95. You Only Live Once:
Dare to Live to the Fullest

Affirmation: “I am bold and daring. I go after what I want
and create massive joy in my life.”

This moment, this time in your life, is rare. It will only happen one time. You’ve heard the saying “you only live once,” haven’t you? Even if technically that’s not true if you favor the idea of reincarnation, the sentiment remains. You will only be who you are right now for a brief time. The real message behind the saying is go for it! Dare! Seize the day!

Whatever the day is like, it’s beautiful. Look outside. It might be night, or it might be day. It might be sunny, or it might be raining. It might be dreary, or it might be vibrant. Whatever it is, it’s unique and beautiful just like you. You can insert yourself into the bliss of each day. Just as you did in the “Colors of the Body” exercise in chapter 60. Prismatic Color you can play with the colors of your world with joy and gratitude. You can invite yourself to create a world filled with vital life force and glowing, breathing, living love. You can create bliss by going for it.

What reason do you have to wait? Why would you delay sparkling? You are radiant. You sparkle. Specific experiences, activities, feelings, and situations inspire your shimmering countenance. What is the point of delaying that? Why would you wait to share your unique, mesmerizing flame of beauty? Twirl into your colors! Be bold! Acknowledge your limitlessness. Open your heart, in this moment, this day, to the singular miracle of your existence. You only live once in this body—dare!

Exercise: Daring Day

Today, you are going to have the most daring day you’ve had in a long while. I want you to list something that you are absolutely petrified to do but that you know would bring you bliss and be a positive force in your life. It could be anything from applying for a job in a completely new field to taking a bungee jumping lesson, or from going back to school to singing onstage in front of a large group. These might seem like crazy, spur-of-the-moment things to do, but chances are they’re things you’ve been thinking about doing for a while. What do you find absolutely and simultaneously exhilarating and petrifying? Dig deep down and be honest with yourself. Think big. Honor yourself with huge thinking. Ignite your imagination and open your mind to much greater levels of vibrant bliss.

You know what’s coming next, don’t you? You need to do this thing. You need to commit to it and ignite the passion, boldness, and shining bright radiance within you. List the steps to make it happen. Start now. Pick up the phone. Work on your résumé. Make the appointment. Whatever it is, it’s time. Dare!

Be brave and create the life of your dreams.
Dare to strive for the spectacular.
