks must go to my lovely publisher, Katie Stackhouse, and also to publicist Matthew Howard. I would also like to thank Pauline O’Carolan and Brendon Redmond.

Thanks to Lachlan McLaine for his diligent final editing of this, my new slow cooker book.

I am sincerely appreciative of the ongoing support and encouragement of Chris Wisbey, ABC radio presenter and compere of the fun-filled ‘Jams and Preserves’ talkback show in Tasmania.

I am very thankful to Chris Crerar, photographer extraordinaire, who always goes the proverbial extra mile to obtain the best results. Similarly Charlotte Bell who did such an amazing job with the food styling for this book. And of course to my daughter Stephanie Wood, faithful and talented assistant — for all her hard work during the photo shoot.

And my family, of course — thank you for the never-ending discussions about food, all of them play their part and as always provide invaluable input.

And finally to my husband Robert, for his patience with my lifelong devotion to cooking. Special thanks also for his tenacity when faced with the never-ending piles of washing up that the experimentation with recipes for this book necessitated.